Quilting Pantographs with the HQ Simply Sixteen and HQ Little Foot Frame

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hi I'm a real dodge from handi quilter today we're going to talk about using the simply 16 with the HQ little foot frame system and we're going to quilt a pantograph so this is a pantograph it's a paper pattern that is used from the back of the machine and you use a laser light to quilt it out so I've already sandwiched my quilt I have a the back is about six to eight inches larger than the front and my sides are about three inches larger so I also have the bottom of the quilt about six inches larger with the backing I have already loaded my quilt you can see here and I've figured out on this side how much quilt I need so I've positioned my fabric so that it will work with my pantograph so I've left about that much room because that's how much room I have with my machine I have based it already so I've basted the top of my quilt and you can see I've basted really close to the edge so I don't want this to flip up on it I don't want the fabric to come and come back the other way because I'll be working from the back of my quilt so now we're going to step around to the back of the machine and I'll show you how we have the pantograph set up and how we pull this out okay now we're at the back of the quilt and I have my panic graph laid out at the back of the table the way we set this up is I want the dotted line closest to me so I have that right secured against this straight part of the frame so that I know the pantograph is straight then I've drawn some lines I've just taken a ruler first of all I want to find the lowest spot in my design so I just line that up with my ruler and I've made a line there and then I'm going to make a line each one of these as a repeat in the design so I'm decided where I'm going to begin and drawn a line there so now I have a right corner right here which is going to be the top corner of my quilt so once I have all of that my paper secured I want to make sure my laser light is lined up exactly so my laser my needle are the same so once I drop my needle and I'm just a little bit off the fabric so I'm about a half an inch to an inch off the fabric on the top and on the side then if I have a half a curl on this side I'll have a calf a curl on the top and when I get to the bottom if I don't end exactly it looks like it's what it is an edge to edge where the pattern just goes off the fabric ok the other thing I've done is I just kind of check to make sure I have enough room to quilt the top of my design and I've also decided where I'm going to end now I could go all the way over here but you can see my laser light drops off the fabric or off the paper so I have decided that right about here is the end of a repeat so I've drawn myself a mark so I know this is where I'm going to end so on my fabric I know I'm about in the middle of that square and that's all I'm going to be able to quilt in one time and then I'll have to reposition so now that I've checked that I've marked my end I've checked my beginning so now that I have my needle dropped I'm going to line up my laser right in the corner so that I know where I'm at and now I'm going to just make sure now that I'm all lined up yeah I have plenty of room there and I know my end is right so my start point is right up here and I kind of make myself a little familiar with my design and which direction it goes so now that I'm right here I'll just drop my needle and bring up my thread do a little locking stitch and I want to move my thread out of the way because I'll be quilting from the back of the quilt so you just want to relax and enjoy doing this okay so I'm just going to put my feet about shoulder width apart get behind the Machine I have to set it about twelve stitches per inch I'm unregulated and we're ready to quilt here we go so you want to go a little faster kind of put a little more motion into it so you get those curves so here we go every once in a while you have to stop and breathe and blink and maybe move your feet so if you stop you want to stop on a point rather than a curve so I've just kind of adjusted if I was really good I might be able to just keep going but I have to stop take a pause you kind of want to watch your thread through one eye and make sure that it's still stitching okay and there's my n mark so now I have to adjust my fabric so that I could quilt the rest now we're at the front of the machine I'm just going to clip my threads and take off some of the clamps so first of all I'll just trim that thread and I need to cut my thread because I need to realign my pantograph my fabric so that I can quilt the rest here so I'll just take off these easy grasp clamps and I'm going to put this one on this side and release that and then take the front ones off alright so I can just set those over here and now that I have this released I can just take the pole slide it out and I'm just going to slide my fabric so that it stays lined up and I'll take this one off and just keep sliding and I want to get it far enough that I can do this edge so I'll put that back in tighten it up okay looking good I can tell I have this side enough that I can quilt this side I think I want to just make sure I have enough so if I secure that and then just keep making adjustments okay all right looking good all right now we'll secure this edge and if I move my machine over here and I can kind of tell if I'm lined up so I can see where my laser light is and this is the curl that was over there and I can I'm just going to drop my needle in that curl and then I'm going to step around to the back of the Machine and then I can line up with that before I do that I need to baste the sides of my fabric so that I know when I quilt that that's all staying put so first I'll base that again I'm going very close to the edge now that I'm at the back of the quilt I'm going to drop the needle right at the curl that I last finished on so where I tied off so which is right here on this curl I'm going to just drop the needle and then I'm going to find that same spot on my pattern so on the pantograph the repeats are about every 12 inches so I need to find the curl that's closest to that one which is right here on my pantograph so I'm going to put my laser so it lines up exactly with that same point so where ever I line up on the fabric whatever is quilted that's the hard copy that's correct and I adjust my laser light to match up with it on my pantograph so now that that's lined up I want to make sure that my pattern is lined up and my fabric is lined out so I'll just check as I go along here make sure I have room enough to quilt everything and as I get over to this edge I have a problem so you can see that my laser is dropping right off the edge so I didn't advance my fabric enough so I'm going to have to advance my fabric to the right so adjust it to the right farther so that I have enough room to quilt the rest of this pattern so I'll just go ahead and adjust my fabric okay now I'm going to adjust again but watch how easy this is going to work I'm going to leave my needle down and just ship my fabric and I'm going to watch my laser light and make sure if bren it lines up on the next one then I'm lined up so I'll just take off this front clamp and now I can just shift my fabric and I'm shifting shifting right when my needle gets about right there and I can see on my pattern that I'm about in the right place that I've come across just enough okay so now look how close that is oh so close alright now I'm going to get everything secured again alright now the thing I want to check is I want to check what's already quilted with what's on the pattern so that's their lines up good and if I go across the back I can see I'm just a little bit tight on there so I'm going to adjust that make sure I have plenty of room to quilt that so I'm lined up so you just check your pattern and check your fabric to make sure that when you're stitching you have plenty of room so I'm going to quilt when I stop when I get about right there so I need to make a mental note or I can even draw a little line on my fabrics that I know that's where I'm going to stop from the backside I don't know where my fabric hands but I like that alignment I'm ready to quilt all right now I need to make sure on this side of the quilt now everything has shifted so I'm kind of going to follow the design with my finger and I know exactly how far this was where I decided that I could quilt too so I'm just going to put my ruler there and I know I can do all of this I'm kind of just familiarizing myself with that pattern again so now I come down here and up here I can't quilt any farther but any time I hit my ruler I know I'm going to be in the batting on my quilt so I can just go a straight line then I'll finish and drop down and that'll leave this big curl if I don't quilt that so I'll just drop down quilt that curl drop down in a straight line then come around so you kind of have to make that path and know which way you're going and then I'll end over here so I'm familiarized myself with what's going to happen sometimes you can dry yourself a little map but since you're going to be adjusting every time it's kind of been if you just work it out with your finger and kind of remember where you're going all right I already secured my fabric my thread I'm ready to just start stitching then you want to check and make sure now which way am I going so I want to do the inside of this curl so I'm advancing forward and I don't quilt back over what I already quilted so I'm going to start here and come around alright here comes my line I'm just going to drop down straight come around the curl come back and make sure I catch that part all right and then I end just off the batting whoo all right we finished that first row now we're going to advance the fabric forward so we quilted the first row we advanced or kind of adjusted to the side now we're going to advance the fabric so we can do the second row so I've clipped my threads and now we'll just go ahead and advance the fabric all right I've advanced my fabric but now I need to make sure that I'm lined up so I have my first clamp on and I have enough room to quilt this section so I'm just putting the hold tight clamp which also works really good as a channel lock so I've put one of those on so that my machine will only go horizontal so I can come across from here and find the same repeat over here and I can see that this one is lined up so all I have to do is put a clamp on there and then I'll check the next one and it looks like it needs a little bit of a tug so I'll put another one there and then I can go back and check and make sure this one this one a little tighter that one and that one might need a little tighter as well okay so now I have all of that lined up so I can just put my front clamps on and reset my laser and we'll be ready to base the sides and get ready to stitch now that I've advanced my fabric and I have everything secured I have this part of the quilt that I've already quilted and since it's not very much I can just fold it back and stack it there and I can use these small hold tight clamps just keep that in place I love this little frame okay now I need to make sure I'm ready to quilt I have everything out of the way on this side everything looks good so we'll step to the back of the Machine and get quilting now I'm going to find a spot on the quilt that I've already quilted so I'm looking over here and this little point that comes out that's where I'm going to drop my needle so first find that spot and drop my needle right on that point and once I've done that then I'm going to look at my pattern and this line that's already that has the little dots the dotted line it represents the row that was already quilted so it represents what's already stitched so it kind of looks like a stitch line so now I know where my needle is so I have to line up my laser with that same position on my fabric so that is right there all right now that I have that lined up I still just want to check and make sure so I can check I can see I can quilt all of this area and this time I can quilt down till I get to my little arrow that that's the end of my repeat and then I just want to check that what I've already quilted lines up with what's on here so again I can look and see on here this point is the same as the point on the stitched line what's already stitched so I look and make sure that that's all lined up once I check and make sure everything is all lined up then I'm ready to quilt again so now I'm going to go back to the start point which is going to be a little bit off off my fabric I'm going to start right there bring up my thread just do a little tacking stitch make sure my thread is out of the way and I'm ready to stitch the second row which is so nice I've got that all lined up and because I lined up with this stitched line that defines the space between the pattern that I want to quilt and what's already been quilted so it'll be the same throughout the quilt so now we'll just go for it so you always want to stop after you've done a little bit look things over make sure you're not quilting over what you've already quilted and now I've stopped I want to make sure which way I go next so this is on the outside curve to keep going all right here we go so now that I'm right where that stitching was I've come along the bottom I can check over here again and see how I lined up okay so I've quilted a little bit I'm now one repeat stitched so I'm back around to this side of the quilt I want to make sure that my positioning is correct so I'm looking where my needle is where my stitching is making sure I didn't stitch over the last row and I'm making sure that I'm lined up so the dotted line back there is the stitched line okay so that's the row that was previously quilted I can also look at my fabric and with the seam lines in it it shows I can see that I'm lined up so I'm liking everything on this side of the quilt I think I'm ready to quilt the rest okay once again you want to make sure with your pattern that you're going the right direction and I'm ready to stitch again so just take breath relax and start and you want to pause on those points so that you get a nice point and you don't over stitch and get a funny loop you kind of want to look ahead of where your laser light is going and everything is not going to be perfect but the pattern goes one way and your quilt goes the other way and no one knows if you went off the line which you could get off the line you just kind of want to ease back on you don't want to free and jerk back on just kind of ease back on and keep quilting all right that's my end so now I need to shift my fabric to the left so that I can do the rest of my quilt so I'm going to tie off I might not have to but I'd rather be sure that I'm lined up so I'm just going to tie that off there clip my thread I can move my machine out of the way I don't need these clamps on so I'm going to take this off and actually I'm going to put this one down here because I'm going to advance their shift this fabric so I'm going to take this one off these are all right let's see I think I can take this one off as well and now I'll just loosen this pull kind of slide it out get my fabric out from under there and then I can just slide this well that's I think I still need to go farther lock that in there and make sure I can get everything just kind of situated and straightened up trying to remember how far I had to push it the last time to advance to shift it over and I can actually use my machine to help me out here and I can see I need to come to about there so do I have enough room to get to the end I think we're good there so now I just need to tighten everything up and we'll get ready to quilt again I shifted my fabric and I've trimmed my thread I had to do a little tie off because I want to make sure that I'm lined up so I drop my needle in the fabric right where I finished stitching so where that was is on this little curl right here so I need to line up my laser light so it's right on that point there we go all right once that's lined up then I want to make sure that as I adjusted all that fabric that everything is still lined up so I can tell by the stitch line on my pattern where it is so if I just go across and put my machine and line up there I can just put my needle down at different points and see if that lines up with the point here and I'll go to the next one put my needle down and that one looks like it's right on and I have one more that I'm just a little concerned about on the end here so I can kind of tell that one looks like it's off just a little bit so if I just roll my fabric just a little bit and then I check that again then I like how that fits so I can tell that I'm all lined up I can go back to where I stopped and then I can just start quilting from there and finish the end of this row I'm going to finish quilting this row but again I'm going to make sure which direction I want to start stitching I have my needle down and I'm going to round this side of the curve I've tied off so you can just do a couple of stitches forward and backwards so that you're locking those stitches in and you don't have a real big glob of thread there so that you can just proceed and here we go I'm done now with that row of the quilt so I'm going to go back and we'll have to advance the fabric and then shift it again so that I can start on the left side of the quilt and then just keep doing the same thing that you've did for these two rows and you'll work your way down the quilt so that you've finished the whole quilt so have fun doing pantographs
Channel: Handi Quilter
Views: 92,115
Rating: 4.7665997 out of 5
Keywords: Handi Quilter, Pantographs, HQ Simply Sixteen, HQ Little Foot
Id: 9fBwkuU617I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2016
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