HQ Simply Sixteen quilting machine - The basics with Caroline Gunn.

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hi I'm Paula storm thanks for joining me today on my youtube channel so here we are at the rose heel stitches and crafts show and I'm joined today by Caroline from handi quilter Australia and she's here to watch the brand-new hand equal to simply sixteen so Caroline tell us something about food about the super 16 and how it came about okay so the simply sixteen has been developed by Harry Potter because what they found was a lot of customers from coming around to the stand and saying well they'd really like to have a long our your part they don't have a space and they don't have the money so they thought well why don't we what ever develop something that fills that fill that space so we actually have this little four frame which is just over five foot five foot in length and you can build any size oh sorry Vicki sighs even a king-sized bill yeah the whole frame is like a being embroidery hoop so all you would do you just move your quilt around stitch within the area you've got to stitch and then when you've done that bit you unclip it and move it around so it's really best I can you know changeable any which way you'd like to so the question I get asked a lot is can i I already own a sweet 16 can I put the sweet 16 on this round yes the answer is yes you definitely can you will have to get an upgrade kit okay and so that are very cute and then you have to buy and frame so what happens is it works a little bit uh nichkhun amma cool because really for less than that price to upgrade your sweet 16 you could purchase this machine and also it's never going to be the same as this it is a sweet 16 on the frame it's not as simply which has all the rich features okay so you would need to add the carriage and also for the carriages and yeah it's balancing all that sort of stuff so it is it's it's quite an expensive kit you do it and then the other thing is that once you've actually done moved your frame you can't just keep you can't just take the bar I can save so much back so you can't be switching between each other it's just you either have an issue swing actually bring it okay beautiful now one of the other questions I wanted to know it was that you've had that same sort of stitch regulation that this week it is a little different like the stitch regulation on sweet 16 is a separate unit that sits on the side that you move at the same time this has still triggered through our two types of state regulation we have precision and cruise okay so precision is a node that will move when you move so perfectly rulers and stuff like that because if you if you stop to move the real line you have the first stop you just as soon as you stop the machine will stop stitching crews is real great applique as well so if the needle will continue to move up and down and you just you just move around only but I do it but the stitches will still be the same still be the same so I can move as slower as fast as I want or as I feel comfortable and I'll have perfectly regular stitches which is what you want absolutely regulated stitches and of course still does have a manual which is about directed by system speed so if you wanted to do pebbly or something we it didn't matter what you could just put them on too many okay fantastic all right so Carolina what a condition tell us have you got a frame and are you you're loaded built but also I wanted to know a lot of my questions I get are about how to use rulers where can you use real sorry you said licking your rollers on the simply you have to purchase an accessory which is called wall base and it's very very easy to put on and we're going to put it on before because obviously that senior you know you put it over the top of you three years three throat and there's some hourly that's little brew yeah but they always go to sleep I'm bullying heard that would happen so we lift it up on an angle and we get that lined up with the two doors on one side and then just gently manipulated over okay and what it's done is giving us a little table so actually when we're putting our ruler down something totally oh okay yeah I don't you don't want it easy now how much room do you need around the outside to leave so they can get to all the sections well basically we we suggest six inches around inches of extra backing and batting around the outside of panels you can load it on and you want to stitch from the edge but if you happen to not be able to do that it doesn't matter because you can actually stitch a little bit and mental torment so there's a section that you that didn't fit at the top you can stitch down the side so if you really want to go ride your road I would say six inches fantastic all right so we're good at at very large fruitier there I wanted you to show us how you load it yeah I'm not going to help I don't know I wanna show you how easy it is okay but this is Airport yup yeah and what I start off with is when I put it underneath the needle and I'm going to flip the bowl over here for a second come around the side of the are come under the needle okay I'm going to give myself a bit of space up this size you don't need to click all four sides it'll work with two or three so it's equipped okay so I'm going to bring it up to about here coming in about I don't know six inches over here I'm going to put one of these beads across the lips so he does that cool then it live again I grasp the fish okay I've got a chrome handle so that got a handle I'm just going to put click one down on top so I've brought the fabric open over okay and you've got that straight up I don't know if you can see it on camera but you've clicked that on like that I have yet what happens if you go like that you can do it like that it just gives you a little bit more tension all right so that's useful yeah we can people we need to move it down see that's actually all you can see a little yellow I got when I get rise I'm going to put the pole here so you've actually unclipped the pile with the pole yes your nest yep and I'm pulling the coop and putting it and just clipping the quilt back up there so you can see I've left a little bit we could probably do with a little bit more fabric up here but I think if there's enough there to the plants to plan on to the quilt okay and you've got all this poop down here so what's going to happen with that nothing that's just out of just hanging down out of the way because when I've got a clue with that a diamond and that's that's the newly piece of Sheen like we're just going to leave that there and we'll move up to that okay perfect okay so then we'll continue to clip the only really need about four clips or back here okay so it comes with six of this okay so you've done the back you might on the back so when we do that and then what we do is we've got this this is our super plant okay and I would just plant these one on in front of at this one and then one more over here to give us a detention and another one we've got okay so one thing I'm noticing is this is not really taught it's not tight like I would expect from the longer exactly so no it doesn't it doesn't need to be drawn time okay it'll stick on you know we don't want it really really tight so it'll stretch okay so if we just have a little bit of play in it all right and the other question is how do you base your quilt because obviously you've got all the layers to get on how do you do that well there's a couple of different methods this one here I've done on one of our long our machines so I'm going to be basting stitch all the way through so I've rolled it on too long arm and basin the other options are you got screen-based so lay it out and use very sparingly it's very base you can pin it on the floor which is a bit kind yes I've actually done a video so there's a video on my youtube channel which shows you how I spray based using an ironing board so really sinking you don't have to get down on the floor and it holds those layers together I think you saw me yeah well okay so then what do we do so we're ready to go so we're ready to cool and now that you've got all that loaded up so beautifully on Payne and asked you to move it so how do I then move it to over another part of it okay so let's say we've stitched this section and we want to go up to that section yeah what I would do then is just take off front and the side because what happens up here you've got all of these quilt huh yeah so I'll show you how to Drago so we'll take we'll take one off here and if you can help me pull and take those do well so these are really easy to come off yeah I found if you just grab it at one end and lift off one side it comes up really quite a bit yeah they are easy okay so then what I would do is I'll unzip here this pole okay and I still notice here don't have one rule and one yeah like so what I'm going to do is then I'll have to take it out of his hand as well but I can just pull the quilt I'll be disappointed yeah we just pulled it on the Bison traitor no I can't get that out of the way yeah so you're just going to slide that down slotted and show me for about six inches up here yep that's right yeah okay so then we take the batting and the backing back around the pole with that rice right that's a batting back around the pole and I'm including my side okay okay so Nellie's my quarter yep and then put that do you need to type I know that there's a switch here to time there is you can lock it if you like but I mean you might forget I think it's just it doesn't come out if it's necessary okay you don't have it it is there if you want to I suppose overnight if you don't want it to counter to move to move then we're going to put these on yeah and then here we go and based again so I think if I'd spray based it maybe I'd come down and do er yeah it's nice around the outside but when I've actually machine basted I've like way around so that's an option so when you move it you could just stitch the straight line or a zigzag line down the side of the field just to make here just to make sure it's nice and flush okay don't ask people that was great anything else that you think we need to know about heavy I don't think so to start off with but I think what we should do is actually move to build up so you can see what to do with the bowl because actually once we move to build up we're going to end up with all of this partner we've just built it is going to end up up there and so I need to show you what we're going to do okay because on a long arm you actually you have to remember you and roll until we roll so we can't roll if we don't do that I'm sorry we don't do that on ok so let's have a go about that ok moving proper soldiers I'm going to take all about flips on I might actually get you to help me sure it is easy to do so we just set the flip side okay take it down so yeah I'm the book and then we'll just pull so if I was by myself like it's still full I'm just using just do one Friday time you can just pull one side of time and then you can line it up so ok I'm up to about there alright and then I'm going to push into this side okay yes we might take your pole out okay all out for a second so we're a tight little bit tight that's it and now we can genitive okay now we're left with all of these bunkers left with the bulb so we leave the bulb in the front to be all on the build our plans okay don't worry so if they're just got you back yep okay so we can use the extra ones on both sides now to get this extra few extra okay so now we've got this bulb and you do have these other little bits okay and these little clips what we could do we then roll up our quilt I could roll it we could concert ate it whatever is easier okay I love rolling yet roll it down then we use this plan and we put it around the bulb we've got two different sizes so we actually I put the big one on and I get small ones so that yeah we've got the three big ones and through natori small ones yes so then we can just put that around yes I like chocolate coming ahead put it through the handle because we don't want it to click to the back of the boot cause it'll get caught under like it could get caught on your okay you mushy is there it's like a rubber stopper on the bottom of these plants and so that that may get caught on the machine yeah so when you know then you won't get the nice life so you need to get it out of the way there's a lot of room there for a lot of crew yeah a lot of work or you could just before if you're going less right but again if you got to the middle and you had lots involved you have the option to just flip it yeah right there is enough in these clamps to get real hard people yes yeah and so that you would just put that super specific plan at front and because we're at least I and I've got quite a bit of stuff okay on either side so that to me it was really easy to manage yes on your own that was one of the things I was most concerned about and I heard about this machine was how to load the frame and thinking that it would be as easy as it needs to use on the long arm for example I actually think for me personally this would be easier to do is because I can work on all those different parts of it yeah it is it definitely means it is perfect for that and it's also perfect for if you are printing this book and you think well I've had enough equal to me so I was another one and I can take it easily off the frame and put another on that's right so when you so for example if you're doing customer fills and you need to do one ugly you could take each one off without finisher exactly remember I put another one on exactly yeah it's so easy so with the long arm is a lot harder because you have to pin it and roll it off yeah so this is a lot easier for so okay so we've done a really big sighs feel about small people yeah you can do any size so I've got a couple small ones so we can yeah there we go okay now what I'm thinking would be difficulties they're small people not going to fit to the end of hoops does that matter it doesn't matter as long as we've got two sides yeah we're that we're fine for that enough attention if you really feel like you need a bit more tension you would purchase some bungee clams from your dealer and you know move it velcro here and use them to to pull it out that way if you fail you'll expect less under the cord okay goes to the side but I have found that this machine is so much so easy to use that I can steer it with one hand yeah and then I could hold the side of a small coat and get a bit and shove it out for a chair but as I said because it doesn't need to be drawn tied it actually shows quite nicely even in low it feels like it'll feel but all because you know it's a little bit free yeah because there is quite a lot yeah it's not tired at all there's a lot of movement here yeah yeah and that's what you're saying that's okay that's like that certainly perfectly fine okay and how close to you can you get very happy well we actually got your tongue at the machine so this is a 16 inch of rain so we've come to about here you'd probably lose about two inches okay which is normal on any longer because once you start rolling you put at the back here it takes it takes it takes some of your room yep but this might go close to the top okay you can you can go right right to the top yeah yep so you're not really using any spaces excellent plan at the side we've got the side of the machine so you can only go a certain way over okay so sometimes it's nice to give yourself some sort of reference so you know when you are nicely quilting you could put a ruler here you can put a tiny piece of blue tape okay just or you get the marking or use your edges as easily as a guide year so I would say okay I can only stitch to the bottom of that yeah that row or I come in here and focus on doing this section okay so that that that is something that you have to be because it is a hoop yeah so you can only go to that side you can go to that side against there but it still is quite a big area it's a huge area yeah and because it's very easy to move I think that's it exactly yeah okay let's just get this machine alright maybe I will switch out to the smaller piece oh yeah let's switch out to this switch okay no problem great all right so the show is open now so it's starting to get a little bit noisy but hopefully you'll still be able to hear it okay so we put on a small piece on this quilt and you've got you haven't clamped it on the sides so you do have that bit of looseness but you're saying that's okay that's okay that's okay it's perfectly fine I could even stitch over to here and it really is not going to go okay I mean I have the rule base on but it still wouldn't be a poster with stitch nicely and you can still give a invertebrate ography need to but I'm she really feel like you need that with you you could actually purchase some extra okay okay and so where do you start how do you start do you need to bring up your bobbin yeah yep so what I've got here is I've just give us a bit of how you to read so I'm going to put out my needle up now to bring the bobbin thread up pull it up to the top so that button to put your needle down he's actually on the handle yes it's on the left and it's C okay now okay so we're just going to press it once local pet wants to put the needle down wants to bring it up and you'll see it bring your mom's or it up yeah and you just pull that difficult ugh so the same as you would on the sweet on sweet 16 and I'm always giving it I'll hold on to it together because we don't to go back in machine it's just always yes good so to have your needle it's a good habit to get into it yes definitely great habit because then you know that you've got hold of him and you know where they are okay okay so now what are you are you using the stitch regulation yes so I've got him on stitch regulator and I've got an imprecision that will mean the Loney Loney stitch when I move okay so with the other type of stitch regulation the needle goes slowly even when you're not moving but in this this version it doesn't move at all it doesn't move it all until I'm using a straight okay so let's let's hear it let's hear you know quite a button which is on the right hand side first but her last button on the right hand okay get a bit of our back okay here and then I would stock so I just saw that you are just using one hand to move that is that how light it is that's how light it is yeah so so light it just does it I could move with one hand I don't think you need a you know a really tight grip on it because that's creating tension in your body and when you quilt you need to be as relaxed as you can so you know practicing and even with one hand just to get that flow in that movement or my people bit nervous they tend to you know really grab on and grab hold but white knuckles man listening to like I could seriously just push this one in oh wow just to move it that's how much but you're not even really holding on there why just you know they'll help easier this really turned it off and okay it hasn't actually it hasn't started stitching again because I'm not touching it okay so can we just move move around a little bit and show just how easy it is to quit with it and we want to hear the sound of it so you've been quoting for quite a while how long do you think it took you to get comfortable with this type of machine well my surprise I've seen way too much last year and I had a sweet so this is a lot different to which you want to sleep and really didn't take me that long to adjust but I'm still perfect I have second hat that I can do and it's just all about practice we all heretofore versus practice practice practice fisheries so you can see how I do all right and it's as easy as that I mean even the best part you could all say that's accrues wage because you know the pattern you know what comes next okay there we have it the brand new simply 16 from handi quilter available now from your nearest dealer thanks so much to Caroline for joining us and telling us about this fantastic machine join me next time when I take you through some of my favorite things that I found at the Rose Hill or Sydney stitches and craft show that's next time and don't forget to like and subscribe to keep the videos coming
Channel: Paula Storm
Views: 88,731
Rating: 4.7438426 out of 5
Keywords: Handi Quilter, Simply Sixteen, Sweet Sixteen, beginner quilter, free motion quilting
Id: cKLlhc50tzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2016
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