QuillBot vs. Undetectable AI: Which One is Better? (Full Guide)

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in this video I'll be comparing quillbot and undetectable AI to find out which one of these two is the best a i content rewriter I use no other tool than originality AI to me originality AI is the best AI Checker right now if you want to know more about originality AI I have a tutorial I'll drop in the description box you can check it out also I have a full review on undetectable AI you can check that as well let's get straight into I'm going to create a quick blog host using Char gbt I will just prom like this write a 300 words on how to make money with Drop Shipping it's just a simple prompt for us to check it out I don't want to write too much cuz it's going to waste my originality AI credit let's go back this is just for tutorials I'll click on the Arrow here it's just something short Qubo is doing this is what I have I'll copy from here Drop Shipping is a lucrative Avenue for those looking to make money on online particularly in the realm of ecomment I'm going to copy everything up to here and I'll right click copy we're going to check it to make sure this is AI written content I'm going to take off this check lism and and readability I don't need that to drop it right the away it's going to take three credit of my 1,758 remaining credits and this is a sign up bonus that I have or credit if you sign up you'll get 50 credits if you use my link depending on the time you'll be signing up this promo might be available or not let's scan it scan now and let's see if we going to say AI see as you can tell it's 100% AI that means originality is accurate I'm going to use the same content and I'll go back here drop it quillbot and I'll rewrite it it's 27 277 words I'll rephrase it it has rephrase it to 299 words all right so I'm going to copy what did it say for individuals wishing to earn money online Drop Shipping is a profitable option especially in the e-commerce page and blah blah blah let's copy everything after to here right click copy go back here for the sake of this tutorial I will not delete this I'll go back here open I want to open the new dashboard just know what we are doing and the quick tip anytime you open a new dashboard this going to be check check it off if not you're going to lose a lot I'll drop it and this one says another three credit depending on the size of the content sometimes it takes more I've done even 10 before I think this morning I did more than 10 that will be another tutorial I'm going to scan it and let's see if quillbot is good see it says quillbot is 100% from the the Rewritten content from quillbot is 100% a now you know that you can't depend on Qubo but don't worry I'll try with another one let's go back and I'll shoot it up and I'll use a former academic SP they have a lot of options but I'll try academic just to see if you're going to make any difference academic just copy everything again right click copy copy and we all know it's not good I'm going to delete this and I will right click and copy again this is the academic version this is what we are using right now go back here right click paste this time we going to take four credits please I'm doing all this research for you in order not to waste your credit or make mistakes and I'm using my credit as well please don't forget to this video Let's scan it to see the academic will make any difference Qubo academic doesn't make any difference still 100% AI now let's compare it to undetectable AI we're going to go to CH GPT right click click copy and we all know this is not good I'll close it but I'll leave one just in case we have to refer to it I'll go back here open the new page open I'll use this dashboard for undetectable I will go back here drop it and crl V to paste let me check for AI let's see what he going to say this are AI detection likelihood I don't rely on it cuz most of them like I tried them before they are not good let's rewrite it the reason why I rais this don't depend on this one you need originality AI to check out AI content please don't depend on this one that's why they say likelihood let's do human humanize it let's see this is the original submission and this is the result Drop Shipping presents an opportunity for individuals seeking to earn money especially with within the e-commerce space let me copy output copied let's go back this is originality AI like I said I'll the link in the description box don't forget check it off you don't want to lose yeah the reason why I do that is pism you can use free AI tool to check and you're not going to lose your credit drop it here the most important thing is the AI Checker not the pl this one going to take four credit Let's scan it this one says 24% original 76% AI one good thing about undetectable you can rewrite it for free let's go back and humanize again free you click it to humanize it again that means once you imize again it knows that it didn't pass the AI test this time they will do it right I'm going to open another one I've open another window just we know what we are doing and this time it says it going to take seven credit you see why you have to oh because of this like I said don't forget always check it out let's scan again and see if this time it going to pass see this time is 62% original and 38% a which means this two is better and it reads even better than the other one shipping present an opportunity for individuals seeking to earn okay money especially in the world of e-commerce this even rates better I can rewrite it again but this time if I rewrite it again it going to take 267 credit as you can tell undetectable AI is better than qub whenever you have green as long as the green is more than the red that means it's good to use and Google about AI as long as you are providing value or your content is informative enough for the reader that's what Google value most this is just for you to know moving on to pricing I start with Quil bar you have two pricing tags the free version and the premium version and for the prices let me break down the free version First you have 125 words in paraphraser that means you cannot rewrite more than 125 words okay which in most cases you're going to end up doing paragraphs rewriting you're going to copy one paragraph rewrite it do another one rewrite it which is time wasting but hey if you want the free version that's what you get you have standard and fluency mode and the rest in total you can summarize up to 1,002 words and the rest you don't get anything just to let you know that the free version doesn't give you that much when you check the premium you have unlimited words in paraphraser Unlimited Custom and eight 3D F mode everything you need to have it's in the premium version let's get to the plan for annual you're going to sa 58% best value is $833 a month which is $99.95 build every 12 months this is the plan I have cuz I like the yearly plan just you not lose much money but by the time this thing runs out if undetectable is still ahead of the game I to go with undetectable but I know quo will up their game soon cuz I know you can see all these videos for semiannual you save 33% which is $13.33 a month you pay $79.95 bill every 6 months and for monthly you pay $19.95 monthly for undetectable you have three options monthly yearly and for business for monthly you have $9.99 which is almost $10 that will give you 10,000 words a month if you want to increase you move it forward it going to be $9 a month will give you 20,000 words and the more you go the more you pay all the way to the end all right what do you get pris AI detectives high quality aible content Watermark and future proof writing level matching API compatible emo support all right and let's see the other one for yearly you have $5 a month instead of $9.99 it's like half of it so you get the same thing in terms of words and the same value this is the plan I have right what I'm doing is I'm just testing it and far good cuz with AI as long as you have 55% human which is green is good I know some people say 50 is which is 50/50 50 AI 50 human but to me 55 and above is good I always try to get more than 55 if you get 100% that's good but these things sometimes they cannot be 100% accurate all the time just note all you need is more green than red or whatever you get everything and here to testing it but I might shift it to this the next month I'll lock this plan for life cuz it says Lifetime and it's just $60 $60 if you go with a yearly plan we know that undetectable is way better this pricing will be the best but if not you can try it the monthly and if you think you like it then you just go with the yearly or whatever but for businesses go with this or like agencies and stuff I advise you to go with it whatever decision you make between these two you need this additional to they have only two options $30 one time you have 3,000 credits I think this is for people who want to taste the water and after they run out they will just go with it but I think it's better to go with this $4.95 a month cuz this gives you 2,000 credit and if you try it and you don't like it you can just cancel it the next month right by this if you pay $30 3,000 credit it's just times two of this for this you get 2,000 credit and this is a must have two I intentionally included this just so you know that it's not that expensive and you really need it regardless if you use undetectable BL boat or whatever you need originality as well at the end of the day qu B and undetectable AI which one is better I would say undetectable is way better than quilot this is the end of the tutorial thanks for your time please don't forget to comment and subscribe to this channel I'm out
Channel: Blogsdom
Views: 1,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quillbot ai vs undetectable ai, quillbot vs undetectable, undetectable ai vs quillbot, ai write, ai writer, bypass ai detection, originality ai, ai detection, ai detection tool, ai content detection, ai, artificial intelligence, ai content, Blogsdom, quillbot vs wordai, quillbot review, bypass ai 2024, ai write 2024, quillbot, write, ai writing, undetectable ai tutorial, quillbot vs chatgpt, quillbot review 2024, quillbot vs undetectable ai, quillbot tutorial, chatgpt, bypass
Id: jTHASTnnGhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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