QuickSand Goo Experiment!

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hey everybody welcome to the video where I do whatever I want today I'm gonna make a quick it's called cornstarch science quicksand go so I done this once when I was little my sister mom all down as I was saying before I was interrupted my sister-in-law Jessica actually did this with me when I was a really small little thing child I was probably like 10 but all you do is mix cornstarch with water and it creates this quicksand gusta I found that making slime but maybe this will be different because it's quicksand goo I like a different name now when I did it before I didn't add food coloring with Jessica so this time I'm adding food coloring so it's more fun okay so apparently all you do is mix cornstarch with water and then I'll put some dye in it I'm telling you it's awesome all right so here's a bunch of cornstarch Wow Target brand because I don't want to pay money for things and water food okay then you mix it around I mix oh it's doing it oh I can feel it happening already get all the water get all the water hold on I promise I'll show you all the cool people are doing it yeah all right Oh too much water okay we're gonna get all around we're gonna get it hold on I promise you I promise you this is cool just let me do this just left stop talking let me do it okay this hand is worthless right now I can do everything went ahead open it what oh I should be careful if I spray this everywhere I'm dead add a drop of this boat trying to mix it trying to mix it trying to make set it smells so bad cornstarch smells so bad there we go there we go okay everything settle at the bottom I need an up close a shot of this get in here camera get in this business I can't I don't know how to show it I'm a fly okay so what the thing is with this is when you move slow it just seems like liquid like you just it's just a liquid thing it doesn't really matter the faster you move though it gets like tense and becomes like a blob I can't I don't know how to describe it I'm just gonna get some close-ups do you see how this is like it will just roll I'm gonna try it said don't let go in it someone gave me a unicorn Lego once so we're gonna use the unicorn Lego goes in nice and slow okay slowly put it in nice and deep in there nice and deep and I have ruined my Lego but that's okay it died in the name of science but you see how like see nothing can you see that I remember you could see this ah you see how it crumbles how it's crumbling hi my baby goes to a liquid do you see this do you see that it's like a thick solid it's a solid it's a solid and then it goes to a liquid are you guys even look at I can't tell if you can tell maybe if I had more stuff to it okay we're trying this again okay so I added more cornstarch on water okay do you see how it's like this is a solid form this and this is a solid form if I move it around it's a solid form and then I just like let it go and it turns into a liquid oh are you let me get it I want to get in here look at - solid thing I have a solid thing and then it just becomes a liquid what this is a big deal how is this happening I don't know I just know it is alright I'm just adding a bunch of cornstarch and water just to figure out just so you guys can see it better cuz I want to see this better all right so I'm mixing it around my letting its mix itself in with itself you would tell it's a weird consistency right like you can tell that that's weird get my hands dirty again I'm the slower you go the easier it is lighten it Mercer my hands and I'm up see it's a thing ready boom Oh spills oh that was a bad sneeze it's on my nose all right well I don't know how much more of this I could show you it's just so cool that it just it creates a liquid solid starch just be my Turner all right I think that's all I can show you guys for today I mean this was a lot of fun I'm gonna break this ha ha just go get some cornstarch it was 2 bucks at Target add it with water I'm serious that it is so much fun to play with cuz it's so confusing I'm really gonna break my glass table I need to stop doing but it's it's so confusing and it's so weird I don't know how to explain it so seriously just get cornstarch from water and mix it together if you want it to be cool coloring then you know put some food dye in it but that's it I love you guys thank you for watching over you dry this video if you did give it a thumbs up if you want to subscribe to see videos every Tuesday and Thursday then hit that subscribe button if not you know hope to see you randomly next time whatever you want remember of all else stay awesome possums
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 2,301,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, you, know, what, pisses, me, off, tuesday, video, making, quick, sand, quicksand, goo, slime, pink, corn strach, fun, science, experiment, play, playing, child, childish
Id: sd7KQOBGUp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2016
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