DIY Confetti Bowls!!!

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hey everybody well another video where I do whatever I want because I want to do it and it's my channel I do what I want to do so there so a long time ago you guys watched me make and by a long time I mean like last month did these things and I was like I don't know what to do with them so I put them in a bowl and now I want my bowl back because I like to eat food out of my bowls so what I've decided to do is make as you can tell by the title of this video a confetti Bowl I really hope I remember to put a picture of a confetti Bowl right here so that I know what I'm doing so all I need apparently is paint brushes MJ Podge balloons and confetti but I was went to the store to buy confetti I was like confetti is expensive and I can just cut up pieces of paper to make confetti myself clearly I can cut paper well so do I just make little things this is all you have to do to make confetti right you just cut up little tiny pieces of paper oh if I do this well I don't want Brown in my get out of here Brown stupid color no one likes you they wanted me to pay money to for this uh-uh not on my watch I'm so scared to cut in my little fingers now it looks like I'm making a Halloween Bowl do I not have any good colors oh here's green why did I think I had the patience to do this I have zero patience dude you see how fast I'm cutting this paper a freaking ninja look at all oh that one sucked that is a that was pointless look at all the confetti I made I highly regret not buying the confetti because that took about a half hour and my hand is so sore from the fre scissors so now I have my confetti I made more than enough cuz I was thinking that I'd also do a little water balloon one and then I'd make a tiny little bowl for like earrings or change or something I'm scared it's going to pop on me so that's as big as that's getting I'm so scared it's going to pop in my face I don't have good experiences with these things that is going to be the tiniest little thing ever that make a cute Bowl right that size I'm making this crap up guys you know I have no clue what I'm doing boom okay now we we just paint the top of the balloons where we want the confetti to go we'll do the big guy first big do I want my bowl I think my B my bowl is about there this stuff doesn't dry fast right I don't know much about MJ pod except that my mom used to use it on puzzles and then we'd frame them because we couldn't afford artwork but we could afford a $10 puzzle no well I guess that's going to be the confetti that was a good idea though I'm just going to roll it in the confetti that's not quite a complete bull yet it's said to be generous with my confetti is that enough this is a big mess that goes there that goes there it doesn't stick see you when this is finished all right so I generously added my confetti there's still holes but once this dries I'm going to do another coat of glue and then add more confetti while that's drying I'm going to do the tiny little ones come on tiny little one I don't know stick though I don't get why they're not sticking stick all right I've done the first coat on all of them so I just have to let them dry and then I'll do the second coat whoo oh got stuck to my boob oh good time has passed and it is dried so we're going to put on the second coat of each one yeah it's kind of hard to spread glue on stuff that's like pointy andish there we go all right stay on there there we go there we go okay now some of them are falling off this is difficult guys I thought this would be easy this one's difficult oh oh no all right time to add more confetti why did a across the road to say hello from the other side what's brown and sticky oops a stick what does a nosy pepper do get jalapeno business how does NASA organize their company parties they plan it plan it I got it I got it that was funny why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom cuz the P pterodactyl spell with a pee if I knew how to spell that joke would would be funny what kind of shoes do ninjas wear sneakers cuz they sneak around also they're quite comfortable to wear why does Snoop Dog carry an umbrella for dwizzle for drizzle it's not for Dizzle it's not the F oh F drizzle welcome back it's the next day I have put four layers of confetti on this business I would highly suggest using pre-made tiny confetti because doing the big chunks makes it awkward like there's parts that just kind of stick out like this and then they end up falling off like that the instructions didn't say if I was supposed to coat it at the end with MJ pod so I didn't you never know and I also just realized that these are supposed to be bowls but I don't know if they're going to stay flat on a table like they're just going to fall right cuz bowls are supposed to be flat on the bottom but we're going to pop them and see what's up see if they held up see if I can get the balloon out we'll start with the little one oo oh Magic I made a bowl it's so magical all right next one look at attempting to get off yeah doing it right oh it holds them off okay this seems to be working now let's pop this one this is the bad boy this is the original this is what he was supposed to all be [Music] about I love popping things oh is it done all right when that happens beware it tears some of the stuff out so much flaky M pod we're supposed to cut anything we don't like so like you cut around it so it becomes like a flat Bowl so I'm just going I have no clue if I'm doing this right just going to cut like this ah my bowl that's what it would say if this could talk it'd be like I'm a bull cuz that's what all Bulls say right cut that off no one needs that you're pointless get out of here get on out of here B you don't belong here I don't know what I'm saying just ignore me most of the time all right I've made a bull that was pretty freaking sweet right do that work y that's about as even as I'm going to get it that's my bow I created epicness and by epic I mean I've created a bowl and let's see if they sit like they're supposed to sit it sits like a bowl it sits like a bowl they all seem to sit except this one this one wobbles this one's a wobbler I've made bowls oo it's a crack and a craft there you guys have it I've made crafts did I do it well who knows this was long and tedious but I kind of proud of myself you just balloon M podh confetti M podh confetti M pod confetti M podh confetti pop cut that's how it is comment below and let me know if there's any other crafts you guys want me to do if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you want to see videos every Tuesday and Thursday please subscribe but remember above all else T awesome [Music] pums
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 3,300,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, you, know, what, pisses, me, off, tuesday, video, diy, do, it, yourself, confetti, bowl, bowls, craft, crafts, kids, kid, paper, mache, construction, colorful, color
Id: 3F5FOOLywWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2016
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