Quickrete Walkmaker How To Video

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got a little project going on with the quikrete walk maker random brick pattern I've done about 20 of these so far and we've got about eight or nine more to go so I thought it'd be a good time to stop and give you my experience on how these things go together I like this particular pattern because the cement goes down in between the forms down there and you could see where all the individual bricks are tied together I got my 80 pound bag of quikrete I've got a gallon of water and of course I've got a using a die and I'm using the Terra Cotta quikrete die for the for the cement color a lot get better than just plain cement and so far it looks pretty good so they recommend three quarts of water per bag I haven't found that to be accurate I've used about a gallon and a pint there abouts gets me a good mix good firm solid mix and it allows me to get it down into the cracks in crevices in the in the form so okay I got my cement in the in my wheelbarrow and I'm going to put about 3/4 of this water with the color in it finds it that's about the easiest way to mix it rather to dump it all in here at one time that's that's mixed mixed up with about 3/4 of a gallon that will get most of it and then now I had about a pint after that it will give you a gets a good mix let's get all your color mixture here takes about 10 to 15 minutes depending on how it grasses so more I had another about a pint of water and that will give me the right mix so I can get good penetration into the cracks and crevices of the form okay mix good coats all the way through it start filling the form we want the consistency to be about the consistency of mush and this this looks pretty good this will be able to allow me to get down into the cracks and crevices of the form okay I got my I got my form in position where I want it and the first couple of forms that I filled I filled with a trowel and that was a lot of a lot of work I mean you can do it that way but I found the best way is to use a regular shovel and just to drop it in there that way it will spread out amongst all the cavities of the form [Music] it's not gonna take the whole 80 pound bag I end up making extra bricks out of the quick perform after I get finished [Music] one of the things that I found is very helpful is just a regular straight hole regular whole garden hoe and you just mash the cement down in the in the cracks and then you can drag it wherever it needs to go and you've got the bridge to kind of guide you as far as the depth and so forth of the other senior but you push it down and all the tracks and I can do probably been able to do about 75% of it just with the hope and I'll take a to buy as a as a screed the level of that you do this 20 times will kind of get the hang of it don't worry about getting it perfect with this because you're going to be able to come back and do each individual square now I'll take the 2x4 and use it as a screed to level it across the grid okay and I've just got a plain old 12 inch cheap trial you can buy at Home Depot or Lowe's or whatever it out get it smooth if you want to smooth as you want to work I usually work from the back to the front run to the back you can hug me look in the farthest from me if you can see it smooth it out pretty good you don't need to be in a hurry because it's got plenty of time I found it best to do each individual stone that way you get a much smoother edge when after you pull the frame up okay that looks pretty good what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna take this get the sides of it whoops trying to have to get anything on the surface otherwise you have to go back and fix look after you do that you just kind of he's up on the forum pick it out and just toss it to the side I've got another trial that I can kind of fix up the edges if I've got anything that needs to be fixed up this one look this one looks pretty good well there you have it one complete form and now you're just ready to move on to the next one and I've done about 20 of these so far and it's looking good I made some extra bricks out of the extra cement that I have left over and I'm going to use it but kind of fill in this corner right here kind of other as a random pattern I think it'll look pretty good to be able to work around that tree and the bushes
Channel: Jack Temple
Views: 685,209
Rating: 4.9071045 out of 5
Keywords: Patio, Walkmaker, Quickrete, Do it yourself pavers
Id: l_AS27C6c4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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