Quickly Add Tattoos To Your Characters (Blender 2.91 Tutorial)

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheFoxarmy 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
okay let's add some tattoos to this character so we have our character here and um there's a really cool way to add tattoos just by using different uv maps and that's exactly what we're gonna do so when you add a mesh um usually it'll just already have a uv map on it but um you might want to use that uv for anything else for the texture of the skin for the mapping of things in this case um we are using that we're using that for the texture of the of the shirt and we're using that for for noise textures to actually create the material here for this guy so um we don't want to mess with any of that and we want to be really careful we don't so in my case i like to add a new uv map for every tattoo i have so i'm just gonna start working my way down here so i have a couple different tattoos over here um i'll load up this one this is one of post malone's tattoos not sure who has this one and i think this is a little pump tattoo if i'm not mistaken so we're going to add one of each of these onto our characters onto this character here just real quickly so i'm just going to jump over here into the shader editor and we already have our our material loaded up for the sponge so we're gonna just keep going right at this so basically you're just changing the color of each of each um section of the skin where you want the tattoo but you want to leave the same subsurface value all that going on so over here you'll have your uv map of your character you're just gonna go go ahead and add a new one and we'll start with this first one and we'll call it post malone tattoo or whatever you want and we just call it tattoo one just to be safe and we can go ahead and with this one selected if you go back over here and grab your character if you tab into edit mode here we can see your character is all selected here or we have all of our mesh here go ahead and grab everything and then with this selected you want to have make sure your uv map is selected just hit u and project from view and then if you change one of these you open up a little uv editor you can have everything over here for your character i'll just grab everything and i'll sort of move it out of the way for now and then you can load up over here the tattoo you're going to add on and then you just want to scale everything down and out of the way into just an empty area at first so you're making sure nothing's affecting that and here's where it gets really easy you just over here in your shader editor you're going to shift a add in a mix rgb and then this top value here this underlying value you want to just drag the color of the skin in there and the bottom value you want it to be black or whatever color the tattoo is if it's a different color and then now we can add in a with shift a add an image texture and then you can load up the tattoo you want to add on so i'm going to add on this one and because we have a transparent here with transparent background with this texture we can easily just use the alpha to affect the differences and then we can plug this color right into the base mesh now automatically it's going to give you some wonky results and that's because you have to make sure you're using the uv map that you've made so here we'll select tattoo one and then we'll just plug the uv right into the vector and now nothing should happen at first and that's because you can go in here now individually with face select and then you can pick a nice spot on the face that you want this to be selected so let's put this tattoo right here so i'm just going to select all those faces and hit you again and again make sure we're still the tattoo selected you project from view and now we can scale this section up and actually you want to make sure over here you don't have repeat selected because if you do look what happens when you scale it up you start getting all these border edges here you just want to make sure this is just set to clip so that way it only gets that little section then you can scale this up and sort of drag this around wherever you want you can even rotate it however you want i'm going to leave it sort of upright like that and just put it right there and perfect that is one tattoo in there one thing you want to be sure to do also is anywhere that there is the the material used twice you want to give it uh you want to make sure that it has another uv map set to tattoo it's tattoo one so tap two one and then just let me go ahead and select everything on that on that specific mesh you project from view and just scale it out of the way just make sure it's not affected by that tattoo at all these eyelids are another example so i'm going to go ahead and give it that same tattoo one enter you project from view on all those and just move them out of the way just make sure they're not over the tattoo which basically just says hey we're referencing that first part and there you go you've added a tattoo onto your character let's add another one okay so we have the little post malone playboy tattoo here on this side next we look at our other tattoos and this is something you want to be careful of we're not going to use this tattoo here because it doesn't contain transparency there's ways you can get around this but it's just a little a little challenging at first and it's so much easier if you have a tattoo of transparency that's what's going to happen is you're going to end up getting weird sections around the edges where where it's not transparent and yes you could use a color ramp to determine where it's white where it's black so for the sake of this tutorial we're going to skip this texture and we're just going to only use this guy over here just because this one also contains transparency all right let's move on to the second tattoo so you have this little playboy bunny already on the on the second side so you have this little bunny here on this side of the guy and you have your tattoo mappings on everywhere that there will be that there uses that skin material here so if you want to add in a second tattoo well the first thing we'll need naturally is a second uv map so go ahead and add that on so 10 2 2 and remember you want to make sure this uv map is on every object that is disconnected that uses that skin perfect so now we can just go ahead and select all of our objects here that use the skin and then since you have tattoo two on all of them make sure it is selected you can tab in edit mode and grab everything hit u project from view again and since we have everything we can just scale this down and make sure you have your second tattoo again loaded up in this uv image editor and just like we did the first time we just want to make sure that all the skin is out of the way of this tattoo so we are we're ready to move we have the tattoo two loaded up and we can just add it in now so basically we're going to add another mix rgb so we're going to shift d here and we have to think of color one like everything that goes before this tattoo so in this first example everything that was before that first tattoo was just the color yellow was just the skin color um and that was okay but for this example everything before this includes the color yellow so everything before this is the color yellow but it also includes that first tattoo so to take advantage of that you just drag this whole color right into color one and now it's saying okay we have all of this including the tattoo plus whatever color two is going to be plus that second tattoo so we just have to work our way down so we'll grab this uv map and a tattoo and we'll just duplicate it now you want to make sure that this tattoo here selected is the one you're working with so an easy way to do that was you can actually just if you have the shading tab open if it's open over here you can actually just drag it right in and you can drag it right over top and you have your tattoo here so i'll delete this one out and i'll drag the uv map on top of that and again we just want to be sure we're selecting this repeat and changing it to clip because we don't want anything more than one version of the tattoo and we are good and then we can use the alpha layer because these include transparency just drag the alpha right into the factor and we will have once we connect up this next mix down in here our tattoo now the issue here being our tattoo is still using this first uv map so you you want to make sure um the first tattoo uses tattoo one but the second one references tattoo two and now if we go over here with tattoo two selected you can just select the area that you want your second tattoo to be so i'm just gonna go on this side of the face for this one we can make this another tattoo right about here just another one oh let's say let's ah that's a little big let's see right there and i can just either move them down here or in this case i'm just going to hit u project from u again so i'm just so i'm just sure that they're in the right orientation so i can scale scale that up there and i can move it right over top of our tattoo down here in this editor and you might realize yeah i don't love where that's sitting you can just move this back over here scale it down and then you can grab a new section i like it right under this eye yeah so now you can see they're all disconnected over here you can just hit u oops you can hit u and reprojectors from view and it fixes the geometry down here in the uv editor and then that's looking better already and then right there so you've added the second tattoo on your character's face these tattoos are just affecting the color which means they're still using the subsurf scattering which will give it that nice skin look to it so there you go you've added the tattoos onto your character just by using uv maps and the important part to take away from this is it's not actually going to affect anything on your original uv map you still have that same coordinates that you did before and these are just laid on top of your character so thanks for watching um again let me know in the comments if there's any tutorials you want to see this is a quick and easy one today and just a cool fun way to add tattoos to your characters so so yeah thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: FruitZeus
Views: 6,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adding Tattoos In Blender 2.91, Tattoos in Blender, Blender 3D Tattoo Tutorial, Character Tattoos in Blender, Character Tattoos Tutorial, Blender 2.91 Tattoos, Tattoos Tutorial 3D, Blender Tattoos, blender tattoo tutorial, Blender 3D Tattoo, blender 2.91 tutorial
Id: OzaUO_s5Syo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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