Quick! Walmart HIDDEN Clearance Story! (86% OFF Electronics)

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so my wife Kathleen and I we're absolutely crazy we're crazy about Walmart hidden clearance and we always read our YouTube comments and we got a comment from someone named Teresa Foster actually here's the full story hey what's up everyone I'm here with my wife Kathleen we just rolled up to Walmart and we're gonna go in we're gonna look for some hidden clearance like we've been doing and I have no idea what we're gonna look for but just to show you that I actually read all the comments that you guys leave I'm here we just pulled up and I'm reading the comments so if you look at this comment by Teresa Foster above it some guy just said once it once again and is a fat guy so I get a lot of comments like that but a comment Risa foster just left she said that she skinned $15 rugs last night and she found them for five dollars which is cool which is a tip so I'm gonna go in there we're gonna scan some rugs Kathy want to do that all right so we're gonna go I'm gonna scan some rugs I'm gonna scan some other stuff let's see what we can find now this is a little awkward I went into the garden center and it was so loud right see these fans right here these fans are so loud that I had to do a voice over so basically what I want to tell you was it feels like 104 degrees where I am right now we're in Texas it's really hot so I don't wanna spend too much time outside I just wanted you guys to understand that because there's lots of outdoor rugs I could be scanning but I'm just gonna scan one just to show you if it's on hidden clearance or not so I'm gonna take on my phone I'm gonna scan this barcode right through the plastic it's really that simple now let's see if we can get this with the camera and the angle and all the light there's a lot of craziness going on and this heat everyone's running inside the store so when you scan this it shows up for $29 and this is a $60 retail rug I checked it out online so this is on hidden clearance it's not marked clearance and now when we go inside I'm feeling pretty embarrassed because I have lots of back sweat that's what I told you how hot it was and I know you guys are really cool about all that stuff I don't know I just trying to be funny but anyways so I walk right to the first clearance aisle that I see in this Walmart and I see toys and everybody keeps telling me stop scanning toys because I keep making videos about toys let me scan this really quick this is 250 it's mark 250 it's a ugly ugly dolls so ugly dolls toys and they're actually $1.00 and it says they're out of stock it's always worth scanning we're inside Walmart now let's go see what we can find I see a lot of clearance tags I'm a little bit excited come with us and what I always do is it's almost like I have tunnel vision when I'm in Walmart and I'm looking for clearance that I want to scan anytime I see something with the yellow clearance tag to me it becomes extremely scannable because most of the times when you're looking for hidden clearance it's gonna be an actual clearance item that's gonna be marked even lower so I'm just walking through the store and the first yellow tags that I see on a on a section are right here so I'm seeing candles on clearance let's scan them to see if they're less what is this what are these Kathleen's you know these are so these are would wick brand these ones right here the clearance is $2 when we scan it it's $1 hidden clearance on that let's see if the other ones too so that's also one dollar all right guys so all right so there's more right here let's scan this it says 247 so that's 247 all right so look okay so this is something you should always do so when you see price differentials for the same product like this is the same brand right the packaging might be slightly different or it could be the actual like the SKU the flavor the smell the color something like that and when I see that it gets me excited because usually it means there's gonna be riffraff mixed in with this section this one's full price but if we look around and Kathleen I don't know if you can do it you can help me if you want if you look in the back and find something that doesn't match the rest and this might not work this doesn't always work I guess she's something ran out of everybody so right here differential now most of these are all red there's cinnamon and this one's called Applewood so let's scan it and this might be full price it just makes you think when you see this if it scans so we scanned this one it's 50 cents and I did not know that was gonna happen but I knew there's a high probability if I found something that was out of place it could be at a different price honestly I figured this would be one dollar if anything so this is 50 cents it's Applewood would wick a petit candle and honestly we can go through all these things let's check this one it's called sand in driftwood why do you think check this one any reason all right all right so that's this is actually good job Kathleen so I was gonna go a rush and look at other products but Kathy was right you know this is what I thought was gonna happen with the other one when you see something that doesn't match the tag it's always worth scanning it this is only a buck the ones in front of it at 2:47 so Kathleen was right good job Kathleen I'm always running around Kathleen's a smart one in this relationship let's look at the other candles and there's probably more back here to this let's make sure this is correct it's is well that's vanilla bean so this one's lavender that's cool think about Yankee Candles that gets me excited it's any time like I'm not a pic can look at per se I'm not gonna lie to you about it oh and Kevin II just let's show the people so this is wood wick the bigger ones are also on clearance but anyways I'm not a big candle guy right so that's that's a correct clearance price I'm not a big handle guy but every time we see candles on clearance Kathleen always thinks gifts like gifts for teachers gifts for anyone right if you want to make gift baskets I apologize for the noise I apologize the noise but I'm thank you for holding with me so candles seem to be on clearance right now let's go look somewhere else any ideas you got thing when you want to look let's just straw we don't have a lot of time today guys but we want to show you what we can so we're a little pressed for time but I really want to make this video so we're gonna walk over to the rugs and scan a couple things really quickly let's see what they have this is where we originally came in for we already found a clearance rug on the way in but it's extremely hot so this is 84 87 let's just check it out no guarantees all chance so this is a correct price but it says limited stock and when something's limited stock it usually means it's either on clearance or it's going to be on Clarence soon so if you were interested in this rug I would recommend keeping an eye on it in the future all right Cathy you want to help me out you got some great ideas there for the people so this right here and honestly if you want to ski in real fast sometimes I'll just go like this and I'll just scan the tag cuz then you can just go boom boom boom and skiing all the way across that's limited stalking as well though so you want to keep an eye on it to me that means it's dropping ones name Teresa Teresa Foster all right Teresa let me check you out sure all right so Teresa Foster 37 minutes ago she left that comment Thank You Teresa there may be some hidden clearance in here but just because we're pressed for time we're gonna move along but we did find a rug outside and we found some cool candles Rica all right so let's go see what we can find over in electronics that's what Cathy wants to go now I'm gonna show you something that I found in electronics during this Walmart trip and it's pretty crazy because I had found this months ago but they must have found one out back check this out know exactly what is this this is cool right so the price on this is 129 right it's a black fin 720 camera thing like VR helmet nice oh let me show you this this is cool on Instagram on my Instagram I actually made a post about this before if you're not following me on instagram you crazy and a lot of you have been asking me for Kathleen's Instagram account lately this is what it is if you want to show her some love right there see it's the same item and I made this post back on April 28th you see that so back on April 28th this was $20 there was $19 when you scanned it now let me show you the date of this video it's right there August 16th so it's Friday August 16 that was back on April 28th it was a while ago let's see if we scan this if the price is going to be what I think it's going to be pretty cool so that's pretty cool and this is actually a good lesson to show you guys because I've already seen this before being on clearance it helped me to know that this was on clearance and the truth is this is probably just in the back somewhere you know it's not a big deal stuff gets you know left in the back they find it they put it out so this is an opportunity to someone who wants to grab this regularly 129 dollars and it's actually on clearance for $19 and people are walking around the store and they don't even realize it so it's pretty cool if you use your scanner you're always at the advantage you always have an extra opportunity that others may not have so that was like that was a pretty cool lesson cool Cathy right yeah thank you so much for joining me and Kathleen at Walmart today we're really in a rush but we wanted to make a video for you guys so desperately because we loved all the comments that you left for us on our last video so basically all I want to say is this we really love you guys we read all the comments if you want to subscribe that would be amazing even if you don't subscribe could you please tell people about hidden clearance about Walmart about our channel and what we're trying to do because we want to help 1 million people save at least one dollar that seriously our goal we're doing it as a family I know it's silly to a lot of people but to us it's a lot of fun we love hearing when you guys score and you save money and you do your day'll so let us know in the comments but either way thank you so much for watching this we genuinely appreciate you we seriously seriously appreciate you I really mean that everyone have a great day you
Channel: Super Unsexy
Views: 72,240
Rating: 4.9141183 out of 5
Keywords: walmart hidden clearance inventory, walmart hidden clearance, walmart app, walmart scanner, walmart clearance app, walmart hidden clearance app, walmart secret clearance, walmart clearance, walmart secret hidden clearance, walmart electronics clearance, walmart hidden clearance electronics, walmart clearance shopping, walmart clearance prices, walmart cheap clearance, walmart cheap, walmart cheapest, walmart savings, saving money, cheap
Id: dXx1RIj-6rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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