Quick tutorial - modifying STL files in Fusion 360

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hey everybody how's it going so quick video here on modifying STL files using fusion 360 if you need to change a feature add a feature whatever but this is just a this is gonna be a little quick one little five-minute err to bring in an existing STL maybe you found one on Thingiverse or whatever and you need to make a modification to it this will let you do it so let's jump right in hopefully you've already got fusion 360 you just open a new design write file new design and we're gonna go to and hopefully you've already downloaded or you have set STL file so we're gonna go insert mesh and I'm gonna pull in this moonbase this is the one I want to modify and you can do either an obj or an STL file either one so we're gonna open that and I'm gonna say move it to ground and center it okey doke and so there we go I've got it in but you can't do anything with it right other than flip it around and and see how beautiful it is you can't do anything if you were do strong you know do a sketch and try and extrude a hole through it or something that won't work it has to be converted so the way you convert it is simply with a couple of steps and this is a little um it's not straightforward but it's but it's easy so first thing you need to do is turn off your history your design history so you right click at your top-level do not capture design history and turn that off and now you go to your bodies and here you have your mesh body listed your mesh that you brought in we're gonna right-click on that and say mesh to be rep we're gonna select the body which we already have and we're gonna make it a new body okay it does its thing for a bit now if you've got a really complex part and it's got lots of faces say more than like 40 50 thousand fusion does not like it and want you to reduce it so if you run into that were you when you try and convert to mesh to be rap it will actually give you an error or it will say if it's around 30 40,000 will give you a warning if it's anything more than that then it'll actually give you an error and won't let you do it and you would have to reduce it and so quickly to reduce it you would change your workspace to mesh and so let's say this is the mesh we brought in all you would have to do is make sure you've got everything selected to do that or click it over here and you're gonna go modify and reduce and I like to make sure this is set to uniform and we're gonna reduce our target to face count and let's say if this is something like you know a hundred thousand then you just reduce it down to say you know thirty thousand and then try it again try your mesh to be rep again if it lets you do it great if not then go back through the end and reduce it until you get to a point where I can so you know ten twenty thousand is usually a good sweet spot now when you [Music] get ready to go print your modified body you can always up your face count back up again so you'll lose detail on the conversion but you can gain it back going out the other way and then you can always pull it in the mesh mixer and make it even smoother after that so anyway we're gonna cancel that let's go back to our model workspace so anyway so here is a nice basic body that we converted and now what I want to do is uh I need to put a hole right here in the middle so I'm going to do a sketch of a circle sin and I am in a circle and I'm gonna put it on this face and right in the center I'm going to make it a 30 millimeter circle and now I'm going to select that circle and stop the sketch and I'm going to extrude it and read out the bottom and we're gonna go ahead and let that cut right you can cut join intersect make a new body out of whatever you cut out what everyone do this case I'm just cutting and bang there I haven't and so now for what I am actually doing that's all I needed I just needed a 30 millimeter hole so I could put a light that through here but if you wanted to say this thing has a you know a nice kind of 45 ish degree angle and if you wanted to put a hole through this and keep it on that 45 it's still a pretty simple process you're gonna do the same thing and say let's do PI on let's do a rectangle in this case Center rectangle and I'm gonna put it instead of picking a face down here I'm gonna pick that face right there and now it's asking me for a center location so we're gonna do 105 by 5 and I'm gonna stop that sketch and then the tricky part is getting this thing to pick and sometimes what you may have to do is hide that body and select it that way now you can bring your body back and then let's go ahead and extrude this and in some cases you may have to extrude it in two directions right by default it's one side and if I do this and I cut it through now you can see I get the red but you can see here there's two look up these weird faces in here and and that's because it's radiused and blah blah blah so anyway let's just do two sides so we've got one side out already two sides so there's my first one and just drug it all the way out to 47 let's do another one and we're gonna say this right out the front and okay and again we cut that and so now I've got a nice little channel cut or a square a hole cut through my part and you can see it is coming out the back just like so and it is on that same angle so pretty easy and so there you go that's the easiest way to modify this deal right so you need to bring it in you need to convert it and once you convert it and you've got an appropriate amount of faces for fusion to deal with you can do whatever the heck you want to it so anyway this is a quick and dirty one it was meant to be not super detailed so hope you enjoy I hope you learned something and catch you next time thanks
Channel: Fischer 3D
Views: 140,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fusion 360, CR-10, STL, model, 3D printing
Id: gbnObQ0fmiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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