Modifying a High Poly STL in Fusion 360

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hey guys Vladimir here with desktop makes last video I showed you how to import and modify an STL file within fusion 360 this time we're going to do a similar thing but we're going to choose a model that has a very high poly count so one of the reasons that the last video went so smooth was because we had this model here the low poly rhino today we're going to go ahead and grab this yoga by the Moshe take a look at this thing it's 147 megabytes it's a beautiful model this was one of I remember my first models I printed when I first had built my RepRap 3d printer many years ago and I remember being very proud once this thing came out of my printer but take a look at the difference between this 147 megabytes and the Rhino at just one megabyte for the whole thing so let's see how Fusion is able to handle this I have already downloaded it so I'm going to go ahead and open up fusion we're going to go to insert insert mesh and we'll grab our yota bust so this is going to take a little bit to actually get it imported here just because it's such a huge file so depending and the Machine you've got it might take a while so let's bring that back okay so there it is I'm not going to manipulate it in any way I'm just going to click OK and then check this out I'm going to zoom in and look at the size of these these triangles I mean these things are tiny look how many there are so alright let's let's see what we can do with this so if I click here and I want to convert it to a B rep so we'll do that first let's try to convert this into a solid body to see what happens so in order to do that I'm going to go to my browser here right click and choose do not capture design history click continue right click and now I get the option to go to mesh to be read so watch what happens when I click that it's going to give me this option my operation is going to be nobody so I'm just going to click OK and then it's going to tell me it says warning this mesh contains a large number of facets mash surface contents facets equals six hundred fourteen thousand two hundred and seventy eight conversion is aborted basically it says there's way too many facets in this thing I'm not even gonna bother we're gonna abort this so fusion what I found out it likes to have no more than ten thousand facets that's where it's happy any more than that you may have some issues so we've got six hundred and fourteen thousand little triangles there we've got to bring that down to ten thousand so there is a way to do that so what we're going to do is bring this into our mesh workspace so let's turn our timeline back on I'm going to go back here and go to capture design history and this is something I should have showed you last time if you try to click and go to edit it's going to give you a message that you have to turn on your mesh workspace option I think this is something that's sort of a trial version so fusion is not just automatically turning it on they're giving you a chance to opt and so the way to do that is just you go up to your name up here on the right hand side go down to preference and then under the preview tab you're going to make sure that mesh workspace is checked and then you click apply click OK and then once you do that you should be able to right click and then just choose edit then that's going to bring you to your mesh working environment which before was the model working environment so what we're going to do is we're gonna select our model so let's go ahead and choose select and choose window selection and we'll just go ahead and draw a box around our entire Yoda and again this is this is acting a little slow just cuz there's so much here make sure the whole thing is selected just kind of flip it around if not if you just selected the front you may want to go to your selection filters to make sure select through option is checked okay then we're going to go to modify and we're going to go to reduce and you'll get this dialog box and you can play around with these to see different results that you can get but basically what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep it on adaptive and then over here I have a option choose density face count or tolerance so I'm going to keep it at face count and I'm gonna go down you can see I can drag this slider up to our 600,000 down to zero let's bring this to 9000 I know I said 10,000 but I found out it tends to sort of overestimate and this is not the exact number you're going to get so we'll put that in and see what happens so we'll click 9,000 and we're going to click OK so again this is going to take a little while for this conversion to happen but the great thing about this is that before this you would usually have to export your model and then bring it into another software like mesh mixer or what's the other one Autodesk remake and use that to bring down or to reduce it and then export it out of there and then re-import it back into fusion to be able to work with it so having the ability to do this all in one software is really great so alright for some reason when it's done it like just kicks me out what doesn't kick me out just reduces fusion so ok let's bring this back and there's our Yoda now with much bigger triangles there so we can see we were able to reduce that count and I mean honestly we didn't really lose much detail we're going to be 3d printing this anyway so I doubt you'll be able to see a difference when you actually print this if you were to print this one as opposed to the one with with half a million facets I mean at some point there's really no advantage of having that much detail so we're gonna take this and we're just gonna go oh I think it's still working so let me give it another minute um I lost my hair I'll just click finish' mesh okay that worked okay so now we're still a mesh right we're not solid yet so what I'm going to do I can try to right-click again in order to convert this to a solid I have to click here and go down to do not capture design history click continue now if I right-click I can go mesh to be wrap keep it as new body and click OK now it's still it's going to give me a warning because remember how I told you I picked 9,000 facets well it actually is saying look you you have ten thousand five hundred and twenty so that's what I was saying what it tends to kind of overestimate so what it tells you is you're over ten thousand conversion is not recommended do you want to proceed so it doesn't abort but it kind of gives you an option saying this isn't recommended I think I'm going to be okay so I'm just gonna click OK and let that work for a little bit so basically I should probably selected like a thousand or eighty five hundred in order to get me sort of right under that ten thousand but I have a feeling we'll be fine so let's just give this another another second and hopefully doesn't prove me wrong okay so here's our here's our model our solid body so now we can do whatever we want right we can go ahead and manipulate this as in the other way that we would a solid body infusion so why don't we go ahead and Pierce Yodas ear so I'm just gonna grab the circle tool or sketch tool and then let's just draw a sketch right on this this face right here so just grab a circle here stop sketch let's extrude that in so I'll go ahead choose distance all no actually I will go all the way through I don't want that I'll go to distance let's bring that in go right there oh now just click OK and there we go we have a Yoda with an ear Pierce so that's basically yet just kind of wanted to show you guys how to go ahead and do that so basically you bring the model into fusion you go into your mesh working environment you're going to reduce the number of facets and then you're going to bring it back out don't forget to go ahead and you know turn on or turn off your design history when you're doing this and then you can go ahead and convert this back to a or converted to a solid body and then you're ready to start manipulating it just as you would any solid form and don't forget actually I should have turned my timeline feature back on so that the actual circle exclusion with a pair would have actually appear here so now I can just be ready to continue modeling so alright guys I hope that helps if you have any questions just go ahead and leave it on the comments below actually let's go ahead and send this to the printer and see what it looks like so this will open up my MakerBot and there it is right on my build plate alright don't forget to hit like if you enjoyed this video and subscribe if you want to see more and I have to recommend my design course designing for 3d printing with fusion 360 I'll put a link below and go ahead and check that out as well all right guys take care wait don't leave yet so after making a bold claim that you're really not going to see much of a difference once you print out the reduced model I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and test it out so I went ahead and printed the two different yota models and so let's take a look and see see what our results were and so okay right off the bat I got a min I guess I really underestimated the quality that my printer is able to pick up because if you look close enough you can actually see some detail that we lost in the reduced version for example if you look just under the eye here and if you look on I guess I should point out that I've got the reduced version on the left and the original STL file on the right so if we look under the eyebrow here on the original file you can actually make up a few more wrinkles that you just don't pick up here you know it's not that big or that much of a reduction or loss of quality but if you look closely enough you will see a few different areas and I mean this this model was a very ambitious model because there's just so much detail here a lot of wrinkles and just a lot going on here but a couple things other things I will point out is on the reduced version this was interesting that I actually came out how and I'm not sure why that happened I have to take a look back at miles to see why you can see here on the original version it's solid which this is actually a pretty cool effect but it may not be exactly what you're looking for so that's something of you know to consider so this is the reduced version and I know that the ear is pierced you can see that there let's see what else oh one more thing on the bottom because of all those weird triangles going on it actually did print completely flat you can see here there's this triangle here that it missed and it actually didn't print it until either the second or third layer so that's another thing but that's easy to fix actually and we'll jump right in to fuse intrusion and I'll show you how we can fix that but it does great sort of this weird tool path and that original that first layer let me see what else besides that there's really not much difference here like I said this was an ambitious model to try to try to tackle I'm gonna play around with this some more I feel that there's some more optimization that we can do there there's got to be a way for example playing with the settings that we should be able to reduce the number of facets without compromising quality I'm gonna actually experiment with this a lot more and I'll do a follow-up video to show you guys what I found so let's go ahead now and go back into fusion and I'm just gonna quickly show you how to fix that bottom plane to get just a nice flat plane on there okay we're back in fusion and right away I can see what the issue was with the eyes so if I expand bodies here I see that I have three separate bodies if I uncheck body three which is my main body that left that leaves me with two spheres which are my eyeballs so I'll bring that back on and kind of show you guys zoom in here and if I delete these spheres here we see that our eyeballs are missing so what happened was when I sent this to the printer I chose body three and didn't choose the eyeballs to go with it which that's an easy fix all I have to do is combine those into one body and that'll take care of it the other issue was the bottom here that I've to just get rid of all these triangles and you just give me one flat plane and normally I would just go ahead and create an offset plane or some type of splitting tool here and split this split a little bit off the bottom - just give me a smooth bottom however that's not working here it's giving me an error when I do that so what I'm going to do is kind of rewind a little bit and I'll show you sort of the way that I've kind of figured out how to approach this so I'm just just going to go ahead and select these three bodies here and click remove that's going to leave me with my mesh so when I converted that mesh to a B wrap it didn't get rid of the mesh I kept it there just created solids out of it so I'm going to go back to that original mesh and then choose right-click and choose edit now I'm back to or I'm into this mesh workspace and so what I should have done from the beginning is at this point I could have gone into and just on modify and do a plane cut so I'm gonna go ahead and choose Yoda as my mesh body as far as my plane I'm gonna go ahead and grab my origin here just grab that bottom plane and then I can go ahead and grab this slider I can move it up or down to see how much I want to cut just going to go up a little bit in fact I'll go ahead and just let's enter in one millimeter you know I just need a flat surface so I could actually just like point to if you don't want to lose too much from that bottom line but that's fine I'm just going to click OK here I'm going to keep it as trim infill type I'm going to choose uniform actually let me show you guys if you choose no fill it'll actually do a hallow so could be I guess neat for vases so we're going to go ahead and choose uniform click OK that's going to leave me with much nicer looking bottom in and I'm going to click finish' mesh and now that brings me back to our modeling environment and I'm still working with our mesh body right so I'm going to go ahead and if I right click I don't get that option to convert it to a B rep so I have to first stop my capture of design history and then I can go in and choose mesh to be rep I'm going to click OK click OK for the warning and this will then convert this or create a body out of this mesh so right here I see it gave me body called it body for and there we go and that's the flat bottom I have there now I can go ahead and send this to the printer like this I'm not sure exactly I didn't try it to see how well that's going to translate if it's going to create a word tool path or not but just to be safe I'm going to go ahead and create I'm gonna split this actually just to give me just the you know one flat profile in that bottom instead of all those triangles so let's go ahead and we'll create an offset plane so I'm basically going to do the same thing I did within that mesh environment so I chose offset plane and then I'm gonna go ahead and tells me to pick my plane so let's knit through the origin again we're gonna grab that bottom plane and I'm just gonna zoom in a little bit drag this arrow up until I see that this plane here starts cutting my body and again I'll just do a one millimeter they're actually one millimeter you see where will it put me okay let's see it no I don't want to do one millimeter cuz that actually let me see if I do zero I'm just going to base this by eyesight so um we're at - I'm just see how it's right here it shows me where it's going to cut so you want to make sure it's actually cutting your model if it's too low you're going to get an error so actually the reason I didn't want to go with one is because one is actually right there because remember I already cut one off so if I go one it's right at the bottom so I got to go a little more than one so just do one point two and I'm going to click okay and now I'm going to go into modify split body choose my body to split which is going to be the Yoda and my splitting tool is going to be that construction plane I just created so I'm going to just select it off my browser and you can see it here if I turn you can see it turns it pink so that's the plane I'm going to use and I'm going to click okay now keep an eye here into my number of bodies so I'm gonna go from I have but body 4 and that actually increases and because of all the different triangles going on there it actually gives me a bunch of bodies which I can turn on and off now two of these are my eyeballs so let's remember those that's body seven and six and body five is my main body so let's why don't we go ahead and name these just to make it easier to work with so we'll call this main body body four that's that bottom part here that we just split it so we can go ahead and just remove that because that's the part I don't need so I'm gonna go down and choose try again but only you know what it's giving me the option only to delete because I don't have I didn't turn my design history back on so let's capture design history again [Music] now it gives me remove okay you usually wanna go we remove instead of delete just because when you do delete it can have it can cause errors because you can have sort of different when you're working with parametric modeling one one design effect is based off the other so choosing delete is usually not a good idea anyway I'm just gonna read and choose remove and that leaves me with that flat bottom there so now I know I have my main body and my two eyes there so let's combine those eyes so I'm going to go to modify combine target body is my main body in my tool body I'm just going to select one eyeball here click use operation as join click OK and then I'm going to right click and do that repeat command target body and then my tool body is going to be this other eye so I'm going to click join click OK and I should just be left with one main body here so ok so that's it and that leaves me that solves that flat bottom issue and it also get rid of everything else also combines the eyes so alright so let's see how this will look if I send it to my 3d printer also it's kind of sometimes hard to see the detail of your drawing with all these little lines there's but you can go to visual style and just choose shaded and that kind of gives you a better representation of what your model looks like so ok we'll go to a 3d print choose my model I'm going to send it to the MakerBot click OK and there is our model okay that was a little more involved than I was anticipating and I actually thought of just choosing a simpler model just to make the whole tutorial go a little smoother but then I thought against it because you know what these are today issues you're going to face when you're working with an STL file for when you're at the mercy of the designer and there can be all sorts of issues with the model that you're going to try to tweak so at the end of the day having these tools all in one package just makes the workflow go so much smoother this is still sort of in beta mode so I'm still trying to figure things out and try to see what the best workflow is so I'll be working with it a little more and if I can come up with a better workflow I'll do an update to the tutorial or if any of you guys know a simpler workflow all you know staying within Fusion I'm just trying to avoid going to other softwares and then we importing it back let me know so I hope you guys enjoy that and let me know what you think in the comments below and I'll see you guys in the next tutorial
Channel: Desktop Makes
Views: 109,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, 3d printing, 3d design, modeling, tutorial, vladimir, desktop makes, desktopmakes, high poly, polygon, facets, big file, autodesk fusion 360 tutorial, fusion 360 for beginners, fusion 360 help, autodesk fusion 360 guide, learn auto desk fusion 360, convert mesh to solid, edit mesh, fusion 360 mesh
Id: Q1ZLe04X1-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2017
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