Quick Tip 42: Bake Mograph Animations to Objects

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[Music] hey guys it's Sam for digital meets and in this cinema4d quick tip I want to talk about baking mograph animations down to objects now I've got a scene set up here it's just a cleaner object it's got a rigidbody tag on it and the floor has got a Collider tag on it so when I hit play I get something like this now I'm sure you've all come across a method to bake this kind of animation down to objects so that sir just quickly go through that if I select Mike Lohner and hit C to make my cleaner editable it basically creates a group with all the clones in it and because this rigid body tag is still on and I've got a apply tag to children and individual elements on the simulation should be exactly the same and if I want to bake that down to keyframes all I have to do is select Mike Lohner go to window my dope sheet which is the timeline I can grab my clone or object and drag that in and now I can just go to functions baked objects I don't want to create a copy of it but that should be fine and if I press ok it'll bake all this stuff and now when I open up my cloner and select a load of my cubes you'll see that there's animation tracks associated with those cubes and I can now take off this rigid body tag and hit play and though still all be animated so that's how you'd bake that down that type of animation but there is a problem associated with this kind of thing so let's close this project and look at this scene now this is slightly different in this scene I've got a camera some lights I've got cloner and this cloner is being cloned onto an object and that object is a spline and if I hit play you'll get a better idea of what's going on so these client objects are revolving around this spline and the way that I'm doing that is if you're going to quote the cleaner object you can see there's this rate value here and if I increase that you can see that I can change the direction of it and if I go the other way which is what I was doing it goes faster the other way so let's put that back to what it was a minus 9 percent so that's how this animations happening and you notice that they're also growing in size as well and that's because of this random effector I've got here if I am unhide that you'll see that it's a random effector with the Box fall-off and what it's affecting is the scale now with this kind of thing let's rewrite that again so our viewport looks a bit nicer now the problem we've got here is if I try and do what I did in the previous scene so I grab the cloner I'll make it editable now when I hit play yeah sure this rigid body tag is still working oh by the way if you're wondering why these aren't falling down to the ground in the force tab of the dynamics tab I've got followed position turned up to 10 okay with that out of the way now I've made this kind of editable we've got some problems because even though this rigid body tag is still working and that's why they're kind of floating here in this box here is kind of revolving I've lost my animation and that's because the right slider that we had in the Kleiner object is no longer available because this is no longer a cloner and our random effector that was associated with our clone is no longer associated with anything so if I grab my climber object and actually move it you can see that you know nothing's been affected as it goes through that random field but you will notice that these objects here that were being affected by the random field when I made the cloner editable are now stuck at sighs so even if I move them up well I can't do that but yes and that now that size has kind of been baked into him so how would I go about baking this kind of thing down to keyframes well let's back up so we get a cloner back there we go and rewind to the start there we go we've got a cloner back and our animation the way we'd go about baking this kind of thing down to objects I've seen people do it via expresso bit of an elaborate setup but there's a much much easier way to do this so what I'm going to do is select Mike Lohner go to file export FBX I'm gonna make sure selection only is checked on so a Loney export this cleaner object we want our tracks turned on obviously everything else is fine materials normals all that that's great so I'm gonna hit OK I'm gonna save it in this folder here saves it out and now what I'm gonna do is go to file merge objects and bring our FBX back in which is this one all of that should be fine I'm just gonna here okay and now we get this so I'm gonna hide our cleaner and you'll notice that this object is now all objects and our objects have all got animation tracks on them you're probably looking at the materials and wondering what's going on there and it's because if we open this up the colors been retained but if we go to reflectance it's sort of got these two different reflection type specular and reflection and it's because it's got no for now so I think if I turn that on I'd get our yellow back but an easy way to do this is actually just to go to our materials that existed before hold alt and drag them over the materials that are imported and they will overwrite the tags that were on those objects so let's just do that for each one and now we're in a situation where if I hit play everything's still animated but it's been baked down to objects so now we've just got this cleaner object and we've got all these objects within it that all have animation tracks and as you can see everything's working as it should be the dynamics have been baked in which is great and the random effector resizing has been baked into those objects as well so everything's working as it should do ok guys I hope that helped I'll see you in the next one bye my viewers on YouTube please like and subscribe and don't forget to hit that Bell to be notified of new tutorials you can check out content at digital meat UK where you can fit all my tutorials by category and vote in the poll for upcoming tutorials you can also follow me 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Views: 26,484
Rating: 4.8943663 out of 5
Keywords: Digitalmeat.uk, Cinema 4D, C4D, Cinema4D, Digitalmeat, Greyscale Gorilla, GreyscaleGorilla, 3D, Workflow, Cinema 4D Workflow, C4D Workflow, Tutorial, Tutorials, Cinema 4D Tutorial, Cinema 4d Tutorials, C4D Tutorial, C4D Tutorials, Mograph, Cloner, Baking Mograph Animation, Effectors, Baking Effectors, Baking Cloner Animation, Baking Animation, Baking Mograph To Keyframes, Mograph To Keyframes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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