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[Music] what's going on guys welcome back we know what you guys are here it's Tuesday it's time for a tutorial let's go ahead and get into it today we're gonna be talking about one of the most difficult things when it comes to painting but yet one of the most rewarding when it finally all comes together that's right we're talking about portraits we don't make mistakes we have happy accidents so today let's have a happy accident I'm going to be doing a Dennis Rodman portrait on these Nike aired Darwin's that Rodman used to actually wear back in his days with the Bulls I've already decked these out with the full Bulls theme featuring those classic black jerseys with the red pinstripes so one of the only TV shows that I actually pay attention to is a tattoo competition called ink master week-to-week they'll have a different theme to the episode where they're focusing on a different subject but when it comes to portrait week the judges always know that that's gonna be one of the most difficult weeks for the artist the judges tend to come down really hard on the artist during this week my face looks bigger than what it is I just look different it is scary but you know they stressed that you need to be able to handle anything that comes into your shop as a tattooer so when it comes to customizing sneakers I tend to have a similar mindset that you really need to be able to handle anything that comes your way and if somebody really wants a portrait done you definitely don't want to have to turn away that customer so this is just one of those things that you really need to put the time and effort and practice into so when it comes to really any form of art painting tattooing drawing one of the most difficult things that you can do is portraits so what makes portraits so difficult well one of the things that you really need to nail when it comes down to it is the proportion and that's the proportions of the size of your nose to the size of your eyes to the size of your mouth this has a ears the overall shape of your head you really need to nail this stuff down to really get that likeness of your subject one of the next most important things when it comes to portraits is nailing the actual values and that's in reference to the lightness and darkness of a specific color so that's something that a really good portrait definitely has nailed down that blending of lightness to darkness within the subject so what makes portraits really different from something like a or cartoon based vector right there tends to be an exact location for where the colors need to go but when it comes to portraits there's usually not one specific spot where you're gonna have a whole solid blob of color it's all about blends and values so today's video we're gonna teach you how you can create a stencil guide or map that will better help you understand where some of the different values are gonna go within a portrait when it comes to photo selection for a portrait you definitely want to have something that has a very high contrast and what that is essentially is just a large range of light colors too dark colors this is just going to really help you in the long run because you're going to better be able to separate the light colors from the dark colors and see where everything is supposed to go so without further ado let's go ahead and throw two minutes on that clock and dive right into this stencil guide alright so the first thing we're gonna do is fire up the old Google machine I'm gonna type in Dennis Rodman and then from there we're gonna head over to the images tab make sure you go over to tools and select size large this way you're only rifling through high quality images here I really like this image of Dennis and Ramon because Dennis has that blonde hair with the colorful streaks throughout and that's the one haircut that really stood out to me as a kid and what I remember most and it happens to be the style that my client wanted to do the portrait in so we're gonna pull that right into Photoshop we're just gonna go ahead and crop away dream on so the next thing that we need to do is just isolate our subject and there's a million different ways that you could do this within Photoshop a lot of people are really comfortable with the pen tool for doing something like this I like to just use the polygonal lasso tool and we're just really simply just gonna click all the way around our subject so that we can isolate him from the background okay so now that we have our subject selected we're just gonna do a layer via copy and now we have Dennis isolated on his own layer if you turn off this background layer you can see here he is all by himself so if we go up to image adjustments and threshold now you'll see it converts him into just a black and white image and if you play with this slider you'll see it just adds a little bit more black or takes away a little bit more so I like somewhere around 78 or so the reason I like that is because it's just enough because you get all the main features the eyes the nose the mouth the jawline you know the deep shadows that are captured on the right side of his face you get some of the shadows within his ear it's just enough so you can play that kind of to your own liking what we're gonna do after that is go up to select color range and we're just gonna use the eyedropper select the color white I have this slider turned all the way up so that it captures all the white and we're just gonna delete that and now you'll see we have the black completely on its own layer if you toggle that on and off and now we've essentially created this map or this stencil that we're going to be using so now we just need to go ahead and save this image and we're gonna pull it up into our stencil cutting program okay so I like to use silhouette studio so we're just gonna go ahead pull up our image we're gonna head over to the trace panel and we're gonna do a select trace area right around our subject and then what you're gonna do here is you need to turn up the threshold a little bit more so it can capture as much of the black as possible and so you see as you turn that up a little bit more yellow starts to fill in because it's trying to capture as much of that black as possible so I'm happy somewhere around 70 ish that looks good we're gonna trace that pull away our image delete that so now we're just gonna measure out exactly how big we want this stencil to go on our shoe we're gonna size it up correctly in our program and then from there you're just gonna transfer this stencil onto your shoe spray some black and voila you've created a single layer portrait stencil all right so now that we have that done I want to extend this tutorial just a little bit further so what we've created so far in my opinion is something that I would almost consider along the lines of like a spray paint stencil this is where you're using just one color up against the background to try to capture just enough details to tell that it's your subject or like I said it's also a great map for you to then build a further color portrait on top of so to expand upon this a little bit further let's go ahead and dive back into some photoshop okay so we're gonna go back to our original layer where we created Dennis isolated from the background and we want to create five duplicates of this layer so what we're gonna be doing here with each of these five layers is creating a more detailed map essentially earlier we isolated the deepest darkest shadows of our portrait but now what we're gonna do with some of the other layers is isolate some of the mid-tones and the highlights of our portrait so what we did earlier was use a threshold level of about seventy seven to capture the deepest shadows within this portrait what we're gonna do on the next layer is select a higher threshold level to capture some of the mid-tones beyond the shadows so if we do a threshold level of somewhere around 105 or so we're gonna start to capture some of the tones beyond the deepest shadows next let's do a select color range and delete the white from this layer and then if you just do a color overlay on top of the layer down here in the effects tab you change that to a tone below black something like a dark gray you'll start to see what happens when we turn on our black on top of that so now we're starting to create a different map for the tones that are just a little bit lighter than those deep shadows you're gonna repeat these same steps on the next two layers where we up the threshold level roughly 30 points or so and then you do a color overlay on top of that layer with just a shade lighter and then you'll start to see what happens you just start creating a bit more of a complete guide to exactly where all your different tones are going to be so what we've created here is a really detailed map for you guys essentially it's five different layers ranging all the way from white to black with three different tones of gray in between and what each of these layers is doing essentially is showing you a different value or a different way that light is affecting subject it's showing you where your highlights are where your mid-tones are and where your shadows are this is something that really helped me better understand portraits and exactly how they come together what it is essentially it's just different values of color so you get to see you know how color changes from light to dark and it's all based upon how light is hitting a subject so what makes portraits so unique is there's so many different things going on with the face you have so many different areas that stick out are sunken in your nose is further out your eyes are further in your ears stick out different ways you have your jaw line extended beyond your neck which creates a shadow below that and there's just so many different ways that light hits your face typically your forehead is a little bit shinier a lot of people have oil on their skin so that creates highlights on there usually a highlights on the bridge of your nose or as your nostrils tend to have some deeper darker shadows looking at the ear of our subject here you can tell there's so many different tones in that tiny area alone so portraits can be totally overwhelming but this is something that just gives you a great guide on what you're actually looking at so if you wanted another thing that you could do is even isolate each one of these layers and create your own stencil for that so a lot of times even when I'm doing a full-blown color portrait I'd love to pull up an image like this where you completely remove the color and are literally looking at things in black and white and you really just start to understand how a subject is lit and how you want to go about attacking this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so the whole part of this process that definitely works the best for me is just that initial step that we took of isolating the deepest darkest shadows within this subject not only does it give us the shadows but it really helps us establish the proportions within this portrait and that is by far the most important thing when it comes to portraits all right you guys made it this far thank you for sticking around with us I know this was an extended two minute Tuesday we hope you guys enjoyed this video and we definitely hope you guys are able to take away something from this if you were make sure you give this video a like it definitely helps the channel grow we really appreciate that none of this would be possible without you guys we hope to continue putting out great new stuff that you guys can learn from just like this make sure you're subscribed to the page if you haven't already and we'll see you guys in that next video
Channel: DeJesus Custom Footwear
Views: 57,675
Rating: 4.9736609 out of 5
Keywords: customs, custom shoes, how to customize shoes, how to custom cleats, angelus direct, angelus paint, dejesus custom footwear, dcf, dejesus customs, how to paint shoes, shoes, how to airbrush shoes, custom shoes 2k18, custom shoes jordans, custom shoes vans, custom shoes painting, custom shoes yeezy, custom stencils, stencils
Id: S3WefRFytCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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