Quick Intermittent Fasting Tips (Advanced) | Jason Fung

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fasting is not always fun or easy to do so i'm going to give you four more advanced tips on how to get through it and stick around to the end i'm going to share the story of vicky who topped out at 365 pounds and i'll share her fasting regimen that allowed her to shed 178 pounds she doesn't like to say lost because she doesn't want to find those pounds again [Music] in my previous video i covered some basic tips for fasting i'm going to cover four more advanced ones because fasting is not so easy to do here's tip number one find a group everything in life is always easier when you do it in a group this is true not just for fasting but also for diets or quitting alcohol or quitting smoking humans are social animals and we need that support so find the people that are going to support you that is people you can talk to about how you're having difficulties people who are going to give you tips and there's lots of ways to do this so you can go online it's easier than ever to go on to various social media platforms and find people who are going to be supportive of intermittent fasting there's always going to be a lot of dissenting opinion so if you're not sure if people are going to support you you might want to keep it quiet because some people will discourage you from fasting because they simply don't understand even though it's been used for thousands of years not everybody is going to be supportive because there's a lot of conflicting opinion out there finding that supportive group is sometimes the difference in succeeding and failing tip number two give your body some time to adjust remember that when you're fasting what you're trying to do is get your body to use some of the stores of energy that it's carrying so if you have a lot of body fat and you haven't fasted much your body really doesn't know how to metabolize that fat it's mostly used to using the food that you're eating so it can take up to a few weeks to even a few months to get used to the process of not eating so frequently your body can use really two different types of fuel just like a hybrid car you can use electricity or you can use gas your body is much the same so it can use glucose and it can use fat if you're eating a typical diet which is relatively high in carbohydrates and you're eating all the time which is sort of the standard way that people eat today then you're mostly using carbohydrates however when you're fasting once you've gone through those carbohydrates you need to use body fat which in scientific terms is called triglycerides as you get used to using the triglycerides then your body becomes more efficient at using it and it feels more natural so while you're switching over getting your body used to using fat as a fuel you might notice that you have less energy for example so it does take some time to adjust an easy way to transition is to first go to a low carbohydrate diet or a very low one such as a ketogenic diet you're eating a lot of dietary fat and the way that the body metabolizes dietary fat versus body fat is the exact same so it's an easy transition to go from a low carbohydrate diet and intermittent fasting compared to a relatively high carbohydrate one tip number three fasting is not an excuse to eat whatever you want if you're trying to lose weight then it really comes down to two things what you eat and how often you eat or the question of when to eat and these two questions are separate so fasting doesn't tell you anything about what you eat when you do eat and what you eat when you do eat doesn't tell you anything about how often you're eating there's two completely separate notions and they're both important so even if you're fasting you're going to get more mileage out of that if you also follow a proper diet so if you are going too fast and then you eat pizza and chips and beer well you might just cancel out the weight loss benefits so make sure that you're attacking both of those questions what you're eating and when you're eating and if you do both of them then you're going to do a lot better tip number four act as if nothing is happening remember that when you're fasting there's no real difference in what it is that you can and can't do you're simply changing where your body gets energy when you eat you're going to use the energy from that food and you're going to store some of that as body fat and as sugar when you don't eat or when you're fasting you're simply going to take the energy that you've stored away and use it if you have weight to lose if you have excess body fat that you'd like to get rid of then there's plenty of food think of it as a refrigerator and a freezer so if you have a lot of food in your freezer you don't have to go to the store every day and you don't have to change what you're doing because you can always get some steaks out of the freezer you can get some vegetables out of the freezer and eat that your body is the same if you're not eating you're simply going to dip into those stores of food energy just like you go into the freezer that's simply food that you've stored away so there's no difference you don't need to change what you're doing some people think oh can i exercise of course if you can exercise when you're eating you can exercise when you're fasting your body is going to figure out where it's going to get its energy from is it the food or is it your body fat if you're exercising in a fasted state you're going to take that energy from your body fat and that's great and the same goes for any of your other daily activities so whether you have a big meeting or whether you have to be awake for school or anything else that you're doing whether it's physical whether it's mental like you have to concentrate you're going to be able to do the same when you start eating again the same thing goes don't focus on eating a huge meal after you fasted so for example if you have done a 24-hour fast you ate dinner you did 24 hours of fasting you ate dinner the next day you don't have to force yourself to eat more eat as normally as possible think about your body eating the calories that it need from your body fat during breakfast and lunch instead of eating food you're eating your body fat so therefore during dinner you don't need to eat more because that's where you've taken those calories out and that's the only way you're going to lose that fat so act as if nothing has changed so let me tell you about vicky she had topped out at 365 pounds and luckily she found a video testimonial on youtube and thought about doing some fasting she found some videos that i had made and started off with a 16-8 protocol and then moved to 24 and one meal a day and that seemed to work for her the biggest issue however has been emotional eating and that's where she's really kept to fasting as a way of keeping herself in control she says don't bite off more than you can chew what she means by this is to start with something that you can handle and then gradually move up so she started with shorter fast then moved her way up into the 20 hour fast and the one meal a day things that she knew she could handle she also kept in mind the reason why she was doing this she wanted to lose that weight to really get healthy she says make sure that you enjoy the journey there will be some ups and downs there's going to be some awesome days and some horrible days but the key is consistency and sticking to it and the only way to do that is to love the journey every day that's great advice vicki and congratulations i think you're doing amazing job so i hope those tips have helped you give them a try and hey if they do help you then make sure you share it with some of your friends because they may find it helpful as well and if you learned something in this video if you could do me a favor and hit that like button the one that's down there i'll see you next week
Channel: Jason Fung
Views: 408,896
Rating: 4.9738064 out of 5
Keywords: Quick intermittent fasting tips, fasting, intermittent fasting, fasting tips, weight loss, jason fung, dr jason fung, fung
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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