QUICK & EASY!! How to Make a Cinemagraph in Davinci Resolve

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in this video I'm going to show you how to take a piece of footage and turn it into a cinemagraph right inside of Da Vinci resolve let's get [Music] started okay first things first what is a cinemagraph to put it simply a cinemagraph is a still photo that has part of it moving sometimes it's a slightly animated background or a stream of water or a flame you get the idea and while there are programs out there that use AI to create cinemagraphs out of both footage and still photos those cost money and making them in Vinci resolve is actually pretty easy for this video we're going to be working with this clip of a monk looking out over the water right now there's quite a bit of motion but once we're done the only thing moving is going to be the bottom part of the Monk's robe to do this the first thing we need to do is place our playhead at the beginning of the clip select it and head to the fusion page once we're on the fusion page we'll scrub through our footage and find the frame that we want to use as the still part of our cinemagraph in this case we'll just use frame zero next we'll add a time stretcher node to an empty area of our node graph and connect our media in node to the time stretcher node from there we'll select our time stretcher node then in the inspector we'll remove the key frame from The Source time controls and in The Source Time Value box will input the frame number that we want to use as a still frame doing this we'll create a still frame out of that frame to confirm this place your time stretcher node in viewer one and hit play now that we have our still frame it's time to mask out the area that is going to have motion to do this we'll first add a mat control node after our time stretcher and connect a polygon node to the garbage mat input of our mat control from there we'll draw a mask around the bottom part of the Monk's robe and soften the edges slightly once that's done we'll connect the output of our mat control to the output of of our media in node doing this will automatically create a merge node compositing our still area over our original footage and our cinemagraph is complete from there you can export your cinemagraph as a normal video file or if you want it to Loop you can export it as a gift to do that simply head to the deliver page and choose custom export then set your format to GIF your codec to animated gif and your Loop to indefinite now one quick word of advice making cinemagraphs works best if there's no camera Motion in your footage if you do have camera motion you might want to stabilize it first to see how to do that in Fusion click here and until next time don't forget to go out and make stuff thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Jay Lippman
Views: 4,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a cinemagraph in Davinci Resolve, davinci resolve cinemagraph, davinci resolve cinemagraph tutorial, cinemagraph davinci resolve, cinemagraph tutorial, moving photo, how to make a cinemagraph, cinemagraph tutorial davinci resolve, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, jay lippman davinci resolve tutorial
Id: yZ7ON1x0KzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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