Quick ArchViz Lighting and Post Processing in Unity | Part - 2

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in this video we will continue from the previous tutorial and add lighting and post-processing in the demo scene if you want to watch the part first of this video click on the I button or go to the link given in the description alright let's begin before we start this video is sponsored by ambience VR they provide a great plugin called a tea explore a tea explore plugin was designed to allow artists and architects to create interactive environments without worrying about coding eg explore provides you with a series of visual tools to manage cameras option and interaction for all platforms with a few clicks you are able to create interactive environments for Android iOS PC oculus co oculus quest and open VR devices the plug-in provides you with the series of prepackaged interactions material switching doors windows and drawers opening and a visual scripting system for customized and advanced interactions the ad explore team is made up of architects and computer engineers who have been dealing with our twists for over four years and they constantly offer support on a specific unity forum page and ours toolkit Facebook group they also stream technical webinars on Facebook and twitch for more information click on the link in the description all right let's improvise the scene with lighting and post-processing so for that first of all I'm going to add post-processing stack to do that go to windows and package manager and from here choose post processing stack and click on install so first of all I would like to change the color space of our scene to do that I go to file bill setting player setting and from here change the color space from gamma to linear this will improve the light calculation and post-processing in our scene and we can see our colors and texture in much more natural way and now you can see that our highlights are not that bright and texture are also looking a bit more natural next for the lighting of the scene I'm going to choose a combination of both real-time and mixed lighting so for this I select all of the 3d object and from this panel I set them to contribute GI and also set them to reflection provost static then select the duration light and from more changes to mixed and also increase the intense two three then go to the lighting section and first drag and drop this direction light into the sunlight source and in the sky light intensity increase in two three don't worry about the brightness it will automatically fixed when I will make the lighting then in the mixed lighting change the lighting mode to bake indirect in the light mapper said to progress with GPU because it's more faster than CPU I double the samples so those 64 1000 and 1000 and in the bounces I said the value to four for the indict resolution I said their value to four disable the compressed like me option and enable the ambient operation option and set the maximum distance to 0.5 and also in that contribution to 0.5 so that we get a slight amount of ambient occlusion around the corners and from this lightening parameter I choose a default high resolution preset and click on generate lighting button to bake the lighting and now you see our lighting is looking a bit more better and you can buy that we check the lighting if we go to the big indict mode and here you can check the big lighting of this scene which is looking pretty good if you want to know more about light baking please watch my previous video in which I have explained the whole process in more detail next I'm going to add a reflection prop to capture the reflection inside this area to do that right click go to light and create a deflection probe then go into the top area and place the reflection probe inside this area then go to its parameter and increase the box size to cover the whole area after that simply click on bake to bake the reflection probe and you see after adding reflection probe the reflection on the walls are looking a bit more natural next I'm going to add one more light to this opening because I think there should be some more light coming from this sky so to create that light right click go to light and create an area light and go into the top view and place this area light on top of this opening for the range I changed it to 15 and for the intensity I set it to 3 and I also want to give it a slightly shann tone to match the skylight now let's try making the lighting one more time okay now the lighting is big and now our scene is looking much more realistic and also now we are getting some more bounce light from this sky and let's also add one more skylight here because I think there should be some more skylight coming from this opening so again right click go to light and create an area light and for the lighting parameter set the range to 15 and intensity to - let's try generate lighting one more time all right it's looking much better now so that's enough with the lighting let's add some post-processing to further improvise this scene first of all I'm going to adjust my camera a bit to add post-processing our scene select your camera and from the add component I had a post processed layer and from the layer choose post-processing and from the camera layer also choose processing and if you don't have this post processed layer then click on add layer and create a new processes layer from here then in the anti lashing mode choose temporal anti-aliasing next again click on add component button and this time choose post process volume and I will is global option and click on new to create a new profile and now you can add different kind of post effect from this button first of all I am going to add ambient occlusion this will add some contact shadows in the corner areas next I'm gonna add color grading to color correct my image in the torn-up ink mode I choose a CES and this will increase some contrast in your scene to fix the exposure increases post exposure value I said this to one and I also adjust the temperature and also increase a little bit contrast and from this slider you can achieve toning in your scene next I'm gonna add bloom to add some glow in our scene next let's add screen space reflection but as you can see this only work with the deferred rendering path so to do that select your camera and from the standard path choose deferred and now you can see we are now getting some reflection on this walls I choose a higher preset and after adding reflections these walls are looking a bit more realistic next I'm going to add chromatic aberration and also add some we need to darken the edges of our frame and let's also add some depth of field and if you see that the ambient occlusion is too hard you can always reduce it value alright now it's looking much better and here you can see the result before and after adding post effect there's a huge improvement in the scene now let's cook to implement the ad explore plug-in to add some interaction in the scene first I download the plugin from unity asset store to access this plug-in go to tools ambience ARS toolkit and click on ETA Explorer here you can find different option for movement interactions and physics I simply click on that create a starting point button and this will add a human placeholder into the scene now you can move and place this holder on the floor object and make sure all of the walkable object have attached a Collider to it and here you can change various parameter but for now I keep everything to default and simply hit apply and now you can see we can easily navigate the scene using the simple control shown on this screen you can also change the camera height take screenshots and use a different camera node to navigate in the scene let's also see how we can add some interaction in the scene with just a few clicks first I create a door object for this opening then select the object and again go to ad explore and in the interaction section choose which direction you want this door to open I simply choose left and again hit the play button and now you can see with just one click you can close and open doors let's also see how easily we can switch material in the scene first I create a new wall material with simple blue color then select the wall and again go to 80 Explorer and click on switch material and here simply click on this plus icon to add a new material then I choose my new wall material it will again create a placeholder icon which I move on to the wall and now I can easily switch between different materials for this wall very very easy so that's how you can easily add different features in your art witch project using 80 explore alright so that's enough for this video for more tutorial do make sure to subscribe the channel and if you're looking for advanced tutorial please give it a visit to my patreon page if you have any queries you can always ask me in the comment section or join my discord server link is given in the description and finally I would like to say huge thanks to all of my patreon supporters special thanks to hanison conan dhimmitude brandon Manian jb hong in salah synagogue pew Balu and heath closed so that's it for this video see you in the next one bye bye [Music]
Channel: UGuruz
Views: 47,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unityguruz, unity architecture, unity archviz vr, unity architecture tutorial, unity architecture vr, unity vr architecture, unity archviz tutorial, probuilder tutorial 2020, unity urp, unity 2019.3, unity 2019.3 urp, unity urp brackeys, urp vs hdrp, unity universal render pipeline 2d, lwrp unity mobile, unity post processing, unity urp post processing, post processing unity urp, post processing volume unity, urp post processing, unity lighting tutorial, uguruz
Id: _yuuS6zvJzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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