Question & Answer about Jesus in Islam (Yusha Evans)

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yeah Oh okay first question and right before we start I just want to a little bit of house rules for the questions because we want to get this is a huge stacking we want to get through them if the question if you if you want some clarification on the question then you can see me afterwards I'll try to stay around as long as I can I'm having a level-10 migraine so I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to stay around but I will try to stay around if you have some question about the question then I'll talk to you afterwards or if you have something you want to say about the question please wait till afterwards so that we can get through all of them got rhythm and I'm not going to make the most perfect answer on every question because I'm not a scholar I don't have much knowledge we have two knowledgeable people sitting up here on the table that will pick up the slack though when it comes to why when a Muslim takes you harder do they only say Mohammed is the Messenger of Allah what you had that means it is accepting Islam when you say I bear witness there's only one God where they worship - as Allah shadownet in the halo law and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah or shadow and the mohammed rasoolallah because if you say that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah you're going to default believe in all prophets if you say that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah you will as a default believe in all the other prophets because this is what islam teaches therefore if you believe in the last one then you will believe in all the ones that came before hand so that's why we say Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah there's nothing wrong with saying Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and Issa is the Messenger of Allah and Moses the messenger that's not there's not a problem with that but it's not required and that's that's the point the next question what sources or documents do you rely upon and regard as accurate accounts about the life of Jesus what documents or sources do we rely upon the Muslims what resources the Quran and the Sunnah that's it what the Quran says what the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said when it comes to what we hold is true about the life of Jesus that's that's it that's what we hold as facts because those are things we know and to be verified as witnesses that that's it Allah knows of us the did Muhammad step out of Islam when he took his army and attacked Mecca and asked the second when - on that one did he stepped out of Islam when he killed those who did not convert to Islam okay usually we're gonna ask only one question from the court so we'll get through with this one they go together did Muhammad peace be upon him step out line when he conquered Mecca absolutely not because number one Mecca is the home of the original place for worship of one God on earth that black box you see on TV a lot actually was a house of worship built by Abraham peace be upon him which the foundations were laid by Adam peace be upon him and it was built for the worship of one true God and that house is still a worship for one true God at the time of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him it became filled with idols it was filled with over 360 idols when the Prophet peace be upon him brought the religion of one true God to the world the center of that of that oneness was in Mecca and when he left Mecca to Medina he entered back into Mecca in the most peaceful of ways and the history is there to verify that fact that when he entered into Mecca it was a peaceful entering into Mecca he didn't kill slaughter people and take revenge he forgave those who had wronged him there was a certain list that was different but he get forgave everyone and eventually the entire city accepted Islam they came under the banner of Islam and it wasn't that the threat of a sword they accepted the religion the Prophet peace be upon him conquered Mecca to free the house of worship for one true God from idle ISM from paganism from idol worship and that was the whole context of and when it says that he go out of the religion when he killed all of those who didn't accept Islam I would have to ask the question er to see me afterwards and tell me where they got that information because there is no factual information to put the spaces across this the religion of Islam was not spread by the sword there is no facts beyond this and one very interesting fact they try to put behind the fact that the Quran is spread by the sword what is the word for sword and out of it they say was another word Hassan or either one of these words in the Quran sure no neither one of these words are mentioned in the Quran the word sword does not come up in the Quran that one single place but there is a verse that says like rahat 15 there is no compulsion in religion you cannot compel somebody in islam teaches that you cannot compel somebody because belief is a matter of the heart and hearts are not controlled by human beings hearts are controlled by the creator therefore I cannot force someone's heart to believe in something so to say that Islam was spread by the sword goes against it's very teachings the correct answer is that Islam cannot be spread by force cannot be friend by force therefore it was not spread by force and no history that that proves this fact and I've always challenged that bring me the book the reference the title the page number and I will show you where it's false the return of Jesus is not in the hotel so where was that story given to the Muslims it's not in the Quran so it's in the other source listen there's two sources remember so if it's not in the Quran it's found in the Sun in the Sun that there is rip let it is replete with evidence of Jesus's return from authentic narrations on a prophet peace opponent Allah knows best how can a believer Muslim be granted or know for absolute certainty that they will spend their eternal eternity with Allah according to the Quran okay this is a very good question because it goes into the issue of salvation in Islam how does one become saved and is there an assurity of salvation in Islam the issue of salvation in Islam is an issue that relies with the Creator alone salvation Islam comes from the one who created us whether we're saved or not saved when it comes to that assurity no one is ever 100% assured there's no assurance but the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him did say that anyone who dies with the grain of a mustard seed of faith that there is only one God worthy of worship will eventually enter into paradise in Islam we don't hold an assurance because in Islam an assurance is a bit of arrogance to say that God owes you something because in Islam paradise is a gift it is a gift it is not something that we deserve God created us to worship Him alone and we fail in that so many times we fail in that so many times so if God is able to just even overlook those failings and forgive us that for in Islam for me that's more than enough that would be more than enough for God to not punish me for the slidings that I've made numerous times in my life I would be happy for that and God has every right to just take it into account that we have sinned against him let it go and caused us to cease to exist he could very easily do that but God has gone above and beyond that showing his unique mercy his uniqueness in his attribute of mercy that he has granted human beings the gift of paradise and that paradise is nted as a gift to whomever God wills and and in Islam we don't necessarily work for forgiveness because I mean work for paradise because it can't be earned the Prophet peace be upon him said let none of you think that by doing good deeds you will go to heaven let none of you think that by doing good deeds you will go to heaven and the companion said not even you O Messenger of Allah he said not even me unless God forgives me unless God forgives me therefore what we work for in Islam is God forgive us because we all make mistakes we're all are going to commit sins we are all going to be derelict in our duties in front of God therefore we work and strive to do good to gain some forgiveness for those shortcomings so the Muslim is always in a place between two points we're in a place between having fear of God's punishments because without that fear being there then things can get out of control because fear is a very motivating factor fear is a factor that will motivate people so that fear factor is there that we're always afraid of God's punishment but on the other side we're always hopeful of God's mercy because we know God's mercy is so expensive and so extensive so we stay in between those two places we're fearing God's punishment therefore we avoid sin but we hope in God's mercy therefore we never become despondent that we cannot be forgiven so we work towards that in Islam and we stay in between those two places so well salvation and Islam comes from worshiping God obeying God and he therefore can forgive the shortcomings why and Sharia law allow such crime to go such as cutting off one's hands to the criminal of sharia and jihad is about bringing justice doesn't hurting someone equal and in just this act well that goes on to the point I would ask the person what is your concept of justice because justice is not in the eyes of the beholder because justice then would be very different from place to place from time to time justice in Islam is dictated by the Creator it is dictated by the creator of the heavens and the earth and when it comes to laws of crimes and punishments image in Islam is known as triple G na at laws of crime and punishment Islam is legislated by the Creator there's only certain rules where there is the ruling of what is known as Tao Zi where it's up to the judge to make a ruling on an issue that is not clear but when it comes to things such as cutting off the hands of the the thief who meets all of the requirements it is put by the Creator as a deterrent because now when it comes to things that we sin against God he can forgive there is that barrier between me and my Creator where he can forgive me without even having to withhold any punishment but when I steal something from someone else I have taken that person's right I have wronged another human being therefore there has to be some equitable justice or else you would have us a chaotic society and it's very unfortunate to see and this is where I'm going to be very clear that we as Anam as Americans would look at Sharia law when it comes to crime and punishment and throw some frowning upon it when our criminal justice system doesn't work our criminal justice system in America is is is is one of the most broke criminal justice systems it does no Reformation it does no deterrent it is broken how many people are in in jail in America and they keep coming back the recidivism rate is so high you know the amount of our fathers and the amount of men and women that are in prisons is staggering so there's something wrong with this system it needs to be fixed so you know before looking at the Islamic criminal justice system where if you find places where it's implemented which I will tell you there's no place in the world where it's implemented purely but if you find places where a good bit of it is implemented you find security and tranquility you find a very low recidivism rate of crime you only got a certain number of hands to give up you find a very low recidivism rate when it comes to these types of crimes you fire a very low rate when it comes to women being abused you find a very low rate of rape and you find a very low rate of homicide you very very low rate of you don't find banks being robbed in these places so you see that it works and when it works even if the deterrent is harsh if you see that it works then the harshness should be there and America's harshness and when it comes to it's it's it's criminal justice system is uneven it's it's it's it's not just lis handed American criminal justice Society if you have enough money you can get away with anything and that's that's just changeful that's shameful and it's least so we have to first say that Islam puts things in perspective based on what God has said and we know that they are there for a reason what was the one main idea or concept puts forgiveness on such a high level that God can forgive even the worst person like I was at my time that islam teaches that the door to forgiveness is a personal door it's a personal door between you and your Creator and that you can walk through it at anytime that I don't need anyone between me and my Creator to be forgiven I don't need any a form of me Thierry I don't need any form of amount of certain rituals I need to have a repentant heart towards my Creator and my Creator can forgive me that there was one narration that I heard when I attended my first Friday sermon and this will leave it at that he said that there's a narration from the Prophet peace be upon him and I'm summarizing in English that even if one sins were to amass the entire world and everything that is contained in it that means if one person sins would fill up the entire earth and everything that is in it that if that person meets their creator having worshipped them alone and seeking forgiveness from them and having a good idea about the forgiveness from their creator then their creator would meet them with a like amount of forgiveness and this is what islam teaches about forgiveness that anyone can be forgiven no matter what you've done you can be forgiven if you turn to your God with a repentant heart and and and are sincere about Reformation then forgiveness the door is always open for you so is the forgiveness the concept the forgiveness in Islam that really attracted me the most what do you say to a Christian woman who says Islam is oppressive if someone asks me I told me it's not as oppressive I would have to ask why you know that's a very blanketed statement there would have to be some some evidences upon why Islam is oppressive and then we'd have to deal with them on a case-by-case basis I couldn't just you know defend everything at once why is its name oppressive because this lamb is not oppressive so it'sit's hard for me to answer that question you would have to tell me why you thought Islam was oppressive for me to be able to respond to that fact because the correct statement is to correct that question that Islam is not oppressive therefore if you think it's oppressive you would need to tell me why so I can fix that problem Leon do Muslims believe in evolution do Muslims believe in evolution that's the question would have to be clarified because if you're talking about evolution in form of Darwinism absolutely not because Darwinism seeks to remove the Creator out of the process of existence and Islam is very adamant about the process of creation being from the create tour but in forms of evolution do Muslims believe in forms of evolution absolutely because of the simple fact that humanity has not always existed in the way it is right now humanity has evolved when it comes to knowledge when it comes to technology when it comes to civilizations even we believe that human beings were different ten thousand years ago however long ago we believe that Adam our first far forefather was different than we are now he was different in his makeup how big was Adam sixty cubits that's that's big he was a big guy so we believe that humanity has changed in its in its physical makeup from time to time it has adapted it has adapted to its time place I mean look if I didn't believe in evolution then I would be and in the sense of humanity evolving then I would be a fool because we were created from one man but I'm not like you you're not like me we're not the same so there had to be something that happened along the way that made us different so we do believe it in that rational perspective but when it comes to Darwinism this seeks to remove the creator of the process absolutely not this man is adamant clearly that there is two things within creation there is the creator and there's a creation and that's it and the Creator is the cause of the creation that's simple in its now and Allah knows best why doesn't the Muslim world condemn the terror the terrorists and stop supporting them because Christians do condemn the Norwegian the skinheads as not Christian why does the Muslim world not condemn terrorism who says that the Muslim world doesn't condemn terrorism Islam condemns terrorism Muslims condemn terrorism absolutely but maybe we don't have control of the media that's why you might not see Muslims on TV all the time condemning terrorism we don't control the media so we can't we can't we're not responsible what goes on and on we need our own media that's one thing I've been working on Muslims need our own media and we do have some of our own media there's a channel right now on satellite called guide us TV you can watch it you can see what Muslims say one Roma TV is also running you can watch it and see what Muslims say but I'm gonna let you know something right now when it comes to the media you have to be very careful because anyone who believes everything that the media says then you're not the most bright individual because the media the media is not going to tell you the same thing at all times at all places I mean you turn on the news today and you watch four different news channels and you hear about the same subject to tell it from four different ways and it's just the way it is I mean especially we should understand that now look at the political process if you believe everything the media says about everybody that I don't even know what's going on so we have to understand that the truth always lies somewhere in between all of these stories and we need to search the truth out the truth cannot is not just so readily available all the time the truth has to you have to a little bit of effort to find the truth so we need to know what Islam says it's not condemns terrorism Muslims condemn terrorism but at the same time we contend terrorism on every form no matter who's doing it terrorism is not a monopoly of Islam Islam did not monopolize terrorism and anybody who has that idea in the history there apparently has not come across their their desk terrorism has been in in minutes many various forms by many various religions by many various societies about many various governments by many various civilizations so Islam doesn't hold the monopoly on terrorism its name is against terrorism and in any form whatsoever the media is going to sell what sells they're going to put out what is hyper they're going to sell information and right now what sells is all of these crazy things that are going on in the world if ever it came a time to where Islam and Muslims in the news don't sell anymore you won't hear about Islam and Muslims in the news anymore it's just the way it is they're going to sell what sells and that's just old process of media but we do speak out against terrorism what is your belief of Jesus peace be upon him has described in the doctrine of the Book of Mormons well what we believe it and I can't answer because then we can say quite what about the Book of Mormon what about the Gospels what about the Matthew Mark Luke and John what about the Catholic Bible what Muslims believe only what I told you today what is found in the Quran it was fun in the Sun if any of the book says something different than this we don't believe in it it's just that's just as simple as it gets but I can't get into the specifics in the QA process that we have now but we believe what the Quran says we believe what the Sunnah says about Jesus and that's it Jesus and Christianity is God and son of God in the same time in God as one and three Trinity in the same time how did that make sense to you when you were a Christian and what's the best way to approach these issues when talking with Christians okay the first and foremost I'm not going to try to get into a whole concept it even I'm sure that uh we have some Christians in the room with us right absolutely the Trinity is the great mystery not really understood and when it came to how to deal with this concept that would take more time than we have in a Q&A concert in the Q & A discussion when dealing with Trinity God is very clear in the Quran he's very clear in the Quran and it actually this is one of the times where God takes a very severe severe tone when dealing with the Trinity God says for those who say that God is one of three this is stop stop saying this for God is far above having a son and also in the place in the Quran it says that for those who say that God is one of three that both the heavens and the earth are ready to crumble on top of us for this statement because of the gravity of the statement we as Muslims should affirm that God is one alone he is one he has always been one uniquely one uniquely one and I will make a real quick side note when the Bible speaks about God being one as in the the very famous saying here o Israel the Lord your God is one in in the Hebrew language didn't you know what type of one is used there it's it's not a it's not the number one it's not a singular number one it doesn't say hero isn't Lord your God is one like a one and number it said hero is Lord your God is one in a sense of a unified oneness a unified oneness and and and in Islam we affirm that very same statement the Quran actually repeats that statement hero is the Lord your God is one in a beautiful chapter known as so total a class or chapter 112 of the Quran what is the Arabic word for one what right you say well hit is one I want something I want what head of it one of it now if you take one head and you add it to our head what do you get you get two you get named now when Allah speaks of himself as one he says fully who Allah who I had say Allah is one but the word comes as I had I had also means one but it's a different type of one because if you take a head and you try to add it that I had what do you get don't worry it doesn't work the very constructive I had means one that can't be subtracted from one that can't be added to it's a one that's all by itself and this is the oneness that we affirm for God that he's not a one of numbers because numbers can be extracted to does or subtracted from attitude divided God is a singular oneness oneness all of his own uniquely that can't be divided and can't be parted and it can be added or subtracted to one alone so we say that God is one God very simple this is the message that we should put forward the name of Allah is mentioned in the Arabic version of the gospel why it is not mentioned in the English version I don't know I've been translated but um even in some of the translations of Quran you see Allah referred to as God with a capital G and that's kind of splitting hairs because even you take a capital G God you can still put an s on the end of it so I don't really like to see that translated as God because if you can add an S to it it's not referring to Allah um so we should continue to use that word a lot but then you know out of Christians they use the word Allah when I'm in Egypt dealing with other Christians they've used the word along this is the word they bring up when speaking about God it's not a unique it's not an unknown to use the word Allah they use the word of law how many years did Jesus fulfill his prophecy in Islam how old was he when he was raised up and who was crucified if he wasn't as far as how old he was and how long his ministry took place that one I don't know I don't think there's anything specific one of the two brothers may correct me if I'm if I'm wrong I don't think there's a specific age when he died and any of the hadith you don't even had me to say the specific age when Jesus was raised into the heavens that the whole thing yeah we don't need there's nothing clearly specific we don't know um what was the last question again uh who was crucified if he wasn't we don't know we can't say we know because there's no clear evidence again we can't say that we don't know people have theorized and said it could have been Judas the Gospel of Barnabas says Judas by the Gospel of Barnabas is more unsound and then a lot of the documents of the gut of the four Gospels in the canon could it have been Judas it could have been could it have been some other creation that Allah created just of that purpose it could have been we don't know how Judas died in the Gospels he died three ways he hung himself threw himself off a cliff and they bloated to the point of explosion so could have been Judas we don't really know what happened in Judas but we can't say for sure we can just theorize in theorization we can just theorize and theorizing theorize and theorize but we're never going to come to any conclusion we don't know what is the punishment for the witnesses will give false alligator but I'm going to refer to the ship someone who accuses someone of adultery but the false accusation and they've come to found out to be false lashes correct 80 lashes that's what I thought someone accuses someone of adultery wrongly and they find out that it's wrong that person gets punished with 80 lashes and his witness has never accepted ever again for anything nothing whatsoever that's how severe Islam is about that you don't make a witness falsely this is also have to be credible yeah the witness is act like witnesses when it comes to those four witnesses for adultery they have to be credible witnesses they have to be people who are known to be truthful and it's not like four people can come and say I saw this person because that could be a conspiracy it can be a conspiracy that will be that's why I said there's a month-long process sometimes the years long process that goes into that because these witnesses will be checked their credibility will be checked and now these people known to be truthful are these people known to have given false witness before how are they generally respected within the community so these witnesses will be checked they'll be credit credibility rechecked that's the same in any criminal court today in a criminal court today witnesses will be you'll be checked you'll be found out if your witness's credibility if you are credible witness or not and that's what any witnesses the defense a good defense attorney will be able to destroy a wig if they're good at it quick that's what it's what a good defense attorney did huh supposedly supposedly a good defense attorney should be able to tear down any witness but the witnesses are checked in or credible in its name they have to be credible can't just make up for people conspire against the person there's word like that please explain the laws more clearly clearly towards the concept of jihad like not killing the innocent well there there's so many rulings in Jihad we don't have the concept at the time to go forward with them and jihad is not just the concept of war when the word jihad comes up in the Quran this is what I'm gonna be clear about whenever you see the word you had mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah it does talk about a physical struggle let's talk about a physical struggle because there revenant hadith that a lot of people try to use that the greatest jihad is ahead of the soul it is a great jihad but a lot of those hadith in a week and some of them are even fabricated when jihad is mentioned it is mentioned as a physical struggle is trying to overcome my own evil a jihad absolutely because the word jihad means a struggle against evil a struggle against injustice even if it's the struggle against me but in jihad there are a lot of rulings you cannot kill innocent people in your head and and the rule to go by an Islam how many of you ever heard the ends justify the means hands up how much evil has been done in the world because of the statements how many innocent people have been killed because of the statements it's a shame collateral damage is not accepted in Islam it's not accepted the ends do not justify the means in Islam the means must be justified all the way to the end you cannot take an innocent life in its name even for a good cause you cannot do it there's no such thing is a weapons of mass destruction in its name that's absolutely against the idea of jihad weapons of mass destruction are prohibited in Islam you cannot masla destruct anything you cannot kill innocent people can I kill non-combatants can't kill women can't kill children can't killed elderly you cannot take out infrastructure cannot tear down water for treatment facilities you cannot tear down power plants you cannot tear down anything that brings basic function to society you're only allowed to fight those who fight you that's it that's all there is to it in its name if someone breaks these rules they become a criminal and and in criminal courts would bring them to justice and it's not this is Jeb and there are rules for Jan you can't even cut down a tree and call it jab it cannot kill an animal and call it jihad we have to understand these things these things need to be understood in a proper context because if you see a lot of what is called jihad today it's not you had it's war and war is always ugly as they say jihad and Islam is not ugly it is a struggle to bring about justice and you cannot commit an injustice to bring about a justice there is no end justify the means in Islam well ma knows best why God chose Jesus to be the Messiah than any other prophet because he chose oh I can't that's what I can't can't even get in the that's one in his name we can't even ask her how about God chose Jesus to be the Messiah that's the way it was that's like asking what it God choose the sky to be blue he chose it to be blue that's it Messiah means The Anointed One the the appointed one like a messiah in Arabic is to wipe over something to wipe over something so when it says the Messiah he is God's anointed one appointed one wiped over etc that's all it really means is it's an it's an entitlement since the Koran has been translated in English knowing that it's not authentic should we respect it as an authentic book I never said it was not authentic it is just not the Word of God it is a translated meaning of the word of God is a translated meaning of the word of God Arabic is one of the most in-depth languages and when it comes to the classical Arabic which is known as Fatah which is the language of the Quran it has the deepest meanings of any languages there are words that have a plethora of meanings and those meanings have to be explained if you wanted to do a proper translation of the Quran how big would it be it would be what volumes would fill up this room volumes could fill up this room if you want to do a proper translation actually what is the translation of the meanings what the Quran means and that's always into the eyes of the translator and the interpreter so when you look at a translation of the Quran you see in translation of the meaning it's not the actual word of God it's not the actual word of God like for me to say that chapter 112 verse 1 says say he's God the one that's a translation that's not the word of God the word of god is cool Allahu Ahad that's the word of God so we have to understand it that we have to understand it into into that concept didn't say it was not authentic it's just a translation and it's not treated the same as the Quan like you know it's its mission is not held in that same esteem sex fell into disagreement name today sex I wanted to name the sex of Islam we will be here for hours and hours there's 70 there will be 73 sects of ascent the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that the children of Israel divided into 71 different groups all of them will be in Hellfire except one and those are the ones that followed Moses and part what he was upon he said the Christianity will fall into 72 sects all of them will be in Hellfire except one and that is the one that followed what Jesus was upon Islam will fall into 73 sects all the nobley Hellfire except for one and that one is what the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his companions were upon 73 sects in Islam some of them we don't even know about you know they just a little sex that are just falling into oblivion the two major sects of the Shia are the son named as is known now but we don't even have time within context to get into that she had broke off as a political group she's very simple when you look at the history of his name it became a politicized group that broke off and turned into something else there's only one right way of Islam that's the way that is according to the Quran the Sunda as practiced by the Prophet Muhammad's companions that's it there's no other way of right wave is now does the Bible translate the same about Jesus like the hood and translates no no Quran and the Bible have some similarities when it comes to stories of Jesus you'll find similar stories of Jesus that you'll find synonymous between the Gospels in between the Quran and then there are stories that the Quran narrates that the Gospels don't narrate and they're stories that the Gospels narrate to the Quran doesn't marry so there are similarities and then there's differences says presently around 150 individuals are publicly executed within the boundaries of the United States per year so I believe these killing to have become a very arbitrary and constitute cruel and unusual punishments as is it as is prohibited by our Bill of Rights does Islam or our speaker a man agree or disagree with the idea of cruel punishments there's no cooling and unusual punishment in this and it's not allowed it's not allowed and as I'm cool and unusual punishment is forbidden in Islam even when it comes to taking a life and there are reasons that you can take a life in Islam in retribution for murder a life can be taken or idea penalty can be paid for the stoning of the adulterer there are certain crimes that punishment for rape and things that are nature there are crimes that that the death penalty is allowed but God says do not take a life without justice you can forbidden from taking a life in Islam without justice so cruel and unusual punishment is not allowed in Islam you need to be sure before you take a life in his name and cruel and unusual punishment is forbidden Islam Islam is a system that brings about justice and justice is not done by cruel and unusual punishment there's there's no torture in its land there's no right for torture understand you cannot torture people even even people who have tortured you you don't torture them in retribution you deal with that in the most kind and most beautiful way according to laws and legislations that were sent by God to his creation simple innocent prohibited to use fire not allowed to burn people in its now cruel unusual punishment if you take a life you take it swiftly you take it swiftly that's like beheading swiftly stoning for an adulterer that's another another thing that's not a very Swift punishment but again Islam looks at adultery as breaking down the very construct of society and and and when you see the divorce rate high in a society you see that society crumbling in shambles because that that bond between a husband and a wife and a family that's that's the compendium of society that is the nucleus of society and if that construct breaks down society breaks down and that's what we see a lot in in our societies you kept insisting to get information from the Quran in Arabic I don't know Arabic do I have to learn it or do you do you recommend some other way you don't have to know Arabic you come and ask someone who knows the Quran says if you don't know ask those who know if you don't know ask those who know the Quran says if you don't know ask the people of the reminder the scholars who know if you don't know so here in in in Bakersfield you have people who know you have the amount of the message adhere the two mosques here ask people who know don't just try to go and soak up that information for yourself because it may be interpreted wrongly you may not know what you're grasping you may not know what you're getting and that would not be just for anyone it would not be just for a Muslim to come and read a book about Christianity and think that he knows Christianity know if he wants to know what Christianity is really about he we need to ask someone who knows and get that proper information if I shake it guys hands do I have to make although again not you okay first first let me answer the question or a girl first let me fix the question it is not allowed in Islam for a man and a woman to shake hands if they are not related in a prohibitory manner what that means related in a predatory manners mean they cannot be married like a mother and father and mother you cannot marry a father and mother your sister your brother your uncle's ear yours you know things of this nature ants and people whom you cannot marry in Islam you can shake hands with them and you can be a little bit more loose with them but anyone whom you can marry and would have the opportunity to marry you're not allowed to touch them and it's time you're not allowed to be in a room alone with them you're not allowed to go to a certain extent of relationships with them men and women are not allowed to shake hands in Islam if they are not related the with probably there are a number ways to answer this the first way that we as Muslims answer this is because God has made it permissible simply God has made it permissible we accept that there is logic behind it as well when it comes to the logic in Islam we believe that marriage is only allowed between a man and a wife that's very clear nistha marriage is only between a man and a wife and his men are men and a woman in his land one of the logics behind that is the number of men and women if one man married one woman in the world how many women would be left over a lot a whole lot of women would be left over what are those women going to do they're going to be single we're going to commit some weird acts which we see a lot of women committing but there would be women who would have no family they would lose their family they would lose they would lose the opportunity to have family to have children things of that nature and that's only increasing women are increasing men are decreasing some of the logic behind that God is loud man to have more than one wife for logic reasons but but but there are rules within that in his name for a man to take another wife he must do so justly meaning that the second wife that he takes the third wife that he takes the fourth wife that he takes he must treat them exactly the same exactly the same he must treat them exactly the same they must be given the same love and affection and for a man to be able to do that justly is very tough he must also be able to financially support them equally he must also better maintain them equally he must deal with them with justice equally and he needs to be able to equally deal with the drum it's going to come it's going to be drama there's going to be drama I'm telling you right now so the man has to go to do that and God says in the Quran that you may take wives as you please two three or four but if any of you feels injustice that he will do to them what does it say take one if you feel that you'll do injustice just take one let's take one and so that comes up to the man being being honest with himself can I do justice between more than one woman most men are honestly going to say no okay I better do justice to one but there are those who can do that justice and they are allowed to take more than one wife but it must be dealt with with equity and justice and then when you see these types of relationships where the woman is okay with the men is okay with you see you see some beauty behind them you see some cooperation between the families and the children and things of that nature and it also builds a strong family union there's a strong family Union unit if it's done properly but it's allowed in Islam that's it and for our sisters for our sisters I want to encourage you to not let the modern ideas of the world give you a bad opinion about your Deen and to give you a bad opinion about Allah reject because to think negatively about this idea is to think negatively about a loss of Cana with our ala and avoid that please this is trick of the shape on that is that it's taken a lot of our sisters beyond the bound if Allah has made something permissible he made it permissible with beauty and it's a beautiful thing and it should be looked at as such don't let men who have used and abused this privilege let you think negatively about your dinner about Allah because there's nothing negative about it if a man does it properly the justice is there why can't a woman have four husbands there's a lot of logic behind that I can't get into it she has a child who's the father she doesn't know who the father is Liz okay we have DNA testing still that's gonna get tricky okay what if what if what if the woman has 10 children from all these 4 husbands and those children have children and children have children then the whole family structure of who's related to who who's who's cousin who's who's brother and becomes very mixed up and nobody knows who's what's going on anymore the whole structure of the family starts to break down so you see where that can starting to get into some some weirdness and what if that man has four wives the woman the woman has four husbands every every husband has four wives I mean you get into some real problems here when it comes to the family structure so Islam has limited that family structure that the children are attributed to one father the family structure is well known and everything is is-is-is Hankey Dori as they say oh yeah even even yeah in for a long time there was no restriction even in the Bible there was in the Old Testament there was no restriction there was no restriction yeah a thousand Solomon is recorded in the Bible a thousand wives I mean that's where it would get out of hand I don't know how that's possible but there was no restriction even up into the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him there was no restriction women were treated as property women were treated as property this is uh and unfortunately this is also part of what is taken over into the European aspect of marriage the woman taking the man's last name Muslim women are not allowed to take the last name of the husband's the reason a woman took the last name of her husband because she was his property therefore he owned her that's why she took his last name and his name we are the property of no one except our Creator so the woman keeps her name she keeps her identity and it's Lam restricted at the fore with justice is it true that islam teaches the only way the eternal life is guaranteed with allah is by the life of the by taking the life of an infidel is the it does Islam teach the only way of life in the hereafter is to take the life of a non-believer you answer that question answer that question for yourself after all we've heard today absolutely not this is a after I guess the what is it firstly somebody was said to have his hand cut off do they even get a chance to change a redeem their selves and try to be a better person despite how bad the crime was okay do they have the right like for instance someone commits a crime that is worthy of you have in their hand cut off all the rulings are applicable but they have the right to say I'm sorry I won't do it again not they have there is a right for reform and but if they are meet all the requirements their hand will be taken off and then they have the right to reform then they have the right to reform but the punishments going to be there because if you had that type of punishment I won't do it again that is a system that we see will not work we've seen that system played out here in America if you have enough money I won't do it again here and I pay a good lawyer they can keep doing it and doing it and doing it this is why the recidivism rate is so high in America because the punishment is so lacks in many cases some of our even some of our prisons here in America are better than then then 30% of people live some people people in prison live better than most people at the poverty rate some people go to prison just and get out of the life they were living you living on the streets in a cardboard box prison is a step up to step up so we see the surfeited ISM rate if I'm living on the streets look I go rob a bank one or two things gonna happen I'm gonna get a lot of money I'm gonna go to a better place you know that's it if I rob a bank I'm gonna go to a federal prison that's even better Club fed so we see that system doesn't work doesn't work if that person is gonna rob a bank knows that I mean they're gonna get away with a lot of money or I'm gonna lose a hand that money doesn't seem so it Tyson anymore if you do it once that really is not going to tempt you again I have one where you wouldn't lose the second hand you lose a foot from the opposite arm so you're going to lose a hand and another foot you're going to be lopsided and then you steal again there's enough food so it becomes a very big deterrent you know and it's it's funny but it's real it's it's not a joke you lose a hand you start to think twice about taking something else so what should I do if a Christian tells me that he or she on the right is on the right way and he or she doesn't want to talk about religion and get engaged if I if I spoke to to him or her about any and say that he or she is against Islam because of many faults that have been said about Islam okay I'm gonna get you to repeat the question but before I do the Sheikh he reminded me that the word is infidel is not a word that you'll find anywhere in the Quran and the Sunnah the word infidel is not mentioned infidels a very derogatory word the word using the Quran O Sunna for someone who doesn't believe is what Katherine Katherine and coming from Cooper kaffarah meaning someone who covers up or hides the truth so that is even though it's a negative word it is still said in a respectable way still said and respect the boy this is someone it doesn't believe someone that denies the truth or covers up the truth the word infidel comes from a very different place comes from a very different place so Islam does not properly translate kafir does not translate to infidel yeah the Crusader is really did the talk that the Muslims were infidels and that came off that that whole Roman European type of infidel came into it unfortunately that has been translated some Islamic books but it's improper it's not proper to call someone who does not believe in infidel there are classes of people in this land you have a catheter someone doesn't believe you have a motion except one who worships another God things that is nature so we leave it like that what was the question again what should I do if a Christian tells me that he or she is on the right way and he or she doesn't want to talk about religion and gets engaged if I speak angry and get if I spoke to he or she about it and says that he or she is against Islam because of many Falls that have been said about Islam if someone says I believe in a certain faith I don't want to hear what you have to say I believe my way is right and your way is wrong then you leave that person okay what can you do you can try to tell them the truth and then that's it they don't want to hear it they don't want to hear it cannot force it upon anyone in Islam cannot be forced so we walk away okay we're going to take one more am I going to call it a clothes the last one because my eyes are starting to get blurry if Prophet Mohammed was mentioned in the Bible how come the Jews and Christians didn't follow him at his time okay the question is if Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him was in the Bible why did the Jews and the Christians of his time not follow him a statements not I never said correct for Jews and Christians who did accept Islam why others didn't know no at the way they've just met maybe talk to them I guess long gone that's that so that's it will I'm gonna cut there's few more left but unfortunately my my my vision starting to get blurry so I know that migraines about to take a turn for the worst so we'll take your question brother and then we let it go about the impression that you might see personal feeling that you're in competition for the early apologies and so therefore behind that you get negative five the other one that accepted oncology is okay just okay the question was you know how do you deal with like if it seems like we're in competition like the Christians are in competition of the Muslims most common to Christians Jews great like we're in a big competition who we can overtake the other one it slams does not have this attitude and we should not have this attitude in Islam we are legislated to dispel the truth say the truth as we know it speak the truth is what it is and then the rest is up to the individual there's no competition in Islam where I can out debate you over do you because that doesn't do either one of us any good it's not going to bring any benefit that's why I don't get into a lot of debates unless I'm left with no offered no no other choice to do so because a lot of debates bring a lot of heat but very little light so we give the truth as it is and we leave the rest up to individuals because again is the individual choice I like today I told you the truth about Jesus it's up to all of you to accept it or not the last thing I'm going to close with is my personal advice for all of you Muslims included if anyone is sincere about the truth then this is a test for you if anyone here is sincere about the truth and I wanted to take this challenge myself then that relationship of the truth is between you and the one who created you that's it it doesn't anything to do with me it does not anything to do with anybody sitting in this room it does not do with your father your mother your sister your brother your friends your co-workers no one is a personal relationship if any one sincerely wants to know the truth this is my challenge go at home tonight alone by yourself and talk to the one who created you talk to the one who created you say my Creator I want to know the truth therefore show me the truth and guide me to the best of it and say that wholeheartedly say that wholeheartedly and if you are willing to follow that guidance wherever it may take you you will be guided you will be shown the truth and that is something I have no doubt about because the Quran says those who want to walk upright we guide them into our ways so if you sincerely sincerely want to know the truth go tonight say oh one who created me guide me to the truth because I sincerely want to know and if you're willing to follow that guidance wherever it may lead you will come to the truth I have no doubt about that and all Muslims make that challenge if you if you as a Muslim are not willing to do that then I'm going to question whether or not you on the right path because we ask that 17 times every single thing Dina Sarah Lou stumpy guide me to the straight so I ask all of you to do that and hopefully we will all be benefited with guidance from the Creator thank you very much for your time anyone wanting more questions from me because I'm not gonna stay around long I'm really hurting if you if you want any questions from me I have a website very easy to find you see that name where says you should Evans you put on that you have me you put a dunk come on that you got me there's a button that says contact that comes directly to my phone I can't avoid it I can't get away from it if you have facebook you can contact me on facebook just search yuusha Evans actually go to slash you should Evans Muslim because there's a lot of yuusha Evan this is running out there that are not me I don't know who these people are but you should Evans Muslim and you'll find me on Facebook Twitter at you should Evans very easy to find I look forward to hearing from you thank you very much for your time and peace be upon all of you
Channel: ISCOB
Views: 88,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam (Religion), Jesus (Deity), Quran, Muhammad, Prophet, Koran, Holy, Ask, Sheikh, Answer, Answers, Q&a, yusha evans, talk
Id: CifHpCnDhp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 2sec (3182 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2012
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