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hey guys it's mystic here and i'm back with another deltoon fan game this is a different snow grave i literally don't know like literally anything about this fan game usually i like know a little bit going into things but this just released a day ago i have no clue what's going to come so yeah be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you uh like the video but let's just get right into this so there are achievements uh actually it seems like this spoiled things a little bit so let's just hit play dang the the cut scene do you want to watch the intro yeah let's let's watch the intro fine you want to see what happens so bad watch what happens when i cast a spell i don't know so yep oh okay so it's just the normal delta and stuff oh yo what oh snap she killed us instead what what happened there was so much snow i couldn't see anything [Music] i wow i don't feel so good i holy cow burnley is like burly's dying dude i think i'm going to go home wow wait what happens what happens to us then whoa that's crazy like steal our stol our soul what the heck does birdly do wha what did she wow help help someone dang burly's actually looking out for us like chris call for help at all and ever birdly queen that's right queen will know what to do oh we're gonna break out oh snap or maybe just a soul can i control it no i can't control it oh it's going to somebody else yeah maybe it's going to is it going to possess noel that that was the direction she oh wow so we control noel i did what you asked right what do you want now proceed alright we have any other option chris isn't here but the voice is still yeah it's it's lost it's not chris okay okay i wasn't in control there i i thought i'd just assume control this is an insane and insane applause so far the lightness sure are taking their time did i put too much flavor text in the city [Music] queen queen i'm so glad i found you oh hello birdly where are your light nerd buddies they i don't chris chris they're in danger you need to come help me burnley why would i do that i already put them in danger myself multiple times i mean actual danger though please before it's too late yeah queen queen knows it's uh it's getting serious all right i will go and assist chris but only so i could totally kick their end your what's later really thank you wait mine no time for idle chatter that's that's an interesting story we must go oh and here's the susie and rousey side of things susie there's another one over here oh snap dang pretty spooky what so noelle we're just terrorizing things i wonder where these keep coming from i think this is the same thing that happened to that puzzle guy rules no this is different oh yeah rules turn to stone these darkeners are still near their own fallon this shouldn't be happening well i'm sure everything will make sense once we find chris it's going to make even less sense right well since chris didn't show up that must mean queen got them and that means they got they've got to be in the mansion somewhere let's keep looking so they're on their own looking for chris oh and now we're back wait that box the spamton like oh oh wow you weren't kidding when you said they were in danger because according to my newly accumulated data chris is now fifty percent frozen forty nine percent dying one percent alive jeez and one percent you're not birdly i'm much more powerful than i appear to be even though i appear to be incredibly powerful observe oh well that didn't work isn't there anything else we can do well i do have a scarlet not a secret weapon of sorts that's equipped with an intense extremely cool set of flamethrowers spammed in that that got spanton's attention it's pretty it's pretty cool i've tried not to not to curse so can we bring it here i was kind of saving it for our final battle but it wouldn't be a final battle without my truces so i'll do it that that's so nice dude i love this character like it's really getting everyone involved like i love that show on this side of queen like it's so nice yes thank you and burnley is like a hero right now too don't mention it i just need to get the gigantic me robot down here somehow oh there there goes spamton oh it was a cardboard cutout barley who was that i don't is that really important right now we need to hurry whatever fair enough oh man has sue's or not not susie has noel just been going around freezing literally everybody oh snap well we're almost there wow what happened to noel her her portrait the pharon is just up ahead and then oh what what was that noise oh that's spamton oh wait is it the spamton got the robot oh this is actually wild this is so crazy please hold it right there you little scamp remove the mic a little bit farther away again wait just one hot second you are my good old mutual friend chris you're you're that little it's an honor kid uh come on little buddy don't you know how to greet a new pal okay steel sands is lying there who are you you're slaughtering me here kid is my name not on every poster every screen every car magazine every flashing lights in all of cyber world am i still not big enough spamton g spamton don't forget it kid i i don't now wait just a minute what the free sample do you think you're doing here anyway are you stealing the fallon can't you see that i'm living at large right now i managed to upload complete myself into oh queen's body i don't know why he has a trouble saying queen that's interesting it's fit for a big shot the biggest and it's all thanks to you that i finally made it this far in the first place so what's the deal or no deal oh yo chill hey i'm in the middle of my oh yo that's so huge i it it was easy just like everyone else i've gotten a lot stronger yeah no kidding that snow grave was gigantic you idiot yeah he is not going down that easy holy cow okay this is much stronger than the normal spam to neo upgrade is i'm not gonna say that i'm worried about what people will do it's equipped with over-the-top internal heating oh snap a damn phase him which includes huge flame throwers oh it's our weakness did you want a free sample yo chill oh yellow oh that's so cool oh we can oh that's awesome so our soul still turns yellow like gangadero i don't believe it you did a big shot angel oh what i didn't ladies gentlemen unspecified buckle your seat belts everyone and hold on tight because there's a very special show coming up oh wow this battle scene let's be a big shot wow look at look at noel's sprite and this music whoa spamton gigahead spamton giga arm and spampton gigacore i don't even know what to so snow grave we have we'll check first we do have heel prayer permafrost i don't know what permafrost says sleep mist and snow grave okay let's let's check spamton giga such a big shot i don't even fit on the screen the robot's internal heating is nullifying the effects of ice damage freeze them over and over and take them out rats like you don't understand the great value of hard work whoa yo chill [Music] even though wow okay this is [Music] oh man smells like gigantic batteries this is actually crazy okay what what items do we have we're gonna need to use one this is the this also gonna be such a hard fight do you have any ideas on how long i've been waiting for today oh that's like the uh the unused attack it's uh like a kirby superstar reference oh shoot wow this is actually super hard spanting giga is towering permafrost let's go for the head quick oh it's like an earthbound and it's plus 62 it's like a little earthbound effect it looked like do you know how many calls i put on please hold for this all the offers i've declined [Music] okay this is pretty easy oh they explode they explode they explode oh man spanton talks to his reflection in the ice oh this is this is gonna be rough isn't it no i'll use the butler juice so why would a like you collect the grand prize first [Music] he does so much damage oh oh minus 10 he he goes less and less reheating yeah wow he reheated a lot okay his head is frozen do you think that you're hot pee-pees because you've got a heart-shaped object now oh nice nice oh i i think it's pippis but i said peepees instead i don't know why don't worry about it [Music] okay santa tries to make a deal with the viewers there are no viewers so we do have heel prayer in case things get dicey i guess we just go for the arm next sorry but your free trial has already expired our free trial oh that's so sick oh please let that be it okay thank you we need a topcake that's so cool i even realized she has an animation for when she's taking out the item i'm not trying to end your life i'm ending your subscription i think that's more of the same thing [Music] oh man every little particle of fire is a is a huge obstacle okay i think we can freeze the the arm well cast permafrost completely frozen what did you think you were gaming the system this whole time wrong okay the the string doesn't hurt the string doesn't hurt okay yeah he is so much stronger in this form it's actually unreal ah shoot man okay this is hard was the game over now okay it's just nothing [Music] all right so now his arm is frozen again i figured out that once they're frozen you gotta snow grave them and then each part will be out [Music] okay same dialogue again it's so cool this like teaches you the mechanics as well [Music] i do think we gotta heal though real quick stanton wins it to the camera [Music] um i think like candy would be good here uh okay no new dialogue [Music] okay nice okay so he's got defense we get snow grip charged up uh gaming a system wrong [Music] okay this attack i hate this attack this attack sucks [Music] oh okay okay it pulls the string and makes them ring um well yeah let's keep defending all you've really been doing is playing the fool throwing away all your friends just for a limited time only freedom oh this is another one of the another one of the attacks oh come on [Music] oh this is so bad okay okay i can slip under that's fine nice muscles almost rise okay defend now now i can still grow something nobody will rush to your first aid when you're cornered on the edge of your seat [Music] okay they they explode when i get to that part sorry i said the focus sorry about what silent the mansion is shaking okay let's let's snow grease something i'm still grabbing the gigahead nice nice so now the gigahertz out of commission or want to try i wanna try calling for that blue bird or that bulldozer of yours can you trust them to be with you in the dark oh snap well this is going so quick now [Music] oh yo these bombs are deadly you can't feel your hands okay we need we need heels i'll use the butler's use or what about your good old childhood chum oh wait yeah we kind of froze them to death with them [Music] ah shoot we gotta alternate between like up and down and feel your legs oh this is getting bad quick but what can you do i guess that's just the price of power kid okay phone again i feel like i've got kind of a good strategy for this one it's just like kind of staying to the top here because you can kind of react when things are going straight up on you nice nice okay now we can start defending we all have to pay up our dues and fees eventually all of us oh shoot ah it it's basically like impossible to get all of them it feels like okay nice actually never mind okay i see it defend spamton begs the viewers not to leave during the commercial break snowflakes can't save you now [Music] oh the okay [Music] ah oh that's so bad one more hit from one of these and we're dead okay so i'm actually gonna try a different strategy here i'm just gonna go for the snow grave on the the head first before even permafrosting the the giga arm uh same dialogue ah it's hanging out and i suck at dodging this flamethrower attack did the arm get all the way down what happened there oh this is bad okay okay phone attack [Music] okay wait okay i already did one on the arm apparently please defend again okay now we have snow grave all you've really been doing is playing the pool yes same dialogue freedom again okay so single hits won't work on them oh this is bad this sucks ah that sucks so bad is a bit risky but i'm just gonna try and rip a snow crate [Music] okay [Music] do you see it [Music] oh this is bad this is bad oh my gosh this is so brutal all right so we're back here where both of them are frozen the thing that i figured out is that noel's heel prayer is actually insanely strong but now it's gone up in tp because i've used it a few times because it's normally 16 but it heals even max so i didn't realize that before that's very helpful though so now i gotta keep defending [Music] okay nice nice that that's like our go-to attack like we can just ah shoot dang it [Music] i don't know if i even need to hit those with the charge shot or not okay let's just use the counter hp heal [Music] dang it okay so you don't hate if you're like the bottom though man i'm gonna tell you this stop stop stop stop stop oh okay we need a win heal prayer oh it's not max it's only 155. uh all it do is man we're like super far behind because now he's started using like crazy attacks and we're not even we don't even have a single part eliminated yet [Music] so i'm gonna beg to be ruiz not to leave us puppets are expendable assets if i read that before or not that's new okay good enough oh it sucks though okay wait this is completely imaginable though oh shoot never mind okay you know i'm just gonna do it i know it's risky but oh well [Music] all right snowflakes can't save you now phone attack that's a really good attack to get after that oh okay okay okay good damn thing giga is towering hop cake i don't know how i'm supposed to like be meant to do that like reasonably you know ah he's gotta defend here okay so he just keeps saying chris after a while oh they they still do the little like ex like circular explosion as well though okay that good enough we heal prayer oh this this really sucks what we do [Music] they'll leave you they always do [Music] man ice keep running straight into these things [Music] this is bad it's bad we might need to go for another heel prayer believe you they always do he's just repeating himself now like a madman this is bad this is like really really bad right now oh i i don't even know what to do anymore the attacker is getting so insane [Music] oh man that's like just barely possible if you'd like oh my gosh all right so he just repeats the like a few lines is over and over again [Music] okay i'm definitely getting better though i'm getting better wait we might actually be able to do this smells like frostbite [Music] bone yes i love this attack i love this attack i love this attack let this be the one time i get hit yep knew it okay sometimes things in life are inevitable you know you say you're good at something and then you just fail it does happen we as god defend here it's now or never [Music] okay oh it's bad this is bad [Music] oh sure okay okay what what do we do right now [Music] i'm just gonna heal i'm just gonna heal please go attack this is the worst attack to get [Music] oh thank you okay ah shining in the cold oh that that it's a line from don't forget okay i just gotta do it i got it's now or never dude it's now or never okay boom his head and are gone or maybe maybe it isn't her it's you whoa whoa whoa whoa new attack new attack what oh no oh oh my gosh we just barely survived that [Music] okay this is our last uh butler juice you think finding your secret ending will finally give you your 100 satisfaction guaranteed what are these attacks what what are these attacks yo it's like undertale no way dude oh my gosh this is insane this is actually the most insane delta fan game ever dude oh wait oh no man okay so you can just let them fall but still that's so crazy [Music] all right we're back here we just froze his arm again now it's time for this weird attack oh that's cool you can like shoot diagonally if you do it like in between your turn [Music] okay i only just gotta defend again maybe yeah let's just defend uh same dialogue okay and now we have this attack we died to this last time but let's try not to oh it's so cool that that the perspective also with the defend they thought of everything with this wow okay and now we're back to the main fight this bantam giga's weak point is exposed so we have to permafrost it i'm guessing oh i really gotta heal you have to know the fastest possible route before you start using shortcuts kid oh what is this oh what the heck is this man oh he could keep his heart from reaching the the edge no man come on so oh we finally managed to make it past that attack somehow i'm just getting the top cake can you even realize that you're just star walking towards the grave oh i it's so crazy i may have passed that attack oh wait what yo whoa whoa whoa [Music] wait this is a crazy thing going on right now okay jeez these attacks man these attacks are just actually getting brutal [Music] if you keep this up you'll end up like end up like whoa whoa oh the okay all right let's put a frost still looks gonna save you now okay we're back in this repeat territory what in the world is going on there is no way i'll be able to do this how what i i don't know how i'm gonna get past that attack that attack is just so utterly insane that i i don't know i don't know if i'm gonna be able to get past that no [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh i actually know hit that attack that was crazy okay [Music] [Music] oh my gosh wait we might actually do it we can snow grave right [Music] oh my gosh yes [Music] okay dot dot dot oh little spantan angels [Music] something terrible is coming uh cd bagel so you still won't receive call fine then kid i did my part didn't say i i didn't alert virus detected you hold on to your hats everybody oh special attack oh shoot what [Music] this is insane right now i i can't believe this is happening this is actually crazy oh how am i supposed to dodge that dude [Music] i feel like i'm gonna die here okay please what is he doing what is going on please oh yo wait chill 6 hp so you're still holding out hope huh then how about a re-run you snow grave quickly oh sure [Music] i don't know if you could actually fail that always countering it with a beam who won oh my gosh it's a fight over that took me so many tries dude holy cow it took me so long wow wow look at it look at the huge iceberg is that nowhere like stuck in there oh holy cow dude that took like everything out of us oh what what no dude come on no get up what no get up no stop dude i'm dead i have like six hp chill man up i've gotta hand it to you you've really managed to push my buttons what you but haven't you got the memo by now your actions have consequences every lie every die every man woman or child it all comes together for the ost 80 finale ah spoil undertale and then it'll fall apart you fall apart i fall apart they all fall apart noel's like get get me the heck out of here right now maybe birdly or somebody somebody's gotta save us right now i know you can hear me oh they're talking about i know what you are doing and i know that you won't make it to heaven with this angel you're running on borrow time but at least now i can rest difficulty easy knowing that i gave some little sponge far away the biggest shot of their entire life what ice shock oh nice oh nice and the soul what's the soul dude it's like a fountain is there okay yeah the the fallon holy cow that is such an amazing fan game but also one of the the hardest yeah i want to watch the outro oh whoa oh no what the oh what the soul ripped itself out of susie and then quick went back into chris or not not susie i don't know why i keep calling her susie it's noel it ripped itself out of noel and then ryan's a chris huh what what was that noise birdly is that you was that all just a dream huh a dream that was all a dream of of course that must have been a dream right that all never could have really oh wow is everyone alive is chris alive though ugh mind keeping it down a bit still got a post-snap headache i'm working off susie susie what are you doing here uh sleeping you invited us to study but uh we saw you two sleeping so uh me and chris just said why not and joined in you know yeah that's believable enough oh chris is here too of course they are noelle versus susan's partner after all and since all of us are awake i'm sure they will be as well shortly oh wait right chris oh no is chris actually dead despite the soul susie is chris all right i don't know they seemed fine to me earlier oh is chris dead in this ending oh no i'm sure they're fine well i actually have to go so i'll see you all later oh let's go chris is alive oh oh good chris is okay well like i said i uh have to run by chris bye susie noel is just out of there i thought chris is gonna try something when uh you passed them i should be making my exit as well i must attend my shift with great scram of course not like i wish to waste my time with you 60 percenters anyhow are you certain that chris is i said beat it bird brain nice susie's gonna check on uh check on chris chris you all right sorry didn't want them thinking that any of that stuff was real i thought they'd never leave but man oh what what is wrong with chris right now what happened back there me and rousey were just running around looking for you and everything started shaking and i woke up chris did you seal the family without us seriously really couldn't he couldn't have even oh what is happening with chris sorry you don't gotta talk about it right now oh wait outside you just take your time whoa this is crazy what's up with craig chris is like barely alive right now okay no they're fine just a little bit of freezing action you know oh okay we actually get to see more i thought that would be it all right let's split wow okay that is a crazy mod or a fan game rather wow i mean that that is probably one of the most high quality delta mods that i've seen so far that at least by far the highest quality uh fan game that i've seen that's just a single battle i know that uh the things like like the rivet mod exist which definitely had more time playing overall because it's just an entire game basically but that was really insane like that is definitely one of the best deltarune or fan games that there is so what are the achievements that we got here beat the game on nor oh no okay practice mode few die for the first time die at least five times fire a big shot 100 times and destroy 200 spams and heads okay so there's beat the game on practice mode survive an entire turn with single-digit hp interesting complete every single achievement somehow managed to die on practice mode die on the last turn to the gigantic laser dude if i got that achievement i would literally be so mad right now i by the way for context i started playing this at like 11ish it is now 2 a.m that is that is the grind that i've had for this game it is this insane wow okay that is just really crazy what's safe slash load oh okay god yeah that is really an amazing fan game i i might show off all the achievements and a little bonus video maybe if you get something i might try and do maybe if i'm crazy like a no heel of this i i don't know if no hit's gonna be possible it's just the attacks get so hard that i i really don't know if it's gonna be possible or not but maybe a no heel but yeah really i can't emphasize enough how cool this was like it's insane i i really hope that uh the dev of this game does more stuff because this is really great but yeah that's it uh if you want to see more of this game if you want to see me do all the achievements then leave a like and subscribe and yeah i hope you guys have a great day guys have a good one [Music] oh
Channel: MysticSlime
Views: 216,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deltarune banana, Ralsei, Sans, Deltarune, Deltarune 2, undertale, kris where are we deltarune, Susie, Kris, Queen, kris where are we, deltarune queen, deltarune noelle, snowgrave, spamton, spamton neo, deltarune spamton, deltarune spamton neo, noelle snowgrave, snowgrave secret, deltarune chapter 3, deltarune theory, deltarune chapter 3 theory, deltarune frozen over, deltarune fangame, deltarune a different snowgrave, deltarune new fangame, spamton neo vs susie
Id: en5Wn8Z9AC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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