Queen presented with BAFTA at celebration of British film industry

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your majesty of all of the many wondrous things you have given us across your extraordinary reign your as John says sensational appearance at the opening ceremony of last year's London Olympics was especially memorable so much so that several of my colleagues here tonight want you to know that should you wish to venture further into the world of British Feldon that they have a number of scripts with them this evening when some club as part of you now I must want you imagining that not all of these films are fully financed but if you wish to become attached the producers will attract significant interest of course they are happy to deal directly with your agent and so if Daniel Craig is here this evening remain at the end and will work out where to send scripts on a more serious note we do realize of course ma'am than you are as always extremely busy and with rather more important matters to attend to so we are therefore especially grateful for your hospitality tonight and for this chance to express our humble and heartfelt gratitude for your enduring support of and commitment to our industry and in presenting you with this honorary award on behalf of BAFTA and the whole family of British film may I paraphrase the works of William Shakespeare and say simply we can no other answer make but thanks and thanks and ever thanks [Applause] thank you
Channel: On Demand News
Views: 132,290
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Keywords: queen presented with bafta, queen at royal reception, queen given bafta award, royal, sir kenneth branagh, itn, itnnews
Id: uRfOA6p5RZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 4sec (124 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2013
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