Queen Elizabeth PROTECTED HIM?! *shocking* Will Her Favorite Son Prince Andrew go to Jail?!

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just do it the Elaine snitch snitch go ahead you can do it snitch tell us tell us it's okay tell us the truth tell us what happened hello beautiful people and welcome back to my channel thank you so much for clicking to watch this video today's video is going to be another episode of makeup and history I did it a little different that time if you're new here my name is Sydney and makeup and history is a series on my channel where I put on makeup while talking about an historical event a scandal from the past or just a person or story I find fascinating today's video we're going to be talking about the banished Prince okay the naughty naughty naughty prince Andrew we're going to be talking about Prince Andrew's past his present and his future I'm thinking he should go to jail in the future but I'm no judge and if I were a judge he would go to jail this story has been highly requested you guys have been asking me to talk about prince Andrew Gillian Maxwell Jeffrey Epstein um I figured I'd go with prince Andrew first seeing as the queen just died and apparently the reason he didn't get as much Flack as he should have as he hopefully will get is because he was the Queen's favorite son and she was protecting him she doesn't know that allegedly if you haven't already and you would like to please subscribe to my channel come on in turn on the notification Bell if you'd like to be notified every time I upload a new video and um follow me on other platforms too if you want I'm not really doing much I'm not doing much but if you want to my name is Sid B if you if you feel compelled what the was that what the is that okay enough let's get into the story and put on some makeup all right so all the products and everything that I'm using will be listed down in the description box below if you're ever curious I also include my sources down in the description box in case you want to fact check me and I also welcome Corrections down in the comments below if I make a mistake please um let me know but don't be rude don't be rude about it okay if I could use one word to describe this whole story it would be embarrassing like embarrassing and pathetic two words I know that sounds really harsh but the reason I say that is because he literally had had his life on a platter best education the best opportunities it was also shocking to find out that he didn't drink or do drugs so he made all of these choices completely sober Stone Cold Sober not saying that drinking or doing drugs would excuse any of it but I would at least I would at least be like oh okay he should still go to jail but like you guys get what I'm trying to say like you're not you're sober making this poor no drink no drugs and this is still where your life ended up all right so let's start from the beginning okay February 19th 1960. prince Andrew is Born the third child and Second Son of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phil Andrew's birth was the start of what the royal family called the second era they literally refer to it as the second era of their family the reason they called this the second era is because prior to Andrew's birth Prince Charles and Princess Anne um were were born before Queen Elizabeth had to become the queen so suddenly her dad died and she had to become the queen and this was very shocking and overwhelming for her and so she kind of like abandoned her first two children to like get acclimated with her duties it sounds really bad to say it that way but like kind of what happened you know and Charles everyone knows that Charles kind of had like a bone to pick with his parents mainly his mom because she wasn't there for him he was raised by his nannies and was shipped away to boarding school and he didn't have a great relationship with his mother Queen Elizabeth and that was a that was a a pain point I think for them really really the whole time was even more messed up about the whole thing is that the second era of the family for Queen Elizabeth was being a better mom so when Andrew was born she made more of an effort to actually be in his life by this point she had you know gotten used to being the queen she settled into her Duty so she would actually schedule time to spend with Andrew and raise him and get to know him and she spoiled him a lot she treated him like a king and he was her favorite son Charles and Ann are just looking like so we just don't exist anymore that's crazy that's crazy cool cool mom as Andrew grew up his personality was much more like his father's and so he also became his father's favorite son it was than a secret that Prince Philip didn't really get along well with Charles he just didn't understand him Charles is much more of a sensitive brooding personality and like his dad wasn't and Andrew was a lot like his dad he was charismatic adventurous he was confident very arrogant almost not almost he was very arrogant like his father Andrew was just more of a man's man and he got along well in boarding school and amongst his peers he fit in really well you know in the aristocracy he loved loved pointing out to people that he was the Queen's son and that he was the Queen's favorite son and that he was second in line to the throne like he was very arrogant he liked the power of it all at the age of 21 he decides to join the military and this gains him a lot of popularity with the public as well he was given the nickname Prince action Andrew because he wasn't just using his status to not do anything he was actually like fighting the people really liked that that made him very popular amongst the public he was also very attractive he was handsome he was charismatic I already said that but like you know now the public was seeing that they're like yeah we like this we like this one this Prince he's cool he's not sad poor Charles like don't make me feel sad for Charles jeez also I'm trying something new today I'm going for a very glowy look if you can't tell so we'll see how this goes if it doesn't turn out good I blame prince Andrew after leaving the military Andrew joined the Navy also following in his Father's Footsteps and he had a really great career here as well he became known as a war hero in the late 1970s early 1980s when Andrew wasn't in active duty he spent a lot of his time partying he became known as a party boy he was a club rat if you will he was one of the world's most eligible bachelors at the time and he really took advantage of that he took full advantage of that he spent a lot of time with a lot of very pretty ladies partying he was known for his love of dancing and having fun and during this time he also makes a new friend very a very um important friend we would come to find by the name of Elaine Maxwell Elaine during this time wasn't a part of the aristocracy but she was very wealthy her father was a media Tycoon and she had a lot of money she was really kind of like social climbing during this time like the aristocracy or like royalty they were very closed off it was very exclusive but when she met Andrew he kind of opened that door for her they had a lot in common mainly they both really liked sex Andrew didn't drink he didn't do drugs but he did like the sex he liked to make the sounds so that was his thing and Elaine did as well and so they became really fast friends and would party together all the time in the mid to late 80s Andrew decides that he wants to get serious you know it's time for him to settle down and choose a wife to take a ride and he starts dating this actress an American actress by the name of coo Stark I'm not entirely sure if that was like her full name coup k-o-o um but yeah they start dating and he really really liked her and he wanted to marry her but when the British press found out about this they started digging into her past and they found out that she was an actress who starred in an adult film well it wasn't an adult film but it had like an adult scene in the film and you know she was about that action of course she was like prince Andrew wouldn't have fallen for her if she wasn't because that was his thing you guys giving up you following me so he's head over heels for her but when the British press finds out about this they're posting it everywhere and Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are like absolutely not first of all she's American ew second of all really really Andrew can you find someone who the public hasn't seen their tits can't can't look up their their boobs I guess I don't know what they said to him but they apparently they just really wanted him to marry someone who was more conservative who was British who came from a better background I don't know so prince Andrew breaks things off with coup and in 1992 he starts publicly dating a British lady by the name of Sarah Ferguson who had become known as Fergie Fergie was a much more suitable person for prince Andrew to be with so the two got engaged and the public really liked her as well she was very fun and like happy looking she had this bright red hair and the two of them seemed to have a lot of fun together the public really liked that they seemed like they liked each other I guess this was in stark contrast to Diana and Charles at that time Andrew really liked that his relationship with Fergie was like a celebrity side he was very obsessed with being a celebrity being famous and apparently so was Fergie so this worked out well July 23 1986 the two of them get married and they have this massive royal wedding and of course the public is eating it up they love the Royal weddings they love them you know Andrew and Fergie really did seem like a happy couple and after they got married they gave birth to two daughters Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugene Eugene I think correct me in the comments below if I'm wrong but they gave birth to two daughters and shortly after their marriage things started to kind of fall apart Andrew was still in the Navy so he was gone a lot of the time and when he was back home he was still kind of just doing the same thing he'd always been doing partying and living his own life and Fergie was left to tend to the children or just to be alone she was really lonely so Fergie starts you know doing her own thing Fergie decides to get herself a little sad piece a little something on the side you know unfortunately though the tabloids catch her and her side piece like on vacation and they're in very suggestive positions it was very obvious that she was being inappropriate with a man who wasn't her husband and so this blew up of course the tabloids start blowing the story up and posting it everywhere and Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth were Furious they were this was not okay how dare you treat their favorite son like this they were furious with Fergie allegedly Prince Philip didn't even want to be in the same room with her after the story came out they both decide that Fergie is done and they order Andrew to divorce her she's banished from the royal family exiled goodbye the pictures were kind of scandalous though like apparently like the guy was like sucking her toes or something crazy that was a big food pop she was out Fergie was Alan Andrew was very sad about this but he and Fergie still remain very close friends and continue to raise their daughters so now Andrew is divorced and he also retires from the Navy and he doesn't really know what to do with himself at this time like he he no longer has a career he no longer is second in line to the throne by this point Prince William had been born so Andrew was pushed back he kind of had a little bit of an identity crisis right like he just didn't really know what to do with himself he tried rebranding himself as the business Ambassador for the UK okay but apparently he was very bad at that and they asked him to stop like stop doing business on behalf of the UK you suck so he couldn't do that um but he had a he was very obsessed with luxury and the luxurious lavish lifestyle he had this idea of what it meant to be a prince what it meant to be royalty but he didn't have any money apparently being a prince his title only paid him like 350 000 a year so it didn't that's that's a lot of money don't get me wrong that's a lot of money that's a good amount of money but not for his taste not not to be a prince not to be the Queen's son so because of his measly 300 000 salary Andrew couldn't do all the things that he really wanted to do or like have the life he he thought he should have so he relied a lot on the queen like he would ask the queen for money as a middle-aged man he would ask her for money to buy things or like to afford his lifestyle in 1991 gileen was excommunicated from the British Social Circle her father the media Tycoon died and apparently he wasn't a great guy so her dad died and once he was no longer living she was excommunicated socially in London she did remain friends with prince Andrew though and even while exiled he would still go and visit her so Elaine moved to New York after being excommunicated from England and started rebuilding a new life for herself there she starts dating this guy named Jeffrey Epstein and they start building a business together a business in 1999 Elaine introduces Andrew to Jeffrey and they become friends as well so Jeffrey was a wealthy man he had a lot of money but he had no status he was essentially a nobody so he began using Andrew's name Prince Andrew's title and likeness to set up these business meetings with very important people and do business I really hate saying business when referring to them because God knows what that even really meant being friends with prince Andrew did open a lot of doors that were previously not even an option to be open for Jeffrey Epstein he was traveling and meeting with all of these really important people all over the world using Prince Andrew's name and likeness to get in the door prince Andrew loved this because it made him feel important he got to be doing the business deals that he always wanted to do and Jeffrey Epstein and Gilead Maxwell made sure to make him feel like royalty like they paid for everything everything was always very lavish very private very whatever when prince Andrew was with them he felt important you know he didn't he really didn't feel important anymore in England nobody cared so the three of them prince Andrew Jeffrey Epstein and Elaine Maxwell would travel together doing business meetings they would also party a lot they would party with celebrities um and they all all of them enjoyed sex so they would have a lot of sex Elaine and Jeffrey had a like staff of young women around them who had titles of like assistant masseuse but really they were there to service them a lot of the girls were just barely of age or absolutely underage and it wasn't a secret the people who knew them knew that they traveled with underage girls who worked for them one of the girls who worked with who worked with Jeffrey and Elaine in 1999 was a 15 year old girl by the name of Virginia Roberts and Virginia's whole purpose was to service Jeffrey and when told to service Jeffrey's friends so Virginia traveled with Elaine and Jeffrey and that's just what she did she was their personal sex object to use whenever they wanted in 2001 when Virginia was 17 years old she was told that she was going to perform her duties on and prince Andrew now I don't know if this was the first time it happened or if it had happened previously but in 2001 they took a photograph together so Virginia has a photograph of her and prince Andrew before she got to work oh this makes me feel so lucky talking about this like I like Virginia says that she danced with prince Andrew and that he was he was really sweaty um and then they like you know did the deed and it happened again after that so it happened numerous times when she was 17 or younger we don't know disgusting I do wonder why prince Andrew took that picture like in the picture it's him and Virginia and he has his arm around Virginia and you can see Elaine in the background of the picture as well like why did he take that picture like did he not know that she was underage or had he just gotten so used to doing that at that point he didn't care he didn't think that he would have any consequences for that like why do you take that picture in the early 2000s Prince Andrew's reputation started to really plummet with the public he was seen more as like a waste of taxpayer money he was still this Playboy but he was no longer young and handsome he was gray and overweight and still acting like he he was that guy and he wasn't that guy anymore when he wasn't in New York living off of Elaine and Jeffrey he was in Buckingham Palace terrorizing the staff or using his mom's money he had a terrible reputation at Buckingham Palace with the staff they hated him he was very arrogant he was very rude he treated them as though they were beneath him like he was the one of the only royal family members who acted this way none of the other ones act alone you're not even the queen herself would act this way and Andrew was never reprimanded for his actions because he was the Queen's favorite and she would always just excuse his behavior or take his side on things he would do ridiculous things like he had 60 teddy bears in his in his bedroom and if the teddy bears weren't organized in the exact same way every morning he would scream at the staff he would scream and berate the staff for not putting his teddy bears the right way as a 40 year old man the staff at Buckingham Palace was also starting to notice that Andrew's love for sex was kind of starting to look like a sex addiction like it was kind of looking like a little bit of a problem he had a revolving door of women every night a new woman in and out in and out of the Buckingham Palace which was a major security risk but anytime someone tried to bring it up he would scream and berate at them and then nothing would happen the queen would be like just just let him do him let my little let my little favorite have whatever he wants your favorite wants underage children madam God Rest Your Soul rumors began circulating in the tabloids about Prince Andrew's little problem and also about how rude he was to the staff that he bullied the staff and that he just was just generally unpleasant and he was very he was Furious about this like he thought that he should have the same same status as the queen no one would dare post any of these like rumors about the queen and he was very infuriated by this and the queen would shut it down like she would have his back and like shut shut down those rumors which is crazy really Queen Elizabeth really I think this definitely created a complex in prince Andrew like thinking he was Untouchable he could do whatever he wanted back over in the U.S in 2008 Jeffrey Epstein was convicted of sexual misconduct with minors but he just got a slap on the wrist we all know that that nothing really happened but he was convicted like he had a record of these crimes and Andrew didn't think that this was an issue he still continued hanging out with Jeffrey and spending time with him and doing business deals in 2010 a reporter who got word that prince Andrew was in New York City went to Jeffrey Epstein's house to see if he might be there and shockingly he was the reporter was like why would a member of the royal family be caught dead at a convicted sex offender's house like this is ridiculous but she staked the place out and she was able to capture photos of Jeffrey and prince Andrew talking having a very serious discussion like they were Pals and when asked about like why he was hanging out with him he was like well he invited me to his house and I didn't want to be impolite so the reporter says that while they were sticking out the house she did notice that young girls were going in and out of the house gross I really think he just thought he was Untouchable at this point like nothing that he actually did would even matter if it came out in the public and by this point he'd been friends with Jeffrey for over a decade so I I really think he just didn't care in 2015 Virginia who is now an adult came out with claims that she had had an appropriate relationship with prince Andrew when she was underage and she provided the photo as evidence she was able to provide proof that she was working for Jeffrey Epstein during this time and she had photo evidence of her with prince Andrew but Buckingham Palace as soon as the story gets out Buckingham Palace just drowns it they like start sending her all these legal things and berating her and discrediting her they fully backed prince Andrew and tried to flush this story out completely I'm gonna put on my my lashes and liner off camera and I'll be right back and we're back lashes are on in my life they kind of look insane I've been doing a different thing with my lashes and I don't know if I love it what do you think let me know down in the comments below all right where were we prince Andrew was a piece of right so 2015 Virginia Roberts comes out with the story that she had an appropriate relationship with prince Andrew photographic evidence and she gets shut down Buckingham Palace tried to ruin this poor Girl's Life to protect the innocence of the prince with 60 teddy bears on his bed unfortunately the intimidation tactics work many news Publications were terrified to publish the story because they didn't want to deal with the royal family even with all of the evidence that Virginia had the story got buried and prince Andrew was just doing his thing still and then July of 2019 hits the fan when Jeffrey Epstein is arrested and charged with sex trafficking minors okay when this happens almost five years later all of these stories start coming up and not just with prince Andrew with a ton of others there was a lot of people who were associated with Jeffrey Epstein who who got pulled into this prince Andrew was one of the main ones because there was photographic evidence of him one hanging out with Jeffrey and two holding on to the waist of a minor August of 2019 one month after the story breaks news Jeffrey Epstein ends up dead in his cell from an apparent suicide and Galene Maxwell goes ghost she no one can find her she's completely missing and so then the heat really got turned up on everyone who was left namely people like prince Andrew they're like we need someone to blame and so the media starts focusing a lot of attention on prince Andrew and this photo and his very suspect activities over the last decade so Virginia's story is getting a lot more attention in the Press now and people want answers Buckingham Palace tried to do what they did years ago and just flush the story and Andrew tried to just ignore it and act like you know nothing happened but it wasn't going away it wasn't going away so Andrew took it upon himself to go on an interview with BBC and Proclaim his innocence I remember when this interview came out and it was a mess and come to find out no one told him to do this no one told him to do this he decided himself to do this interview thinking that you know he was going to tell his side of the story and he was going to be innocent and I think he was just arrogant because he'd gotten away with so many things in his past that he really thought he could sit there and lie essentially and get away with it so he does the interview and it's a literal train wreck like one of the worst interviews I've ever seen ever the interviewer of course brings up Virginia's story and the photo and she's like why were you you taking this photo why is your hand around her and Andrew's response to that is we we don't know if that's my hand that could be a Photoshop that could be anyone's hand how do we know that's my hand that's really what he said really truly then the interviewer brings up more of Virginia's story and she's like well she said that you guys dance together and that you were very sweaty and Prince Andrew's response to that is that's funny she would say that because at that time actually I didn't sweat yeah that year I actually um didn't wasn't sweating so it would have been impossible for her to say I was sweating because I what I didn't sweat like just the worst lies imaginable the worst lies imaginable I just imagine like he had all of this time to come up with a more plausible story and that's what he says well yeah it's impossible she would say that because in the year 2001 I didn't sweat so bro what guys I am so Rusty like I'm so worried that this eyeshadow looks wonky and my lashes look wonky I just haven't done full Glam like this in a minute we need some practice what is okay it's fine this is fine so the interview is a literal train wreck and um it was really embarrassing it was embarrassing for everyone everyone who watched apparently not for prince Andrew though he actually thought that the interview went well and he was able to prove his innocence and speak up for himself he must have not watched it I don't know I don't know what he thought happened but like that was horrifying so cringy you didn't sweat apparently the queen also believed her favorite son after the interview she was seen publicly with him horseback riding and everyone knows that this was done on purpose because the queen doesn't get photographed or seen with anyone she does not want to be photographed with so this was like her way of showing support for prince Andrew after the interview like she was she believed him I guess shortly after the interview Virginia launched a lawsuit against Prince Charles and the FBI also started investigating him they reached out to him for questioning and he denied he refused to go and talk to them he hired this very expensive legal team to try and discredit Virginia he tried to use the statue of limitations saying it was too long ago he tried to use his status to get it thrown out but the judge was like no no no no no sir we're gonna see this through we got to after that interview bro you should not have done that interview why did you do that why would he do that Andrew really did everything he could not to have this lawsuit go through but ultimately it did and that was a huge huge win for Virginia and for a lot of the victims a member of the royal family was being convicted not convicted it's only convicted if they're found guilty right but he was being sued like there was a lawsuit happening against a member of the royal family and of course once this happened the queen couldn't have it she was like okay son you listen I've done everything I could I Stood Beside You but uh now I gotta cut you off bro we gotta cut you loose because we can't have a member of the Royal Family this is embarrassing like what is happening and I wonder like what the queen thought after like how do you feel after you've you've done all you can to protect this piece of I imagine she felt terrible January of 2022 is when the royal family officially announces that prince Andrew is being stripped of his title he's no longer representing the royal family he's done he's it's a wrap and then instead of actually going through with the lawsuit prince Andrew didn't want to well no longer Prince he's not a prince anymore just just Andrew just plain old Andrew didn't want to go through with the entire lawsuit because he couldn't take any more of a public shame and embarrassment so they decided to settle out of court with Virginia even though he still maintains his innocence he settled out of court and just paid her off no one knows how much they settled for but it was like upwards of 10 million dollars apparently allegedly and rumor was the queen paid the settlement still she's still girl that is crazy because I would have let his ass go to jail all right just Andrew now you're going to jail bro what a sweet sweet Mom I'm almost certain that my mom would have let me go to jail after all of this sorry you gotta go all right so this isn't over yet because Elaine Maxwell was just well she they found her first of all and they charged her I think she got like 20 years or something unless she agrees to cooperate with the prosecution and start naming names like start telling telling what's what's up who was there and she has all the information she really does this is very bad for just Andrew because Queen just passed away he no longer has the protection of the royal family or the monarchy because Charles his older brother hasn't wants nothing to do with him he wants nothing to do with it and neither does William none of the other royal family members will even talk about just Andrew the only person he had left on his side helping him was the queen now mom's dad okay mom's dad dad's dead you're going to jail babe I honestly think Virginia is just the tip of the iceberg like who knows what else he did what else they were doing who knows if Delane is going to talk I hope she does just do it Elaine snitch snitch but go ahead you can do it snitch tell us tell us it's okay tell us the truth tell us what happened I really do like the way that my makeup came out I tried a new technique today like I wanted to look a bit more glowy the nose Contours a bit much the nose Contour is a bit much like not gonna lie I don't know it's a it's a bit much other than that I feel like I look fantastic let me know down in the comments what you guys think I'm Rusty but we're we're getting back into it that is it for this video um updates when they come I'm thinking of doing a video on Elaine Maxwell but that story is a lot longer like it's a lot there's a lot to do with her leave your comments down below with other video topics that you want me to talk about or just to say hey I love you guys so much don't forget to subscribe don't be fake and watch some other videos while you're here all right guys uh that's it for me I'm gonna head out um I love you be blessed make a choices I'll see you in my next one
Channel: Cydnee Black
Views: 110,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sYuFZI5Puao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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