Whats Up With Armie Hammer? | VERY Dark Family History

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did Michael have something to do with it did you kill your grandfather Michael bro that's not cool that's not cool rich people have problems like what is wrong with y'all what what are y'all doing hello beautiful people thank you so much for clicking to watch this video my name is Sydney and today we're doing a makeup Ministry it keeps switching it up on you guys I gotta keep it exciting if you're new here makeup and history is a series on my channel where I put on makeup while talking about a historical event a scandal from the past or just a person story I find fascinating today's video topic is going to be about Army Hammer okay buckle up for those of you who aren't familiar Army Hammer is an American actor and what I would call a handsome devil okay he is evil evil allegedly so that's where we're gonna go back in time and look at today we're going to be focusing specifically on Arm and Hammer Army's great great grandfather who he's named after so Army is short for Armand and Arm and Hammer is the actual devil okay just devil not handsome just devil evil allegedly it's a hot mess it is a steaming hot mess and I am astonished that they've been able to get away with all the things that they've been able to get away with for so long it's ridiculous Preposterous actually if you haven't already and you would like to please subscribe to my channel join the family turn on the notification Bell so you're notified every time I upload a new video I'm getting a lot better at being consistent aren't I feel me you can also follow me on other platforms my name is Sid B everywhere if you feel compelled to you know do your thing do what you want to do I support that um yeah okay enough babbling let's put on some makeup and get into this story okay so all the products and everything that I'm using will be listed down in the description box below if you're ever curious I also include sources for where I find my information the bulk of information from this video is coming from the documentary that just came out on Discovery plus called House of hammer hot mess you guys hot mess breaking out really badly I don't know what that is about very upsetting all right so where do we begin um with the allegations I guess 2021 multiple women come out claiming that they had been abused by Armie Hammer a lot of the women claim that they had been in a romantic relationship with him he just recently announced that he was splitting up with his wife who he'd been with for 10 years and so he was dating again I'm just getting back out there but not in a good way Army was used using psychological manipulation in order to emotionally entrap women and then get them to agree to do things that they normally would not do that they did not want to do and he was calling it BDSM for those of you who don't actually know exactly what BDSM is same I have to look it up as well apparently a lot of people don't know what it is we've all heard the term but like not a lot of people truly understand it and army was choosing women who didn't know what it actually was so that he could take advantage of them so basically BDSM is an umbrella term for various sexual sexual activities the acronym BDSM stands for bondage discipline submission sadism and masochism and dominance bondage discipline dominance submission sadism masochism a lot going on in there a lot going on in there but no judgments hey you do what you you do what you gotta do okay but it should be done consensually though and that's not what army was doing Army was using psychological manipulation love bombing being so Charming being so adoring and then like turning cold and being becoming distant to convince these women that they wanted to do the stuff that he was doing to them and it wasn't like chill stuff like he was tying them up for hours and doing whatever he wanted while they were completely helpless like they could not move in the The Bondage that he was using he carved his initials on one of the women while while she was tied up and couldn't do anything about it he carved an A in the side of her and then started like licking the blood like weird weird things what's even worse for the women involved in all of this was all of it was done under the idea that they had consented to it when they actually didn't and that's that's the crazy thing about psychological manipulation you guys I'm gonna do a whole video on that because you guys have already asked me regarding the Robert freegard case it's actually crazy how easy it is to get inside someone's psyche and control them like control what they think what they think and feel what they do especially when you're using love and that's what army was doing and then afterwards they'd have a lot of guilt and shame about what had happened but it's hard to confront that because it's like oh well well I did say it was okay and this is my boyfriend and I want to make him happy so I guess it's okay but it's not okay it's actually not okay he needs to be put away in my opinion in my personal opinion lock him up one of his girlfriends he said he wanted to find a doctor that could remove her ribs so that he could smoke it and eat it like even if he was kidding what the f what I'm sorry he wasn't kidding though she says she fully thought he was serious about it because he would say things like that all the time he would brag about how evil the men in his family were and like he was proud of that he was proud that the men in his family were evil but he wasn't wrong uh they are evil especially his great-great-grandfather Armand Hammer so to start this story we're gonna get our time machine and we need to go back to like 1919 okay 1920 maybe put your seatbelt on that's fine we made it we're here we're in the year 1919. in the year 1919 Julius Hammer was a Russian doctor working in New York City and the T was that he was the leader of the Communist Party in the U.S his family had very close ties to the Soviet Union Julius had two sons one of them named Armin hammer and apparently he came up with that name as a gesture to the Communist flag Arm and Hammer because there's an arm and a hammer in the flag I guess I don't know Armin was a lot like his father he grew up and wanted to be a doctor and in the year 1919 he was studying at Columbia Medical School getting his degree he also really wanted to be a businessman so on top of going to school and getting his medical degree he also started a pharmaceutical business on the side little farmy farm little Pharma now there's big Pharma he was starting little Pharma it's a bad joke moving on so in the year 1920 Julius Hammer gets into some trouble when he gives an abortion to a Russian Diplomat wife and a few days later she dies Julius is convicted of first-degree manslaughter and he's thrown in jail Armand who is 22 at the time decides rather than staying in the U.S and continuing his father's practice his doctor practice he's going to go back to Russia and be with family mend the connections there and Foster the relationships they had over there apparently they had a pretty close relationship with Vladimir Lenin and for those of you who don't know he is the originator of the Soviet Union okay he founded the Soviet Union communist party he started it before Joseph Stalin it was that guy and they knew him personally which is crazy Armin stays in the Soviet Union for about 10 years during that time he gets married to a very famous opera singer there named Olga and the two of them have a son together which he calls Julian so his father's name was Julius his son's name is Julian Armin continues his dream of building a business he really wanted to be a businessman more than anything so along with working as a doctor in the Soviet Union he started a Pencil Factory and it was apparently very very successful his business was thriving was doing really really well but because he was in the Soviet Union he had to give a lot of it to the state and he started to realize that if he really wanted to be a successful businessman it wasn't going to happen in the Soviet Union and so he decides he's going to pack up leave everything behind and go back to the U.S and that's exactly what he does he abandons Olga he leaves Julian like sorry guys nice knowing you and he moves to the U.S in the early 1930s to pursue business once Armin got back to the U.S he did his best to really distance himself from the Soviet Union and truly try to be American and embrace everything that was American although he had a close relationship with the leader and starter of the Soviet Union he was like that's the old me okay I'm moving forward right we're starting again in 1943 Armin gets married again to a woman named Angela zeveley who is also an opera singer like his wife in Russia man's had a thing for opera singers eh the marriage to Angela was short-lived though she divorced him claiming that he was psychologically and physically abusive in her divorce test she said that he willfully maliciously and deliberately pursued a course of conduct employed techniques tactics and practices calculated and designed to destroy her will he threatened her with serious bubbly violence and injury and to beat her brains out while brandishing a metal pipe and husband he is a master of psychological warfare so she was like all right I'm gonna head out I'm gonna bounce this is not working for me thank you Armin continued relentlessly pursuing his dream of being a businessman he went into various different Ventures like different he really didn't even care what the business was he just wanted a business so he's trying in all these industries and nothing's really working out and then in 1953 he meets his new wife Francis Francis Beret Francis was a wealthy Widow and once the two married Armin used her money to purchase a small oil company called Occidental oil or something like that Occidental Petroleum is what it was called it was a small struggling oil company that he purchased for like I don't know like a hundred thousand dollars or something I don't I don't know the numbers okay we're not going to get into the numbers but he buys the company and finally he does well like something finally sticks and he builds this company to be the 16th largest oil company in the world so now he's rolling in the Dell Francis is Chill she's like great glad that worked out they're very very rich they become billionaires during this time now at some point between 1940 and 1950 Julian armin's son moves to the U.S from Russia and he's like Dad what what the hell Dad where have you been an Armin who has been working very very hard to rid himself of his past image confronts Julian and he's like I don't know you like you say you're my son but we're gonna have to give you a test Knowing damn well that was his son he knew damn well they look just alike for one but two he knew he knew that was his son you named him Julian like stop this he makes Julian take a paternity test to verify that they are actually related and when the test comes back positive Armin is just kind of like all right whatever fine but like get out of my way like he pretty much ignores Julian he gives him money and like takes care of him financially but he really just ignores him he's like don't mess up my image Armin cared a lot about his reputation and His Image Julian would start acting out in ways to try and get his father's attention he would do really crazy stupid things like he was just the definition of a wealthy stupid kid except he was a grown ass man so Julian is out on vacation spending his dad's money somewhere in Mexico riding a motorcycle when he meets a woman named Glenna sue the two of them fall madly in love and get married in 1955 they give birth to their first child Michael hammer and shortly after that their second child Casey Hammer Casey Hammer is the one who's coming forward now and revealing all of the deep dark secrets of her family like all the things that she witnessed that have been covered up for decades because of the amount of money their grandfather had to to shut it all away and protect his reputation Casey Hammer is being very brave coming out with this information and God protect her godspeed godspeed lady yeah so Casey Hammer says that growing up her grandfather Armin Hammer acted as though he was God and the rest of the family was very afraid of him he would watch their every move he listened to their phone calls he would track their cars like he kept tabs on everyone in the family he was surveying everyone in the family and Casey's eyes her grandfather was the most powerful man in the world and one day she remembers asking him Grandpa why don't you become president and he responded to her there's not enough power in being president Casey says that her father Julian was very very abusive to their family she remembers that he would get belligerent drunk and beat her mother for hours he would also abuse her and her brother Michael he wasn't a Family Guy he wasn't a Family Guy Julian kind of like his dad at one point Glenn goes to Armand and tells him like Hey your son is beating the crap out of me like I want to leave like I want out and Armin tells her well you can't leave my son if you leave my son you divorce my son that'll put shame on her name and I will ruin you like if you leave him you'll get nothing okay so work it out this is unfortunately very common for women of that era a lot of women in the early 70s and 60s could not leave their husbands even if they had proof that they were physically abusing them and in this case she also had this oligarch crazy creep man Grandpa breathing down her neck threatening to ruin her life if she decided to leave so she really was trapped for many years eventually things got so bad for Glenn that she decided to take her chances and leave anyway she's like I don't whatever fine and Armin keeps his promise he doesn't give her anything I think she gets two hundred dollars for child support she decides to leave anyway and good for her and she takes Casey with her and Michael decides he wants to stay with his father Casey says that watching what her mother had to go through and leaving her father and how she was treated and made her internalize the idea that women were not important in the Hammer family women didn't matter they didn't have value and she felt that way her entire life growing up even worse was that when Casey would go to visit her dad and her brother she observed them being complete womanizers there was always all these girls at the house these young girls her dad was on drugs he was drinking a lot and doing a lot of drugs and Michael also started living the same lifestyle to make matters even worse even more evil and disgusting Julian starts sexually abusing Casey his daughter horrible horrible absolutely horrible so Casey really did grow up with this complex that women were not as valuable in the family after Glenn had left Julian and Michael's relationship became very very toxic they were kind of like Bros like it was like a frat house there but they hated each other and Julian would do things like sleeping with Michael's girlfriend who was a teenager he would pick on his son a lot he would bully his son and it created a very resentful relationship between the two of them they did not like each other at all kind of like how he hated his father he made his son hate him so Cycles I'm saying man you guys are doing right making good choices because it just comes back around it comes right on back around Michael and Julian would get into fights a lot all the time but never around Armin everyone was always on their best behavior whenever Armin was around because he was like the family God and they were all terrified of him as they should be he seems like he was terrifying Armand used his Newfound wealth with the oil company to build very powerful connections apparently he had been bribing very powerful men all over the world but making the connections nonetheless like it seemed as though he was friends with all of these men the president of Argentina all of the presidents in the U.S he had JFK's personal number while he was the president in 1972 Arm and Hammer funded the Watergate scandal so he he's the guy who funded Nixon's debauchery in the late 70s Arm and Hammer was prosecuted and found guilty for his involvement in the Watergate scandal and this devastated him because it ruined his perfect reputation he was now a criminal in the eyes of the US government and he couldn't have that so in an effort to gain his credibility back he starts a relationship with Prince Charles he goes over across the pond starts giving Prince Charles all this money to do with whatever he wants and like buying him all these lavish gifts and whatever to get on his good side he and Charles become very close and Armin throws a Gala for Charles Prince Charles and Princess Diana when they came to visit the us and this was like a huge deal Prince Charles and Armand apparently became so close that he wanted Arm and Hammer to be Prince William's Godfather when Prince William was born he wanted him to be the Godfather but Diana was like nah I don't think so Diana intercepted that one and thank heavens in 1989 when George Bush Senior became president he pardoned Arm and Hammer for his involvement in the Watergate scandal so his record was clean again he was officially expunged of all criminal involvement like isn't that's absurd it's actually absurd he was friends with JFK he was he was doing criminal activity with Richard Nixon and then he gets pardoned by George Bush Senior so we're clear this is a terrible horrible awful human being torturing his family behind closed doors abandoned his first family poor Olga I don't even know I hope Olga was all right there isn't really much information about armin's relationship with Francis his third wife I'm thinking he probably just had like psychological control over her I don't really know but like she doesn't say much or do much really at all like there's not very much information about her I feel like he probably mastered the art by the time he got to his third wife during their marriage Armin had many Mistresses he had tons of women that he was cycling in and out of his life and one of his main Mistresses a woman named Martha Kaufman was a divorced woman with two kids she apparently divorced her husband after she met Armand and he and her had a very very close relationship like she he was taking care of her basically Francis finds out about his affair with Martha Kaufman and apparently she was not happy about it because it was so public I guess like other people knew and so she tells him like you need to get rid of her you need to you need to end things with her but rather than cutting the the affair off he just has Martha legally change her name he has her legally change her name and dye her hair so that they could continue seeing each other and his wife Francis wouldn't know what kind of level of psycho do you have to actually be to do this kind of what the Armin has Martha changed her name to Hillary Gibson and they continue business as usual he even puts her on the payroll at his oil company so that there was no suspicion about who she was and Martha now Hillary was apparently completely under armin's control she drove a car that had a tracking device he was surveying her house all the time like he always knew where she was and he would make her do really humiliating things for him like over the phone and record it and then like play it back for like torture or whatever like blackmail her I don't know I don't know I was not there I don't know really glad I wasn't there for this one because what the what like imagine giving someone complete control over your life that is so crazy to me all of the hammermen were completely out of control Armand is bribing politicians and cozying up with princes and psychologically abusing his wife Julian killed his best friend he shot his best friend over a gambling debt and Armin just made the whole thing go away and Michael the youngest Hammer man at this time was also leading down that same path he was just Reckless according to sources Julian was very intelligent but he just lacked the drive and Direction because his father abandoned him and ignored him and abused him but Michael was not very smart like people said he was not very smart at all but he just swore he knew everything and like was the biggest baddest guy in town I don't know Michael went to college to get his business degree and apparently he wanted to take over the family business but Armand was skeptical because he thought he was an idiot Michael starts working with his grandfather at the oil company just kind of learning the ropes but again like Armin was just kind of like ah whatever like you're a mess like I can't leave my company to you you're gonna you're gonna ruin it you're a mess and Michael was a mess he was partying all the time doing drugs he always had all these different girls around he wasn't really taking School seriously or really anything seriously but he did try to like put his best foot forward for his grandpa you know because he was scared of him so Michael is Drunk on a Plane somewhere who knows where he was going coming or going but while he was on the plane he meets a woman named Drew Ann Mobley and both of them really really liked each other and decided they wanted to get married so Michael introduces Drew to his family and at first Casey's like we just thought it was going to be just another girl because he always had all these girls around like ah whatever but it seemed as though he really really liked her and when he introduced Drew to Armand his grandfather Armin loved her Drew was this very gracious Christian girl from Oklahoma her father was apparently a very powerful very prominent member of the Christian Church there and even though Armand was Jewish he saw this as an opportunity to really blend two powerful families they were wealthy he was wealthy this was good this was going to be good finally maybe a legacy that he could build because everyone else was a disappointment to him so Armin was in full support of Michael marrying Drew he thought this is finally the woman who's gonna make him behave straighten him up he was wrong in January of 1985 Michael and Drew officially tie the knot they get married and the following year in 1986 they give birth to Armand Hammer the second they decide to name their first child after Michael's grandfather Arm and Hammer but they'll call him Army for short a few years after that they also give birth to a second son Victor Hammer but Army was the golden golden kid everyone loved Army Armand especially loved Army he would always talk about how he was the future this was his legacy he was very very proud of Army and this was kind of like a punch in the gut for Michael and especially Julian because Armin was giving all of this loving uh attention to Army and he'd never given that to anyone else literally anyone else Michael continued working very closely with his grandfather in hopes of acquiring the business and he did move up like he moved up a lot in the company and started getting more and more power December 1990 Casey gets a call from Michael saying that their grandfather has died Armand is dead Casey leaves to go to her grandfather's house upon hearing this news and when she gets there things are a little weird like it's not something right when Casey arrived to her grandfather's house it seemed as though the police were also just arriving which didn't really make sense like she figured the police would have already been there but no Michael and Drew were the only ones there when Armin died I guess they called the police probably after he called everyone else I don't really know I don't know but when Casey pulls up to the house Michael and Drew are like loading the car up with things that they want to take from Armand's house like things that they thought were valuable they're stealing they're looting they were looting his house the body's barely cold but they gotta they gotta get those valuables okay after the death they're reading the will the family gets together to read the will and uh they're they're pissed first of all they thought that when their grandfather died he was a billionaire because he said he was a billionaire right like he was very very wealthy they thought he had billions apparently it was only like 40 million that they were going to split up between them so they were they were pissed about that already to make matters worse once the lawyers started reading the will they find out that Julian was left five hundred thousand dollars Casey was left 250 000 and the rest of it was given to Michael Andrew Hillary the mistress who he made legally changed her name was also at the reading of the will because Armin said that he was going to take care of her after he died he was going to give her money after he died he didn't leave her anything he'd leave her a cent she changed her name for this man he didn't leave her a scent evil Casey and Julian were of course very very upset because they got left with pretty much pennies compared to what Michael got and they start investigating like they start looking into like what is going on what they find is that Armin had changed his will just 40 days before his death so that Michael would get everything but prior to that it was something different 40 days before he died he changed the will and then I think it's a little fishy that the will is changed and then Michael is the only one there when he dies like they said he apparently died of cancer but like did Michael have something to do with it did you kill your grandfather Michael bro that's not cool that's not cool at armin's funeral um apparently Drew's father who again is a very powerful Christian man don't know his name don't really want to he gets up at armin's funeral and declares that Armin uh gave his life to Christ right before he died so he's going to be buried as a Christian and this was shocking to many people there because Armand was Jewish and he had lived his life as a Jewish man the entire time so to find out that like now that he's gone he's gonna be Christian that's fishy seemed a little fishy shortly after inheriting the company Michael sells it um all that hard work that his grandfather had fought for all those all those years he sells it very shortly after he inherited it and then he proceeds to dismantle any Legacy that his grandfather built so Armand would donate to Art Museums he had um he had a museum named after him Michael got rid of all of that and he started donating all of the money that his grandfather left him to Christian organizations honestly I wish I felt bad like it's crazy okay don't get me wrong it's crazy rich people are crazy but I don't feel bad because Armin was a terrible person like he lived his life in a terrible way he should not get to have a legacy that lives on in a good way and and that's very evident with army but we're not there yet in 1996 after getting rid of everything Michael decides to move his family to the Cayman Islands Michael allegedly never really grew up he continued just being very immature doing a lot of drugs sleeping with a lot of women this caused a big Griff in his relationship with army so he and army would get into fights a lot the cycle continues and then in 2017 Drew and Michael officially split up which wasn't that long ago honestly the 2017 was not that long ago was it it was like five years ago they split up fairly recently I guess maybe I don't really know apparently there was another big Scandal involving Michael in the early 2000s like some art Scandal I didn't even I didn't even get into that like I can't Armand reading about Armin was enough I wonder if he did like have something to do with his grandfather's death though like imagine it would be crazy we would never know but like the will was changed 40 days before he died and Michael coincidentally gets everything crazy Insanity so it seems to me that Army Hammer is just following in the footsteps of his forefathers okay evil his great-grandfather Armand was evil his grandfather Julian was evil his dad Michael I really wonder if he had something to do with armin's death like that's crazy I wouldn't I wouldn't be shocked though apparently along with the art Scandal that he was involved with in the early 2000s he was also Under Suspicion because he was portraying himself as this like Christian man this changed Christian I love Jesus man but he had a Sex Dungeon and like a contraption that like looked like a torture device Michael was asked about what the contraption was um his lawyer said it was just a gift it's a gag gift it's a joke really because it doesn't look like a joke looks like maybe he probably tortures people in there but like what do I know and I don't want to know honestly I don't want to know Julian passed away I think in the early 2000s I'm not I'm not for certain what what date he actually passed away but he's no longer with us so now there's just Army and his father Michael who are continuing the debauchery it's moving right along so far there are at least four people uh four women who have come forward with claims that they were abused by Army Hammer and they have extensive amounts of proof seems to not really matter much to this family I think that they've existed so long with no consequences I feel Army he thinks that there's not going to be any consequences for his actions and so far there hasn't been other than his sullied reputation his solely reputation and his exceedingly High American Express Bill like pay your credit card bill dude what are you doing some people think that he's not guilty of anything at all they think it's just kinky desires and that that you know the women consented to it so it's fine like I really am going to do that video about psychological abuse and emotional manipulation as it relates to intimate partners because um that's a it's a real thing like emotional and psychological abuse are very very powerful tools for abusers to use and oftentimes when we think of domestic violence we only look at um physical abuse or sexual abuse things that we can prove we've only recently just started like looking at those things and actually doing something about that but we don't look at psychological and emotional abuse and according to Social psychologists who studied domestic violence emotional and psychological abuse are the foundations of domestic violence it usually doesn't get to physical or doesn't even have to get to physical for someone to be battered to be considered a battered victim Army exhibits classic psychology logical manipulation tactics on all of the women who have come forward about him which makes me think that they were coerced into doing these things like it wasn't consensual the way that they thought it was and it really doesn't help that he's so good looking it really doesn't God handsome devil Evil all right you guys that's it for this video I really had to condense everything to make it more not so crazy um everything's allegedly allegedly allegedly allegedly thank you please check the description box if you're curious where I got my information allegedly I hope that you guys enjoyed this video please be sure to like it subscribe watch some other videos come hang out with me some more leave some suggestions down in the comment box of things you'd like to see from me I really appreciate that too thank you I've got to stop just saying thank you like that it's weird it's weird but it's hilarious to me I think it's so funny okay guys thank you so much for watching this video and I'll see you in my next one bye
Channel: Cydnee Black
Views: 151,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: armie hammer allegations, armie hammer, Makeup History, makeup storytime
Id: QJ2O8-HADck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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