He Confessed??? OJ Simpson *The Truth* -- Makeup & History

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yeah i went over to nicole's house to just check on her and if she hadn't answered the door with a knife she'd still be alive like what the what oh hello beautiful people and welcome back to my channel thank you so much for clicking to watch this video today's video is going to be another makeup and history i'm sorry that wasn't that wasn't my best i'm still getting over a cold so if if i sound funny that's why if you're new here my name is sydney and makeup in history is a series on my channel where i put on makeup while talking about a historical event a scandal from the past or a person that i just find fascinating a person story just stuff that interests me and i put on makeup in the meantime today's video is going to be a highly requested story so many of you guys have asked me to talk about oj simpson the trial of the century oh boy it has been a while since i've uploaded a video and i was honest with you guys about that on my instagram if you're not already following me over there you should go and do that for sure but i had to take a mental health break uh your girl was having a breakdown you know what i mean and i am someone who believes in being really open and honest about the state of your mental health and really prioritizing your mental health because it's it's important you guys like we need to start taking this more seriously um which brings me to the sponsor of today's video i am so excited to be partnering with cerebral cerebral is a mental health platform that provides access to ongoing online prescription management you can get counseling you can get therapy for things like depression anxiety insomnia as well as other conditions it's all in one place and it's all for a flat monthly rate treatment for adhd bipolar and ptsd are also available on the site in certain states cerebral allows you to do visits with your provider therapist or care counselor online from the convenience of your home you don't have to leave you don't have to go anywhere they have an app in google play and the app store so you can just download it on your phone and you can talk with someone really quickly in some states they have this instant live feature where you can get connected with a therapist in as little as 20 minutes one of the things that sets cerebral apart is that it's designed for long term treatment and it pairs your doctor with your therapist which doesn't usually happen in traditional settings so usually if you have to get on a medication you will go see a psychiatrist and then a therapist separately and they don't really work together but on cerebral your doctor and your therapist will work together to get you the best treatment long term i have always been really honest about my struggles with mental health and i really want to be a part of the destigmation of talking about therapy and medication if that's something that you need i mean i personally was always really afraid of starting a medication because i just there's just all this negative stuff around being on a medication for your mental health but if that's something that you need it's really important to be honest first with yourself and actually get the help that you need i'm so grateful that there's so many resources now like cerebral so that we can start better taking care of our minds and hopefully heal as people to get started with cerebral you'll start by filling out a short form online answering a few questions to help cerebral understand your symptoms from there you can choose to subscribe to one of the three different membership options based on your needs and budget cerebral offers three different plans medication plus care counseling medication plus therapy or just therapy if you'd like to take the next steps in working on your mental health join cerebral and champion your mental health click the link in my description box take the questionnaire and you can get your first month of treatment for just thirty dollars thank you so much to cerebro for partnering with me for this video and i really hope that you guys join me with getting our minds right we need to get our minds right if you haven't already and you would like to please subscribe to my channel join me i post whenever i can um like i said earlier my mental health has been a little uh not at its best and i'd be lying if i said it was back to where i would like it to be but i'm working on it you guys i'm a work in progress just like you just like you like your mom like your dad i'm just like you subscribe alright let's put on some makeup and get into this story all the products and everything that i'm using will be listed down in the description box below i also include in the description box all the sources for where i get all of my information and i am open to fact checking like if i get something wrong please correct me down in the comments below as well as include any additional information that i forget to say or that i don't say because this story is there's a lot like i swear to god when i was researching i felt like it was never ending probably because he's like still alive and well today and like i can't even i can't i can't believe a person like o.j simpson exists it's insane for context when this took place o.j simpson was a really really famous person he was a huge celebrity in the u.s who was also accused of murdering his ex-wife i don't it's insane like imagine if like i don't know dwayne the rock johnson was on trial for murdering his wife ex-wife that would be insane we'd be like the rock what i don't know i don't have anyone to compare to i apologize to the rock allegedly allegedly alleged i mean nothing about this all right so let's start at the beginning we have to get in our time machine and go back in time put your seatbelt on sorry guys i'm sorry um the time machine got an upgrade so it's really fast now all right so july 9th 1947 orenthal james simpson is born in san francisco california to parents eunice and jimmy simpson his parents gave him the nickname oj at birth and that's what everyone called him his entire life apparently he didn't know his real name was orenthal until he was in the third grade and a teacher called him orenthal and he was like who the [ __ ] is that everyone had just called him oj his whole life so he didn't know he thought his name was oj his name is oj anyways oj grew up in the housing projects of san francisco his parents were both working class and at the age of five they divorced and oj lived primarily with his mother eunice oj had a really close relationship with his mother he really loved his mom and his mom was a very hard-working devout christian and she did her best to raise her children with the same values as her but she was working a lot and oj would get into a lot of trouble in the neighborhood that he lived in because there was a lot of bad influences so oj grew up primarily with his mother but his father was still in his life it was just kind of complicated because his father was a closeted homosexual and he never came out about it while oj was young it was just a rumor that was going around the neighborhood and this caused o.j a lot of shame and embarrassment it's still something that he wouldn't talk about even in his adult life so i don't i don't i don't actually know what his relationship with his father was like but you can assume that it was estranged because of his father's secret life his father was apparently a drag queen a well-known drag queen in san francisco and he would later come out as being gay um right before he died of aids in 1986 which is really sad so yeah oj lived primarily with his mom he didn't really talk much about his dad and his dad's life and the neighborhood that he lived in had a lot of negative influences so he was always getting in trouble as a teenager he was in and out of detention centers and juvenile and he was just not doing great he wasn't doing great his high school girlfriend at the time marguerite whitley who would later become his wife described him as a teenager as being a really awful person i don't that was her boyfriend that she was describing this way i don't know why she i don't know we've all made terrible dating choices when we were young i guess but yeah that's what she said he was a really awful person so although oj was always getting in trouble as a teenager and hanging out with the wrong crowds he even joined a gang he was still playing football in high school and all of his coaches noticed that he was an exceptional athlete he was getting a lot of recognition for his ability to play football but his grades were terrible so in his final years of high school a lot of recruiters were looking at him but because he didn't have good grades they couldn't like he wasn't taken seriously so he graduated high school without having any offers to go and play in college so after he graduated high school in 1965 he attended a local community college and continued playing football and one of his coaches was like bro you need to you need to get your life together like you need to take things more seriously oj and so he did he focused on his grades he focused on playing football and his girlfriend at the time marguerite still still the same girlfriend describes him as being a very serious person during this time so after two years of being a very serious person in 1967 he received an offer to play at usc the university of southern california and he accepted he moved to from san francisco to los angeles to play football at usc which was huge that's a pretty big deal i guess i don't know anything about sports i don't know sports sports so he and marguerite move to la and they also get married so now that he's down at usc this is when we see the star that would be o.j simpson start to emerge he's instantly kind of like a celebrity on campus because he's a really good football player like all of his coaches are obsessed with him and they give him the best treatment they're like oh my god like we've we've not had a player this good and forever and apparently he was really good i don't know the stats but he broke a lot of records he was really good at running with the ball i don't i don't care about sports do you care about sports i don't but he was really good and he did really well for the school and for the team and he became a celebrity on campus like people would be starstruck when they seen him on campus and everyone wants to talk to him and i don't say hi to him by 1968 oj had become one of the most famous football players in the country and by 1969 at the age of 22 he got drafted to the nfl that happened really fast four years ago he was a nobody in san francisco who everyone thought was a loser and his girlfriend said he was an awful person to now he's one of the most famous people in the nfl and he's just 22 like i can't imagine what that's like he went from like having no regard for the law and probably not a lot of empathy to getting all of this attention without actually developing those characteristics and we know like boys are stupid like i can't say that young men don't make the best choices you know they're not the greatest people especially if they didn't have those influences growing up so you give a young man who didn't have the best influences didn't make the best choices maybe didn't have the best empathy all of this attention and money and it kind of you could create a monster it can create like a real megalomaniac narcissist psychopath but those are just my thoughts i'm i don't i'm not a professional i'm not here to diagnose anyone what does sidney know who cares all right so now oj is in the nfl he and marguerite are married they welcome their first child and his career starts off a little rocky but then after three years he starts breaking records again he becomes a really really famous player i guess he won a bunch of trophies and whatever so as oj is becoming this really big star on the football field he also becomes a bit of a star off the football field while he was at usc he developed a passion for acting and being that he was in la and in hollywood and around that industry he decided that he also wanted to be an entertainer so he became a household name as a football player and he began doing endorsement deals he was the first african american to do endorsement deals major endorsement deals in the late 70s when it was still very very segregated it was still a really tumultuous time for race relations in america o.j simpson was becoming like one of the barrier breakers where everyone loved him no matter what race what color where you're from you loved o.j simpson he was also a very likable person people who met him said he was very charming and charismatic they called it the oj oj effect like when you met him you felt like you were in a trance you got oj'd kind of like bill clinton bill clinton had that same effect being in their presence you feel like the only person in the world you know you feel really special that's what people said being around oj was like so oj continued playing in the nfl he's doing really well he also continued dabbling in the entertainment industry and at some point he decided that he wanted to stop playing football and pursue a career in entertainment full-time he spent a lot of his time in los angeles getting connected with really wealthy powerful people in the entertainment industry mostly rich white men who before then probably never even spoke to a black person i don't know i don't know what their life was like but he was the only black person in those circles he began infiltrating and networking in circles where previously black people were not welcome oj was the black friend that sounds so weird to say but it's whatever it is what it is so while he was still playing in the nfl he started acting in movies and he got quite a few roles like he really took it seriously he really enjoyed entertaining now during this time when oj was infiltrating these societies and becoming like one of the accepted black people in america he really made a point to kind of distance himself from the black community like he really wanted to separate himself from being black and where he grew up he kind of just just really was like i'm i don't care where i came from or what i've been through because i'm not there anymore i'm oj now i'm oj the juice that's what they called him that was his nickname juice like oj orange juice whatever so eventually oj decides he's going to retire from football and he wants to pursue his entertainment career full time he's made a lot of friends in the entertainment industry executives he's also made a lot of connections with business people so he starts opening businesses and just making money outside of the nfl and he decides he's going to do this he's going all the way he's an actor now he moves to la full time and he becomes like a socialite like everyone loves him everyone wants to be around him it's cool to be friends with oj so he makes tons of friends and he's just soaking it all up he loves it he loves the attention he loves you know being the guy everyone wants to be around and take pictures with he's just living his best life i'm not sure what his home life was like at this point because he was still married and he has two kids now i don't know if they had three kids at this point but he's out living his best life i don't know what his wife was doing or the kids i don't know we'll see all right so now it's 1977 and oj is out in los angeles at a really exclusive members only club called the daisy and this is when he meets a waitress by the name of nicole brown now the daisy was a members-only exclusive club for the very rich wealthy powerful people in los angeles at the time who now oj was a part of that circle and nicole had just started working there and he says when he meets her or when he sees her he describes her as quote the most beautiful girl he's ever seen the most beautiful woman he's ever seen something along those lines now nicole was very new to la at this time she just moved there and she was working as a waitress to try and make ends meet and she was very beautiful she was beautiful she was young she was charismatic and funny and oj was instantly drawn to her she claimed that when they met she had no idea who he was but he was also funny and really charming and they hit it off they hit it off yes he was still married but they hit it off and they began seeing each other oj at the time was 30 and nicole was 18. 18 years old ugh all right so now we need to go back just a little bit to find out who who's nicole where'd she come from may 19 1959 nicole was born in frankfurt germany her mother judy was german and her father lou brown was american and when nicole was like a teenager or roughly she was young they moved to southern california and this is where she primarily grew up so nicole grew up in southern california going to the beach a lot she had a really happy childhood she had three sisters i think there were four of them in total so they had a really big family they were very loving very close nicole's mom described her as a very free-spirited and happy child she was the homecoming princess she was very popular she had a really happy childhood after graduating high school nicole decides that she wants to move to la to pursue photography and modeling so she heads to the big city to follow her dreams didn't we all nicole when she got to la in order to make ends meet while she was following her dreams she got a job at the daisy and this is where she meets o.j simpson there's not a lot to say about her life before she met oj because she was 18 years old like her life had just started it makes me really upset to think about that like she was so young so they came from two completely different backgrounds she was very young she was new to the city probably a little naive oj was already a very experienced man he was wealthy he was famous he was married with two children what could go wrong none of that mattered they fell in love and they began an affair they had a two-year affair from 1977 to 1979. in 1979 oj finally asked his wife for a divorce both of them agreed that they didn't have the best marriage marguerite says that oj was never home this wasn't around much he was working a lot or just i don't know having an affair with an 18 year old who knows what he was doing also that same year they had a third child but she unfortunately drowned in the family pool and oj blamed marguerite for the loss of their third child and it finally i guess was the thing that i don't know i don't know i feel like how are you gonna blame marguerite when you're never there like maybe you could have been at home to watch your kid too you know why is it just her fault whatever they get a divorce and the same year marguerite moves out of the house nicole moves in so the house where oj lived was called rockingham it became really famous for parties he hosted a lot of events there everyone loved going over there because you could see sports stars movie stars like it was just the happening you know oj's house was was popping right and when nicole moved in she kind of fit right in like everyone loved her she was vibrant and fun she was funny she fit right into his life everyone thought they were the it couple they were beautiful wealthy they seem to have a lot of fun together they just everyone wanted to be around nicole and oj at rockingham it was the it was the happening you know nicole became completely consumed in oj's life he was very possessive of her he would tell her what to wear where to go she hardly went anywhere without him like if they were out and she went to the bathroom he'd be like where's she at like why why should be in the bathroom so long he was being really obsessive and people around thought it was weird but they just thought like oh you know it's just they're just really in love like he just really loves her and as much as he was obsessed with her she appeared to be equally as obsessed with him they were both really jealous and you know sometimes crazy but it was passion right like their friends were like oh my god they're so passionately in love with each other or oh seems like a match made in heaven i don't know all right so on february 2nd 1985 nicole and oj decide to get married after being together for eight years they have a beautiful wedding their friends and family described it as one of the most fun days ever it was beautiful love was in the air it was obvious that they were genuinely in love with each other and this was a happy union the same year they welcomed their first child and then three years later they welcomed their second child and everything seemed peachy keen you know their lives were really intertwined nicole is already super into oj's life and oj had also begun working with nicole's family so he became really intertwined with her family and he was helping them out financially so it was great it was all good they had a beautiful life beautiful marriage beautiful kids beauty but you know what they say all that glitters isn't gold girl i'm sorry but it's true they do say you never know what happens behind closed doors like things could seem just peachy keen on the outside but on the inside it's not so peachy keen if you know what i mean nicole had kept a very detailed personal diary for the entirety of her relationship with oj and she wrote a lot about all of the great things about the relationship that everyone could see she also wrote about a lot of the dark dark darkness darkness of the relationship in her diary nicole wrote about how oj had been verbally emotionally and very physically abusive towards her pretty much the entirety of their relationship first time he had ever been physical with her was in 1978 after they were together for a year they got into an argument and she said oj struck her since the first incident nicole recorded in her diary over 60 times when oj had physically assaulted her she also wrote that oj was cheating on her and that he would openly admit this to her he would tell her that he was sleeping with other women sometimes women that she knew her close friends like he would brag about all the other women that he was sleeping with he would scream at her he would call her names while she was pregnant he said she was fat and unattractive while she was pregnant he would kick her out of the house and threaten to leave her and all this stuff and this is all stuff that she wrote down in her diary which they found much later nobody knew any of this was happening now nicole also wrote that after one of these incidences of violence o.j would always apologize and profess his love for her and they would make up and she did really love him as well and she didn't really feel like she could go anywhere because it's a very toxic cycle that people get kind of trapped in and once you're in you don't really feel like you can get out of it um especially if you're with someone who has a lot of power and money and wealth and nicole being so young when they got together i don't think she well she said this that she didn't feel like she could actually leave or be without him because of how involved they were in each other's lives and she didn't want to tell anyone about it because she thought they would side with him which is also common for victims of dv like they think that their abuser is the one who's going to get all the sympathy and everyone's just gonna leave them even her family she thought us about her family as well because oj was helping her family so he would apologize and she would forgive him and then you know the cycle would start all over again both oj and nicole kept the abuse hidden from their friends and family nobody knew whenever people would come over to the house and nicole was beaten or bruised or she couldn't cover scars or marks with makeup she would stay in the bedroom and o.j would tell people like oh nicole can't come out because she's not feeling well or he would blame it on her period he'd be like oh yeah nicole's just having really bad cramps so can you that alone makes me want this man off the face of the earth like you're really gonna you don't blame it on my period bro are you kidding me but this abuse went on for years they never told anyone kept it a secret and eventually it started to escalate where it would get really really bad and the police were being called to the house most of the time when the police were called to the house it didn't result in anything because nicole never wanted to press charges or go forward with anything and oj would like turn his charm on like the police would show up and be like oh my god this is o.j simpson and he'd be like it's f it's fine we just had a heated argument they'd be like okay can we have your autograph the police show up for a domestic violence charge and they ask the abuser or the accused for his autograph i can't imagine like she must have felt even more trapped like wow even when i call for help they still side with him like they're still like idolizing him oj even becomes friends with some of the police officers at the local police department one of them being a man named ron ship who's important for later but he becomes friends with the police officer so yeah so according to the police records they went to the house at least eight times like that they recorded who knows how many times that they didn't actually record because they were too busy trying to get an autograph but eight different times they were called and nothing came of it however january 1st 1989 the police are called to the house and this time it's different the police show up and nicole is visibly assaulted like they can see that she has been assaulted and she's running out of the house screaming he's going to kill me he's going to kill me the police are like oh my god who's going to kill you who's going to kill you and she's like oh jay and they're like o.j simpson i don't know i don't know what they said but she's like oh j's gonna come this time when the police show up it's obvious that a crime has taken place so they don't need nicole's cooperation to go ahead and arrest oj like it's obvious that he's done he's done something oj realizes he's not going to be able to talk himself out of it like he usually does and just you know explain it away as a misunderstanding the police are like oh jay we have to arrest you and take you in sorry sorry we love you but we have to arrest you and he's like okay all right so he agrees to cooperate with police he's like hold on let me just go inside and get my jacket or something and he go he goes to his driveway and gets in his bentley and drives off and the police are like are you is he did he drive away police are shocked they're like what so they get in the car and follow him and he's driving down the street and they're following him like he's essentially evading a rest right now but they don't really know how to handle it it's not like a serious chase they're kind of just trailing behind him as he runs away i don't know who knows so they eventually catch up with him and arrest him and he's charged with domestic battery um but i don't really nothing really comes of it i'm assuming that just the charges were dropped i don't know nothing happened all right so december of 1991 two years later nicole finally opens up to her sister that she wants to leave oj the following month in january she moves out of the house and files for divorce she leaves him she files for divorce and oj is obviously very upset by this he's he's really really mad and sad oj viewed nicole as his property and even though he cheated on her and abused her and threatened to leave her all the time you would kick her out of the house all the time she was never supposed to leave him if that wasn't allowed in oj's little noggin so he was furious very upset that she fell for divorce good for nicole but nicole was serious she was done she'd had enough and she divorced him the divorce was final in may of 1992 just in time for summer hot girl summer people who were close to nicole said that this was the happiest they'd ever seen her like she was the happiest they'd seen her probably ever she was a child when she met oj and for the first time she was living her best life doing what she wanted to do focusing on her children that's one thing everyone said about nicole is that she was a really really great devoted mother she was doing her thing you know oj spent this time crying about it to everyone anyone who would listen he called all of their friends and family on the phone and would profess his love for nicole and apologize and say he's so sorry and he just loves her so much and they he really wants it to work with her and blah nicole wasn't hearing none of that noise she was going on dates she was living her best life and oj would like intimidate every every guy she tried to get her groove back with oh no oh no oh i'm so rusty you guys i haven't done my makeup in so long wow anyways nicole was dating and oj would like try and crash every date that she had and intimidate any guy that she was with he was just being like a grade a psycho so after a year of oj crying to anyone who would listen nicole decides to give their relationship another try he promised that he would never touch her again he promised their friends and family like he was done he was never going to do that again he wanted her back and he really wanted to try and make it work and nicole obviously still loved him she still cared about him and she thought that it would be best for their family for the children if they got back together and gave it another try so they did they get back together and at first everything is okay and then you know you know cole says they got into a fight and oj got really upset that nicole had been with other people while they were separated and he got physical again the cycle of abuse starts all over again and finally in may of 1994 nicole is done for good she's like okay i gave this another shot and you're still a piece of [ __ ] so i'm done i'm done with you bro i'm done they split up again nicole gets a house near oj for the kids in the same neighborhood and yeah she was done oj also at this time in his career was starting to become a little bit of a has been he didn't have as much clout for lack of a better term as he once had so his whole world had like changed and now nicole was serious he was spiraling he wasn't he wasn't doing well during this time o.j says that nicole made him feel really rejected um which i don't think was a feeling he was used to he's used to getting his way and for the first time in a long time he's not getting his way and with someone who he believes he owns it's a recipe for disaster all right so june 12th 1994 is the day that the it's the day so on june 12 1994 both nicole and oj attend a dance recital for their daughter at her school after the dance recital nicole goes to dinner she takes the kids to dinner along with some friends and family who also came to the dance recital they all go out to dinner afterward to celebrate and hang out and oj is not invited so oj is really upset about this he's feeling really rejected he's feeling left out like you know his family is moving on without him he's really really upset by this he goes home and hangs out with a friend who's staying in his guest house a man named kato kaelin i think that was his name kato says that he and oj went out to eat at mcdonald's which like if you're going to be upset that you're being left out of a dinner party then maybe go somewhere else to eat dinner like that's nice with your friend why would you go to mcdonald's kato says that he and oj went to mcdonald's and they returned home at about 9 30. o.j had to be back home because he was catching a flight to chicago later that night and his driver was coming to pick him up at 10 30. so they went to eat and then got back home at 9 30. around the same time 9 30 over at nicole's house she had got home from dinner with her friends and family and the restaurant that they ate at called her home and notified her her mom had left her glasses at the restaurant and they were going to send one of the waiters to nicole's house to deliver the glasses back to nicole apparently she had a really close relationship with the people who worked at the restaurant so they knew her really well and it was no big deal so they sent one of the waiters a man named ron goldman the restaurant reported that ron had left the restaurant to deliver the glasses at around 10 pm and it was in the same neighborhood so it was pretty close to where nicole lived at 10 15 p.m nicole's neighbor said that they begun hearing her dog barking like crazy like the dog was barking really loud they thought it was strange like enough to remember it but dogs bark so they didn't really look too much into it at 10 41 back over at oj's house cato who was staying in the guest house says that he heard a really loud bang on the side of the house but he thought it was just an earthquake so he just wrote it off and then at 11 pm oj gets into the limo that was waiting outside of his house to take him to the airport now the driver of the limo says that he had been there waiting for oj since 10 25 that night but he didn't know why oj didn't come out until 11 he just was waiting he takes him to the airport and oj gets on his flight at 11 45 and goes to chicago are we following this timeline i hope that we're making sense i hope we're together right now let me know in the comments below so back over at nicole's house the dogs are still barking like crazy and now it's been like two hours that they're still barking so the neighbors are like okay something's up like let's go and see what's going on they go outside and see nicole's dog and nicole's dog leads them back into her front yard and that's where they discover ron and nicole unalived in the front yard the neighbors reported finding nicole at 1201 that night so shortly after that the police arrive and they are horrified at the scene of the crime it's very obviously a crime of passion meaning that whoever did this was emotionally involved the police described the scene of the crime as very eerie because nicole's house lights are still on there's music playing candles are lit and the children are upstairs asleep so like it was almost as if nothing had happened but outside on the front yard yeah along with the bodies though the police find a lot of evidence at the scene of the crime they find footprints they find a bloody glove they find a lot of things that will help them later on in the investigation so the police notify nicole's family and they also call oj to notify him because his children are there and he's also a person of interest the police were initially relieved when they find out that oj is in chicago because then he couldn't have done it even though the timeline they don't know the timeline yet so they're like okay cool he's not here they go to his house anyway to just do a welfare check and one of the detectives who goes to his house was a man named mark berman which is important for later mark furman had been called to oj's house he was one of the police who showed up to oj's house when he and nicole were still together and he had witnessed nicole being battered by oj so he goes to oj's house and he talks to cato and asks him you know what happened and kato tells him like oh well i don't know oj left at this time and i heard a really loud bang at 10 41 on the side of the house but i just thought it was an earthquake so mark fuhrman was a really detailed smart detective that's i don't know that's how he described him he goes and checks the side of the house that cato said he heard the loud bang and he finds there a bloody glove matching the same one that was at the scene of the crime at nicole's house so it's not looking good it's not looking good along with the bloody glove on the side of the house the police also discover blood on the car door of oj's bronco they find trails of blood on the walkway and leading into oj's bedroom so immediately oj is a person of interest and they call him and ask him to come back from chicago the next day o.j flies back from chicago and he's immediately taking in for questioning and they find out that his alibi is you know not exactly uh airtight um the police said the interview was really weird oj wasn't making a lot of sense he was kind of like rambling and like not really answering any of the questions they noticed he had a pretty large cut on his thumb um that looked really fresh and they asked him like what happened to your thumb and he said oh i cut it while i was in chicago and they're like okay he doesn't really give them like much information they kind of think he's guilty like he's acting guilty they ask if he'll take a polygraph test and he says no and then they let him go home so o.j leaves the police station and goes home with one of his friends who is a police officer um ron ship who i mentioned earlier ron was also really close with nicole like he was a family friend so he was at the house a lot he was devastated to find out what had happened to nicole and he was there to support his friends so he takes o.j from the police station back home and he asked him like hey what happened to your thumb and o.j says oh i cut it while i was in chicago like he tells him the same thing so they go back home and at this point it's like national news it's a media frenzy everyone's calling the house coming over to the house trying to support o.j because they just found out that nicole died and everyone loved nicole just as much as they loved oj so it was just shocking everyone's upset they're just trying to support oj like everyone who was really close with oj didn't think he did it like it wasn't even a thought that crossed their mind because they loved him they'd been bamboozled you know it happens so everyone's showing up to the house and there to support and you know asking what happened and ron says that he witnessed oj answer the question about what happened to his thumb three different times so o.j told ron that he had cut his thumb while he was in chicago and then someone else asked and ron heard oj tell a different story and then a third person asked and ron heard oj say something else and so ron was like why would you lie about that you told me you cut it in chicago why are you telling people different stories so ron's like i don't know i don't know about why would you lie about that that's weird that's weird oj so ron starts putting two and two together and he's like i'm out of here but everyone else still really supported oj like they didn't believe he was capable of this so all of his friends were like rallying around him and trying to support him the news wasn't though like it had become a full-on story that oj was the prime suspect in this case and he was shocked by that oj was used to the fact that everyone loved him um so he was like freaking out when he was watching the news and seeing that people were turning on him like he couldn't believe how quickly people believed that he was capable of this he says so oj realizes he's in trouble and he hires an attorney he hires an attorney by the name of robert shapiro who is i guess a really famous attorney he's also being represented by a really close friend of his a man named robert kardashian a little little known name robert and oj had been friends for a really long time they met while they were at school together at usc and they'd grown up together like their families were really close oj is kim kardashian's godfather i guess they were really close and he was also really close with nicole so he didn't believe that oj was capable of this at all in the beginning he was like team oj like i'm gonna help you get through this like you didn't do this i know you you didn't do this is probably what robert said i don't know i wasn't there police get a dna test from oj and they discover that blood at the scene of the crime matches oj's dna and so like at this point he's the prime suspect um they're like yeah we have to arrest you and he's like okay fine i can't talk while i'm doing my lips so i'm gonna do my lips and then i'll be right back obviously okay so they agreed to allow o.j to turn himself in on june 17. for whatever reason they didn't think he was going to run or anything they just trusted him on june 16th 1994 nicole's funeral takes place and oj attends with his children apparently oj when he gets up to her casket he has this huge emotional reaction and he like breaks down and just kind of like a show like some of the people there said it felt like he was putting on an act it was a bit over the top and everyone was kind of dancing around the fact that he was the prime suspect you know like it was national news it was a huge story so the next day june 17th is the day that o.j is supposed to turn himself in and it's of course a big press day the police hold a press conference reporters are there like it's a huge deal because this is a big story so they're all waiting for him to show up and he never does um they call robert because he was apparently staying at his lawyer and friend robert kardashian's house and robert's like oh no oj's not here we can't find him so everyone's like freaking out and it's really embarrassing for the police because like why didn't you guys go and get him why would you let him just anyways so they start freaking out and looking for him and eventually they find him find his car driving down the freeway and they start recording it in lifetime so a new station has a helicopter following the car and police following the car and they're not like it's not like a real high-speed chase kind of like when he fled away in the bentley right like they're just kind of trailing behind him um he's driving they're trailing behind him and they finally get a phone call from his friend ac crawling i think that was his name ac was in the car with oj and he said that oj was had a gun and he was you know being erratic um and he was driving and like they were trying to calm him down ac is trying to calm him down meanwhile back over at robert's house he finds a letter that oj had written and he reads the letter out on the news to the public the letter was kind of like a suicide letter like it seemed like he was gonna you know it talked about how much he loved nicole and how happy they were together and how much he was going to miss her and how he would never hurt her he was he would never be able to do this i don't that's what the letter said meanwhile back over at the car chase they finally get him to drive back to his house and by this point like people are on the streets cheering for him like he had a full-on parade which is weird like why are we so weird why are we like this he had a parade of people holding signs like free oj we're on your side oj like cheering for him once they were able to arrest him they checked his vehicle and they found a gun ten thousand dollars in cash and his passport so they assumed that he was probably on his way to mexico or something i don't who knows but because of this they determined that he was a flight risk which they should have known from the beginning and he was held in jail without bond july 22nd 1994 oj is officially charged with the murder of nicole simpson and ron goldman to which he pled absolutely 100 percent not guilty now they had to go through like a fake trial like a mock trial to get a jury um that hadn't been tainted by the story because it was such a high profile story they went through a really long process to make sure that the jury would be fair it took a long time but with how much evidence there was against him the prosecution were really really confident like they went into the trial super confident that they were gonna you know just hammer this on the head it was gonna be one and done easy peasy they were wrong it was not easy-peasy oj had a really strong defense team um along with his friend robert kardashian the attorney he hired robert shapiro he also hired a man named johnny cochran um who was the killer in this instance no pun intended yikes maybe that was that wasn't the right choice anyways johnny cochran was the one who really took this case and and took it home oj's entire defense team allegedly cost him fifty thousand dollars a day which is crazy that's crazy so johnny cochran was a civil rights attorney and he was already really popular amongst the black community at the time because he was fighting a lot of civil cases and really helping to move the black community forward and even though oj had spent his entire career rejecting the black community and distancing himself from that um that didn't matter like johnny cochran came in and immediately began rallying the black community behind oj during this trial black people who had been who actually had been victimized by the police began rallying around o.j and supporting him this approach by johnny cochran although was pure evil was genius because it gave the case a racial tone that steered away from the evidence like people were no longer focused on all of the evidence against o.j simpson they were focused more on the racial inequities in america as a whole i think the final nail in the coffin for the prosecution was the fact that mark furman who i mentioned earlier the detective who found the bloody glove at oj's house had been there and found the evidence without a warrant and then they found out that mark furman actually had a history of being racist he had used the n word on tape like they had evidence that he had shown racial bias in the past so oj's defense team was able to paint a picture in the jury's mind that it's possible mark furman could have planted evidence in order to frame oj this was easy for a lot of americans to understand black americans at the time because the police had a history of planting evidence in order to incriminate people so a lot of people were like yeah that that's totally plausible it could have happened and you don't like in in the court of law you just need enough reasonable doubt right reasonable enough doubt another reason the jury had doubt was because they had oj try on the glove that they found at the scene of the crime and it didn't fit him so they thought oh well it must not be his glove because it didn't fit him even though the glove had been in a freezer for a long time it had shrunk o.j had arthritis and he stopped taking his medication so his hand was swollen there were many reasons that the glove didn't fit but that still was like another like oh it was probably planted evidence and it doesn't fit him so that makes even more sense as to why it could have been planted on october 3rd 1995 the jury deliberated like the trial ended the jury deliberated for only four hours and they came back with a verdict of not guilty and like people were cheering so half of the country was like super ecstatic and cheering and they felt vindicated for all the injustices that black americans had seen at the hands of the police the other half of the country was stunned because of all of the evidence against o.j simpson and pretty much that he had gotten off on a technicality right like i think that the prosecution was way too confident i don't think that they maybe they just thought like because they had all the evidence that it would be easy to convict i don't think they accounted for the fact that like the racial undertone of this trial was really what set him free i think i don't know i wasn't there so after the criminal trial oj goes home he's free um but ron goldman's family was like no no no no no they take him to civil trial and they use all the evidence that they had at the criminal trial as well as finding out that the shoe print that was at the scene of the crime matched oj's shoes like it was a really rare shoe that not a lot of people had but oj owned it and they had a photograph of him wearing the shoes so it was kind of like the smoking gun and the judge in that case the civil case awarded ron goldman's family like 33 million dollars or something like that so even though oj was not going to jail for the murders he was still held responsible in a civil trial and he was essentially bankrupt after that because he owed them a lot of money and his defense cost a lot of money um yeah ron goldman's family is still looking to collect the money that they're owed from the civil case ron goldman's dad especially is like not letting up on o.j anytime oj gets money ron goldman's dad is right there like that's my money bruh apparently oj had admitted that he'd done it to different people um he got a book deal and he wrote a book titled if i did it where he kind of confessed which is weird like imagine your wife dies and you s you write a book called if i if i did it if i was the one who killed my wife who does that he still makes jokes i think recently he tweeted something about not wanting to go to california because he didn't want to be sitting next to nicole's killer or something like weird like just stuff you shouldn't say if you actually um care about the death of your ex-wife it's strange oj did admit in in the times that he hypothetically confessed to the crime that he had an accomplice so that there was someone else there with him and he still adamantly says that he did not kill nicole so it's possible that whoever was there with him was the person who killed nicole and maybe he killed ron allegedly i don't know i don't know this is just what he has said that he had help basically like he wasn't the one who went there by himself he said things like yeah i went over to nicole's house to just check on her and if she hadn't answered the door with a knife she'd still be alive like what the what oh i'm done i'm done with o.j simpson i'm over it i never want to hear about this man ever again i swear to god all right you guys that is it for this video i hope that you enjoyed it i am back i hope to get back on the ball and make new videos please leave topics down below that you'd like me to cover i'm going to try and keep it light because this story was really heavy made me really sad maybe really reflect on like how i view people that i don't know like we really do idolize celebrities way too much we give them way too much slack like why why why are we like this we need to knock this off it made me really depressed i feel really sad for nicole and her family and ron and his family and their children it's just a tragedy all around like i feel like she never really had a chance right like she moved to l.a at a really young age and i know from experience living in that city it's it it swallows you and spits you out pretty quickly if you're not careful if you get around the wrong influences and you know getting involved with a man who's nearly twice her age who has a lot of power and money and influence it was just it was doomed from the start and i feel i don't know we got to protect our girls more guys all of us we're all responsible so yeah leave me a comment down below and let me know any other videos that you guys like to see also check out some of my other videos i don't know if they're old now but we're we're getting we're moving along we're getting back on the ball subscribe if you haven't already thank you so much to cerebral for sponsoring this video and i'll see you guys in my next one bye please i'll see you later bye
Channel: Cydnee Black
Views: 287,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beauty, History, Storytime
Id: HO8f5rzCfdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 16sec (3076 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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