Quarter 3 Module 3 "Composing an Independent Critique of a Chosen Selection"

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[Music] [Music] welcome back students i am vanessa mayam nerosa your grades and english teacher before we start our lesson proper let's have first a prayer dear lord we thank you for another great day to learn new things thank you so much for giving us our teachers and staff who guide us to be good people give us an open mind so we can incorporate stronger teachings and learn lessons that will help us to succeed in life amen once again good day students for our lesson today you will learn how to compose an independent critique of a chosen selection this module tackles about critiquing a certain literature learning the specific skill may help develop your critical thinking which can be applied in your oral or written discourse additionally you can communicate your thoughts sentiments or feelings to a specific subject or issue in a best way by applying the lesson you have learned in critiquing a specific selection after going through this module you are expected to number one define critically number two identify the factors to consider increasing and number three predict a specific short story every day in our lives we created things maybe a situation or a person critiquing may help you to think logically and create your own insight in the story in this module you'll learn how to make an independent critic of a specific selection [Music] now write at least five synonyms for the word critic [Music] are you done so here are the possible answers we have analyze evaluate judgment examine commentary opinion assessment criticism and many more [Music] did you get a perfect score very good let us study the diagram and text about critically so you can understand it better happy learning critiquing writing a critic requires you to reassemble the element in such a way that your intended audience has a better understanding of stories strengths weaknesses and [Music] highlights critiquing a story is not primarily making a summary rather it gives comments and evaluates the specific work it is a dab evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the reading public insight onto the story [Music] what is a critic so when we say critic it is a genre of scholastic and academic writing that critically assesses work or idea critics can be used to carefully analyze a variety of works such as creative works research and media an example of creative works are novels exhibits film images and poetry in research we have monographs journal articles systematic reviews and theories and in media are news reports and future articles did you get it [Music] very good all right why do we write and make critic writing a critic on a chosen selection helps you to develop number one a knowledge of the works subject area or related works number two an understanding of the works purpose intended audience development of argument structure of evidence or creative style and number three a recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the work next is how do you write a critic before you start writing it is important to have a thorough understanding of the work that will be critical first study the work under discussion second make notes on the key parts of the work third develop an understanding of the main argument or purpose being expressed in the work fourth consider how the work relates to be broader issues or context [Music] and lastly there are a variety of ways to structure a critic you should always check your unit materials or blackboard site for guidance from your lecturer the following template which showcases the main features of a critic is provided as one example here is your guide in writing your critic we have contacts author's intention your reactions literary devices literary technique and ending of the story so we have six guides in writing a critic so the first guide is context it questions what genre is it is it an adventure a science fiction or fantasy or a literary next is author's intention what is the author trying to accomplish with the story if the story is meant to be funny and isn't or is meant to be a virality tale but doesn't like put it up then it has nailed in at least one respect the third guide is your reactions note your reactions as you read either keep a spare piece of paper with you or mark your reactions on the margins of the text the fourth one is literary devices figures of speech used in the story and their purpose examples of figures of speech are simile metaphor animatopias personification hyperbole and so on and so forth fifth is literary technique ask yourself is this literary technique make the reading experience more enjoyable or strengthen the story and lastly ending out the story decide how the ending relates both to the story as a whole and to its beginning does the ending resolve the plot and bring closure to the prisons of the character so that is the six guides in writing your critic again we have context author's intention your reactions literary devices literary technique and lastly ending of the story now you already have the knowledge about composing an independent critic of a chosen selection your idea will help you understand thoroughly our topic for today at this time let us apply what you have learned have fun with this activity activity one entitled critical reading read the story of quiche by jack london from the given link on a separate sheet make a critic of the story following the indicated format i will give you 10 minutes to answer [Music] 10 minutes is over how was your experience in answering did you get everything right you checked the rubric as your guide in your quarter 3 mojo 3. now let's go to activity 2 entitled pritikin kish earlier you already experienced how to write simple pretty this time we will practice composing an independent critic in an essay form this activity is to level up your understanding on composing an independent critic on a chosen selection also this will help you to improve your writing skill enjoy writing compose a critic in an essay form by answering these questions write your essay on a separate sheet kindly refer to your quarter 3 mojo 3. now let us assess activity 3 fact or block your output on creating an independent critic shows that you successfully grasp the lesson at this point let us boost what you have learned earlier take the life in identifying the statement if it is fact or block directions read each statement carefully identify if it is true or not if it is correct write the word fact if it's not write the word bluff i will give you 10 minutes to answer okay 10 minutes is over for all your answers correct you can preview the answer key to check if you answer it correctly kind of refer to your quarter 3 module 3 activity 4 watch and predict me you have just learned the meaning features and factors to consider in making a critique this time it is now your chance to develop and comprehend your understanding this activity will also develop your viewing as well as your writing skills just follow the given instructions happy watching and predicting watch the video of a short story about corona virus make your own critic of the story using the guide in making a critic write it in an essay form put your answer on a separate sheet congratulations you have just successfully accomplished the given activities today always remember that you can critique but at the end of the day you also need to reflect at this point let us reflect on your journey in learning this module for your last activity read and follow the instruction activity 5 entitled critic yet reflect you are tasked to make a letter expressing your ideas and feelings about composing an independent critic of a chosen selection write your reflection kindly refer to your quarter three module three great job you have completed the activities let us remember it is indeed very easy to give our critics may play me in a short story in a certain situation or even to a person but bear in mind that critical thinking is also needed in making your own clipping let us inculcate in our minds what making you creative does not always equate to negative feedback rather let us use this as an academic assessment to work or idea [Music] composing an independent critic of a chosen selection will also help you to develop knowledge of the work subject area or related works additionally this may aid you to understand the work's purpose intended audience development of argument and structure of evidence and creative style thus critic wisely all right it's time to head off see you again to our next lesson i am vanessa b marosa your great english teacher bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Vanessa Mae Nerosa
Views: 6,115
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Id: Z9Kb86GSNgs
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Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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