Qualities of a Good Man - Dr Myles Munroe | Bishop TD Jakes What Man needs Before Woman

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[Music] are we going to talk about manhood tonight but from the perspective of the principle of fatherhood I want you to listen tonight because most of us never had good fathers who sat with us and taught us the way Bishop Jake's wants you to be taught in this conference what I'm gonna teach you took me 38 years to learn much of our manhood skills were taught by men who were not men and so it's important for us to re-enter the training I want you to reconnect to the purpose and role of the mailman and the concept of why God calls the mail father there is no greater responsibility for a male as much as fatherhood no man can measure his life beyond the success of his family please get your Bibles and your notebooks let's go to work I'm gonna give you five simple principles ladies whether he's 18 or 80 if he's worthy enough to have a child with these all the things that he should have to call himself a father number one he should be a protector a father is protective he is concerned about your well-being it may get on your nerves but he was worried you come on who's that he's protective he is a protector there should be an inclination in him to make sure you are safe because everything under his auspices is a sign he should give that family back to God and say everything you gave it five caps he is a protector protecting against the enemy protecting against fraud protecting against trouble protecting against stress and yes sometimes he deals with stuff and says absolutely nothing to you because he is protecting you promise and some of the things he's protecting you from you'll never be able to see because it hits him fast if I'm the leader trouble hits me fast and afraid the trouble so anything standing behind me he's not gonna get the force of a win because I'm standing in his way most people don't recognize your worth until you're taken away a good man it's recognized for the fullness of his worth upon his departure because in everything that would hit you the first and only human that God created from the soil was a male why because he was laying the foundation for the human family when you're gonna build anything you got a first lay the foundation you've been taught in your culture that you are the head of the house tonight I'm taking you back to Kingdom teaching you are on the bottom of the house you're supposed to carry the weight of the whole crowd the male is God's chosen foundation for the human family and he puts us on see you've been taught you are the head no you are the bottom of the hole a real man doesn't brag about paying the rent he doesn't brag about buying groceries he doesn't brag about keeping the lights on why that's his response clap your hands and say I'm a real man he's a protector some things don't hit you if he comes home complaining about everything and whining about everything he's not a good father because some of that protection is in your silence you deal with it if your mouth shut not because your father is in the house doesn't mean he's fathering you maybe 96% of the men in this room never heard their father say to them you make me proud you done well another concern that I've concluded is this one statement dad is destiny write it down I got this statement from a cover story from Newsweek magazine based on all of their research they concluded that dad is destiny and what they met was so go the men so go the nation they found out that 92% of all problems in society is related to the absence of a male in the family whether it's boys with guns or girls with babies dropouts of school prisons filled with young men all related they say to the absence of a father in the house the secular world therefore agrees with God finally if you read what God's conclusion of humanity's problem is it may shock you then the last chapter of Malachi the last three verses God concludes what man needs yes he says in Malachi he will come and he will return the hearts of the children back not to the mothers but to the fathers and the fathers back to the children otherwise he says I will curse the man which means whenever a society is crumbling unseen like is under a curse God says it's because the fathers are absent number two he's our profile he is a profiler when I talk about four visions is more than money father's provide covering he provides wisdom support friendship food council clothes he provides prospective fun advice he provides insight he has a giving spirit he adds to your life your life is full and Richard because he's in it most men I meet have no conviction in life they just want to kind of pay a bill and die it's not necessarily an issue over who makes the most money he's still a provider he may not make as much as you make but he's in there spreading all he can he is a provider he is a contributor he is a giver if he's got a stingy spirit don't date him I don't fans he's fine and the grab-ass ibly cut him loose cuz if he's stingy at 20 he's gonna be stingy and sadly I'm not talking about giving you everything you want but some of you sisters want more then the man had to chase back but I'm talking about being a provider and being sensitive to your needs he should be a provider are you understanding what I'm saying it should be in his DNA to be a provider you not know that when God created man he created man in his likeness and in His image and one of the names of God is your over Jarra God will provide and that provision proclivity ought to be somewhere in your masculine sphere where you are a different lot of taker your body gives your head about what your heart ought to be your body is built to make you a giver and not a receiver I think mr. Jason what I'm talking about we should teach our young men to be providers the highest honor for a place on a male is the word father why because father is the type of God gave himself God never calls himself a mother God gave you his title the word father is from the Hebrew word ABBA the word Abba is the Greek word pata pata are in New Testament Old Testament Abba New Testament Tata and they both mean the same thing matter of fact the word in the Hebrew and the Greek means source secondly it means sustainer the word album ezra sauce and sustainable it also means nourishing Alber also means supporter in other words you saw something and then you supported so when God released everything he became the source of creation now whatever you release you have to automatically sustain so the Bible says he's the father of creation when he upholds all things by the he's a true father a father doesn't just produce he sustains I'm gonna say it again our Father doesn't just produce he sustains when God called the male father you tame the male you are the source of something it means datian and Jesus said in John 8 verse 19 you do not know me nor my father but his father sauce if you knew the glass you would know the bottle he that have seen me have seen my sauce listen to me man was the sauce of woman the function of the male is to father the woman to protect a woman is not looking for a sex champion she's looking for a father so the function of the male is a do what Saba the female with his father sauce listen no woman on this planet I don't care what she sells you no woman on this planet wants to have to go to work let me say it slowly no woman on this planet none I dare them to talk to me I've been to 87 countries and every woman is the same they don't want to have to go to work why they look built to have the support they came to help and so the devil strategy is to move the man and now the woman gotta carry the weight and she's not built to carry the weight so he said I would return the hearts of the father's back number three this should be a promoter somebody who promotes somebody other than themselves it's not about getting the whole family to make you look good it's about using the gifts that God has given you to make them look good it's God the Father spoke about God the Son and said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him there are ought to be a time in your life that you begin to recognize that this is not about you it's about your children the enemy is not fighting you over you cannot get into this for a minute the enemy if not fighting you over you because if you're 30 or 40 years old you already dysfunction if you won't be crazy you already crazy by now and you're probably crazy all the sudden that happens when you were again and the only reason the devil is message with you at all is so that you'll do something stupid enough to mess up your pious so that the generational curse will pass someone to the other that's why you got to resist let's say just because my dad in left doesn't mean I'm gonna stand still sometimes you gotta stick it how is the male the father the female here's the bottom line the male is the source of seed woman have no seed you carry in your loins right now for generations every minute of every day every male in here is carrying for generations what you do in secret is never secret it's generational so your private escapades with the women as do Tamara - is my private generations are being impacted by that some of you wonder why you are violent against women oh why you wanna out drink alcohol or why you wanna take drugs you wonder why I hate women why I want to beat them in check your father's father's father because the sins of the father never the mother the sins of the fathers Kahn says I'll transfer to the first second third and fourth generation nothing that a mayor does is private it might be personal but never private so every time I'm tempted to sin I think about my unborn great-grandchildren God doesn't just want to forgive you he want to forgive you right you see you have a source of seed you had a nourisher of fruit that comes from your seed the male is designed to protect the food that comes out of them therefore the male determines the quality of the fruit and the tree therefore the male maintains its offspring therefore the male is the source of life listen to me men and I beg you you are the key to the whole building if we're gonna build the communities back in our countries we got a study with Paul say paul said i want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ and the head of woman is man and the head of Christ is God God verse 8 the man did not come from the woman but the woman came from the man therefore all the women that you have in your life he was supposed to father them you ever wondered why all the way back in Abraham time even today when you get married you stand at the altar she's coming down the aisle with her father so the two father's in the house one waiting and one bringing follow me now the fathers were playing he gonna soon release it to another father so the Bible says a man leaves his father but it never says a woman leaves a woman never leaves read the Bible for this cause shall a man leave his father mother but the woman never leaves her father why because she just changes father's he turns her or is it left all son keep on father in my daughter you are the father of your wife number four a father should be a priest in the Bible the man was the priest over his home that's why God referred to himself as the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he didn't become Isaac's God while Isaac was a child he became Isaac's God when he became a man he became Jacob's God when he became a man it's a process where God began to deal with the father's patriarchal blessings passed down from the father the father named the child he spoke into his life he was the priest over the whole that's why when Noah survived the flood the Bible said the first thing Noah did when the ark landed before he built the house he built an altar because he is a priest and as a man you need a prayer life I want to read a verse to you I call it a call to men his son was Solomon David was a great king on his deathbed about to die I wanted to read what David says to his son it says in the book of first Kings chapter 2 verse 1 when the time drew near for David to die he gave a charge to his son Solomon now watch a father talk to her son cool I am about to go the way of all the earth he said so be strong and show yourself a man what a good word for a father to say to a son some about to die assure yourself a man show yourself a man that's in the Bible and I is gonna tell him how to show himself a man he says first of all observe with the Lord your God requires secondly walk in his ways thirdly keep his decrees and his commands fourthly he says keep his laws and requirements that are written in the book then he says so that you may prosper in all you do we should teach our young little before I and whenever you go son you're gonna be okay if you keep the law I taught you did your father leave you the Word of God like that or he just kind of left you he just left you did he left you when he was 9 he left you when he was 14 he left before he was born and no man ever came to you and says now show yourself a man but most men don't know what a man is you won't waver young man to be a father sometimes we fall a little smash in the blood of clay that's why I'm here I'm here there show you how to be a man because most men don't know the man is Davis assure yourself a man and he knew what a man look like a man who keeps the law of God keep this requirement who obey the statures who walk in his way he said David if you do that you'll make plenty money you will live long you'll keep your body pure he won't drink liquor and slow though you we'll keep bad company you the last party says and the Lord will keep his promises to me he said listen son if you be a man the promise of God gave me will be fulfilled in you do you have a son are you talking to your son a lady came to me from behind a counter in the airport she says is that your son I said yes he just hugged you I said yes but she started crying she said he's a man I said yeah he just told you lovely I said yep I will tell my son I love she cried she said my husband left my son when he was 7 years old and now my son is 18 and he's in prison do you tell your son you love it did your father tell you is the question I want to explain something your sister some of your sisters think your husband doesn't pray because he didn't act like you men don't pray like women I loved one when the women pray to women pray you you tell they pray you come in the house you hear a prayer [Music] a woman comes to God talking about how she feels a man comes to God and say Lord need to understand five dollars and I'm just I'm just trusting you Lord can I need a breakthrough I'm just believing you to do it in the name of Jesus she come in and say we would be in this mess if you would pray you just didn't hear but a man should be praying there you can't just come to church you have to have a prayer life you have to have a prayer life where you turn stuff over to God if you don't turn stuff over to God you will crack you will break you will flip out you lose control over to the Lord as if people turn it over to you you have to turn it over to the Lord the kids bring your trouble your mama brings your trouble your siblings bring your trouble your wife brings it true you can't hold all of that sauce you gotta cast it on the wall and say God I know you're a dog to take well the playing men in this way takes of Miss we've always said that men ought to lift up holy hands without wrath and without done it I would that men would pray without ceasing you know my God tells me to pray without ceasing because you have problems coming at you without ceasing and you got a defy everything as they throw it at you destroyed it they bring it to you just fine that's why you start drinking again there are many men in this room that you think that the pain they spending in between you and God it's your sins but I'm not telling you something your sins are not your biggest problem your lack of prayer is your biggest problem because God said if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven God said don't worry about your saying I will forgive your sins heal your land my problem with you is that you don't pray if you were praying God said I would deal with your weakness when I grant my children of the beginning to pray for them I don't pray for them as their pastor I have never not like help my children and pray for them as their pastor because I go to the higher calling of being their father as they fall out of the priest over my house and God will hear the word Eden is five strokes in him it means moment spot presence open door access what is Eden a spot on the earth for the moment where the presence of God is an open door to heaven so the first place God put the mail is in his presence so the first thing a man needs it's not the presence of a woman he needs the presence of God within Nigeria get ready to piece the biggest crowd I haven't spoke to my life they said people are coming from everywhere the roads were jammed all over Lagos in Nigeria I was getting ready to put on my clothes to get ready to go speak when the phone rang while I said Jamar is in the hospital I said what's wrong with you she said well they say he's had a heart attack he said baby's had two heart attacks and they're trying to medicate him to keep you from having another first feeling I had was to pass out I was shot I said a heart attack it'll make no sense it's 24 years old at the time a heart attack I said put the phone to you I said you're mine yes I said this is daddy I said listen to me and hear me good coming to get you I will be there as fast as I can I said my boy you be there when I get there I call the pastor on the phone as you listen I've had an emergency to come up I hate to disappoint you I've flown all the way across the world they can speak to the largest crowd probably speak to in my life but I will not be there because my child is in from God I told my wife whatever we go through we don't go through it together we will go through it together and every time I could get on the phone I said I'm almost there I'm almost there she said that Jamar listen I'm telling the nurses the nurses I better be your son my dad is on his way my day they'll be herself will determine a child successful whether sometimes we got to show we got the soul you have to show up for a fight you know why you are the priest over your home and when they're in trouble you got to be there fold the 21 hours I was sent straight up in the plane just flying this fire when the plane landed I leaped off the plane jump in the car went straight to the hospital we mess with the law we need some men that a fight that depth with squared so warfare better come in and say wait a minute huh you can pray for your wife better than anybody you can pray for your kids better than anybody because if you are praying man you got some faith to touch somebody tell me the five purposes of the mail first number one Eden to be a kingdom man you must be in the presence of God 24 hours number two work God gave man work before he gave him woman that means you need a job before you get a wife number three God told a man to cultivate to cultivate means to bring the best out of something to make it truthful therefore God will never give a male a finished product you are designed to be a cultivator so God will not give you anything you don't have to come to me so God never gave Adam a chair or a table he hid them in the trees God will never give a male a finished woman the woman that you are looking for the one in your head that's not exist that's why you can't find the perfect woman Julie exist in your mind doesn't only give you the raw material he said I want you to cultivate make into the woman in your mind so your job is to develop and to refine and to train and to educate and to improve the woman in your life that means the longer a woman stays with you the better she should become therefore you must be just like Jesus the Bible says he has a woman her name is April SIA he says you love your wife like I know my wife how I wash I cleanse her I remove every blemish and then I preserve her to my self present your wife to yours when I first married my wife she was afraid to talk to the dark today she speaks all over the world by herself why every woman is a man to project I'm gonna say it again your wife is your divine project if she's too fat don't tell her she's fat you wake her up 6 o'clock come baby let's go let us go jogging she don't look right don't jest right don't criticize her you take it to the best boutique in town and buy you the best clothes and say come on baby look at my stuff to me if you are not proud of your wife you should be ashamed of yourself your children are supposed to be produced better and better because they are your children you come to me last two he says protect the garden males are protect us that's why God gave you Naja bone structures and mass muscle why you were born to be a protector when a man takes his muscle and hit the very thing he should be protecting that man is a beast your strength was not given to you to destroy a woman but to protect the last one he said out of my giving my command your job is to teach your family the command of God the problem is the devil has reversed it your wife knows more word than you and you are wired to be the teacher that's why you hate when she tries to teach by every but what you've got a catch up now to become a man of education that keeps your family the Word of God you will be a better man your grandson your unborn granddaughter is in the balance tonight number five a good father is a prophet he prophesized to his children he tells them what they can be and what they can become and what they can do he speaks to their destiny not their predicament their destiny you are better than this you can go further than this this is not the end of your life get back up and fight again I see it in the spirit you are winner you don't even know it you are winner you'll win if you don't quit you got a office out of there I think every man in the room ah to preach a little bit you ought to preach some time you ought to be able to preach to and say you're gonna make the Bible says that when Rachel in the tools of labor was producing her something job and as she produced him in the final throes of labor she was dying and gasping for breath and her final moment of pain and agony and this is what women sisters you have to watch you have to watch scarring your children with your pain in the midst of her pain she named her baby banana which means son of my solos sometimes when life hadn't done you right men haven't done the right jobs have done you right that bitterness passes off to how you treat your children she said he's son of my sorrows and she died when Jacob got to the back of the tent the nurse is holding the baby and she's crying and he says this is your son she says this is your son she says his name is banana and Jacob said all [Music] every one King because his father never had a man in this house a man must really please be reading shut TV off and read okay I read four books a month that's a tough thing to do the reason why I read so much is because I don't want to be stupid I got a family a wife and kids that I have to lead remember the last time you read a book and finish in the winery you think you know everything already that's your problem commit yourself to pursue knowledge men I challenge you to decide from this night forward that you're gonna turn your home into a library you have to do this brother no one can learn for you no one commit that you're gonna change after this night you're gonna become a pursuer of knowledge as a man that goes so you pass the stupid many passes don't even read a book including the Bible they only read the Bible for sermons you gotta push your knowledge invest in your own education invest the value and the cost of ignorance is always higher than knowledge Barbossa someone you're getting get understanding and then it says because you all you have get understanding proverbs 4 verse 7 you got a choice it in a book on a box of chicken after this meeting when you need chicken it's save your system for six hours but you buy a book I read it stays forever you have to invest in your own development defects the vision God gave you is supposed to be transferred to your son if the Foundation's be restored whether the righteous even be saved
Channel: Inspiring Habits
Views: 97,829
Rating: 4.9026709 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Myles Munroe motivation speeches, 2019 Christian inspiration, inspiring habits motivation, successful relationship, qualities of a good woman, qualities of a good man Dr Myles Munroe td jakes, a good man, a good father sermon, Myles Munroe sermons, 2019 christian motivational speech, best motivation video, motivational video, motivational speeches, inspirational video, a good relationship dr myles munroe, a good marriage, What Man needs Before Woman, #drmylesmunroe
Id: e8J7xN8mn1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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