Easy Quail Cage With Egg Roll Out Tray

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hey guys welcome to four kids in a farm my name is aaron and if you've never been to our channel my wife and i rachel have four kids on a five acre farm here in northern california um if you have been here you know that we've got some would say too many animals we just hatched some pharaoh keturnix quail and we're raising those for meat and eggs they're probably about three weeks old they are outgrowing their brooder [Music] and so what i have to do is i have to build them a hutch i went to the local home improvement store tried to find the straightest lumber i could which was just a monumental effort quail either need not a lot of space or a ton of space because when they pop up if they get enough velocity they can snap their necks so they either need an aviary type setting something that's eight feet tall or something that's two feet or less we are going to also build a roll out for the eggs we are building one hutch that is going to easily fit all 16 of our quails now once we can determine males from females and we start to build out our breeding program we can easily easily build another one of these you know this is cheap enough next time we build one out we can improve on it and so absolutely comments are appreciated we are newer to homesteading we are newer to quail we are excited for their eggs and for their meat we have definitely been students of kuturnik's corner living traditions homestead and slightly redneck we've watched very many videos on how to raise quail so without further ado let's get building [Music] so these are gonna be my four corner posts um and then i'm just going to make some more cuts and showing you what i'm gonna do is probably the easiest thing to do so we'll pause here and say that this is gonna be the roof and so i got the basic frame and then i'm gonna start putting these this these are considered two by twos along here like this uh so that i can screw the plastic roofing on at intervals on the top [Music] this will be the roof i'm going to take this off bottom is gonna be a lot like it but i think i'm gonna attach the sides and the roof before i measure the bottom of the cage just because that feels like it's the part that needs to fit the best especially because i'm going to put a little bit of a lean in it so that those eggs can roll out so that we can collect them easier got to put all these sides up and then remeasure make sure i got the right measurements [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna put one more just to give it a little bit more structure but it feels pretty pretty darn structured okay so this part is pretty important i'm about to put the hardware cloth on the bottom of the cage now if you're going to make a bottom that the eggs can roll on you have to be aware that there's two kind of orientations to this hardware cloth you want the wire on the top facing upward because otherwise if you go on the other side let's see if we can like it's just going to be it's going to prevent the eggs from rolling and it's going to make it really difficult this is going to be the way that i want to staple it down so so i'm going to wrestle with that and we'll get this just a little bit closer to being done [Music] okay guys welcome back um it got late last night it got hot yesterday so we went to the pool and we enjoyed some pool time i just want to show you what i did in the meantime with this coil hutch um i i didn't heed my own advice and um i put the bottom wiring on wrong i had actually flipped the whole thing upside down so i did have to flip it over i did add this little lip right here so when the eggs come down that'll stop it so you see it rolls really well it kind of is a little bit hard so what we'll probably do i mean we tried like just real quick put a little hay if you if we need to go cheap that'll stop it really nicely but otherwise we'll probably get one of those foam weathering strips put it right along here so that will have a little foam barrier so those eggs i mean quail eggs are a lot lighter this is a chicken egg so we're not going to be dealing with a lot of broken eggs anyway all right guys so i finished the front uh i left a part that was not that i didn't put the mesh on that's the frame for the door i'm gonna put a couple tacks in this screw it in and then i'll frame out the door so that'll be next [Music] guys i'm not gonna lie i'm pretty happy with this and pretty stoked i thought i was going to make way more mistakes on measuring this thing out but so far it's fit together really really well so in the back i don't have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to diy stuff so this uh so far has turned out really really good this is going to have some part of the season out in the elements and some part of the seasons underneath here i think we decided in our underneath our shop so when it's winter and it's raining we'll have all of our all of our quail underneath here when it's sunny and bright and not raining so much we'll have them in the garden this front area is where we'll probably put our water system inside there so it's pretty darn sturdy [Music] opens so good i did put a couple blocks uh right here um just one on top one on bottom just so when this closes it doesn't uh like hyper extend or go into the coop to give a little bit more uh stability there and off camera i did add these little bumpers right here on the side so that the eggs you know they don't fall out this way so pretty quick and easy just tack them in here and you guys it's done except for the roof that's it's sturdy it's light enough for us to move rachel wants to paint it white so we'll probably do that and i'll put up this uh this roofing um and it'll be done we'll be ready to put the coils in so i put the roof on it's painted we're going to bring it out here in the backyard where we're all in the backyard but we're going to bring it out by our deck just so we can kind of observe them kids are bringing quail out now we're going to see how they like this thing a couple things we have to do in the next few days is water system and feed system and i got some ideas for that [Music] now the cool thing is is we could like we could put little tiles on there if it gets too rough for their feet uh these guys have uh lived an awesome life on sawdust so far so they this is totally new for them if you guys enjoyed this at all give us a thumbs up like subscribe hit that notification bell so you can be notified anytime we have a new video appreciate you guys being here and good luck with your quail adventures and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: 4 Kids and a Farm
Views: 63,601
Rating: 4.8883996 out of 5
Keywords: how to build a quail cage, quail cage, build a quail cage, raising quail, diy quail cage, quail cage build, quail pen, quail coop, coturnix quail, quail farming, quail housing, quail cages, egg roll out, quail egg roll out, how to build a quail cage step by step, coturnix quail cage, homemade quail cage, quail hutch, raising quail at home, how to make a simple quail cage, cheap diy quail cage, how to raise quail, quail for beginners, easy quail pen, rabbit hutch, hutch
Id: _Hc-f4pf0gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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