QUAD Trailers - My CRAZIEST Haul Yet! (Euro Truck Simulator 2)

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I like how someone's job is to play my job in a video game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iAmTorin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies



Possible, although different axle setup and application.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StaffordMagnus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They do it in Australia, so it’s technically possible. Just not everywhere.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My brother showed me this the other day, and we had a good laugh watching it.

I had to share it with you guys. Video is a bit long, but it’s worth it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/warwgn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hi guys school here and welcome back to under the eurotruck video in this video we're going to be doing another scorer logistics trailer because we are big enough to deliver small enough to care we've now gone from doing triples you know easy-mode triples we're now going to do a court oh yes a court you can see how utterly broke it the trailer is actually almost on the road in fact if it spawned the trailer on that left one over there it would have been sitting on the fence and I'm not even joking so the first thing we need to do is hook this thing up so let's start er up now I've never actually attempted to deliver a trailer this long in this game ever which considering how long have been playing this game that's a bit of a stamen right there so you're going to see this happen whilst I'll try it for the first time like a glove let's get a hooked up right so let's have a quick look at the route the trailer itself is 65 ton trailer so it's pretty heavy it's as heavy as the heavy haul stuff but obviously we've got the added complication of the ridiculous length of this trailer we're taking shock absorbers and we are going and I'm going to butcher this name we're going to go from Doug Doug about Doug raff bills Duggar bills I don't know you say that we're going to head north noticed on the map actually that we could go through this place here so I think we'll reroute that way and go through yeah Kapil pick up that discoverable and then I think we'll leave it on the a6 and the a one all the way to pΓ€rnu and then finally up to absolu and then Carla that's where we're going that's what we're going to try and go again I have no idea if this is your base deliver bore not we'll start by getting out on the road and observing the absurd length of this trailer which is obviously going to try and cut into absolutely everything that we take as a corner look at the length of this I'm like what oh my God look at that it's hard to appreciate the length of this trailer set until you actually start moving and then you realize that you're down at the next Junction and the trials and you just leave in the eye is insane eyes a proper Road joint okay right you know I mean it's not lightweight it's not sure it's it's a difficult trailer so we're going to have to see what happens actually the front end is really really lightweight as well when you're turning because I think there's I'm not sure this is working to be honest like from a physics perspective because if this is 65 tons then that should be split four ways yeah so that should mean we've got about what just over 16 tonnes in each trailer which means the only thing that it should be pushing down on the back of this truck into the fifth wheel is 16 tonnes the other 16 s should be spread all those one side they should all be spread over the axles of the trailer but what it kind of feels like it kind of feels like with the front wheel get a bit sloppy that all 65 is pushing down on the back of the fifth wheel and therefore popping the front up slightly and making it a bit lightweight but we'll see how it goes in theory it shouldn't handle different to a sixteenth owner in terms of steering obviously not when you've got the whole way to the truck pushing you down the hill that's completely different story but I don't know how it's been implemented in the game anyway we'll give it a bash we'll see what happens we may not be able to deliver this thing we may end up even having to teleport at some point our surprise doesn't have to teleport the trailer set in because I could say if it spawns on the fence your only option is to take the job and then teleport yourself back into the yard so it catches the trailer and then you can actually get going because you can't get to try it off on top of a fence it's just not possible funnily enough but we got lucky on that one delivery as you've seen before delivers a different story the best you can do is just skip barking but on the way if we take too many you know tight turns or the Hill Climb say we may not even get that but let's see how we get on let's the let's pick up some speed shock absorbers sure going to be a comfy right oh yeah I got in though what a gag fuel is good look at the state of it in the mirror though I mean this this is the definition of a role train why here completely illegal totally not allowed on the European roads at all but a whole lot of fun just to see if it's possible for science one sign we need to give account we've taken one sigh now I took one sign out and the last run with the triple I took one side and one red light offense didn't get any car offenses I don't believe I've forgot any damage so far one percent damage on the truck which is interesting not really sure where we got that from but nevermind no damage on the trailer so my goal for today is mmm no red lights well go for two signs maximum and possibly a traffic offense when we hit something I would be happy with that actually I'll be happy with delivering this thing but that's by the by look at that that looks absolutely epic Oh God oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy that's what you get this the same thing happens to me in train simulator all the time I look at the external cameras and then things go badly wrong and I think we've just got a traffic offense possibly I'm not sure to be taking a damage no let's count that as a No like bit less of the sites Dean what the heck was that that's not like a Harley to swim past speed up at 80 scrub some more speed while dude outside of a bend completely safe and then and then just accelerate straighten to us that's 70 speak let me wonderful driving he's going to break check me I can feel it I can feel it there he goes Wow's us oh my god the AI gives way to the trailers of an office so it definitely sees them but when you're turning onto a road it doesn't seem to do so well well it's behaving slightly better than I anticipated I need to fill up a lot that we do now we'll be fine fondant 49 and we've got 700 range I think we should be okay famous last words and all that that looks so good guys it really does it really does look so good let's pick up speed driver giri B has leveled up well congratulations you know I don't even pay any attention to my drivers anymore I've not even I've not even taken the maximum number of drivers that are possibly could take there's just no point there's no point doing any of the the driver management game play anymore look how much money I have I've had this profile for three and a half years now and I just have stupid money so I don't care if a driver levels up anymore okay right shot sir shrine negotiators Bend will stay as far wide as we can call of love to a kept a momentum line but you know this ambulance had other ideas oh my god dude get out of the way my trailer okay there's a discovery ball do we go for it do we not go for it some other kind it is down ma guys go for it oh my god let's see if we can take out this sign right I'm going to go as far wide as I can and try and avoid this side but I bet it's going to get kicked in such anyway actually you know what I think I may have actually missed it oh my God look at that no way epic I'm going to regret this there's a roundabout coming up okay I've not tried to go halfway around a roundabout with four trainers before so this is a first let me I can be see where he's going I'm just gonna blame go off he's yeah mister howdy driver come on off you go are you're going that way riders flying let's go then yeah you want to stay there right now that's what you want to do because you know Road train coming through and all that what is that doing back though look at that that behaves pretty well that wasn't complete carnage still not try the damage I'm impressed regardless coverable I've never actually been down this road before we cannot Church so far so good I'm enjoying this this kind of makes your ordinary truck one trailer truck in look like ez mode now it's hilarious dude is going to come up with it that's that you stay there many more signs cannot nope or what a pro so far we're still on one fine I mean it's all doable as long as you take the right angles through the different you know bits of the road if you pick the wrong angles pick the wrong lines it's a very different story we're about to join to the a6 I think that was close DCI coach then can hear a trailer I didn't catch eyes on it right I reckon our trails as long as this bridge no not quite we're going to lose a sign are we going to lose the sign I'm pretty surprised goes one they go to another one nearly two signs we scratch one and took down another so would net were up to two signs at the moment that other one didn't fall over so it doesn't technically count okay all clear it's down the outside line I think don't you double on me pal tonight she feels like it's going to rain but it doesn't look like it fantastic I made it to the e 22 just trying to stay white here keep the trailers outside that white line as best as possible you can see them cutting like the last one cuts across the matter how far wire to go because the problem is when the AI vehicles are going the other way they always take a ridiculously kind of wide arc and the front of the truck just or bus I'll coach whatever edges swings right out onto this side of the road they're never actually trying to keep inside which is what you know real drivers try and do they try and keep inside of it on the bend because why would you want to be out here like that when you can be over here it's a lot safer obviously it's not going to super long trailer only dimple all right let's get up to speed looks like we're straightening out on others around about Cummins gangee judging by the traffic speed it's quite a small one as well you say that about check for collateral no for good no signs are harmed during the turning of that roundabout actually you know what I just noticed that we are really actually burning through fuel we've got 500 range now but we're down to a third of a tank if we see an easy mode fuel station on the way I'm going to take it I'll just leave that fuel gauge there and then it will remind me to do that it's all only the speed changes it to it so stuck in all the fuel keep going into the low gears this is a nice better road this is what you need for an ice road trained nice straight road down the side of a lake what could be better than that okay 368 k's left just on the seven hours 10:30 in the morning our eta is 1719 which already puts us wait a minute oh I think there's a fair reason uh that was no fairy slow down a second you can work out this time later eta is 17 on Sunday but the job is expected Monday in the early hours which implies either asleep which they shouldn't because fatigue stimulation is turned off or a ferry crossing which I don't think there is welcome now oh there is there it is there's a very very short ferry crossing onto the island okay that explains it then so it's kind of hard to estimate when we're actually going to get there now because I don't know how long that very cross it is so I hadn't actually spotted that crossing that could be full-on rip if it's a ferry where you just kind of pull up to the logo outside and that's fine if it's a ferry crossing where you have to dance through a whole lot of cars on the carpark and then pull up a massive ramp that could be a problem given it's only a very short ferry crossing I'm thinking it's going to be one of those drive ons while you drive into the back of a ferry fairly straight into the back of a very short ferry way shorter than this trailer but I think it'll be doable oh I'm just going to keep going okay I got away with that kind of done with some fuel from there but I can't pull into that one how stupid is that that fuel station is completely inaccessible to me there's no road that leads onto it completely pointless okay well good turn off here looks like an easy transition trying to damage it nope okay it's a climbing turn just hang back from this guy and then we can keep our momentum going because he doesn't have physics to deal with come on bro keep that momentum going don't don't stop on the hill do not stop on the hill do not stop on the hill you utter scumbag oh my god oh my god dude that just wrecked my momentum big time okay clip side yeah if we'd have had to stop on that hill that could have been a problem getting going 65 tons is is doable on a hill start but you never know you know you never know if you're going to get the friction out your tires I can't see what that cars doing wow you actually thought about it didn't you you actually starts about pulling out and then you thought you know what I don't want to be hit by a train today those kind of situations that you saw the classic accident spots they are where you're blindsided you're blindsided by what's behind the vehicle that you can see and all it takes is for that person the car to get impatient and just pull out thinking it might be clear and then BOOM t-bone this is great honestly it it honestly feels like I've just mixed train simulator with euro truck simulator it's hilarious it's like having a train that isn't on Rails it's fantastic every time you look in your mirror when you turn in abandon you see this monstrous caterpillar like thing just following you round the bend till there is oh my god why would you have to stop like that I have no idea completely ridiculous AI Wow look at the fuel guys seriously seriously we now got less fuel range than we have distance to go and I started what 750 range look at it now it's drinking fuel all mine is a fuel station coming up we got so lucky without oh my god outrange is collapsing what the heck we are drinking fuel [Music] look at that it's almost like there's a hole in tank must be all the like the friction from the tires but I didn't even think that was modeled because if I hold a 65 ton trailer I don't think it drinks feel like this like one of the heavy hauls so why is it certainly drinking it you can almost watch the bar going down well I'm going to be a little bit lights on this wall here until we make it right now I'm not confident we're going to make it to the fuel station or use the momentum we've got I think I don't care which side of the road this thing's on was stopping we have no choice I think what I say I'm going to get recovery I though they a ret other is okay as the rest point well I got pretty desperate if that fuel station hadn't been that we wouldn't have made it to the end of the road it's actually on the wrong side I'm just going to go in the wrong way I think if I can I just no way on earth I'm going to be you turn in this oh my god oh my god what kind of place is this okay well it's quite a big setup well you know I don't think this is gonna work something we're gonna get out of here I'm joking why I can get in for how the heck do we get out I can try for a u-turn though this is not good this is very very unexpected oh my god all right well let's fill up and then plan an exit okay the guy on the road car go fast he's actually stuck by me filling up for fuel this is amazing can we go on the back of this building and on the medium you get the external camera I always start the camera outside now my whirlwind you could in theory go around low that's a bit tight as an app though we could try around the car back but that's not going to work you can try for a u-turn but that much that looks too tight for u-turn if we went this way can we make it it's probably the best bet all right let's give it a girl I'm not very confident in this book I don't think the only u-turn is going to work in my du book the problem is once you commit to one thing you can't you know you can't reverse back out and try something else let's just keep it wide through here turn at the last possible moment and keep it right and then watch the cars get completely wrecked or don't fun to that car I don't not a third trailers gone past but the fourth the fourth trailer fantastic we got it it'd have been okay if it was just a triple let's get out of here before the notice okay let's take up all this road Oh God oh my god it's not even going to make it out of it I do not know and go we might have to borrow some road here because I don't know if our little trains old dude sorry you know we've got a bit of a Road train thing going on I know won't actually okay I mean we had to go on the wrong side of the road but we got out of there let's have a look at the damage no try the damage right so we've got one no two signs and one car scratch but it didn't lead to any damage you're fine so I don't think it counts as anything but we've got the fuel just shows you how long this thing isn't it just it's hard to get it in proportion when you're on the road like this but when you have to make a turn like that into a parking loss and then just trying to get out of there was ridiculous that's a nice tanker up front pitch I'm going to go straight into the back of it because you know can you pull out any slower really it's quite a cool trial on that no no no don't do that don't break test me please don't do that what will you go in well I'm not being funny but nobody indicates to do that today when you when the road goes from one lane and it opens up into two nobody indicates to move they just move over it's crazy no that's mine Palio all right looks over about to cross the border yeah look at the fuel gauge look at that we're on the road five minutes and look at it Marcy called he glad he's gone you know [Music] I've been translating the greens on the RPM gauge as well well hidden so it's just drinking fuel it's not a big tank master thing it's only got two little short stubby tanks on it so it's only got like what five or 500 liters from doing that on a 4x2 you're looking at one fourteen hundred two big tanks two seven Woodley - thanks and like that so you know we've got not much fuel storage capacity because we've got to drive wheels right a little tank there and a little tank on that side probably something like a three and a 200-liter what even so to that income driver Ralph W 22,000 euros and the guy has never wanted a pay rise since the day I got him he's never left never taken a sick day never wanted a pair of hose and the truck that he drives it's never gone wrong that's you know that's the kind of simulation level we're at right coming up to par do I think it's that he's turning off I'm happy about that just keep my eye out for a speed limit changes through here 170 KL some of that is going to be a fairy just kill the cruise control I've got a sneaky feeling with speed limits about to drop yeah there you go didn't even see the Sun and it went down to 60 and then 50 okay I'm not sure the best route through here actually months of a quick look at the overhead map don't think we can go right on looks like it's got some weird road links through there okay well we'll follow what it says I'm not sure if that's a better road or not I think it probably is let's go that way it's got fewer turns on it and you know as we know turns in this thing not a good idea I really hope that truck stays warriors oh no not a lane merge are you kidding me why should you control design oh my god oh wow I guess you're going then right unbelievable I was a silly road design done from two down to one more alright there's anything come on the other way we're toast well we got lucky though I think we got lucky yeah we're just about made that look at the boss you see that like you see how close he is to hitting my trailer just going around that bend that's what I was talking about you got to watch out for that and this is it a difficult but fun delivery I don't think we hit anything then I didn't get a no damage we're all good this is no larry's though we're like basically delivering like four trailers with warm truck which is highly efficient if you think about it normally you need for trucks to do this what you can see why it's just simply not allowed it just doesn't work like some roads it will keep one come on mr. car give me some room oh that last one that last trailer just about hit the curb but we made it all great so he was going to turn right in front of me that okay this can be a problem this could be a problem last trailer may very well catch that truck Wow that was close deep breath right it's harpus 3 on a Sunday ret a slip right now towards 7 p.m. depending on the length of the ferry crossing we could end up being light with this one not too fast to be honest because like I say the job market or the job engine thing doesn't really take into account how difficult your delivery is and I think it should I think they should add weightings to how difficult like a show each trailer should come with a like a difficulty factor which by default which is 1.0 and then like let's say the author of a very heavy trailer sets the difficulty factor to be add enough 1.2 and that would give you a 20% kind of weighting towards you know how difficult it take for example is it knows it's a difficult trailer it knows it's like super wide or super heavy or super long therefore you can't just expect normal delivery times like 8 to be delivery times it has to take into account that it's going to take you longer to maneuver you're going to be going slower it will be a simple thing to fix that I think and just let the author of the trailer decide on that factor that would seem to me to work best but it doesn't do it there's none of that I don't believe so you end up with ridiculously heavy or ridiculously long trailers and it gives you the same amount of time as it would you know attend some normal trial on which can't be right it's calming hence why we end up later but I'm not bothered it's not like we need it with 554 million in the bank please they offer okay route 16 believe they're going northbound look I put a compass in here he summer going Northwest slowed-down expect a speed drop looks like we're turning onto one of the road now route 10 I think it says yep pop star Lou and risky while we're down to 100 case guys doing pretty well here that's a nice yo station that would have been a nice refueling point that's perfectly doable with this trailer okay we got lucky let's go wide trying to avoid that signs clear it you know I think we actually might make this delivery I wasn't sure we was we could but I think we're going to do it I left one to 31 we must begin near the ferry port now I think these are actually thinking about this you know what when it spawns is in on the other side of the ferry it could go for it because it will be spawning as in to a point where it expects one trailer and depending on where it sponsors the back of the trailers could end up in the middle of something like on a fence on top of a car okay I really would prefer you didn't okay right just make your mind up either let me go or don't but oh my god yay why don't you ever go that's it just feel free driving some of the truck it's all good bro I'm not here I actually left five minutes ago that's it that solves the problem and so what you want to do that's it off you go on your way know what I'm just going to turn this off and then wait for them all to just disappear okay we're about to get a traffic offense from this car because there's no way I kind of I can stop him from doing stupid things so yeah rip you buddy that's that for trailer again wait for it the magic the magic it actually missed i'm soldier for that that's so cool yeah so when it spawns is in we could be in for a real disaster there's not a lot we can do about that these like super long trailers are just not really designed for fairies and stuff but see can if you went through a train crossing like if you went to davekeli for example and try to do that train crossing I think you'd have a real problem now you can get in but when it spawns you on the other side if you think about working almost bones ooh it's probably going to put the trailers straight in the back of the Train I'm sorry while he's going a bit quick considering the weather conditions I'll wait he doesn't have any physics by that okay frame rates taking a little bit of a hammering right now remember quick look at the map want to see if that's the best route where it's picked yeah we'll come up to the ferry so left turn yeah that's an assumption left turns of the ferry and then onward to spawn disaster it could when it's bonded then it could destroy the trailer and cause a ridiculous amount of damage we'll just have to say Comfort with a k' this is fun but also very slightly like it's quite a bit of work in dementia concentration like eurotruck is normally a relaxing game where you can scent the cabin just cruise for ages but with this you've really got to keep your eye on the ball all the time that's beautiful buy one straight on that's not looking too clever for him he sat in his car going oh my god I think you've only been here I'll just stuck into reverse and got the heck out of her just keep wanting it don't need the fuel station we are coming up on the ferry now this is the most critical part of this journey because this is the big unknown right here how we get to it is easy by luck a bit it looks like we drive straight there but when it spawns on the other side honestly guys I'm expecting a massive carnage because think about it if it turned us around here and spawned us this way our trailer would be in that ship and I'm kind of expecting that to happen so we made it this far I'm really proud of the fact that we got here but in a second this could all go peaked on I'm going to very quickly try and teleported out of there before the trailer gets 100% nail okay here we go one hour 15 here we go oh god oh god there it is there it is there's the wreckage ok it's not that bad but I can get away with over here quickly ok did that damage anything yeah 1% you know what we got away with that massively 1% trailer damage under those circumstances is pretty pretty lightweight but you can see what happened but that's ok we can take it we can actually still deliver this I expected far worse we'll get a deduction for the damaged boy who goes while so far this has been a relatively clean run 1% try the damage wasn't our fault two signs knocked down was definitely was our fault one car clipped for a member but that was in a car park and we didn't get fined for it and no vehicle damage on the road I don't believe no fines no no red lights no traffic offenses with a four trailer cargo that is not bad and it's been a very fun and very challenging trip and I've really enjoyed it and now we just got the final drop off after a roundabout and we are done Carla I think this is little island for remember Riley okay very very small roundabout oh my god this is a small animal wowsers amazingly okay we hit the kerb a little bit what no signs got taken out ok this drop off I've got a feeling this is one of those drop off around the back of the buildings not going to happen unless it's a yard when I've got a fair let's drive around the back not even sure we're going to get in here I can't be defeated with a last-second layers come on and this is the right here is it's around the back look oh my god when do we actually get given the option how close do I have to get before it gives me the option can we make it round here forgive the trouble that's what I was saying that's exactly what I was saying about this mod you'll often find when you want a four trailer set up that that's how it's formed and you can't you can't attach to that so what you have to do is just teleport is teleport facing back that way and it'll connect it all up for you but yeah it's completely undeliverable that's the whole point it's not supported by the game but we die here what we did it okay let's deliver this thing good work it says I think we're on time which is a very slight damage penalty and that was entirely caused by the spawn so you know other than that we we did well we got a complete wait for it it's pretty all eyes the best ending to a video I've ever seen look at that look at that we're in a tree absolutely beautiful trailer swaying in the breeze well I think on that bombshell guys we'll leave it I hope you enjoyed the video please give me a thumbs up if you did until the next one tanker happy truckin
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 1,914,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quad trailers, simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus, ets2, daf, overview, summary, before you buy, truck, trucking, euro truck simulator 2, scs software
Id: nbleC0-YJ88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 45sec (3105 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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