Crazy Quarry Haul! (American Truck Simulator)

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I go school here I have a challenge can I hole 18 tons of limestone in a double bottom-feeding trailer out of probably the biggest quarry in Mexico let's find out before we begin to do this I just want to say I don't actually know if I can get this trailer out of this quarry this may be a very short video with me basically falling off the side and landing back down here or I may just get stuck on the way out I don't know it's a double trailer it's not meant to be hauled out of here the job doesn't spawn here I've spawned it from the top of the quarry and and it goes to a place nearby what I've done is teleported it down to the bottom of the quarry the job norm responds up at the top here and you normally halt out with us so we're gonna be gonna be late anyway but I don't care I move the trailer to the bottom of the quarry and thought you know what let's see if we can actually get it out of here this is going to be our journey if we manage to get out the quarry we're gonna go down to this place called peanuts over here it's gonna be a fun journey I think no matter what happens we're in the Kenworth t800 we've got a 500 brake horsepower engine and it's time to rock and roll first job is to get out of the entrance here which is in itself not designed for this trailer because I'm not supposed to be here I have no option of reversing not with these trailers if I get it wrong then we're gonna get stuck quite frankly now the important thing with this is gonna be momentum as we go up the hill and choice of lined we've got to get the choice of our line correct there are places on this climb that are very challenging they come they're going to take us perilously close to the edge and in particular if there's any kind of zigzag aspects as we go between rocks we're going to struggle because of the double trailer we're gonna have to plan ahead we'll see this Sun is rising it's like 8 a.m. or something so as we as we drive you'll see the quarry will start to get progressively more lit but hold on to your hats because they're gonna be some very very tight aspects to this it will just push you to the edge this is part of the Mexico extreme map in case you're wanting to try this for yourself Viva Mexico and Mexico extreme kind of work together and Mexico extreme gives you this kind of crazy stuff which I absolutely love now this is the kind of thing that you're probably never gonna see SCS release this is not what they would go for well hey thank heavens for mods a because with mods we can get crazy stuff like this let's get into third that was a squeeze you may notice I stopped talking as we get to particularly tricky aspects I think we can turn the lights off now the sun's coming up nicely but along the way you'll see these diggers that are parked everyone you'll see rocks and boulders you'll see all kinds of stuff that we're gonna have to drive over and just hold on to your seats quite frankly it's gonna be fun I don't expect to get paid I expect to be very bullet very very late I don't care I thought we'd do this as a challenge today look how much because so much to do I don't even know if the job market takes into account oh dear broken scenery I don't know if the job market takes into account the drive out of here when it plans the distance we are right on the edge right now oh my god it's probably a number of kilometers drive just out of the quarry itself what an insane quarry though the people that work here when you finish your shift and you're at the bottom of the quarry it probably takes you an hour to get it back out again this is this is mining on an epic scale look at it even these machines make look at that that machine though makes my truck look like a toy which funnily enough I used to have one of those as a toy when I was a kid it's a very similar to that a Tonka toy back when Tonka toys were made from metal I think Tonka toys these days are made of plastic nice clothes yeah I think Tom guitars are plastic now they used to be metal you've able to sit on them they were insane they're one of the few toys that were very very hard to break let's keep wide round here yeah we're doing okay so far let's go left oh boy force feedbacks kicking around why don't Jeff blimey just look at this smear oh it's so much fun we need more of this in in truckin we need more of these kind of crazy places to get stuff out of cannot know how FAR's got to go I don't think we're halfway yeah maybe halfway if already looking out we've already climbed all the way from down laughs telegraph poles look like they're made out of metal hello my game just threw it to the desktop for some reason I have no idea what happened then my game just got thrown out to the desktop let me get it back into gear one second so my game through itself to the desktop which for no apparent reason that I could work out and then obviously when it does that it resets your controller so now I need to get back into gear and now do another Hill Start which is going to be great fun there we go crisis averted trying to avoid that rock but yeah we're doing okay than just keeping the momentum in - in fourth gear and just keeping things moving which i think is a trick to doing this to be honest you don't want to be stopped starting on this hill you could of course if you really wanted to you could of course take get yourself like a heavy trailer if you're gonna do it if you're gonna try like a heavy trailer as a challenge I would definitely recommend that you don't go for anything that's wider than normal like I've deliberately gone for fairly narrow trailers and there's a reason for that is because there are passing points here there if you have anything wider than normal you simply won't get through and there is I think there's a rock up here that has a bounding box error as well which makes it even worse but yeah go for something like super heavy by all means but don't go for anything super wide yeah this looks very bouncy Alto means stop [Music] in Mexican sorry I'm just focusing trying to pick my line through all these different rocks and stuff it's just not even safe like there's no way there's no way anybody could get up and down here oh boy this is not good that's almost over the edge [Music] oh my god of course the lemming in me just wants to drive off the edge of this cliff just to see what it's like oh boy I thought was getting a bit stuck man yep trailer struggling of he picked up any damage nope nonsense on the trailer the three-percent on the truck I don't think we've course I think I just weren't er okay just look at the mini-map look somewhere about to change directions so it must be near the top then oh boy that doesn't even look wide enough are you kidding me I can't rumba let's get into five now right so we're going to switch back and come up past those those dumper trucks look at that is a long way down let's go outside again okay bit more room now I think we're past the worst of it it's great news yeah I'm really enjoying this this Mexican map Mexico Viva Mexico and Mexico extremists are such good fun a level of Polish now is much higher than it ever used to be I mean there are seen any errors that I've seen back there but there's so many kind of interesting ideas in this map like you see this gap bar so you quality of testing is obviously not quite up to par of say something like Pro mods but what is here is is tremendous fun they really obviously enjoy their trucking now that's me thinking we're almost out and I'm looking at the map and thinking well no we're not and this is the boulder stay stay clear of the boulder on the left it has a broken clip box which your hits if you're not careful I remember I hit it on there on the stream the other day I took some damage on the trailer like 5% damage on the trailer which cost me I think at the end of the 2002 mile journey I got three thousand XP and it took 1000 XP for hitting that rock 5% damage on the trailer five percents on a on a broken bounding box cost me a third of my XP and that drive took three and a quarter hours to do of my life three and a quarter hours and I lost a thousand of three thousand XP was something that wasn't my fault genius yeah this is good I think well I think we're we're almost home dry now that maybe one more lap around one more lap around the the quarry can we sear to the level of that should be there's one yeah even the drug this this quarry is so big even the draw distance or boy that raucous insane dude get away from the edge you nutter even the draw distance of the game is getting is coming into question don't worry about rock Wow there's a drop boy oh boy oh boy let's take it easy over here we're not finished yet I wonder how many years of quarrying you'd have to do to to strip this this much wrong about you're looking at like decades or something there's a serious amount of material here even the police are like a broke broken tinctures again even the police are here mone [Music] or other morning grumpy like we're up into five I want to go too fast but equal we've got some pace to make up yeah that's the top up though you can you see where that crane is lowering crane I think that's the where the bhp billiton station is it's a bit more level of wider here but more safe troilus seems to be forming okay don't see any major problems you know it's a shame in the trailer like this that actually it's just part of the game really it would be so much fun if you could watch the trailer being filled or at least when you empty it you can see you know because it's a it's a bottom-feeder it just opens up and drops everything down when you deliver it it'd be great if you can actually just drop it out and particularly with the fact that they're now bringing in the concepts of owning your own trailers that's coming out with what's supposed to be coming out with 1:32 I think you know if I was to buy one of these trailers here then I can fully expect to have to drive it somewhat if it loaded up drive it somewhere else and then empty it into probably down into a chute or something like that and that's exactly what you want to be seeing you want to see that happen and they even do that in farming sin like you can load trailers in farming sin and watch them fill up an empty but what they ever put that into your truck I don't know what if you turn up with a like a curtain side of full of pallets and then you know guy in a forklift turns up and starts empty there I'd be fun some people wouldn't want that they just want to skip it like that yeah yeah yeah you can empty the try that I want to do another trailer now maybe it's a whole lot of work for a novelty I don't know okay that's not great parking my man just making my life dangerous wow that was close looking in the mirror I can see the trailer is like I don't know a foot away from the the digger sorry the dumpling truck mother digger right I think we're uh we're definitely out of the worst of it home drawing last night I don't know half a kilometer down maybe more that's insane that is it's a whole lot of money oh that's not fun I could easily damage the truck all the troyler look at the parking again it's outrageous yeah wonder what that like crane nah looks like it is actually moving anything or is it just lowering things now is it picking up big rocks or something that's a bit of a random stop that'd be funny if that was a refuel refuel point okay looks like somebody may possibly have died or maybe the praying before they go to work I don't know I can one imagine accidents happening here is this just lifting the larger boulders up maybe right ask these boys up through the hairpin out the quarry oh look at the that's don't they do that when somebody dies though the plans like a little church when there's been a death I think I've seen that in other maps I've seen that in I think it's Bolivia map which map was that now a South American map yeah like Brazil I'm sure they had that what I went through but Bolivia I think it was and you see there's little Church is that obvious points were some vehicles like gone off the road and just they've fallen to the death or something Sheila bro look at that can a mountain of stuff the matter material they've got why is he brushing of gravel for it's so random so if you wanted to do this for yourself that's the spawn point there for the trailer and I just moved it down to the bottom of a quarry quarry for the lulz the problem is like the bottom of the quarry does spawn things but the jobs don't seem to appear on the job market you can't click on it as a place to spawn and so you kind of have to get yourself down though which I did the first time I drove all the way down and then you can pick up jobs but the jobs that come out of her are all very very long jobs they're all 2,000 mile jobs I don't know why I think it must have been programmed that way somehow but you know you you can't seem to find yourself a short job Oliver Samak feels good men Wow we're just so rude darling it's so rude right Mazza pill this way now in the Mexican map there's a lot of speed bumps nice so how far we got 283 miles so it looks like it took some of the mileage into account as you got Oliver not all of it though I would go for fuel laughs it's saying we'll be good we flip through the trip computer it should tell us there we go 657 miles of range out of the hundred gallons we have left and we've got a 282 go so we're fine we don't need to stop for the fuel now then how we're doing for getting there on time let's see we've got seven hours to get there and current eta is 17 hours rip eta Monday 650 am needs to be the Sunday Harper State yeah I'm not gonna get any money for this one but look at the detail here in this Mexican map isn't it beautiful it feels so Mexican it's incredible they've done such a good job and I don't know why but it's 56 miles per hour speed limit through though even with the speed bumps and the sky box is going crazy skybox is going absolutely nuts right now Rajib adore transporte asado hmm prohibited to transport fish what have they got against fishy I chose offer what Posada was maybe it's saying don't transport anything out the quarry or don't transport anything with a truck I've already seen ah come on struggling a bit a random 37 mile an hour speed limit obviously a 50k limit there are parts of this map though that they don't show the speed limit on the road like it's not being applied properly and I'm never sure when that happens if I should drive sensibly or whether it means there's no speed limit this is a steep hill fourth gear are you gonna hold Caminos Sanusi Oh sucks to be that guy I think it might have been saying something about no heavy traffic then yeah we're not we're not ever gonna make it on time it's only 200 odd miles but it's - it's not exactly 200 motorway miles is it it's 200 miles around this kind of terrain which is great fun it's checking to see if anybody's coming because I know we're gonna be cut some they spend a little bit [Music] yeah I'm urging doing this at nighttime as well in the rain just watching those trailers cut round then I could see they got pretty close to that rug a little bit too fast okay looks up without the worst of it now all right now I've got the right artist to kick in extreme precaution it said even I understood that steep drop well that is a drop look at that crikey if you try to drive back this way that would be a whole barrel of laughs what's with the red line in the road yeah if you don't have a retarder you'd have to jailbreak the whole thing right now makes me feel like I'm on a scale electric track boys that it's not a ramp always in you it's a Nero being constructed I believe oh my god that's just asking for you to just bang it down here and go straight up there for the lulz that's awesome it's like something out of GTA Wow even Walmart say look at that okay we're on so reasonable terrain okay what some of the gone it's ETA Monday 5:00 a.m. right now yeah it's gonna be super light I don't think we'll get paid anything or Tron max out the speed but we've got to go through at least one town maybe another one solar power something or other we've gotten almost 70 mile-an-hour speed limit welcome to that green coach come on trunk let's get some speed going I'm flat out right now just doesn't want to pick up speed Sackett Equis how about robots I don't even know what this means as a straight road shucks drives so nicely though it's great fun schon 30 Celsius outside cruise control local time 4.2 miles per gallon Wow nice low I we're up to 65 blimey now up to sneers we're up to about 68 now you gonna change the computer 69 we're on we're cruisin one mile an hour above the speed limit cop car doesn't seem to mind you wait for it you watch him give me a ticket hi I got you squirrel breaking the speed limit like a nutter actually my up and down there you know big power station please just don't break keep the momentum going don't slow down on me no no break that's the last thing at once I just noticed the the tarmac on the other side of the road is different this is more of a bleached kind of tarmac and that's more of a blackened tarmac I like that they've got these kind of long bits of road which sharpen even these are quite detailed like if you think about say the coast-to-coast map which goes you know across the United States it doesn't have this kind of detail in it it's just very barren you know very very few trees this has even got shrubbery just everywhere and these little cacti trees sticking up and stuff it's just far more kind of attention to detail here but then you get all of these and they look like little little rusty shacks and things like that just lots of details you drive along it's great and then when you get into town which we should do soon because I think there's a town coming up at some point oh yeah listen I've got a bit of a drive before we get to town like the town itself no not going into that Lane what's gonna I was gonna cheeky leave nip over into that Lane at the time itself has got a lot of detail as well and they've got these like churches you can see one nah this is a checkpoint or something I do seem to like that chat points here we the pencil outline maybe Estela de Oro whoa dude what are you doing police corruption need a webcam in this dashboard definitely the dash cam when you're driving through here that would have been no doubts that would have been my fault Ida hit him so they forget these car drivers it's very hard to see what's like down there from your bonnet I don't know how close he was then see our England least trained drive team global transportation it's got three lines as well let's get back over here yes sir what was that about that was just like a random stock point with nothing man why did you have to slow down for no reason just stops traffic from moving something else coming up slow down a bit your station trucks parks in the middle of road sign consent Casas what are we going to phenols come on Matt boss okay so for us it's just straight ahead until we get to this town then we have to go through it slightly not another one oh my god you need dad at regional goose egg early dad what is this checkpoint run by dads is that what that's saying hey now he's my colonoscopy dad a Range Rover Range Rover Evoque I believe I don't like those if Oh like they look really stylish but the problem with them is the backseats if you look at the style of the car that the top of it goes down as it goes backwards in other words the people at the back of the car have no Headroom so it's great if you've got two kids in the bank try putting two adults in the back not a chance I think I can see the town ahead which lane do we need to be in here watch out mr. coach driver thank you Kenworth deal okay he's going that way and I can see that we're having to kind of turn him turn right and then we're taken like a 90 left so it's not this turning it's gonna keep right round here well there's a plane coming in a very strange angle dude you might want to pull up a little bit because you don't want to be landed on your nose wheel or train nice she stopped I'm really not feeling comfortable with that situation that's a bit too close I need to cross lane but it's a solid white line so we'll stick here for a minute hopefully it let us merge in a second this is an interesting road design right now we can move over I think let's do that okay no idea which lane we need to be in if in doubt go down the middle lane they should go options okay we're gonna go up once this bridge here above us we're gonna loop around now we're starting to get a bit frame heavy so some of the do don't want to move you just drove into my trailer what the Hague man I saw that luckily didn't causing damage but I saw him turn into my trail that was unbelievable you see the frames are fine here but when we look over there they get really choppy some of the some of the towns and viva mexico badly optimized and that's what happens like there you go you're look in a certain direction there's obviously like some polygons that need optimising and the frames take a bit of a tanking which is what's happening here when we get to the other side it should be fine I honestly can't believe that just happened look a lot if I hadn't have been watching the mirror I'd have honestly thought that I'd driven into him yeah they need to do some work here like there's an awful lot of detail but it's no good if your frames are gonna be like this Mexico do you want to be in that Lane it's kids a lot Blaine all that's not boy oh boy oh boy it is struggling big time I've noticed that on on the more southern cities that's where they tend to be less optimized I think that's where the newer ones are so this is one of them the frames are okay now because we've left but I think the southern parts of the map of the newest and they're the ones have optimized the least yeah it's fine now get up to 50 P no sleep but I just saw the sign above that's where we go into peanuts that's the remaining 142 and we're actually gonna try for 47 we're not gonna be like horrendously late considering we spent time getting out of a quarry or if we have more of these checkpoints we will be another dad checkpoint I don't need to stop they know me just toot my horn die off you go oops accidentally presses the spacebar engages parking brake while driving it's going to be nighttime by the time we get there that's the problem so this little detail here like they put these little yards and buildings and stuff and all this little fencing and at the scenery like texture changes there's like a farm bit and then they put a truck outside so much little detail going on here I wish SCS would sauce up the draw distance oh look at that see that hill over there when I look at it look your classic drop boxy draw distance problem motele or I would not want to stay in that motel bit of a pain to get to like if you're coming at the motel from this direction and you miss it you're like oh my god I've got to drive all the way down here now just to turn around sunniness fun drive though I enjoy it I never been to Mexico but just by driving this I kind of get a feel for its like I bet they do some like amazing tacos and things like that I do like Mexican food that's the probably the thing I'll appreciate most about being in Mexico as a food don't think I breed loving the temperature so much all right quick time check we have 36 miles over an hour fuel what we're running out of fuel are you serious I had loads left I think our estimation was wrong I don't stay in that line well why not slow down all the way to 30 me we've got like an eighth of a tank left which is enough for 200 miles according to that estimate we've got 23 together on the farm a better road so we should be good 31 minutes remaining to get it there on time current time is one and a half hours you know what we've done pretty well on time considering considering that was meant to start at the top of the quarry come on bro I've got a bit of a delivery here to do I don't know about you I'd like to get paid it's a very straight road I haven't got the acceleration for this and we've got an extra long trailer as well so I don't think we're gonna do it I could go for the overtake but we might end up something like the Mexican equivalents of Cara to Rostock all over again to my sunset especially with drivers like that let me neck it's been fun though enjoyed getting our like Cory he knows Gonzales Ortega sending my best Mexican ass are you going left yeah you are body then now this is a double trailer it should be just a more or less a drive-in kind of thing there we go little town of penis they got Motel here fuel station service center you don't see many Mexican restaurants many places to eat also notice there's no kind of like white lines fees to stop there's just pedestrian crossings what's going on here looks like they've got a market on or something wait time is their known o'clock and a Sunday night shouldn't you be in bed markets closed now then we've gotta do it go straight on here mmm one sack I am slightly worried by this let me have an out-of-body experience just to see which way we're meant to be going the the equivalents have getting out of your cabin walking around one day when they let me get out of my truck in this game I shall quite happily walk down the road or maybe when you can interact with somebody at the gate and by alright Jeff which way do I go well because I can't actually reverse the truck I'd rather not make the mistake of going the wrong direction here we go we made it just a little bit late oh let's see what we go late we know that how much you're gonna go for XP it's all you take in for experience $73 we got paid almost 14 grand for that got 700 XP I'll take it I thought that would be way worse than it was now I need to drive back into town and grab some fuel well yeah there you go we did it guys we got it out of the quarry I didn't know if it could but we did that's it from me helping Jordan please give me a thumbs up if you did leave your comments let me know what you thought and so next time guys take care happy trucking you
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 600,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus, euro truck simulator 2, ets2, game, american truck simulator, sim, scs software, best mods, greatest mods, high quality mod, review, america, vintage truck, kenworth, t800, 25 years, 25th anniversary, skin, customise, customiseable, old school, quarry, challenge, difficult haul, hard, fun, funny
Id: a8NY4LhdN0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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