QNAP Backup and Restore - HBS 3 to Protect Your Data

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today i want to cover using qnap's hybrid sync 3 backup program and how it can contribute to protecting you against data loss viruses and ransomware as well as briefly discuss when you should use backup versus sync if you have a qnap nas and you want to learn more about protecting your data then watch the rest of this video and if you haven't already done so please subscribe and click that notifications icon so you'll be notified of new content [Music] one of the key benefits of using a nas unit is to centralize as well as protect your data such as your photos documents or other critical data the benefit in convenience can also be a problem if you don't take some measures to protect yourself in the event that you get hit with either a hardware failure or worse a virus or ransomware to start with we want to make sure that we're using a 321 backup strategy which basically says we want to have three copies of your data at two different locations or two different medias and at least one off-site copy so let's see how we can use hybrid sync 3 to accomplish this with minimal to no cost so your best protection against virus and ransomware is to use actual backups preferably offline backup so they can't be corrupted to start with let's set up several different backup options such as nasda nas nas to external and nasdaq cloud we're going to use hybrid backup sync 3 on the qnap to create a variety of these jobs that will need to keep you protected so let's go ahead and launch the program so if we look at the program layout we'll see these different tabs over here starting with overview backup and restore sync jobs services and storage spaces and we'll talk a little bit about syncing later but for now what i want to talk about is how you actually structure this and what order you structure it in and we're actually going to start with storage spaces so we're actually starting from the last tab and the reason we're doing that is because when we create the backup jobs we need a destination unless you're copying to a local driver an external drive attached to your nas you're going to need to create a storage space so i've already got a couple created but i'll show you what it takes to create one even though i'm going to actually use these two for these for the testing so to create one we're just going to hit create and here we can select from either all any of the cloud services or in this case we'll do a remote nas we'll put an ip address in let's detect it to make sure it's connected and it is and we'll put in a password a password that matches the remote nest okay so now we've put in the password let's hit create takes a couple of minutes to create it okay so i could as you can see under my remote nas units is created the second unit that i just created again i'm not going to use this one but that's the process of actually creating a storage space for a secondary remote nas now in terms of cloud services i'm using wasabi i did a separate video on wasabi so if you want to check that out i'll give you an idea of how to set that up as a storage space so you can protect your stuff on the cloud i like wasabi because the pricing is very straightforward it's 5.99 a month for a terabyte and it just they don't charge you for egress or anything like that check out the video if you're interested in looking if you're looking for a good cloud service so once we've created our storage spaces we're going to go over to to the tab that says backup and restore and we're going to create a new backup job and i've created a couple test folders here so we don't transfer all day long i've put only 10 files in each so i'm going to pick those two folders hit next and the first one we're going to create is to the remote nas so let's pick the remote nas here's the two that we created i'm going to use the one i already had set up so i'm going to hit that select it reads the folder contents and i'm going to select backup and backup test so that's where i'm going to dump these two folders that's where the backup location is going to be so i'm going to click ok so here we have two folders and this is the location or the path location of where the remote nas is going to i'm going to hit next and again i'm going to give it a different job name just so i can keep it straight next so here i have a couple different options first of all i need a scheduler you should always do your backup on a schedule so i'm going to go ahead and say let's do this one daily at 2 o'clock in the morning hit ok and then one of the things i want to take a look at is version management now i want to enable version management because there are times where the most current backup may be corrupt because the files got corrupt in the in between backups cycles so you want to be able to go back to an earlier version so i'm going to enable version management i'm going to leave it at simple versioning it retains out of the box 100 different versions it's a bit excessive but it's it'll definitely get the job done you can increase or decrease that as you wish i'm going to hit next i don't need any filters i do want to talk quickly about the dedupe program qnap's dedu program it's only available to nas units that have either an intel or an amd processor so if you don't see this option it's because you may have one of the arm units but what it does basically is it looks for duplicate files that are exactly the same and it doesn't back up both files what it does it creates metadata for both for each location but only one copy of the file it's real handy for saving space especially when you're transferring to a cloud system so i'm going to go ahead and hit next and create so there's my first backup job which is a nas to nas and now i want to do an external to an external drive so when i plug an external drive in it i'm prompted with this message so i'm going to tell it to use this device for backup and then what i'm going to do is create a new job new backup job this time i'm going to pick the same two files same two folders i mean click next this time i'm going to pick localness hit select and here if i scroll down a little bit i should see my external device and so i'm going to click on the little arrow here because i created a folder on that called backup so i'm going to go ahead and select that one click ok so you can see here i've got i'm going to go ahead and rename this so i've given it a name just so i don't get confused same thing i got two folders going to this external drive under the backup folder so i'm going to hit next same options let's give it a schedule this one will do weekly and we'll do uh tuesdays and saturdays at three o'clock click ok and do the same thing i'm going to enable versioning click next i'm going to leave the ddo program on hit next and create so as you can see i now have two jobs created neither one have been run so let's go ahead and do that just so you can kind of see how it works so i'm going to go ahead and let's back this one up now okay that one's done and let's back up the external drive as well okay that one's done as well so i've got my first two jobs created and i've run them let's do one last one i'm going to do new backup job and this time i'm going to pick the same two folders again to back up hit next this time i'm going to use my wasabi account so let's pick wasabi i'll use my native account hit select i'm going to put it under this real time storage bucket and i could create a new bucket from here if i needed to i'm going to hit select put it in the backup folder i created under that bucket click ok and there we have it this time i'll put wasabi so that we understand where that's going so i've got my two folders going to a bucket on wasabi the real time storage bucket almost be under a backup folder click next same thing i'm going to run this one i'm going to do this one weekly on sundays at two o'clock in the morning click okay i'm gonna do a couple other things here i'm going to turn i'm not going to turn on version management so let's go ahead and hit next and there's one other thing i want to draw your attention to that we didn't talk about on the first two but they are definitely available and that's the options to use client-side encryption so you always want to use client-side encryption if you don't know where the if the location you're going to isn't protected so what this basically does is it encrypts the file before sending it whether you're sending it to a remote nas or whether you're sending it to an external drive or to a cloud service so i would suggest to taking a look at what your needs are there if you're going to an external drive i definitely recommend you do it remote nas i would do it as well unless you're going to an encrypted folder and it stays within your your land and i would consider going in to an external cloud service as well but let's go ahead and use client-side encryption i'm going to give it a password so i gave it a password i have to click that i understand click ok and so now i have enabled client-side encryption so i'm going to hit next and create okay so now i've created my third job called the wasabi it has not been run yet so i'm going to go ahead and run that now and again this is the one with client-side encryption so let's back it up now okay so the cloud backup job is completed so now i've completed all three so let's just to do a kind of an overview we've created three separate jobs going through three separate locations three separate storage spaces and i can create as many of these as i need to so if i want to create a bunch more i can certainly do that and you want to kind of do this so that it makes sense to you so you might want to break up your folders into multiple jobs just so because they may run you might you may want them to run at a different time it's totally really up to you how you want to break things up and how you want to make the backup strategy work my suggestion is that you keep it as simple as possible don't forget the client-side encryption definitely do multiple locations whether it's a couple different cloud services or an external drive or if you have a secondary nas definitely take a look at that as well so before we get into the restore i do want to cover one little thing i want to just show you what happens when you back up because i know there's been some confusion on what's the difference between a sync and a backup and we'll talk more about that in a second but on a backup job it's a proprietary backup program so when you look at the files you'll see that it creates a file structure this is under my backup test location that we just did the nasda asked to if i look under there i'm going to see a database and some metadata and if i look under the dedupe folder in the vault i can see my first backup job and it's got a bunch of cryptic extensions and file names are completely gone so the bottom line is you can't access these files directly so if you try it's you're not going to get there from here you don't want to mess with this folder this this folder should any of these folders here this entire folder structure for the backup should be left alone it has to be accessed from the restore program and it's basically being used by the backup program so i wanted to just cover that so in case you think you can just go drag stuff open doesn't work that way that's where sync comes in we'll talk a little bit about that in a second so now that we've completed the backup let's do a restore and for to do the restore we're going to go into the backup test folder that i've been used that that we've been using for the backup i want to cream all the files out so delete i'm going to delete these 10 files and our job right now is to run the r is to run the restore and put those files back let's use the external nasda nas backup pro backup job and we're going to do a restore from that so let's hit a restore job and we're going to back up from the remote nas we'll pick the one that i actually am using click select so here it's going to ask me to select the backup job and here under source it's going to say i'm going to pick this one which is the only one i have there if you had multiple versions or multiple days it would all show up here so you could selectively pick which backup job you want so since i only have one right now i'm going to pick that one and i'm going to pick the folder i just deleted click ok and under location i'm going to pick original location i don't want to put them somewhere else i want to put them back because i just creamed them out so i could if i wanted to put them at a different location but for now i'm just going to leave them at the original i'm going to hit next no scheduler no anything all i want to do is run restore now click next and next and restore okay so the restore program is completed it takes a little while to run the restore it's kind of slow but let's take a look at that folder now and if we take a look at the folder we'll see that all 10 files have been restored so that's about it for the restore and the backup configuration so before we wrap up here let's talk a little bit about the differences between sync and backup because it's at first when you take a look at it it's a little bit confusing as to what the differences are so we just quickly went through the backup and we saw the proprietary file format we saw that we need a backup program and a restore program to actually access the files that in essence is the key difference in a sync program the files are copied in their native format so there's no compression there's no database there's no anything it basically just copies the file from one location to the other so we're going to get into a quick example of that but first i want to kind of cover all of it when you set up a sync you can use any of the storage spaces that you set up so if you're using any cloud services or external drives or whatever it is that you're using you can basically they can share so you can have one folder for example for syncing while the other is used for backup let's go through a quick sync job so you can kind of get this to see how it works so if i go over to sync i've got one created already but let's go ahead and create another one so we can kind of see how it works i want to create a one-way sync meaning i'm taking the files from my nas to a secondary destination in this case we'll do a remote nas and i'm only going one way so it's not going to do a two-way sync because i don't want that i want to just copy the file from my nas to an external location so should i be able to should i lose access to that nas or the files get wiped out or just a couple files get wiped out i can go right in there and drag them back so i don't have to go through a lengthy procedure i can actually just go to that remote and ask log in copy them back and it's a done deal so i'm going to go ahead and do one-way sync i'm going to do a remote nas we'll pick the same one we've been using and let's pick a folder so i'll pick the same folder i've been using click ok so let's go to the remote location and i'm going to pick backup make a new folder call it sync so i made a new folder called sync i'll use that click ok and i can keep adding pairs so basically i can go ahead and add another pair and keep on building this particular sync set as much as i want to i'll show you how i've set mine up i prefer to break things down a little differently and run everything on a separate sync job but you have the choices to do what you want so i'm going to click next same options as we had before sort of so i'm going to do i could pick real time synchronization or i can run a scheduler but in this case i'm just going to run no schedule and i'm going to say sync now because i want it to sync now hit next i'm not going to use any filters not going to use any particular policies here except i'm not going to take a snapshot which i have mine disabled anyway but if you don't you might want to consider tearing that off i'm going to hit next and i'm going to hit create so it's going to run basically copy all those files over and i'll quickly log into that nas and show you what the files look like so if i take a look at the folders if i take a look at the sync folder that i just created you can see all 10 files have been dropped over and i can access these any way that the same way that i would access any other file so basically what i've done is literally copied the files over from one location to the other except now that i'm doing it automatically and that's the key difference between a backup and a sync is that the sync copies files natively the backup puts it in its own proprietary format runs a d-dupe can run many other features including uh client-side encryption all that stuff that you get on a backup program that you don't get on the sync program so that's really the the key difference it's important to understand those because you want to use those as you need them in my case i only use the sync to either an encrypted wasabi folder or to another nas unit on my particular lan and if i'm doing a sync on encrypted data in terms of an encrypted volume i make sure that i'm syncing to an encrypted volume so let's take a quick look at some of the ones that i've got so you get a better idea and again these are tools that you can mix and match and do what you want to do my suggestion is that you set up both so you should have a really a sync folder for all the stuff that you use on you know fairly regularly and also do a backup for an actual backup if we take a look at some of the jobs that i've created on my nas you'll see that i have a mixture of both nastiness and nasty wasabi sink jobs and most of these are sink jobs so this allows me to actually control the copying of data and always have two sets of data handy locally that i can get to so i hope that makes sense i hope you've enjoyed this video and if you haven't already done so please subscribe and click that notifications icon thanks for watching and i'll see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Mike Faucher
Views: 7,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QNAP Backup and Restore, QNAP Backup, qnap backup to external drive, qnap backup to another qnap, qnap backup to cloud, qnap, nas drive, qnap nas, qnap nas drive, nas server, qnap cloud, qnap nas backup, qnap backup guide, hybrid backup sync guide, qnap hbs 3, qnap backup software, qnap nas to nas backup, qnap sync vs backup, data backup and recovery, disaster recovery plan, data backup, nas data backup, backup nas, data backup nas, Data backup qnap nas
Id: HmMRJ3gnRoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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