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okay guys uh welcome back to another video I guess for those who don't know my name is John Luke uh I know some people kind of get uh confused but with all that said let's just get straight into it I guess so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do something something a bit different we are gonna be making a city that is completely made up of free Scripts now You Must Be Wondering okay free scripts they can't be that good or they agreed accredited there are a lot of free scripts out there that are great as you saw from my previous video that we made on how to make a uh City a cubic square City uh what we're not going to do is go over the process of building a city from scratch we already done that you guys have already seen how that is done so we're not going to do that what we're going to do we already made a city and let me say this once the city is completed I will have it will be available for downloads uh it's not going to be free haven't figured out the costs are what it's going to cost but it's gonna yeah you'll be able to get it if you want it and then make changes as you see fit you know to best personal personalize it or customize it to your liking now with all that said and done let's just yeah get into it I guess we already have the City built we're on the latest core what is all of this server yeah this is because if you're seeing this this is because I'm on my local Kryptonite found insert a new record okay all right uh this is because I'm on my local PC I'm not doing this on a VPS but once once it's done as I said I completed you'll be able to download it you will you'll be able to put it wherever you like VPS or not yeah it will all be there for you guys no we already got the the server come uh installed we're on the latest uh artifact build as of the fourth of the 11th uh 2022 you can I walk you guys through this already I already told you guys what to do how to get to this point so we will not be going over that what we're doing is making a server completely free no cost no purchasing nothing like that uh I haven't I haven't added anything as yet so let's just go look see what's out there see what we can add and we'll move from there um as you know already the QB core do you wanna no we don't want to do that we're gonna I'm gonna link all of these for you guys everything that we talk about everything that we see okay this is the best everything that we see will I will link down below so let's get the first script out the way the first script oh I want to use I want to use project slots Huds because well we sure you'll see later on it will make things a lot easier um first script you're gonna get is the MDT this is for the police uh some of you guys know what MDT is if you don't know then I don't know what else to say to you just look it up I guess but MDG is pretty it's a pretty simple script so install you drag and drop where you where are you here we'll put this in our research oh let's make a new folder let's call this do I wanna I kind of want to put uh we'll call this we'll call this uh hello keyboard we'll call this add-ons as you know and dots there we go here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna get this uh I'm gonna police so everything that has to do with cops and so on where is it oh my God cut you reason being we're trying to keep things you know a bit organized so let's put that there so the MDT is pretty simply a drag and drop and then you run the not that one bye please very good this is what I'm using we're in the MDT as I said before always read the readme I don't have to because you know whatever uh there's something wrong with my my visual code on here I remember why I don't build anything on my PC but yeah it's pretty straightforward always read the mdts to see what you need in order to make this year work I guess yeah but whatever I don't know why this is happening or whatever uh okay first script done that is done installed nothing else is needed uh dispatch why because it works great with the MDT that is there already let's get that [ __ ] open um let me ask you I don't think dude uh you can go right oh almost [ __ ] it up put that there h done all of that clear is pretty much straightforward I guess saw something later let's check what this is okay okay so those are the the charges and codes and so on okay so that's it I normally work on the cops first just to make sure that they're good fuel I hate I I wouldn't say I hate I just like a different fueling system as I said this these these will all be linked uh in the description I probably won't finish this uh City This Server um let's put this in add-ons no we're not gonna put that in others we're gonna put this inside the room because we're gonna delete Legacy fuel remember that delete Legacy fuel if you add in another field script and while you if you add another field script yeah mind you this is what you have to do if you have visuals with Visual Studio which I assume that you guys let me delete this [ __ ] I should delete it I'm gonna delete it I'm gonna delete a visuals code and then I'm gonna reinstall it because it's been weird give me a second I'll cut this part of the video and I'll be back afterwards but yeah my dog is making so much noise I don't know what the hell is wrong with it but anyways we're back I got it started and I fixed my visual studio now as I was saying and I'll holla that should be cut though anyways but as I was saying once you add a fuel script any fuel script at all that is not the base field script what you need to do is open your kind of see this thing open with visual open your resource your resource folder wait visuals with vcode and then you want to search for Legacy View I guess see if you think it was one word yeah there we go search for legacy fuel and then stay out here why did I use PHP all right it's fine yeah once you search for legacy field you want to replace it with replace everything that uses Legacy fuel to PS fuel and don't worry about it boom done why does this curve I guess they changed it I didn't realize that actually let's copy this let's see if if there's anything else using LG's field this is this is weird huh oh this is for the MDT in it yes it is PS4 why would you not have your own Husker yeah that's crazy all right so that is done and sorted that is quite interesting anyways so that's two scripts down no not quite we need to add these to the QB small copy and paste below okay so here we go uh we need to head to our small resources QB clients and ignore oh what is this Cube can you can I not change this to just let's see if I can change this it doesn't let me I'll have to change that Insight it's stupid anyways and they did tell us a uh huh what time is that let me see this [ __ ] okay so from 63. uh this is interesting all right we'll just We'll add that it doesn't matter we'll see what happens afterwards okay then we're gonna look for okay I see what they did here we're going to change the inventory so we are not going to do this part as yet but let's duplicate this page let's search yeah LG is inventory LG is inventory of see and and sorry let's do that sir I'll get help there we go you updated it almost a month ago I think they had the I think it was the hood man oh no I know I didn't change the code I remember why I didn't change the herd we're not going to change the hood we're going to keep that LJ's inventory so we're gonna remove QB my eyes are all over the place QB inventory so let's remove QB inventory let's put this here LG's inventory and I don't think we don't need you around this right here whoa okay that's done so let's search for this as it says up with the line yeah I don't know why this didn't uh let's see where this is uh client mean client mine control F entropy let me sign here what the hell man is this thing all different or some [ __ ] I think this is different uh well it should work as if we find snowball Mr betrayed that's not making any mistakes I don't normally use this one but I want to use it so simply if that are funny about that copy this sign 400 that's 5000. yeah it's already yeah sorry to have previously this should be for the ammo uh it should already be shared though and I'm saying like gosh what then I just made it full screen yeah but I don't think it like we'll be we'll be finishing this in one video because there's a lot of scripts that we want to add so basically they're moving there okay all right so basically removing all of this there there oh I know some of these should be done but it's whatever okay that's done where are we so we're done with the as you can see how it works okay so we're done with that that inventor is good this but fuel all right I think we need the UI you're gonna see why in a second because of these we're gonna have we're gonna replace some of the the vehicle block system and so on and so forth the the car lock picking and all that so that is why we're using this uh let's put this in no we're not gonna put that anyway we're gonna we're gonna put that in the Lord oh and I need to change the chat as well and if we can try let's try let's try this one let's try this one I normally use the the Omni chat I think it's on each I don't remember uh let's try let's try this one see three shots yeah just just because something something different let's share something different let's not do the same thing let's try if we if we can do something different we're gonna do it different Okay so all right so we're gonna put this in add-on yeah we're gonna put this in add-ons let's put CC's chair in a lot boom okay chat is done so that's what we're gonna do wait did I mute you guys please answer me okay with it um what is this oh it's there all right um download please IDM version [Music] it's whatever you know you know you know okay okay that is done so we we did the maps we did the chat the fuel what else are we gonna do my performance [Music] oh the drug processing the drug processing is hey it's good you know hmm don't want to do it though yeah this one is a it's it's a lot of there's a lot of move move it around I have to do with this why did I click it like that there's a lot of moving around that I won't have to do with this [ __ ] we might add the the drugs at a different time okay just so I can have these so I'll make sure because I don't I don't think I linked everything properly the last time but this is you just make sure that we get everything linked oh my God we got everything linked for you guys in the description so y'all can get this with ease no problem unlike the last time I think I've missed something the last time but I did went ahead and rectified that but I don't want to miss anything this time um not here this is what I wanted so download uh now which reminds me there's something I need to delete all of the where is it okay here we go so this is let me just my Heidi even Heidi yes let's get you over here let's get you over there uh if you want to do is here QB where are you at what the hell is wrong with my eyes are you telling me there's no clothes in here bring my blend right here oh my God I guess I'm tired okay so that is deleted I don't think we have tattoos no we don't have to double check because my eyes are being weird right now but yeah we're good all right so uh delete that tattooses strap I think my guy sir we can put it right here it doesn't matter this will change up the code that store the main the interface so on and so forth and trust me it adds a lot it makes [ __ ] a bit easier um and church I think we should do this in our CFG um here we go I don't I don't think we need this part but [ __ ] it we'll just do it follow for just follow the read me no matter what follow the read me it's there to protect you guys and make sure that you don't break [ __ ] here it is I don't know what the hell is wrong with my dog but see that there's something inside yeah we don't need to we don't need to do this actually no we do what am I talking about and I'll tell you why in a sec after so we need to put this after to beat core we're gonna repair also yeah that's what I need to delete so player outfits here we go uh data oh what am I doing you deleting it sir so in order to delete a table you drop it so gone okay also this is located in your new and we're gonna run the SQL outfits run close close and management outfit this is where I have to ensure it because it's uh yeah we don't need to close out okay done done I'm done so let's say you have a business uh it came and you want to set a specific outfit for your employees to where are you want to set a specific outfit for the cops to wear you know it like ranks so the rookie will wear the short sleeve and so on and so forth you can customize the player outfits their outfits for them to wear as the boss the owner so on of the business or job that you know that you want to change or manage okay that's good there's nothing more we need to do there all right so that's pretty much it and that part I don't want to touch the drugs as yet but let's uh let's move on to adding so some scripts that are what should I say no some free scripts that you can use that like are let's do here like job scripts let's see if we can find any okay first things first car scrapping what is this uh allows you to bring any vehicle by the scrapyard customize item base yeah skill level even let's say it look like it has some really good potential I should be better if you could do different items very different parts I don't think that is relevant right now nope Burger Shot do we have a Burger Shot I think there's a free Burger Shot on the a GTA Motorway yeah let me see which one this is seriously the free Burger Shot three days you can tell how a free [ __ ] I just see I mean it's not it's not bad yeah not bad let me see let's see what uh okay link let's download the envelope resources let's make a new folder we'll call it Maps as always which reminds me default map oh no yeah no we'll leave that okay so Maps I normally delete default Maps because I have like paid maps from gaps and so on but the four Maps done done and done next we are going to wanna what is this English uh we already did that all right so you um why would you wait where do I do it uh get you download you start open delete Main always remove you don't have to but you know I would I would recommend you always remove Main of the files once you download them from GitHub because you actually we're going to move you to aren't you aware yet pop into Maps my mouse is too fast okay add-ons there we go bruh but even why you gotta be so annoyed with it Jesus okay anyways another uh let's go over the readme shall we at item t-shirt so items let's get these copy that let's go to our let's go away let's go to QB core let's go to Shared let's go to Adams let's put this out of bottom shall we um let's get a few because I hate doing this spit uh let's get a few um what the hell oopsie um what is this what are you doing my guy delete that this is BR here be weird and [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] I'd like to keep it in tidy okay save don't what is this now add this to your job so this is the job very good shot job let's go back here where are we I think job always put these after improv unemployed uh B save done um dude has his own emotes okay I feel you okay so these are custom emotes it does this is for move in this is not for eating is it right it's animation okay we'll see uh this teamotes emotes so let's go back here let's close you up let's go to close up let's go to standalone demotes tpe mode Let's go to I think it was but then I think it's uh wow this is this is so if you don't know you don't know like come on make it tell people where to put the [ __ ] I think you put this in animations list if I'm not mistaken so you go DP emotes client animation list Lui and you can just put this wherever I'm gonna just put these here on the bottom Ctrl V what does it look so weird right yeah it's this is It's poorly let's let's tidy it up a bit yeah it's poor Elite yeah okay save no that is done but I do need to add a few things to do need to add a few things here so Ensure um up uh that's where we're gonna put all our envelopes anyways and sure what's the other thing what does it add just look dummy I don't play it here and Save okay do you want to check on the no we'll just continue adding because that that should be fine let's continue adding more [ __ ] uh where am I mask what is this built-in mask is sharp with his own mask mask scripts with his own with his own show okay his own shop okay all right it makes sense um admask easily can create a sharp item usable unusable automatic ability to say gang masks and all the players we gang will be able to use let's look at this one let's watch this video together let's see what this is [Music] [Music] do you want this like mask as an item let me know if I should uh hold on okay I'm not sure about this but let me know if I should add that one if you want you know if mask as an atom should be in here it's not bad Harness System persistent harness system with own Vehicles okay with own Vehicles oh okay I see what I see where that is um allow you to save harness per vehicle assistant or the big colleges simply use your seatbel hotkey to attach your recent harness instead of having to carry it all the time I think we want this let's see what the requirements are oh my God if you're lazy to do this RC Builder talking to seat belt command optional look at your harness do I want to repeat that uh optional if you want the ability to exit vehicle without having to take your harness off or see both of there you go hmm no all right let's do this let's let's add this sometimes the harness is trash I ain't gonna lie the harness in the the let's close here uh let's go please and go let's add this to the list of scripts that we have added boom okay so four days ago as well not bad all right get you download your pgs open open one voice uh this is new I like I like this I like this let's add that uh oh we're here okay I guess we can put it into add-ons I guess what we do from the SQL not bad okay uh sure what's this no we don't need to read it okay installation important links what is that okay I will my dog is being weird again really just [ __ ] okay client seat belt okay we can replace that locate your toggle see but come on and keep me small sources seat belt replace it with this webinar seat belt B locate your hermit uh okay okay these can be replaced yes yes yes all right these can be replaced as of now if we added more stuff then we'll have to manually add these so let's just see if we can replace all that without manually doing all that [ __ ] there with me if if let's open another let's open another one of these just because let's open another one of these let's go here let's go QB let's go LJ let's go HTML let's go images let's drag and drop boom replace it's there already I don't need to replace it but I think that one is bigger and it's better so that's what we're gonna do seat belt lower so if we go back one we go back where is it QB smart resources we go this is a server cell server stupid it is clients and we should see seat belt so drag and drop replace the belt done and done items already have harness some performance use true okay uh yeah all right we don't need that I already have that aha so the hardest is in and it's done okay orness complete Advanced Julie Heist okay jewelry he has let's change it let's change the goddamn jewelry has because it's boring as [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the hell is this [Music] all right get the picture Papa no no no no no no no no no no no no no no versus let's go let's put the map on the maps thank you close U and let's get you download U I'm trying to like move as fast as possible like run through all of this as fast as possible and put a lot that I can put in here as quick as possible uh do we uh let's put you in add-ons hello okay whatever readme config what the f what the [ __ ] what is this [ __ ] hmm yeah this city QB core and normally hold up let's just change YouTube and generally okay I'll give a [ __ ] if you're not spelled away You're supposed to be spoke okay let's add it to the wrong ship okay done done this is the weirdest [ __ ] read me I've ever [ __ ] seen I read a new feature of Optimizer and okay give me no papa okay so it's already it has the dispatch setup import and config let's open the config let's make sure the [ __ ] is set you if he's in just one if you're using just the main evangelica well okay okay we can use true okay this is okay cool down delay foreign literature okay turn my suddenly okay that is set that is done let's look at one more because I think this video is like super long now let's look at one more script what I'm gonna do I'm gonna like get the scripts that I think should be added that I want to add I guess and then I will just have a video of me like adding these scripts and then testing these scripts out you know it's just to make it easier uh where was I to rehearse give me story robbery what what makes you so different what makes you so different sounds hmm okay I see where this one is uh we'll get this one I already had that right all right yeah this is a list of scripts yeah we did let's see what this requirement not mandatory but recommended if you have a download AMD skill before please make sure you download the latest version what is this where do I get this okay items keep your door locks all right let's get it so first thing is first let's get this okay what do I need to do this to update update this skill so update a skill please okay for example searching for you can use this to work content behind your particular level okay we have to tweak with some more but we'll let's get this because this is our requirement well it's not as you can see it's not recommended it's not it's not needed but it's recommended so let's just get it let's get it might need it later on for something else you never know where am I opening go away uh not you please so put that in there that's pretty stupid forward chip and Let's uh that's a bomb on that close add-ons wait Jesus there we go download oh God damn it I forgot to link that thing that I just did store robbery uh so what we're gonna do because this is a store robbery here's what we're gonna do we are going to add let's go to QB where it says I think we have a store there we go the elite store robbery and drop that one yep and then whatever else we're gonna do we're gonna do and fix let's go wait we do have the reductions doing that yeah here it is uh liquor store there we go okay the door locks and where am I going inventory HTML nope at you images here 30 money back okay whatever uh let's go inventory what else am I looking for see what else this [ __ ] says oh this to the items lists so energy about save okay so that is done I'll fix that later that is done no let's make sure this is restart server CC chat is outdated so that one's updated let's get another one foreign [Music] [Music] all right that is ready let's go oh my God I'm tired I don't know why I'm so tired Jesus I just said let's get this out of the way real fast so I can get this video completed so as I said we'll be doing more I think the the video after this the following video will be more streamlined I will find the scripts beforehand and then I will add them as I go uh so when when would I stop that's the question I have no idea well we'll be working out a lot but yeah I will try and get it completed so you guys can have it I guess let's make a new character reason being we changed the apartment and want to see the apartment whatever um creates wanna see this thing up no we didn't change apartment did we [ __ ] hell all right next time another time then whatever as you can see a new UI I knew all that okay the map is changed the apartment oh there's the chat okay so same job ID uh one the police great four I think okay find it so if you do it's I think it's somebody please slash MDT there we got a MDT what is my name I don't even know my name what is my name what did I say Brandy ah [ __ ] uh hell yeah this is me I think he's this one here we go all right uh so we can let's Grant ourselves a weapon lessons business license and and if we were like I didn't charges and [ __ ] everything real license save um search again okay there we go weapons license that's one way to do it uh let's incident report we can create an incident let's say criminals involved that's what I do this again God boy oh creative incident involved let's search and tomorrow Let's uh charge I think it's fine so I try to just but here it is no where where is this [ __ ] that again this thing is weird man recommended friends okay modified charges uh it's weird so as you can see all the charges that you can add to someone as a cop is right here money laundering uh uh zero zero months what the what 20 months extortion fraud uh so being a police officer uh oh it's a felony I think felonies are like life sentences I don't know correct me if I'm wrong I don't play cops that much misdemeanor we can add these Charities so these charges are odd we hit Escape uh recommended fan four thousand six hundred so as you can see the more finds you add the the charge of the ad you will see a recommended fan and recommended sentence so they'll never get 57 months this is the report there is a hosted situation and so on and so officers involved you can see officer name civilian involved evidence you can add evidence here uh as in the URL or a screenshot of the evidence that you gathered your bolos DMVs all of the camera all the all that [ __ ] is there but for the let's say give give item id1 item name weapon underscore pistol amount one hit it again up uh let's go Okay so underscore ammo 11 um hit tab oh this is the new inventor by the way this is LG is inventory you guys normally see me use this one because I just like developer okay pistol is out load in that I think yeah I'll try and fix I'll try and make it so you can load the weapons faster it's possible it's doable but yeah as you can see it's as simple as that next this charger for firearm that's the MDG system that's the display system I should say on the map it pick up your MDT go to the dashboard as you can see discharge of a firearm let's get ourself uh let's see here because fun because let's go the dance let's go where's the Patriot it's not fast enough uh let's go Sports let's have another new cars that they have I think that's it I think it's one of the new cars that is in there let's see if we can if we got if we can get picked up on a cam real quick [Music] so we got the discharge off a firearm from earlier you can set the Waypoint respond this part uh detach or attach a unit if we set a waypoint boom on the map as you can see this is where we were before and I think he gave that description of the vehicle for the speeding yeah it'll be uh I'll be 10 F wide body license plate zero zero MC ft 11 metallic black and another unicorn metal okay westbound occupied occupation Avenue 21 seconds ago same plate number description of vehicle that is all there I'm set I mean I'd like to check so let me see so there's cameras set up around the city not everywhere a few locations where where the hell is this please foreign [Music] to do dumb [ __ ] like this but it's not actual walking uh okay uh it's not this Evangelical but let's head to the I remember correctly it should be where's Evangelical again uh the store the store the store the store nope of a [ __ ] sake oh for [ __ ] sake I think somewhere over here though uh I think it's Subway over here [Music] why didn't I look at it [Music] all right I guess it's not a leader air here it is [Music] oh wait oh it's unlocked okay uh yeah pretty much let's see if this thing oh you should okay so this story is not close but basically it's working basically if that if it tells you that already then it's working fine so when the store is closed that's when he can rob it well you can change the time you can set it up however you want to there's another Jewish sir okay it's good to have multiple I guess I guess the 12 multiple I guess not bad not bad at all oh the clothing let's try the clothing it's a cut there see how this building Stars oh third eye close as you can see it's completely different from Vape that we added this tour robbery why not what that does is basically it adds more to do it gives you it makes it better than the default store [Music] that is basically what it did so harness or I need a harness just making sure that's what it's called what was at the bottom here ingredients oh the burger shots up let's check that out too over here Burger Shot Burger Shot let's check out the burger shout out there it is it's even on the map a damn wait [Music] Boy show you [ __ ] ass up I'm tired bro holy [ __ ] okay harness there it is let's put it on I guess you have to use it okay there we go it's already using the harness it's a h okay anyways the harness is gone see if we'll get out of this I know [Music] yeah I'm still in here damn all right harness is off and if you own the vehicle what will happen is if you once you choose the harness it will stay in a vehicle so it basically it will replace your seat belt with the harness and so in here that's weird I see you again let's try somewhere else [Music] okay there you go didn't die interesting okay Burger Shot uh [Music] where I think that's how it is okay all right so this is a build customer that is working this food tree this is where you will put the food for your customer that can pick it up what is this meat drinks soda milkshake let's go get the ingredients there are no other images I'm pretty sure I did Alicia what is this I didn't okay Let's uh restart restart what is that um Eric Clan Factor no such expert has I guess you answered all right when we see errors like that it will be fixed okay and images there you go so let's get 10 of each okay you've given me one but whatever uh let's get 10 of each do this manage business higher storage outfit uh money management okay Bridge meat fries oh [ __ ] okay let's see what's happening here let's fix this real quick so basically uh what happened here my Mac got muted so this is post production voice overs uh so what happened was whenever you're adding a new inventory script they change the way that you're supposed to implement it and in order to get whatever inventory script that you added to to be working properly you have to change rename cubic or rename QB inventory sorry within your QB core file so what you see me doing right now is searching the entirety of QB core using V code for QB inventory was doing so I'm going to rename every every phrase that reference QB inventory to LGA inventory and then hit save and that will then allow the core to use LG's inventory as the main inventory instead of the default cubic or inventory which is QB yeah well the default QB inventory okay so seeing the the rest of this video is botched uh let's just go I'll probably speed up the video in the background and I'll explain why it's happening as it goes by so this is this right here we're checking the the check-in like on duty off duty check-in points so on and so forth like I think right here I was explaining that you know once the city is completed I'm not going to complete it in this video so we'll probably be will be doing a series on this uh I don't know hopefully it will becomes uh fives a hopefully it becomes like a fabric or something see what happens and then afterwards we'll upload the files for you guys to get however we are as I said I'm not sure how I'm gonna go about doing that you know release it to you guys but once it's completed once I know you know what I want to do with it and yeah but definitely there will be a way for you guys to get it make changes to it so on and so forth uh I'm currently checking the animations for the drink uh you know eating drink and so on because we will be changing these will be given like beers wines on their custom emotes instead of the water bottle props that you have like a beard problem have like a wine problem having you know stuff like that so on and so forth but yeah that's basically it so if you guys have any suggestions groups that you want me to add that is free because this will be a free series on how to build a city with free scripts then go ahead you can give your suggestions in the comments I mean questions you might have you can leave those in the comments as well I will be linking my Discord so yes you you can find me on this card as also and I guess that's about it for now that's about it for now I think I basically went over what's happening in the city like yeah I don't remember what what I what was said because I did this video like yesterday I know I'm editing it so yeah this is it oh yeah if you enjoyed the video like the video as always leave a like comment and drop us up if possible and I'll see you guys on the next video I guess thanks for watching and until then
Channel: Djonluc
Views: 10,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5m, doj, doj rp, esx, fivem, fivem development, fivem roleplay, fivem rp, fivem staff member, framework, grandtherft auto, gta, gta fivem, how to install fivem, how to make a fivem server for free, howt add scripts, nopixel, qbcore, qbcore scripts, qbcoreframework, qbus, roleplay, roleplayserver, rp, scripts, server, vps
Id: r0qUI6Kx2Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 29sec (4709 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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