Q&A LIFE UPDATE | Moving back to Minnesota??

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what's up Deanna group welcome back to our Channel and you guys a minute I think like a month since we do videos maybe more since this whole quarantine thing we've kind of just been in my a and then you guys have been asking those questions about where we've been and stuff like that so we're gonna answer that and just I don't know life update obviously a lot of you guys have asked questions about why we've been gone and so we'll just touch on that right away honestly just haven't really felt the drive the motivation that we've been like you know having trouble figuring out ways to get that motivation and honestly when that happens to me when I just like feel like I'm losing myself which I think a lot of us are like life is changing whatnot I need to read think so I've been like reading non-stop and just been trying to like keep my mind yeah so filming has not been one of my main priorities for me I feel the same way and I've just kind of lost the inspiration of filming because I mean during quarantine like we've been home all the time and we don't go out that much anyway but I haven't been able to see my family so that's been really sad for me like I haven't been able to hang out with them but you know we blog a lot so it's like we go out and do things but now we're just sitting at the house so it's like why would anyone want to seem you like do the dishes or eat breakfast or like that's literally what I do really like Mitchell said read a book like why would you guys want to see that stuff so for me it's kind of been just hard to think of videos that would be entertaining for you guys and that I would enjoy yeah cuz we plan videos based on like what we're gonna go out and do so like we don't go out a lot but what we go out to film and we like to travel and film and we had plans we had plans for my parents to come down here in April we had plans to go up there in May we had plans to go up there again and June wedding yeah we wanted to go to Colorado again I mean you guys know we don't like to stay still in one place at one time and I think we've just been a little like overwhelmed by the sense of change that's happened we've just been like trying to find it again find some sense of like balance again things are looking up more you know maybe it's because we're in Texas where things will look a little bit more normal but yeah that's the other that's just a little bit of why we haven't really been filming and you know just where our heads at with everything you know we got a we got a stay yes they bounced ourselves and we just did not have the motivation the ideas the desire to do any of that love you too yeah we we would like plan ideas to go out and about and really like challenge like our box of just comfortability we would go out and experience stuff just for the sake of getting a good video yeah I guess we like we go we were doing so well to like another part of this like we were working out and going to the gym and March and stuff and we got like two weeks of it in before this that this stuff said no so like we just were like we're really down we were like we thought that we were progressing really well in the past life pre-cool and now we're just getting used to post Corona and yeah that life so you know we know that we let a few of you down and stuff like that kind of wouldn't m.i.a but you know like we said this isn't even our job and stuff so this is very just much recreational and you know we just had to like you know I still have my work and stuff so I've been dealing with that too and so stressful yeah so you're just not in the mindset but now we are we just wanted touch did get some questions let's see when is Mitch gonna propose you guys one person asks us every single video we post and I don't know it's up to him and like we talked about it well obviously before all this we I like that I told her that we can we could start looking for rings and whatnot and that was in March when we didn't think that any of this was gonna happen now we can move for rings and I mean look online but like no I want to see your family you know so just wait time what have you guys been doing well on lockdown shelter in place how are you guys managing rent and food that's good little too good question so what have we been doing like I said I already said I didn't read the pure eat I'm not reading taking notes doing like audible stuff right now I'll just show you my but right now I'm reading this and I'm also listening to a little audible thing by Joseph Campbell it's about myths and whatnot so I've been keeping busy doing that stuff it's been really cool honestly I don't know if I've ever said this before but my goal in life is to write books is to be an author nonfiction and fiction I want to scale both sides so I don't know if I've ever said that before but like my big goals you know something working towards name reidman right yep for me I've been doing kind of like the house decorating I guess you could say yep not anything major but I will update you guys in like a separate video on the new stuff we got but we got rugs we're sitting on our new barstools and just somethings like that so we've been doing those somehow wreck we got a house wrecker we got a shoe rack and I'm obsessed with it I don't know why it's not reckon she wrecked no it's nice when you walk out of with how the room is set up and stuff when you walk out you just see it there instead of a cluster she's a cluster of shoes and and then I bought a printer yeah well because I'm just like there's like weird times or just like I need to print this out and then I don't printers yeah and it's like well I can't go to the amenity place in their apartment to print because it's all closed down yeah so I bought a memory or the library I can't go to Barnes & Noble like you can't go to Barnes & Noble well I couldn't I couldn't like during lockdown oh yeah yeah it was I was so desperate that I stopped at the book section and target and target doesn't remember book sections like the worst array of books yeah why it's just popular books in general like the books I don't really like to read anyway how are you guys managing rent and food like I said I worked the stimulus checks have helped a little bit yeah we've up the enemies for our food budget when we go grocery shopping so before I was like 100 you're like 130 now it's like anywhere from 180 to 250 yeah well its bulk stuff now so instead of going like you know every five days we're going every seven to ten yeah and it varies you know from what we need if we need paper towels suck I know but paper towels you buy so much good use so much so we don't forget to tell super quick for some reason yeah rent and food we haven't had to worry about too much and thank God I guess I should mention that I did get unemployment so that also helped a lot too so thankfully I've been able to keep my job and there hasn't really been any worry about that so we've been good on that how have you guys been doing how was the new apartment someone asked we loved it we still love apartment the only downfall is the cut out so when Mitch wakes up before me and I'm still sleeping he makes a lot of noise no no I make I make him yeah I make a little bit of noise but she can hear it so she thinks that I'm making a lot of noise like I have to make coffee and you have to like open the fridge and that's a lot of noise take out the water and that's that I wasn't jumping in there you can just hear it that's the downfall like we don't make a lot of noise it's just you can hear the noise whenever it's made because I like actually make sure that like I set it down yeah and the same person said how is the quarantine can I just say it sucks sex but Texas is reopened like yeah we're in phase one of the reopen yeah and then next week hopefully will open in Phase two which will be even better just because mr. Beale pays to our manatee is actually open again at our apartment yeah but I feel like everyone's gonna be like rushing to the jail and stuff so I don't want to go right the first day do you still like Texas oh yeah I personally like Texas more now that we live in this apartment but I feel like we only got to experience like the true Texas experience for the first like two weeks of March because of the whole quarantine situation but yeah when we lived in Frisco I did not like Texas as much as I liked it when we like vacationed here I was just like I hate Texas and I hate these people but now that we're in a different city in a different apartment it's much more quiet much more enjoyable and I just love the area that we live in so much like I just love it over here so I like Texas obviously there's some there's some cons Frisco definitely sir and here's where I'm at with Texas I like anywhere but it's I actually the next question this person has to do miss Minnesota I had been miss in Minnesota for several reasons because although she says that she enjoys Texas I missed the snow well no not even that we can't go outside because miss you already got your bugs and you're deathly afraid of the snakes and we were out we were out disking one day and we were on the third hole next to the woods yeah and there was like a three and a half foot three and a half four foot snake that like slithered next to us and stuff and we ended the the disking early because of it almost crapped my pants I'm not like my heart and see and see you say you like Texas but I'm just like I want to be places where we can enjoy the environment and there are certain people who can be out in nature and see a snake and then maybe even like film it and it was a big snake and I don't see you ever becoming a person no I will never be okay with that but that doesn't mean I don't like Texas you know I like Texas not further exactly the nature part like I had miss Minh of that about Minnesota I missed the four seasons emesis no I'm just being able to go out into the woods and not fear for my life because of a snake cockroaches everywhere and is there not being spiders everywhere but I like Texas because of like the amenities like the annotated and I mean we can't do that right now but like that's why I like Texas but I'm just gonna say this to them and put you on blast oh well we we had we had a couple cockroaches come on the house in the house normal right we said I've never seen on the couch we slept on the couch for what four nights four nights good there are cockroaches in our yeah we saw them in our in our closet a couple of them were in our closet and we slept on the couch at first we didn't know what they were they were like I was pretty sure their cockroach I didn't want to say that from you and we said another couch for like four nights in fear of cockroaches being in our room and understanding you can like the amenities and you can this other stuff but when you are like limiting your life for fear of the environment you know I mean then you have to start wondering is this the right environment you know I mean because in Minnesota yeah we were sad about the winter but we didn't cower in fear over it and sleep on the couch because of it and we could still go disking and stuff like that and you know cuz hey the weather is great but we can't go disking because there's there's snakes everywhere I still like Texas for other reasons I know you're maybe like no you don't like Texas because no I said you can like the amenities but amenities are everywhere yeah I mean like it may not be the same type of you know tex-mex type variety no no but I'm saying other places right and if I had to put on a scale of it like if I put like the goods and Bad's of Texas goods and Bad's in Minnesota the bags of Texas that you are afraid of would snakes snakes apart and those are very big fears that's my input yeah I like Texas but I'm also just like I don't want to go disking lose my disk in a few of whatever and then you know be afraid of going in because like this afraid I'm afraid for I don't feel like I'm not going in a field of like where you can't see anything where like you're snakes might be right I'm fine with them slithering past me like in the open field because I know that they're afraid of you just as much as you're afraid of them but like the the grassy knolls that's like yeah so I'm fine with walking amongst them but not they're home you know and so I don't want to do that you know I feel like just thinking back to Minnesota I feel way more comfortable there yeah where I can go in any woods any anything I want to and there will be nothing yeah maybe like a garden sneak and you can see nothing even if I got bit by this garden snake yeah you know that is nothing you pull it off and throw it you know I'd rather be surrounded by things that I can see like honestly don't mind bears don't mind coyotes foxes I can see those things and avoid them but snakes and like chiggers and all that kind of stuff the sound is full of those things yeah and you know I'm not sure if we're just like we're not used to it yeah I know and I'm not sure if we can never be yeah because I'm a Minnesota boy I know I miss no I just don't miss super cold and the drawn-out winters yeah are y'all still living in Texas yes you guys okay we're fine please tell us y'all are still together y'all going to stay in Texas or move back to Minnesota this area despite that's been up in the air with everything that's going on so our lease is ending in like four and a half months yeah so we have to decide within three and a half months whether we're gonna stay here not because we have to give a 30-day notice I think it is and we have been deciding if we want to go back to my soda do we want to stay in Texas or do we want to move to Colorado or like what like we don't know what the next thing is yeah Colorado was our dream no matter what it was never for sure we're gonna go there but Colorado is definitely our our dream place Texas with with what's going on we don't know what's gonna happen in the future we don't know if there's gonna be a second wave you know there some people are talking about extending stuff into 2021 what oh absolutely just like black diamonds and stuff with I don't know if there's gonna be a second wave or what not yeah nobody knows nobody knows nobody knows and I'm not gonna guess I'm just like saying everything that heard and you know with that being said it may be smart to go back to Minnesota where we have more of like a reliable cushion to kind of be supported by meaning my house back in their soda I don't know if come next year I'm gonna have a job basically we don't know what's gonna happen yeah and so there are decisions of moving back to Minnesota maybe that may be beneficial to us but we just don't want to yeah but it may it still needs to be considering this stuff yeah it's there's all these things going to the consideration so right now the plan is not to move back to Minnesota but we've been doing a bunch of pros and cons list like we have this big whiteboard over here we'll just like you know do pros and cons comparing if we stay in Texas or if we go back home to Minnesota or if we decide you went to Colorado I'm like it's just a lot I'm talking about a lot and it's a lot to think about and we're gonna make a decision sooner than we think so so that's that when will you go back to work destiny I am going back to work next week after hopefully the governor continues with phase two of reopening Texas which just means like restaurants and stuff more restaurants can open and they can function at a higher capacity and stuff like that I think I'll just be safer Abby I'll feel safer and less anxious that way because that means that even though the cases are going up that hospitals and death rates are kind of like we're not overall in the hospitals right yeah we'll find another job yet destiny she was never looking for it I didn't look for another job I did receive unemployment which is super nice yeah yeah so you said that it could be challenging having one income we thought it was freaking out the stimulus checks they didn't really help and the last question is what's the reason the open MI and we touched on that already we'll end with it again we you know we just haven't been think when things change like that you just like lose yourself you know you like the balance that you had and you know we're just been regaining that back and trying to you know get reacquainted with living life at home like a hermit we've kind of been getting out more yeah we used to just like actually love going to Target and stuff and now it's just like the biggest headache in the world I know okay I'm like scared yeah I hate seeing people with NASA and even just because it reminds me of like just like the eerie times that were living and so it's just like very stressful and like you know sometimes being in here kind of makes you escape from all that but then you're in here so much for like god I need escape from this you know yeah so about I guess finding that balance yeah you know we've been going on like car rides or we'll go on walk we have gone on a walk with my family and six feet distance but I haven't even seen my family once so that was really nice I know we've been trying to find that balance trying to gain back our normal life just super or a sense of normal something I know well we hope you guys enjoyed this life update you know because we have been gone for a while as we said and we enjoyed being back I actually felt really good in this video so that's a good sign like weight lifted off our shoulders yeah we still always think of you guys are still always reading the comments we've actually for some reason oddly enough have still been growing subscribers through this we do plan to do more videos but yeah but we're not gonna be on like a schedule right now simply because we don't know when the inspiration is going to strike yeah I don't know one the motivation is going to hit we don't know when the video ideas are gonna come because I mean I don't even know what date is right now wait yeah building poster when the rush of inspiration ideas come to us unless of course this becomes a day job you know but with the with the added everything else on to other jobs and whatnot yeah way is we hope you guys enjoyed this video we miss you guys so much so we're super excited to talk to you guys in the comments and like we said no posting schedules so we'll see you when we post again see you when we see you stay healthy take care of yourselves with your families and see you guys in our next video bye guys [Music] strike a conversation with my see unlike not enough kowax eclipse
Channel: Destiny & Mitch
Views: 11,367
Rating: 4.887218 out of 5
Keywords: life update, q&a, life update q&a, q&a with my boyfriend, life update vlog, q&a video, q&a with my girlfriend
Id: Ha8GB0cwmKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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