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what's up crew welcome back to our channel guys and welcome to this is like probably the most anticipated video on our channel right now is our empty apartment tour you guys know that we just moved we no longer live in Frisco we can finally say that we did not like Crisco at all but we are in our new place we have it furnished kind of there's still some things we want to add but we're going to show you guys that what we have so far to show you what we plan to add because there's a lot of fun stuff that we want to add but like we said this is like a half furnished apartment tour because we have what we already added and then we have some room for improvement yeah exactly so and we want your opinion on somebody so I'm gonna be the cameraman in this I love that destiny do her thing look beautiful and gorgeous and lead you through our empty slash furnished apartment tour so I'm gonna switch with her and what are you showing us baby the front door area yes okay I have to say I love this door but it's so tall yeah and we walk in it just makes everything like feel grand yeah this is like the entrance yeah figured everything in there so it looks nice but it's just like our storage pretty much which we actually do not have in our old apartment we only had our walk-in yeah we didn't have this closet here so this is a lifesaver we were using all these boxes to like prop things up before so yeah now we have something just to kind of store it away and I kind of I like literally folded the shoes also I want to put like that right here for our shoes when walking yeah that's something that means ass ended right here this is like one of my favorite thing yeah is she in there never got some laundry washer and dryer brand-spanking-new you guys we're the first people to live in this unit so I love that nobody has used these washer and dryers that came with the apartment so we didn't even have to pay you guys know our struggle with the last apartment we had to rent the washer and dryer and they relate to some that one up we had to get three different dryers because the first two just did more properly so bad right they were I mean they were like used dryers obvious and whatnot and you had to like run through three cycles just walk in this door right away and our bedroom it's not too much not two months but we like that we don't like cluttered we don't like clutter anything but we especially our bedroom just you know this is where you sleep you don't want to be all like anxious in your bedroom but we put our bed on the floor my brother came in took our our bed from the old place but we just liked our bed on the floor I don't know I just feel safer income and then Mitch put our headboard no then we go this way and this there's another fun is double doors right I'm bushi so you open this and it's our closet not as big as the other closet but you could still walk in here yeah but the way they set it up you can kind of utilize the space real nicely you know so yeah my clothes my clothes Destiny's clothes Destiny's clothes yep and then we bought these yesterday at there's like chewing it yep this is Mitch's that's mine we'll just keep our socks and underwear and stuff in there and then shoes yep my shoes down there and so we'll make it work another like more storage kind of up here yeah yeah so I like the closet it's nice I like these little areas I love it so much that adds a whole new storage element to it instead of just racks cuz that buddy bags on bags no back out of the bedroom turn that light on the electricity yes so now we come down the hallway also we have a whole big I really love that because our last apartment was literally just a square square box and you felt let's get on the camera prism you felt as if you were like living in the hallway with like how many people were strolling by you could hear everything kids screaming like literally at the same time every single day because Kate would run down on screen you're like what is wrong here and like not teaching your kid to like not be like yeah all right but where we know this is kind of weird cuz the door opens this way but this is the bathroom so you guys this is like so I like the lights in the mood it adds more just like Home Depot and bought this cute little succulent and it's real we're gonna buy I think when it might goes but real ones just look better yeah they do no and then what we're going to do is like and then we just had our old curtains and Matt from the other bathroom yeah yeah one thing guys we bought that too yeah but a new shower thing put all our stuff and then you see that showerhead right there you love it that is a great showerhead yeah alright great pressure great water pressure love it that's so important in the house actually to have like a shower you like enjoy getting into the other place didn't ever really get the blood pressure no it didn't and also this bathtub is a little smaller but well the bathroom in charnot's small but it's worth it like I don't mind if it's a hotel shower you literally have said we felt we feel like we're living in the air B&B air hotel yeah oh this place is so nice we can't believe it's ours and we like that sort of things others don't all right where we're going now baby ship them later yeah see this is where that door gets a little weird but kitchen is absolutely love that let me look at this this is like high end I don't even like I didn't know it is right here shown by other new purchase oh yeah we got a sponge holder because I hate sponges sitting up there yeah but really like the light fixtures of your everything is just so modern and clean this is art you guys this refrigerator is just everything yeah whirlpool appliances everything is new we're the first people to use it so I love that you open this up and then it's just mm-hmm okay I know you guys see like wine and candy and stuff okay little drawer veggies in the fruits and whatnot and then we also just bought this like Brita because we are kind of sick of using water bottles I'm just a [Music] tree over there not everything that's organized I definitely want to get like bins first stuff to make it just look better you got like seeds and then we have like our medicine stuff which I do want to get like a bin for as well just like myself yeah there's nothing up in that cabinet but over here we have plates and bowls a lot of our dishes are in the dishwasher and then up here we have like water bottles and stuff like that mm-hmm over here we have our mugs and glosses Smith and then down here we are learner's suppressor machine and we actually just bought this thing just bought this to hold all of our Nespresso tablet thingies guys were finally able to do a lot of the stuff that we wanted to do at our old place so because we didn't want to do anything there we literally had no interest yeah yeah there is no drive to really prop that place be like home so we didn't feel like we weren't like settled but we said we knew we were gonna stay too long so we just didn't do anything and this feels like home honestly like I feel good we haven't said too much about a yakimaneeshin on you right this feels good yeah this feels really good all right so we got the kitchen our dishwasher and obviously is right here yeah and then over here because we still have an island just right here not sure what color yet but I'm thinking more like modern like probably made of like steel and wood or something yeah we have the same furniture and everything we kind of switch this stuff up but it's like mostly the same stuff instead of ps4 games Mitch put my book collection and I honestly got rid of the ps4 it's still here I just we don't use it and so yeah and then up on this ledge here [Music] plant plant and then like and then we have the same if you guys don't want to know where all of our stuff is room I'll leave the link to our other apartment too yep in the description because all the stuff is linked there but for here we want to get an area rug just to make this space feel cozy yeah so like when we walk in here it's not just like you know endless wood there's some disruption and it looks there's some disruption guys this girl does not give me enough credit I'm telling you I'm gonna tell everyone right the first job that I was ever recommended in like you know like school type stuff like you know those quizzes that he take you get placed in jobs interior designer was number one from like elementary school to middle school and then it was architect all right and then it was engineering and then I just went way out white I want white I want like okay we'll make sure we'll make sure it's it's crystal clear yeah and then it let us know if you guys think we should get a coffee table because I feel like that this area is too small or an ottoman know what you think I think if we get an ottoman that'll be fine yeah it's kind of like a table all right you're tired just little corner over here I'll take the rice he's so proud okay so to begin we do have a patio yep and I cannot wait to actually paint again I'm gonna have to I'm probably gonna get some like oh so we're making this the painting corner no and like so I'm gonna pack this away I'm not gonna keep this out yeah packed away and every time I want to paint I'm just gonna break it out no I come here because it's natural lighting right right yeah you know shadows or whatever so true but I said it up right now just see it yeah and I love this this is like my favorite things to look at just because it reminds me of like creation yeah Bob Ross yeah yeah Bob this is my second favorite thing to look at because again it reminds me of creation okay creating something from your hands and whatnot yeah Pink Floyd thing in case you guys are new here instead I bought that way you yeah it's a Fender Strat but it's offender acoustic strap so it's acoustic energy Oh books books and those two things right okay so these are both books and there's nowhere else to put these darn yeah this is what we set up from our space it's not like yeah it's like secluded so it's like there's some separation which I like because it's not like you walk in and boom there's a desk it's like tucked away I'm just staring at a wall too you know yeah it's nice exactly okay and the best part guys when I'm right here I'm right here this cute girl is sitting right here and I get to just be like I love you you're literally so beautiful guys honestly I'm just curious love is blind again right I like that show that's a good show it's like one of the only the shows I've ever actually enjoyed but I just gotta say we love Lauren and Cameron and I see their relationship like in us yeah we came first we're the originals right but no I look at them and I just see a lot of them in us and I love how they're getting so big and I just love seeing them because every time I see them I think of us like this it's it's really cool - yeah - no if you agree and then one more thing before we let you guys go let me know y'all are watching love is blind I am I got I want to okay and let me know what you guys think but I want to put like a big premiere well yeah for me let me know where I can get a nice one that's not like $50,000 thank you and then I want to get like a tall plant of some sort I don't know if I want it to go right here or right here but I want it to be like in the pictures because I want to start doing more pictures for Instagram yeah oh yeah and then you want to get it yeah I want to get a rug right here we want to get a rug for the bathroom and so also with this space this is where I'm definitely gonna do some more podcasting and YouTube videos of my own because this is just like a great little studio space like I really enjoy this guys this is so much better yeah and also to add on to the fact that it's so much better like we're starting to like Texas again yeah so we realize that it really doesn't matter where you live and your neighbors and stuff cuz like you you let them your mind just does this if you let your neighbors influence how you see everything else in the world and it was it was just a relief to come here and now I like hey people okay yeah and super quiet yeah yeah yeah and just a better city to like we enjoy like going out and like we enjoy just like going out and going to target now it's not as busy and stuff yeah you're saying the city now we live in Frisco and I just suggest not going there to growing city and it's like ranked as one of the best but that doesn't always mean it's the best yeah I mean and west I don't know if you're like a family or something and you want to get a city neighborhood but it's just I mean it's busy it's packed everyone's just angry it seems like no one's happy there I mean absolutely no one is happy in that city yeah anything else you want to show him baby no I think we're good think we're good anything else you guys want to see come with me no I was kidding all right guys that is our new apartment as the apartment tour we hope you guys enjoyed it if we missed anything let us know we'll be back with like more of the stuff that we're gonna buy like if we buy the rug some stuff for that we're gonna update you guys so a lot of still like moving vlogs to go cuz we're gonna we're gonna deck this place out we're you know we're gonna really get mm-hmm hope you guys enjoyed our new apartment tour I'm gonna come down below letting us know in favorite part of our new places give it a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already and see you guys in our next video be sure guys [Music]
Channel: Destiny & Mitch
Views: 20,738
Rating: 4.9173365 out of 5
Keywords: new apartment tour, apartment tour, dallas apartment tour, home tour, dallas apartment, dallas living, new apartment, texas apartment, apartment tours, dallas tx, destiny and mitch
Id: 3MSpr25bsTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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