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scriptures say my soul cleaves to the dust how do we get quickened when we're absolutely paralyzed with despair by taking heed to your word but if you're not sure it's his word you can't get quickened john 17 17 that we're going to tonight says sanctify them through thy truth and the only way to recover from any besetting sin is through sanctification sanctification is god's recovery program but if this isn't the word of god then we're stuck we're beset with that sin we're enslaved or trapped see it's it's kind of a a very difficult situation to come to a place where you're unprepared to know why you can place your faith completely in the christ revealed in this book but it's impossible to be saved without this book see faith comes by hearing and hearing by the what word of god see uh and what what is amazing is the gradual letting go of the firm grasp on the the authority of the word of god the inerrancy of the scriptures and the reliability of the word of god is much like what i've told the story many times but i'll tell it again because as i learned that word of life the older you get you just keep repeating yourself and there was a speaker there that's been he was just celebrating i think his 60th anniversary at word of life and he told the same stories i've heard since the 80s when i first went there and so for 30 years and i thought that's good the older you get you can repeat yourself but when w.a criswell one of my heroes began pastoring first baptist church of dallas he took his bible and he said and and this was in the 40s and he took his bible and he says if you don't believe in creation and he reached in his bible and he took the book of genesis he actually literally tore it out of his bible and threw it at the congregation it just fell like this and he said if you don't believe in the uh the scriptures as it talks about the end times and he took revelation he took it and threw it and he says and then if you deny the deity of christ and he tore out the gospels and through them and he says and then if you start questioning the miracles that are in the old testament and he started throwing that and then what he finally did is he just held up the leather cover he said that's all you have left nothing as soon as you start denying pieces so tonight what i would like to share with you is the apologetics apologia how do we stand again speak and answer those who oppose the doctrines of the bible and tonight the basis is god's word and we need to learn to trust god's word like jesus did and i really want to go through a study of how jesus handled the scriptures what he believed about the scriptures and then with that looking at how he faced those who opposed him it gives us a method for those that oppose us so first of all we need to simply hold to and trust god's word like jesus did and and that that's going to be our whole study tonight how did he simply hold to the scriptures remember he was and remember that concept he was 100 god but he was also 100 man and every time jesus overcame sin he did not overcome sin as god it says he was in all points tempted like as we are and god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man so it was absolutely christ's incarnate humanity that was tempted and he overcame the flesh the world the devil all that we face by the word of god and and that's what we're going to see this evening jesus authenticated first of all the old testament i want you to think about how significant it is in fact i could i could summarize and i've told you this before in two words why i believe the bible is absolutely hundred percent inerrant in fact i could reduce it to one word the two words are jesus christ or you could reduce it to christ or jesus because jesus number one authenticated 77 78 of the bible flatly he just said this is scripture so you don't there is no question about any one of the 929 chapters of the old testament they are absolutely scientifically historically theologically every other objectly reliable every bit of it because jesus took the entirety of the old testament it was his bible and he said this is god's word so let's let's look at how jesus authenticated the old testament there are 929 old testament chapters uh 260 chapters in the new making a total of 1189 chapters in the bible that means 929 of the 1189 were in jesus christ's hand when he said this is the scripture i mean if you think about it that i that that wipes out a majority of what we would call liberalism liberals deny the authenticity of the old testament miracles of the characters before david in fact they're not even sure about david that's what the whole fur if you've been watching the news lately they've been digging up near azika near where david and goliath the valley of ela over in israel they're always digging over there there are thousands of of sites that you can dig archaeologically and one of the archaeologists has been digging in the area around where david met goliath and lo and behold he found what they call iron age uh an iron age city and it's from a thousand bc and in a thousand bc actually prior to 1000 bc it has evidence of david actually being the king and so it's just caused ripples through the archaeological world and immediately the liberals say obviously that they didn't do scientific archaeology they've they've inserted something in the strata because it couldn't be there is no historic biblical david but jesus authenticated in fact if you just do the math if you divide the 929 by the 1189 you know that 77 of the bible that's how much the old testament is of the bible we hold on the spot jesus authenticated so now all we're left with is the new testament and and then you really have a problem if you don't believe the new testament because the new testament is the revelation of jesus christ promised in the old testament fulfilled in the new testament the establishment of his disciples through whom he said the word of god would come and that he would bring all things to their remembrance so that they would have a flawless inspired record for us and then you have jesus coming back and discussing with his final apostle the final words and then he says it's done and don't add to it and so what's amazing is jesus here authenticated the old testament launched the new testament and comes back to finalize it and so any part of this book that is unreliable you end up like criswell said it all falls apart because jesus authenticates 77 the entire old and lays the groundwork for the new and then comes and signals the end that it's complete and that's all there is so just in your mind think about the fact that there is no question at all about the old testament so you have to decide is it really the new testament i have a problem with because there isn't that much science and history and everything else to have a problem with that we find in what jesus already authenticated in the old testament well we're going to go through some lessons let's look at how jesus used the bible and and not only does this help us understand his his belief of the veracity of the old testament but it also shows us how we should look at the scriptures the way he did and basically jesus held a copy of the bible 77 to 80 similar to ours and said it was a very scriptural truth from god and where did he say that well jesus believe the bible you hold tonight but where over and over we find jesus saying to those who questioned him have you never read in fact this this is the method instead of us being unable to face questions what we have to do is we don't in fact spurgeon you say this says you don't have to defend the bible the bible is like a caged lion just open the door and let it out it defends itself what we do is we just say i don't have to defend the bible i'll just tell you what the bible says then it's you squaring off against god and you don't have to believe god but it's not me i already do believe god and so if you don't i will share with you what the bible said so jesus when his when all of his constant opponents came as in matthew 21 and and some of these if you want uh to have a theology or a uh a study of inerrancy those those uh scriptures in matthew 21 16 matthew 21 oh i've got to erase this because i didn't think you can't see the references if i circle them there i'll just underline them but this is what jesus said first of all and they said to him do you hear what these are saying and jesus said to them yes and when his opponents were facing him he says have you never read and he quotes the old testament jesus did not manufacture new proofs see we're going to find this all the way through when he faces the devil jesus could have said something that only satan would have known from you know by pluto somewhere where they had talked once earlier no jesus only uses the scriptures and and that's it's kind of a little lesson for us jesus said to them have you never read in the scriptures and again he quotes from the psalms and again he said to them have you never read what david did when he was in need he he constantly brought them back to the fact that they must interact with the word of god for themselves so the first lesson that we need to learn is that that over and over jesus said my defense is what is written and if you want to know the truth search the scriptures this is how we will find the truth and how we will answer the opponents well secondly and this is a second uh sorry i've got to erase i'm going to quit underlining if i don't want to keep erasing example two now there are many of these and i just want to take you through them jesus demonstrated the power of god's word by defeating now look at what jesus did he defeated the direct intense personal attacks upon him by satan remember satan the adversary satan is lucifer from of old the the dragon as it says in in revelation 12 and in christ's weakened physical state remember what it says after 40 days in the wilderness with all the beasts and everything in the wilderness and the desolation his body his physical body after fasting for 40 days was weakened he he defeated satan solely by quoting from the old testament books of god's word quoting which shows us how vital it is for us to memorize and meditate upon the word of god um i recently was talking to someone and and they were reading a book this thick and i said um did you know uh that would take about four hours to read that's a fourth of the new testament you see we need to prepare for facing our adversary the devil and there's only one tool usually the devil gets us not when we're at our prime and really on top of stuff he gets us when we're weak when we're sick when we're away from home when we're where we're cascading with things going i just heard from a missionary friend of mine in israel and he said his rent is going up the irs is is hassling him for paperwork and and he says this is a very hard time that's when our adversary the devil wants to pounce on us and what should we have then we should be able to quote scriptures it's our only defensive weapon well um here we go in matthew 4 let's go through the temptation jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil remember devil diablos that means slanderer the accuser and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights afterward he was hungry so jesus 100 man remember the same one that's tired and sleeping in the boat is now hungry in the wilderness and the tempter came to him and said if you are the son of god command that these stones become bread there's a whole study in what satan was doing he didn't say you're not the son of god he knew who he was he was just trying to make jesus exert remember paul the apostle paul in philippians 2 says that jesus emptied himself theologically we call that kenosis the the the idea that jesus emptied himself of the independent independent exercise of his divine prerogatives his prerogatives were because he's god he has all of god's power but the incarnation meant that he emptied himself of his ability to independently exercise those divine powers jesus talks about that all the time he says i came to do your will i always do those things that please my father what he was always saying is he was always under the the direct submission to the father as the son in his incarnation on earth and so the devil just says hey why don't you just do something you know turn stones into bread now that is a huge temptation it's one all of us face in one form another what jesus was tempted to do was to fulfill see jesus was hungry right here this is a phenomenal study in what was going on jesus was hungry and what the devil asked him to do is satisfy a legitimate desire in an illegitimate way that's the basis of most temptate we would call this a lust of the flesh temptation is hunger legitimate yes and and so is a desire uh to have food and raiment you know you're supposed to be able to eat and clothe yourself but did you know to satisfy a legitimate desire the devil tries to make us satisfy it in an illegitimate way like for jesus it would have been illegitimate for him to have made stones into loaves of bread because that just wasn't god's plan he wasn't supposed to wow people he did his sign miracles as evidences and proves to demonstrate who he was not capriciously this is a great example of what what goes on constantly almost equally with saved and unsaved people did you know right now a christian young person in college is just as likely to be involved in fornication as an unsaved one and what they say is you know i i don't know if i really love them well you know what the lesson is love can wait lust can't are sexual desires legitimate yes is uh messing around committing fornication with someone that you are not married to or are not yet married to is that legitimate no is it sin yes does it have lifelong consequences yes and so jesus wouldn't wouldn't succumb to satan and look what he does he answered and said it is written where did he quote from deuteronomy 8 3. now what jesus could have said is whammo you know and and done something big no jesus in his humanity learned scripture he didn't download the whole bible as god it says in luke that he grew in wisdom and stature wisdom he understood and perceived yes he was 100 god but his 100 percent man part is where he memorized and learned and he took the time to do it and so jesus uh quotes from deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 3 and and and silences the devil in temptation 1. well the devil took him up into the holy city set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said again if you are the son of god throw yourself down for it is written he shall give his angels charged over you and in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone now we have the devil who is uh quoting he quotes the devil quotes from psalm 91 11 and 12. you know what that means satan knows the bible that interesting that corresponds is what paul tells us in second corinthians 11 it says that that satan is like an angel of light satan i believe most spends his time not down in the the you know drug infested inner city areas where they're buying and selling and and addicting one another to all kinds of chemicals nor does he operate in the cesspools of immorality do you know where he most operates as an angel of light religion that's where satan is active in all of the let's tolerate one another you ever see the coexist you know using all the symbols making that little coexist thing and let's all just like the soldier i told you about this morning that said allah christ it's the same thing that's where satan's at work how do we know that because jesus said in matthew 24 that the characteristic of satan's coming in his fullness of power during the tribulation is deception religious deception so satan can quote scripture and he does so let's see what happens what jesus does is jesus clarifies scripture now watch this jesus said it is written again now satan does slightly twist he's a good twister if you look at psalm 91 11 and 12 he doesn't exactly quote it right but it was very close it would be like some of us remembering a verse but we left out a little word here and there but look at what jesus does so so instead of jesus saying you're absolutely wrong what he says is the scriptures say don't tempt the lord your god what he does is he never takes one what the devil was doing is taking one passage what we would call out of context and not balancing it with what the rest of scripture say and that's what biblical wisdom is all about someone can come to us and say well the bible says this and you say yes but the bible also says this and this and this and this which puts what you said into context that's why it says you know the first one that speaks often sounds right but wisdom pieces together a context for what they're saying especially when it comes to scripture so that again where does jesus quote from now he's gone from chapter eight to chapter six of deuteronomy and he quotes deuteronomy 6 16 and then the devil took him up to an exceeding high mountain showed him all the kings of the world in their glory and said all these things i will give you if you'll fall down and worship me you know it's fascinating where this could be i mean it could have been mount everest uh it could have been mount etna and it's also very possible that it was the mountain that we call the mountain of the temptation in the holy land overlooking herod's tivoli ever to tivoli you know the amusement park or whatever it is in denmark herod built his own tivoli he built a reconstruction of all the greatest monuments of the ancient roman world all the far points of the empire and he had gardens and all that in jericho and it's very possible this exceeding high mountain was right there in that the the place of temptation the the judean wilderness and satan was pointing down it representing so we don't really know where he took him he the devil and jesus could have gone anywhere but it all could have fit within the land and he said to them all these things i'll give you if you fall down and worship me and jesus said and you know what he said it is written quotes again from deuteronomy so jesus his example of scripture is jesus counted on the scriptures to defeat the direct intense personal attack when he was physically at his weakest and he quoted verbatim from the bible we hold in our hands that's how much he trusted it well next a third example jesus believed in the verbal inspiration scripture you've heard of verbal inspiration what that means is god did not inspire thoughts like the message bible is based on he inspired like the literal translations there's two kinds of bibles right now among christians there are those that are based on the verbal inspiration the scripture and there is a direct correspondence between each greek and hebrew word that god breathed out and the translated english or whatever language they're in they're called literal translations and of course you know those they're new american standard of course the king james new king james and and of course english standard but you notice i didn't say some others the niv is not a strictly literal translation the niv is a close and they call it a dynamic equivalence that that it there's a greek word and this word is kind of what it means and and the problem once once you loosen the rope on the the dock slowly the tide and the the currents will slowly get the boat drifting away and only a translation that is tied to the words will stay true we we've already seen that uh you know with the niv becoming gender neutral now they have a muslim friendly one that doesn't talk about the son of god because it's so offensive to the unsaved muslims and so you understand what i mean you have to have this verbal every word inspiration but look how jesus said he says don't think i come to destroy the law of the prophets i didn't come to destroy but to fulfill for surely i say unto you till heaven and earth pass away one yose one yost uh in in the hebrew language a yo looks like an apostrophe that's a use and a a tittle so a jot is actually a yoast a tittle is the difference between a chest and a test you see this little handle and this one doesn't have a handle on the corner it's just and it's not even that big uh it's just a very slight slight little handle tiny is a tittle and that's the only and what jesus is saying is even the smallest parts of the of the inspired autographer the original the the greek and the hebrew even the smallest parts will by no means pass from the law until all is fulfilled so jesus was real big on every word in fact he even shows us that even the tenses and the numbers are important why because paul makes a distinction he says in galatians he says it it is and he uses a differentiation between the singular and the plural and what he's doing is he's quoting from the old testament and he's reminding us that even the plural versus singular and and all of the aspects right down to the jots and tittles are inspired whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so you know what else jesus says here not only is the the uh verbal where each word of the bible is important but he says our eternal rewards are based on how strictly we adhere to the scripture you know i think it's fascinating people that are willing to spend dozens and dozens and dozens of hours mastering something that god has already said is going to burn up and have no value in heaven and they spend dozens and dozens i had a friend when when we lived in new england that restored antique cars and he had been restoring one of them almost his whole life and he seemed a hundred when i knew him then which was 25 years ago he's probably 125 now and and i thought about the fact that he didn't have time for the midweek service because i got to restore my car he didn't have time for the evening service he had to restore his car he didn't have time to anytime we had special meetings and come he didn't he was restoring his car and i thought you're spending and there's nothing wrong with restoring cars or working or any hobby that's wonderful god says we're we gave us all things richly to enjoy not to the neglect of this whoever the referral breaks one at least these commands and teaches men so shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever does and teaches them shall be called great every day by our schedules by our priorities by our choices we're determining whether we're going to be least or great it's totally based on our view of how important the scriptures are to us it was fascinating i just spent this past week with all these incredible missionaries i've been telling you about this morning and as i was meeting with them they're all committed i mean to the gospel and preaching and teaching you know what many of them said they said in their zeal they most were reminded that it's not by might or by power but it's by the spirit of god and that that their words were great but god's word for greater and that they realized that there were portions of god's word that they were in their zeal unaware of and and many of them in fact we had several invitation times can you imagine giving invitations to veteran missionaries and pioneers of the gospel but their response to the scripture and many of them said they wanted to to renew their desire to to know to to actually master the word of god and returning to scripture memory returning to consecutive major portions of the word of god did you know it only takes 72 hours to read the whole bible so just think about that just think what that means that's six hours a month to get through the whole bible in a year that means that that that if you spend you know two hours and a half a day you can get through the whole bible in a month there's some people that have never gotten through the whole bible in their life and what they're saying is i don't have 72 hours for god and you don't have to read it you can listen to it it takes the same amount of time just fascinating to think how important the word of god is okay example number four now we're looking at the examples of how jesus looked at and and and applied the scriptures in his ministry uh in christ public ministry in the sermon on the mount in matthew 5-7 jesus repeatedly uses the old testament to teach the multitudes here's an example in matthew 5 27 jesus said you've heard it said of those of old you shall not commit adultery jesus is quoting from exodus and deuteronomy he could have just said adultery is wrong what does he do jesus goes back and uses the exact wording from the law and reiterates his usage as the foundation for his teaching the word of god another example the fifth jesus affirms and uses daniel to explain the future to his disciples do you think jesus knows the future jesus could have just given him a a chart what does he do jesus teaches from the old testament prophets and so what jesus said is therefore when you see the this is right in the middle of jesus they question him about the end of the world the disciples did and so he takes him up on the side of the mount of olives it's called the olivet discourse he has the city of jerusalem in front of him he has a temple directly in front of him he talks about comments about the temple and then he says this therefore when you see the abomination of desolation you see it in quotes that's from daniel 11 31 and 12 11. it's mentioned twice jesus exactly quotes the wording from the old testament scriptures he said when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet standing in the holy place now i can't even go by that without saying jesus daniel paul and john those are four very significant people all saw at the end of days a holy place in jerusalem is there one there today no it's a mosque desecrating that's why they planted it there they wanted to make it impossible for the jews to ever rebuild and that's why they put another one the al-aqsa the muslims did they put one right over where the temple used to be or very close they hoped and they put another one over where the day of pentecost was on the southern steps area because they wanted to to blot out and and actually supersede christianity see really it's the the greatest enemy of christianity is islam because its whole purpose was to wipe out christianity and judaism and subjugate them it is truly the most and salman rushdie had it the most satanic of all religions because its supreme desire is to make christianity and judaism submit but something is going to happen through probably western europe and some other coalition that allows the jews to rebuild their holy place but there's going to be an abomination daniel saw it there and jesus affirms daniel by the way daniel's the most contested of all the old testament prophets no prophet has been more maligned and vilified than daniel the historicity of daniel and jesus believed that so we should too here's a sixth example jesus believed in the inerrancy of scripture so much so and a lot of people don't realize one out of every 10 recorded words of jesus one out of every 10 recorded words of jesus are quotations from the old testament that is astounding that jesus just you talk about word filled teaching he just was quoting every tenth word you say how do you get that well first of all his affirmation uh he quotes in john 10 35 when he's up in the temple and solomon's portico he says if you call them gods whom the word of god came and then look at this what's stuck in there and the scripture cannot be broken that's the unbreakability of the scriptures we call the inerrancy there's no errors that can break it that can show it to be false or wrong so jesus is affirming the inerrancy but but look at this the four gospels total 3779. if you add together the 89 chapters matthew mark luke and john and add up all the verses in every one of those chapters you have 3779 a total of 1934 of them would be read you know if you have a red letter uh the words of christ so the actual recorded i mean all of the scriptures are the word of christ that's what peter said he said the spirit of christ was in all of the prophets and all those that were inspired it was the holy spirit uh pouring out the words of christ so all the bible should be in red but if you want to know the literal spoken words of christ there are 1934 verses of them and jesus quotes the old testament over 180 times so that's just under 10 it's actually about 8.9 percent uh one in every 11 or 10 words our old testament quotes unbelievable belief in the inerrancy of the word here's the seventh example these get worse i mean they get more meddlesome for where our culture is today i mean if you listen to ken ham it is staggering to think that there are only this many christian colleges in all the united states of america that believe that genesis 1 and 2 is historic you see how many fingers i have up five that's all wow what does that mean for the long-term condition of the church if if if children young people are getting wiped out because they can't trust the scriptures and parents hope to send them off to a christian college and get to that christian college and the bible faculty doesn't believe the bible's inspired where are we that's a sobering thought where was jesus well jesus confirms the historic reliability of scripture he says adam and eve were the first two humans and he centers that on the context quoting from genesis 1 and 2. now this is the context matthew 19 the famous divorce passage uh the the pharisees were saying hey can we divorce our wife for anything you know uh the rabbis say if she burns the toast you know or the the bagel we can divorce her and by the way in christ's time you could divorce your wife by just saying that word three times all you have to do is out loud say i divorce you i divorce you i divorce you and she was gone that was a biblical under the pharisees under the rabbis of the day that was all you had to do and it could be for anything bad food burnt food made you mad whatever and they said can we divorce our wives for anything that's the pre the run-up to this so jesus answers in verse four and he answered and said to them see he says it again he says you have a question about god haven't you read have you not read that he who made them at the beginning and now he quotes made them male and female and he said verse 5 for this reason man shall leave his father a mother and she'll be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh boom what was christ's reference point for humanity for the origins of the human race for the first man the first woman what was his point of reference was it well the national geographic has found another skeleton in the ul davai gorge i wonder what that one will say no he said haven't you read god made the male and female he said for this reason john and he quotes from genesis so they are no longer two but one flesh therefore what god has joined together let man not separate jesus confirms the historical reliability of scripture he said adam and eve were the first man and woman he affirms genesis 1 and 2. jesus actually believed that it meant what it says i thought that was one of those fascinating points if you hear the ken ham weekend every single hebrew scholar says yes the intention of genesis 1 2 is to portray literal 24-hour solar days but that's not what it means but that is what it was meant to portray jesus interpreted the bible according to what it was meant to portray that's a fascinating thought when the bible faculties of 95 plus percent of all christian schools in america don't believe jesus meant to portray what jesus meant to portray that's why jesus said when the son of man comes will he find faith on the earth that's why if you look at the at the church in laodicea they were no longer bound by the word of god which is exactly where american christendom has gotten to that's why you can say well you know as long as you're faithful you know you can have a homosexual or lesbian relationship just be faithful that's not believing what god says and jesus affirms but it doesn't end there gets worse jesus confirms the historical reliability of scripture by declaring moses wrote the pentateuch now that since the 1800s has been the most single most fought over part of the bible the the reliability of the pentateuch and they they actually say there's j e uh p and h uh the the different four different redactors uh jepd i guess it is that that redacted and put together kind of like editors the the pentateuch well jesus said that no no in in following what he just said about adam and eve they said to him why then did moses come in to give a certificate of divorce and put her away and he said to them moses because of the hardness of your hearts permitted you to divorce your wives but from the beginning it was not so and it goes through and reaffirms his high view christ had a very high view of divorce and remarriage and i say unto you whoever divorces his wife except for sexual immorality and marries another commits adultery and whoever marries her who is divorce commits adultery remember what the disciples said as soon as the pharisees walked away the disciples went whoa it'd be better to not get married because you're stuck see they they heard what jesus said that there was no easy out that marriage was to be a lifelong covenant but jesus reaffirms moses okay number nine jesus confirms the historical reliability of abel abel the only way to understand abel is the son of adam and eve and the one killed by cain and jesus confirms the historical reliability of abel as a real person as the son of adam and eve killed by his brother cain just like it says in genesis 3 and 4 jesus didn't just believe in genesis 1 2 he believed in three and four and by the way he believed in five through fifty and all the way through malachi matthew 23 that uh that i think i left something out uh that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth from now look at this the blood of righteous abel able in hebrews remember the writer of hebrews says that abel's blood cries from the ground see this is this is this is the affirmation that the wording of genesis 3 and 4 is accurate and reliable and trustworthy and inspired and jesus quotes that he says all the blood shed on the earth from the blood of righteous abel to the blood of zechariah son of barackiah whom you murder between the temple in the altar surely i send you all these things will come in this generation without even pausing jesus affirms the historicity of the first children born you say what about cain what cain is and is the only person mentioned in the epistle of first john the only person mentioned is cain and and so the bible reaffirms over and over the reliability well number ten g this one is amazing now you talk about holding on to your seats look what jesus does here jesus confirms the historical reliability of noah as a real historic person that the bible jesus believes said was born 892 years before abraham how do we know that because it says it it says and abraham was born he lived 600 years and the ark came and he lived 350 years after the ark and had sons and daughters and his first son and it's an unbroken succession of genealogical records that if you take the time to add it up there are only 892 years between when noah was born and when abraham was born do you know what that means that means noah was still alive while abraham was alive in fact abraham didn't believe in the lord until till he was past 58 years old he didn't really leave haran until he was older you know what they were they never met each other because abraham was an idolater and noah was a representative of god but abraham and noah lived at the same time period for 58 years do you know what that means do you understand what that means do you understand abraham actually lived during the same time period as the man that was in the ark we know exactly when abraham lived do you know how we know that first kings tells us chapter six it says in first kings 6 that 480 years after the exodus solomon built the temple so if you just do that math you know exactly when the exodus was and then you just read the bible about how old know how old moses was and you backtrack and you confined right back to the time of abraham well what does that mean well noah built an enormous ark that saved all air-breathing animals and eight people from a global flood that ended its destruction of the entire surface of the earth about 2500 bc that's what the bible says do you realize that means everything's not as old as it appears and that that is hard for us who are so steeped in time magazine newsweek national geographic and wikipedia to stomach matthew 24 how did jesus put it but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven but my father only but as the days of noah who he believed in he believed in the biblical record of noah as the days of noah were so also shall be the coming of the son of man for as in the days before the flood the flood they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the day that noah entered the ark just like it says in genesis 6 7 and 8. so jesus is i mean he's already reaffirmed one and two and three and four and now he's doing six seven and eight probably believe five too you know what i mean he's just tracking with with the bible in the order it's written and the people that are mentioned and he's saying this is scripture you went scripture was it was the holy flawless word from the god of the universe and jesus said they were giving in marriage until the day that noah entered the ark and they did not know until the flood came [Music] and took them all away it doesn't say took some of them away it says all humans were swept away by the flood the flood was not local it might be in christian accommodation school textbooks but it's not in the bible it's not local it's universal it says it flooded a hundred feet over the highest mountain and and peter says the the the deluge the cataclysmic deluge that swept and destroyed the entire earth jesus says the same thing in fact luke he says it even stronger and so also will the coming the son of man be and and see for those who believe in a local flood then they must have to believe in a local return of christ too because it's it's synonymous how it's described okay the 11th and and um i think we'll get done uh jesus confirms the historical reliability of abraham is recorded in genesis 11 20 through 25. so now we've you know we're covering most of genesis jesus is authenticating he says your father abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw and was glad jesus said i knew abraham i know the one that's written about in genesis 11 25 your father he's talking about jewish history the jews affirmed the historicity of abraham he said i do too number 12. jesus confirms the historic reliability of moses and the bush burning in the desert which would also include a complete affirmation of the other details see now jesus is getting into exodus and saying it's all true like all the miracles all the plagues the party of the red sea the feeding when god fed three million people did you know to feed three million people you need a train with a hundred cars every day that's how much food next time you're sitting you know and the little train cuts across drake road that has four or five cars think of how many cars it takes to just minimally keep three million people alive and god supernaturally he says he didn't even let their shoes wear out this was miraculous and and jesus affirms that water from the rock etc and this is what he says in mark but concerning the dead that rise have you not read in the book of and he calls the pentateuch genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy he calls it the book of moses basically he just puts his seal of approval on all five books and says everything in there i believe you know what everything in there we should believe why because jesus did see that's the bottom line the reason we believe the bible is because jesus did how god spoke to him saying i'm the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob do you remember what jesus says after that i am that's a resurrection verse abraham isaac and jacob were long dead but jesus said they're still alive i am right at this moment their god affirming the resurrection number 13 jesus confirms the historical reliability of david he's already done that but notice something else here even the minute details of his actions you see what do you mean by that you know what that means it means the little in between stories in the historic books do you remember there there are five major historic books genesis access leviticus numbers deuteronomy and there are 12 minor historic books just like there are five major prophets you know isaiah jeremiah lamptations in ezekiel and there are 12 minor prophets the bible is very structurally built in a beautiful way jesus is saying all 17 of the historic books the minute details i believe how do we know that well look at this but he said to him have you not read he likes saying that doesn't he have you not read what david did when he was hungry he and those who were with him do you remember that story they're running from saul they go up to the tent and they they say do you have any bread and the priest says yes we have yesterday's you know show bread you know do you want that david said yes we're not unclean we've kept ourselves from from sin we want that and the priest says yep and you can have goliath sword so all those little details of events that took place 3 000 years ago jesus says they're true you can believe them i do it's amazing to think about how trustworthy the bible is 14. jesus confirms the historic reliability of elijah the miracles he performed but look at this even the exact time periods and numbers used in the old testament how do we know that well look what jesus said luke 4 25 but i tell you truly many widows were in israel in the days of elijah i believe in elijah he's saying when the heavens were shut up three years and six months that's what it says in first kings first king says that that god made it so that there wasn't the animals were all dying there was no grass it was a horrible famine and ahab was looking everywhere trying to kill elijah and jezebel's priests were after him too and there was a great famine throughout the land jesus said you can trust the historic books with all those details about the time periods the numbers the people the events and finally here's the last one jesus confirms the historical reliability of jonah and the account of being swallowed alive and transported inside of some giant sea creature to preach to nineveh jesus said this for as jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish so will the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth the men of nineveh will rise up in judgment with this generation and condemn it because they repented at the preaching of jonah so jesus said he's reliable he's a real person he really went to nineveh and he really was in the fish and he's really a someone you can trust indeed a greater than jonah is here now that's only one night's worth we could do this all night in fact if you want to stay i can do it i have a lot more on here here's the conclusion jesus believed the bible that you hold tonight he read the bible that you read he prayed the words of the bible you and i have today and god has made an amazing claim see now we're looking at the new testament what what does god say we should do with the new testament well this is first peter 1 i just want to read to you since you have purified your souls and obeying the truth did you know the only way to purify our souls is to believe that this is truth as soon as we unhook the mooring line of the scriptures and say well oh you know i'm not so bold i won't name the people that that ken ham name but those people he mentioned that are very famous and writing books today they are getting squishy about saying that all why because public pressure is against them the gay issue homosexuality uh the role of women uh the the the definition of marriage the definition of life and conception all of those things are here clear clearly jesus said you've purified your souls but only comes by obeying the truth through the spirit we have to believe that this is the inspired word of god what happens in sincere love of the bread and love one another fervently with a pure heart do you know why the church is growing cold because there can't be fervent love for the brethren genuine biblical love if there isn't genuine biblical truth to purify the soul that's why the bible says the wicked run when no one's pursuing them but the righteous are as bold as the lion if you're not sure what the word of god is you're not defeating the devil and you don't have a purified soul so you can't have boldness that's why we're retreating that's why it's so refreshing to go see a group of people that are fearless in their proclamation of the gospel fearless they don't go well i can't go there i might get in trouble they say i'll go there and get in trouble what am i here for i was redeemed to serve that's what a pure heart does verse 23 having been born again oh now we're getting right down to salvation having been born again not of corruptible seed you can't be born again from an unreliable untrue error-filled bible that's why i think young people are jettisoning the church they haven't been born again because they don't believe the bible is true a corrupt seed can't bore make you born again it's not corruptible it's incorruptible the word of god which lives and abides forever verse 24 because all flesh is grasp the glory of man but now he's quoting from isaiah 40. peter believed isaiah you know i mean would what else would you think because jesus did so he did but the glory of man is the flower of the grass the grass withers the flower falls away but the word of the lord endures forever now peter is saying peter executed by nero probably 67 a.d peter the one jesus said that you're peter and on your confession of me as the christ i'm going to build my church peter that was given the keys and he used all of them peter opened the gospel to the jews peter opened the gospel to the samaritans second use of the keys peter opened the gospel to the gentiles the keys he used all three of them and the lord allowed him to be the opener of the gospel to all the groups of humanity he said but the word of the lord endures forever and this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you now chapter two therefore laying aside all malice all deceit all hypocrisy all envy and all evil speaking as newborn babes desire the pure milk of the word why it's the only way to grow what a kid's song say read your bible pray every day and you'll grow grow grow and don't read your bible don't pray every day and you'll shrink shrink shrink that's where they get it from that you may grow thereby if indeed you have tasted the lord is gracious how do you taste the lord's gracious believing his word real quickly we have one minute jesus believed this very bible you hold tonight see that is something you can build your life on let's all stand for word of prayer and um we'll go let's pray father in heaven thank you faith comes by hearing and hearing by your word and this is the reliable word most reliably because you believed it you affirmed the old testament and then you laid the foundation for the new testament you picked by hand through prayer all night your apostles that you would send to superintend the precious completion of your revelation and then you personally came and visited with john on patmos and said that's it it's done and it can't be added to and don't take anything away from it and that's the sure word of prophecy that we hold tonight and i pray that we would spend dozens and dozens and dozens of hours with the only book that can change us from the inside out that can purify our souls and that can help us taste and see that you're good i pray that we would believe you so much that we would love and trust and obey your word and we ask for that in the precious name of jesus and for his glory we pray and all of god's people said amen god bless you [Music]
Channel: DTBM
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Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christian, teaching, biblical, teach, sermon, trinity, church, lesson, traditional, truth, true, divine, theology, freedom, guilt, testament, pure, interpret, spirit, holy, John, Barnett, christ, father, heaven, hell, doctrine, doctrinal, sinful, forgive, forgiveness, history, teachings, chapters, verses, discover, the book, ministries, dtbm, Dr. Barnett, controversial, repent, helpful, sin, the, book, dr, john, doctor, barnett, training, videos, series, resources, savior, god, jesus, holy land, pilgrimage, spiritual renewal
Id: HruAyJlqalY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 13sec (3613 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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