Q&A - Bob & Penny Fulton and Nick Fox // NSN 2020

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I want to invite up now my dear friends Bob and Penny and Nick why don't you guys come that's it they've because of the complaints about where we were sitting they've reconfigured and so that for the camera can see oh my word that's me yeah can I just say when I turn sorry I just need to sort this for the cameras a little bit when I turn to face them to talk to them could you do it from a camera that way so it doesn't show the okay I don't want this you better sign YouTube what other side yeah you see you've got it you're doing it now stop it yeah so anyway guys it's great to have you with us we've loved we've loved having you with us and are you gonna move to another angle or what or is that the only camera oh my lord okay well guys it's been great having you with us and we've loved it and we just love just to ask you a few more questions and just glean a bit more of your wisdom on a few things and one thing that we normally cover here but we haven't properly is hearing God's speak and whether you call it the gift of prophecy or hearing God's speak and I just loved we'd love to hear how do you hear God speak how does he speak to you because there's principles that are universal but the application is always unique on each of us I don't know who wants to go first okay I'll start because they're being silent and I don't like service I'm not like anybody else I just want to really badly today when we were ministering I just wanted to pray for this gal and I I just kept my eye on her making sure nobody else was going to take her I was gonna grab her but it I mean I think it's an unction of the Holy Spirit because I just felt the Lord on it but I I had nothing magical I didn't I you know sometimes I'll have a dream and I'll know what to do that next morning but I'm not magical like these guys these guys are amazing but boy it works for me just wanting so much to connect with that person and then to go with what I think the Holy Spirit's saying and and you never know till you start talking and and then it makes all the sense in the world but it's stepping off a cliff and and then he loves people so much and he just catches them and it's all him and it's just the most wonderful adventure but it takes stepping off the cliff so for you one of the ways is you know it's like God spotlights a person you notice them you think wife I noticed them yeah maybe yeah that actually happened twice today I just I just had to pray for those two different people but I can't say anything supernatural except that it was it was everything you just said right yeah I'm not a very clever man but for me the story about Jesus walking down the street and everybody's yelling and cheering and hallelujah and all sudden Jesus stops and he says to his disciples over there over there in the midst of all the noise Jesus heard a blind man crying out and he sends one of his disciples over there he pointed and apparently the disciple then through the crowd looked at blind Bartimaeus brought him to Jesus and jesus healed him and so what I rely on is is trying to hear Jesus say over there that one sometimes I don't get it I miss it I mean I go on then later I go oh I saw that person but I didn't know that that was the one other times get it that's the one and so it's it's that type of yeah just to walk with with him and and realizing he's gonna say over there that's all I can rely on so I was at this conference several years ago I don't know 1800 people or more and this guy was teaching and he was doing okay but you know funny at the end I was glad it was so funny at the end he does ministry time I look been a whole time he's teaching I look across the room and I see two guys one of them was Nick how long ago was that October 14th 2014 so I see him never met him before and so I get up and I get up mike says he's starting ministry time he was here why do you think he was that good that night Oh irritation it was that Rock Harbor Oh you opened that story was talking about the teacher not being very good okay anyway you just put the camera onto me the point is one of the things I've had to rely on because I'm not real perceptive is that when there's a crowd it's like everybody's in black and white and I'm looking for somebody who's in Technicolor it's then they stand out I don't mean in the natural I mean in the super now when I saw Nick and anyway the other night I was doing I don't know who was teaching I'm sitting over here and I kept staring at this young man across the room and I could tell that he was struggling with whatever it being taught it was hitting him and so the whole time then I'm just prints hello - what do you have for you you know and so I go over there and he's one of the team here his name's Pitt and so I sat down by him cuz you know when that happens it's like gods points out people that he's speaking to and that's you and I get to go and then advance whatever it is that God saying internally now they're hearing it with their natural ears and they're realizing this thing I've been thinking about is God and so that's the way I get it great thank you how about you Nick yeah I've never had anybody highlighted to me I've just kind of chosen to go to somebody and it's kind of like that thing where you have a train of thought and then a thought interrupts your thought and there's a lot of times where you let that pass but usually I find when I jump on that thought that again it just falls into my head or that feeling or that sense and it's kind of outside of what I was thinking about and jump on that it tends to be God speaking and I think for me I've gotta take in the default position that the father always wants to speak and I'm allowing my theology to shape my experience rather than my experience to shape my theology because I for so long would say God isn't speaking to me God isn't speaking to me for me or for anybody else but then I decided to go actually like what Jeremiah says that he's speaking we just need to learn to proceed so positioning my heart going okay heavens not silent the father wants to speak and then so we were in uber yesterday and I just decided that God wanted to speak to our uber driver and you know he's talking about how he stayed home all day and watch Netflix he wasn't a millennial by the way he's a little older and just I just had this thought coming to my head that that he's giving his son something that he never got and I give him that word and he just breaks and then ultimately it leads to this conversation where he gives his life to Jesus in the parking lot here but yeah but I didn't get in the car and have a supernatural feeling I just decided God wants to speak to me and God wants to speak to him and so I'm gonna listen to the thing that doesn't sound like my thoughts I don't know if that's helpful that's very helpful thank you and something something like that happened something today yeah yeah tick to ubers allowance one there one back both got healed so when you're here are you just taking uber x' it's really expensive yeah just to witness two people so it's not because you particularly want to go somewhere because you could I've paid them to take me somewhere so they can't escape I never thought of that that's very good that's clever there you go it's amazing it's amazing and just a quick question for you Nick with them you're out there all the time and I've seen you and I've seen your team and and everything the one thing some of us might feel I know that's this is the thing I struggle with is is rejection you know what if I go up to them and they say no I I don't you know I don't want to know I don't you know and is it you just push through it must be yeah there's two things that they're like you have to go out knowing you're gonna be rejected oh but your assumption can't be that you're gonna be rejected by this person when I approach someone expecting them to reject me I approach them from a posture that's closed off but I go out knowing I'm at some point I'm gonna get rejected and told the something something something you know and and and the journey really is disappointment isn't it it's you you're putting your life out there on the line and trying to approach people and just knowing that you're gonna get disappointed you're gonna get frustrated you're gonna get rejected but actually just deciding to position your heart in a way that the disappointment doesn't shape your continued experience but you will get rejected that has to be what you know is going to happen but you also can't have that assumption that every person you approach will reject you and what it is is is you so want them to meet with Jesus it's like I'm gonna plow through this because it's about them not about me yeah it's absolutely I mean I came to faith at 18 and came from I never been to church before my entire life I don't think anybody my family had ever been to church before as far back in my family line knowing we can never find anybody has ever been to church and just my life got so transformed by the love of God and actually the the the the Church of God the people of God as well that I just feel like if God can do it for me he's desperate to do it for anybody and and the beauty is is you capture more of his heart when you go and share his heart with other people there's something that happens about a revelation of his love and experiences of his love as you step out and share his love with people that don't yet know his love you get this different dynamic of his heart and it actually produces intimacy and you even though you're kind of out working you're out like taking these big steps of faith and getting spit at and yelled at and there's still this thing that happens that you you get this deeper revelation of the Father's love that honestly becomes quite addictive yeah wonderful wonderful night thank you thank you and for all three of you but particularly for you to you've been serving Jesus for a long long time you've seen highs wonderful highs you've also experienced lows and disappointments and folk that you've loved walking away or messing up or and stuff like that and you know you're you know you've you've seen a few years and and you're still world it's okay we know that you're mature and and I see you you're here you know you're loving Jesus you're excited about what he's doing you're like you're like it's like you became Christians last week how does that happen because some of us want to know I think well I mean I just love getting to pray for people I like you I love Jesus with all my heart but but I think the thing that that makes us go back into hiding is not confessing our sin and I think that's huge I think it's hard especially after we've been a Christian awhile and we've blown it if we're not transparent then then the crust gets gets thicker and thicker and I think that's a big big big deal to confess your sins to tell on yourself to be completely transparent and accountable even when you haven't been and another thing I think forgiveness is huge and and in you know in your lifetime you're gonna have a lot of good reasons not not to forgive someone and you're going to go through the dynamics and then maybe you can separate and not have to deal with it but we won't be sweet at the end if we do that yeah a couple asked us in New Zealand like why are you still sweet because they had heard something that was a little bit betraying I guess to us and we didn't even remember and we just we just learned to be quick to forgive and sometimes it's just really hard to forgive and I and I I have a room that I go to in my house it's actually it's a closet because it's a little help but I can go in there and I can tell him all about I can tell Jesus every detail about him feeling but I come out of there forgiving and there's a scripture in Hebrews five seven that says with loud cries and tears Jesus got through what he had to get through and he was heard and and I hang on to that verse with loud cries and tears and if you get everything clear and you forgive he's just sweeter that day than he was the day before when he was so incredibly sweet and he just gets better and better and I can't say that enough because I mean life is such an adventure and every day is so new and if we hang on to these stupid things that separate us we won't know it at first at first it'll be a little shadow but this shadow turns into a wall and then pretty soon it stops our hunger in our thirst so I would say to be quick to forgive to be quick to be transparent and tell on yourself the minute you can don't let it last and love the one that God gave you love them with everything love her with everything that you have because that's the one he's going to mold us into Christlikeness with yeah over the years it's been very helpful to me to continue on I feel similar to what penny was saying and that is I always had men in my life that I could confess sins to and they confess their sins to me and we pray for each other and we fight for each other and we really want each other to win at living and so we found that that this whole thing about being transparent because in jaƩn Galatians 6 it talks about people caught in a sin you that are spiritual restore them and watch out for yourself so you don't fall into the same trap and this way you bear one another's burdens and that way you fulfill the love of Christ and so there's something about that over the years I've had different periods of time you know would come in and they'd leave I get other man but I've had certain I had two or three men in my life that we could meet and we could talk and we can tell each other anything that's going through our heads any dark twisted thoughts because we all wanted to be free and so I the last I don't know 15 years or more I've been mainly connecting with people late teens early 20s and so one of the things I want to do is tell that you the story of a guy named Jake who's 22 years old about two years ago I connected with a guy named Dan Daniel root and so we started having a relationship and and I found this that people that are younger they need to have a God who is in action God and so the presence and power of God in a in a tangible way is very important so we're I'm meeting with him anyway wonderful things are happening we'll go into that but then Daniel has a group of old friends they had blown out a church when they were like 10 years old now they're all about 22 and so Daniel starts talking about how viable touchable God is and in telling stories about about things that are happening in his life people getting healed even casting out a few demons and so in that group there's an that guy named Jake there's about five or six of them so after about three months talking together and and ministering together we go out and we minister to the poor so we always take them with us one thing I learned as a leader never go alone never go alone you know if you are helping somebody grab them by the hand and take them with you they need that they want that so anyway so Jake then we're going up to feed the poor and he goes with us whether we mark marts was there that day and so mark Mars has this incredible faith in lengthening legs and so we're we're there and all of a sudden he starts seeing these legs grow so then we take I take them over we're gonna pray for a person and pretty soon the third time you do it Jake you speak to this woman's niche she was in a wheelchair older gal and so he speaks of the knee and something started happening and all of a sudden he's catching on to who Jesus is and we go back and he starts talking to that group about those things that he was experiencing and pretty soon they started getting ignited so he then invites his one of his friends to the group and his name is Brett Brett comes to the group and I saw him as we're talking about the Bible he pushes away from the table like I'm not going for this so at the end of it we start praying over each other prophesying and whatever and then Danielle looks at him and goes what's wrong with your back and he said well it hurts he works with wood and large pieces of wood and so Jake and Daniel prayed for him next morning he calls down and said well was that how did you know and then he start talking to him about how God reveals things so Jake and then we're going he then but this guy Brett becomes more interested and so then about three four months later Jake calls me and he said Brett it's time for him to accept Christ but we don't know how to help him can we come over I said yeah come on over so he and this other guy see it's been Daniel Jake Jake now has brought Bruce he's also brought this guy Brett see it's all about passing it on so he's team all these doings telling him stories he doesn't know theology he's just telling them stories about what Jesus does so they come over to my house we go out on the deck Bruce I mean Brian and Japan Jake and this guy Brett and myself and I'm starting to explain to him who Jim about Jesus is in to the point of accepting him I said but Jake stops me what Bob's trying to say is he starts millennia lysing me to this other guy so so that the gospel is really present for them so pretty soon I'm talking and then he'll stop mate and he'll interpret me to this little millennial and so I just find that that one of the things that's kept me alive vibrant I'm almost 80 years old in August I'm going to be 80 years old and I thought why what would has kept me over the years it's being around opportunities where people come alive in the vineyard it's always been doing something and then as much as you know grab somebody and help them know that learn more take help them know that learn more help them Noma it's nothing you know everything there's nothing you know exactly how to heal the sick get words of knowledge for for or cast out demons but it's just okay we've got one and so he did that with this guy Brian he had to do it with his cousin that was demonized so I won't go into all the stories but I'm just saying over the years it's passing on what God's given to me to someone else here's it's all about four generations I think Jesus when he disciple people he's looking out for generations making disciples that make disciples that also make disciples and they also make disciples that imitate the Ministry of Jesus and so what I've counted on is this in in Hebrews 13 verses 7 & 8 it says remember those who ministered to you we spoke the Word of God to you consider the way they live imitate their life Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever you're just passing on Jesus that's what's kept me alive great wish I'd said that you did great thank you thank you and Nick I I heard at Christmas you guys as a church you took a Christmas offering and there was some results from that can you tell us the story yeah so we're will be three years as a church next and next week actually will make three years we're still standing come on church spires house know how that feels but we every year we've decided Christmastime we're going to take an offering and give it all the way that's been kind of our deal and every year we've tried to look for a different opportunity to do that and kind of over the last couple months something that's kind of gripped a few of our leaders hearts is just the idea of debt being one of the worst kinds of poverty and in in America we don't have the amazing NHS so we have a lot of people with medical debt and I think it's 92 percent of American bankruptcies are tied to medical debt and the crazy thing about medical debt is you actually can buy it for pennies on the dollar and so we bought medical debt we bought we took thirteen thousand dollars of our Christmas offering we gave some to an orphanage and we gave some to church planning and then we took thirteen thousand dollars of it and we bought 1.5 million dollars of debt and then send a letter telling them that we once had a debt that we could never be forgiven of so we know what it feels like to live under a debt that's just crushing you so we've forgiven your debt so it ended up being eight hundred nine households that we forgave debt for totaling one point five seven seven million dollars somebody said there was it was it a recent and he was telling me and this story so I mean and he could have tell me if he got this completely wrong but but one of the reasons you chose to do that is because the number of doctors have become come to the Lord yes so we have a medical professional group in our church made up of doctors and nurses and physical therapists and Dennis dentists Cesar's one of them and they the thing about the medical field is if you're a medical professional your your work you're doing something that you weren't actually designed not to ever see there was never supposed to be sickness there was never supposed to be illness there was never supposed to be death so that greats again it's our original design so we realized man God's gathering all these young medical professionals in our church we need to kind of offer some support because they're they're going into kids cancer wards and they're going into hospice situations and and they're they're just seeing stuff that they aren't supposed to see so we just began kind of meeting kind of every couple months and praying together and encouraging them and they share stories and they're probably our bravest group of people in our church I mean there's not a day that goes by that you don't have a story of one of these medical professionals praying for a patient or praying for a co-worker sharing the gospel and we're seeing kids come to faith on the cancer ward we're seeing families just find hope but yeah we we had a couple nurses attend a funeral for for a patient that passed away and the family had sent a letter to the hospital thanking the hospital for sending these two people as delegates of the the hospital that the hospital didn't send the nurses the nurses just went because they built relationship with this person and they wanted to kind of honor the family and one of the doctors heard about this and started kind of getting curious about what would make them go kind of beyond the the demands of the job and go to a funeral and anyways doctor comes into a gathering and it happens to be the day we're taking the offering and he just has watched these these nurses live out their faith in a tangible practical loving way and he's getting moved and wrecked by it and then comes in the morning we're taking a Christmas offering to pay off medical debt and it's almost like his worlds are just colliding and ended up giving his life to Jesus in our gathering and we're just seeing quite a bit of that right now with medical professionals that are in our church but also that are starting to gather around our church because of it and it was there a story of a guy honest who had gone through a rough time one of the people whose debt was forgiven yeah so we got a letter an email so we don't get a pic who the debt we paid off but it's not like we got to pick people in our church and pay off their debt though I'm sure they would like us to do that but we it's all kind of you just buy batches of debt but I got this email from a guy named Joseph on a couple Saturdays ago and it was one of the most kind of horrific stories I've ever heard wife had passed away or had cancer or wife passed away why his three year old daughter had cancer to end up passing away which caused him just to kind of spiral into deep despair which I imagine most of us would and end up losing this job gets his house foreclosed on spend some time living on the streets kind of patches his life back together a little bit gets a job gets back in this house peas under this crushing financial debt is he's also had financial reasons so this is the email just listing all this out and and then he says you know and I went to the mailbox this week and ready to give up and I got a letter saying that you guys have bought my debt and forgiven my debt and it's the first time I felt hope for my future and I mean that's why we did it amazing in case you missed it I don't think you did his wife died his he his daughter died of cancer he ended up with a debt that he couldn't pay spiraled and then just that one act that one act gave hope and we have no idea and that's the beauty of the church right now not one of us could do that together but when we begin to pull our lives and resource together we could begin to make a dent in something significant beyond ourselves and that's why it's so important for us to have unity in the body of Christ because imagine if we did that not just amongst one body I mean we're a small church for a hundred and twenty two hundred and eighty people depending on how bad the preach was last week and and we're under 30 we don't I think we have like two or three dual income families in our entire church and I think about the impact we made with that is was with just young college students and young professionals just giving so sacrificially makes this massive impact but this is the beauty of the body of Christ is that we get to pull our resource together spiritually but also practically and make a significant significant dent in our communities great thank you just a couple more questions cuz we want to make sure we got time for whatever the God want else God wants to do a question for you guys very simple one and I'm scared to ask it cuz for lots of people you know we worship Jesus Christ we don't worship John Wimber or anything like that and for lots of these folks they've no idea who he is but for some of us he had a huge impact on our lives and lots of what we do came out of the things that he taught and the things that he learned and God used him it was God just like he's used many people in in very powerful ways and like all of us he wasn't perfect but what would you say if there was one thing that you noticed about him that was the thing that that was like oh my goodness that that was a key reason because the Lord used him beyond you know or any that actually we could learn from that I could learn from that I could say you know what if I pursue that what would you say it might be hard question one thing that stands out right now there are so many things yes there was nothing like the vineyard when we started the vineyard there was either Pentecostalism which is beautiful and they kept the fire alive through the years of dryness but there was just a lot of hype and a lot of manipulation and john was so natural and didn't want any hide just well he was very much like you and like what you see in the pastures mm-hmm throughout this movement in the vineyard but the one thing that that always impressed me was he's extremely generous he's generous to a fault and what we're on trips I I can't say I like anything because he would buy it for me immediately but that in ministry was he always gave away everything he caught he'd give it away at one time I was I was about to teach and it was it was in Corinthians when Paul was preaching when he said well whatever he said it doesn't matter mm-hmm but John said penny the thing about the Pentecostals that was so valuable was they knew God would do it they had no problem and sometimes you see a double life because of that but you know that was the weakness but the strength is they just knew right away God was going to do it that God loves to do those things and if we can just catch that but he was always teaching always giving away and anybody who goes on trips with them he'd say you take the medicine tree tonight and he'd walk offstage I mean he was he never needed to be up front he he did up front because it wasn't calling God gave him but he'd give away that he'd give away anything and and when he died I thought oh thank goodness he gave everything away because all of us know that authority and so many leaders keep it to themselves they won't you know they'll hover their fame or they'll hover whatever it is that that's their secret for ministry and that was never John and I mean in John sane I'm just a fat man going to heaven he just was relating with all of us and gave the ministry to the people and when we first came to Charlie wood and they said we don't know what to do with all these people you brought with him you know with you he's they said to John and John said you told me to bring my ministry this is my ministry and you know that was all those kids in us I mean like whatever he can do we get to do you know the ministry is for the people it's not for for one famous man somewhere and I you know I loved that about John I love what we all caught from him and I love that when they interviewed him over here for the first time after that trip to Charlie would suddenly there was a million interviews because people were a little bit afraid after what happened to your church and and they'd say you know we don't know if we want you to keep going and he said what so tell us tell us what you do before you go out and he'll tell us how you prepare for that and John said I turn off the TV I put down my diet coke and I go heal this sick and I'm listening and I'm thinking couldn't he have told him we were all praying couldn't he have said something holy but in doing that he broke that religious spirit across the country he just broke it off and he made the ministry available to everyone brilliant brilliant thank you very very much that was really really helpful and again that the point of that wasn't to eulogize a person but it is we want to be you know Paul says follow me as I follow Christ and we learn from one another and we can take the best from others and say I want that generosity I want that quick to repentant presence all those things that's the point one more question Nick I think it was was it this time last year or two years ago when you were here last year we were praying for you and carry about about the possibility of adoption yeah tell us your story because I know some are wondering about about that for themselves yeah so this time last year we were probably been about seven years where we were coming up in our 11th wedding anniversary seven years of longing and desiring to build a family kind of all when we first started dating the two things we said we wanted to do is plant a church and adopt someday and we we wanted to build a family through through biological means but also adopt in and I think we landed in here last February kind of honestly in a in terms of the adoption in a pretty rough place we I think we at at this point and then a few months after I think we had six adoptions fall through and and some to a varying degree where we were like waiting in the hospital waiting room and then coming out and get the news that they've chosen something else and just just a pretty pretty tough road and it was may may wasn't it was May last year as actually at let me and K we're at lunch with these guys and we got a call about two little boys and the the adoptions kind of its out of foster care and we adopted two little boys named Jackson and Jace Jackson is three and a half and jaysis two and we are in the middle of finalizing that it's been incredible journey marked with ups and downs and if you know anything about adoption adoption doesn't happen out of a good story adoption is always out of heartbreak and trauma usually and these little boys came home and to our home for their forever home and it has been a journey for them it's been a journey for us and I'll tell you what I would never take back our experience up to this day it's prepared us it softened our hearts it ready to us to care for these boys and kind of a cool story around it is tell you a longer story to tell you a shorter story about doing both quick and we so we are on our way at the end of March to they do these these fairs where they bring in social workers and you have to go and like sell yourself you like well you know my name is Nick and I'm a pastor and here's my income and my education and like and I just don't have the ability to do that and my wife even less so than me and so we go to this thing and we turn up to the facility where they're having it and we were promised 60 social workers from all over Southern California and California and only two showed up so that's the news you get as you check it in and then we put on our name tags and my wife's name is Carrie and my name is Nick and I put my name tag on this is Nick and we put her name tag on and it says Ken so they thought we were the well you know so we we go in and we sit down and you're sitting next to like the perfect couple who've like got there they brought like this binder of their home that's five times the size of ours and all this stuff and you go in and you're supposed to sell yourself to these social workers and I just can't do it and we start flipping through this binder and basically it's a stat sheet of the kids and it it's their name a little photo and then everything that's they've experienced and behaviors and and just it's it's awful just to say that and we're turning the page and we get to our boys page and I'm gonna cry is that okay that's hope it says Jackson and Jase and I gasp for air like I just got a because I told Carrie on our probably two three months into dating when we knew we're gonna be married I said you know someday we're gonna have a son we're gonna name him Jackson J xon and and here was this little boy Jackson Jo Xon and his brother Jase and so in my heart I just know they're my boys like I just know and then we go to the social worker and she says who are you interested in and we say Jackson and Jase and she goes you and everybody else and we're like oh goodness me and she's talked to probably 200 families that day and just many others and she she says she starts this is funny but not funny she goes well what about this little girl and she goes to tell us the story of how this little girl who hates white people and doesn't stop screaming and I was like well I'm white so that might be a problem and but but we're willing if you think it'd be a good fit for us we're willing to explore it and pray about it and she goes okay well I'll call you about her this week and week goes by doesn't call and fast forward we're out to lunch with Bob and Penny and my phone rings and I almost don't answer and penny penny goes you need to answer that phone call and I pick it up and they say hey we we think you guys are the the perfect family for Jackson and Jacy want to bring him home so that started the process and we brought Jackson home in mid-may and then a month later we could brought his little brother who their full biological brothers but been separated for a year home and it's been amazing it's challenging but amazing and our one job every day is to get up and believe that all of us have been chosen and adopted that is our main job every day for those little boys to know they've been chosen and adopted and for us to know that we've been chosen and adopted and because we were chosen and adopted it's easy to choose them and adopt them [Applause] you know I was yeah penny wants you to make the point that it was that the name Jackson was it spelled JX o n which is really unique and it's how his name is spelled the one we wanted wonderful and he said I've always wanted a boy named Jackson with an X so if we have a child that's who I want him named him so when he told us that wonderful wonderful we the where I was the week that you got Jackson I was with you and he would stop crying it was like it was like I really haven't since wonderful
Channel: Naturally Supernatural
Views: 312
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Soul Survivor, nsn, naturally supernatural, Mike Pilavachi, Andy Croft, Tom Smith, Holy Spirit, Ministry, Worship, Spirit led worship, Ali Martin
Id: S-Co28qbMJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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