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we already do a q a today okay let's go i would say it's very very hard harder than i thought you got a scar here and then i don't know if you can see that one but he's doing permanent damage how are you surviving i got mastitis on both sides because i have been pumping for the twins things are not looking good what do you miss most about life for kids all right here's one that's gonna get more all fired up it annoys me so much hey guys so this is tell me you're a twin parent without telling me you're a twin parrot okay literally two of everything two bassinets two bass nets two mama wrist two mama ruth two baby bajurns what else do we have two of everything but we already do a q a today so okay let's go what's up guys it's been a long time we've just been in this black hole of newborn mist and this is hard yeah so we thought we'd do a little q a we have not been on here for weeks but we are getting back in the swing of things we've had a really tough couple weeks oh my gosh it's like not only do we have two newborns and a toddler but i've had a antibiotic resistant mastitis there were some other random things that i haven't really shared that happened but um yeah it's just been a struggle yeah we're just doing my figuring it out figuring it out as we go yeah so yeah we thought we'd do a little q a if you guys haven't subscribed already subscribe we have hit 250 000 subscribers which is really cool so yes so thank you guys for following along yeah we love doing these videos they're just hard for us right now it's not a lot of time and interviews everyone's asleep right now leslie's asleep the twins are asleep we have about 45 minutes to wake up so we thought we'd spend a little time with you so yeah so here we go let's get started all right i don't know these questions okay so yeah lauren doesn't know these questions so i thought it'd be fun just to kind of like read them out loud so best marriage advice after having kids what keeps us strong um i would say always making time for just us i think that's the most important thing don't you yeah yeah we've already been on a couple dates so we've you know had a lot of help with my family i don't know there's a baby crying oh no yeah i would say even if you're only talking about your kids even when you're on a date which you should refrain from but even if you're going out and talking about your kids it's good to just have time alone yeah a couple for sure super important i'm gonna be right back okay are we safe i think we're safe i know is twins all sunshine as your post suggests no no of course but i mean we don't have time to take pictures in the non-sun shiny moments yeah of course you're not going gonna post a picture of like both of them screaming and crying they're gonna need you um but yeah it is hard i would say it's very very hard harder than i thought yeah like most days ari and i will be like i think i'm gonna die today yeah i'm like i can't make it through the day yeah like i don't think we're gonna make it today and then you go to sleep you wake up and you you made it yeah you do it again some days some days we look at each other and we're like like literally if i'm having like a mental breakdown lauren picks up the slack if she's having a mental breakdown i like get it together and i pick up the slack and i think that is what makes us like great and i'm not i'm tuning in co-parenting it's just because we we can sense when each other needs a little bit more heavy lifting on the parenting end yeah we do a good job of balancing each other out i think we just you can't both break down at the same time one of us has to man up right yesterday she's like man up yeah i had to tell us yesterday okay okay it's time let's stop complaining yeah it's hard but it's it's so rewarding too so it's like the good outweighs the bad you know obviously and i already am like dreaming about the three of them running around on the beach while we drink wine and just enjoy our that'll be like four years from now yeah all right well next question how often do the twins wake up at night and how do you guys work the nighttime wake ups right now they are seven and a half weeks old and they're waking up it's like they'll go down to sleep around seven o'clock 7 30 and then we've been doing a dream feed around 10 which means we just keep them in their swaddles low lights are actually in the dark yeah and we just feed them while they're asleep half the time they don't even wake up oh yeah and then you just put them right back in their bed and then they will usually stay asleep till like three ish no not really one will start waking up lux because he's always hungry we don't feed them until round three right but we pacify him to get him to three to try to match what sudden is doing because santa's the sleeper of the two right now yeah she's a better sleeper than he is he's just hungry all the time he's just hungry so we try to get him to get to three but honestly we now have started to figure it out but there are some nights where it is complete chaos one's waking up at 10 and the other one wakes up at midnight then that one the other one wakes up at two and then by the time you know it you've gone through the whole night and you haven't slept i would like to think we're past that part i think we are yeah so three o'clock that's all i'm eating and i think that's the reason we're like back on youtube because you hear me again yeah anyways anyways yeah he does soul thing re-grunts he grunts for like a half an hour and then he'll wake up all night long honestly he sleeps with an earplug in one year because reluctance grunts the whole time yeah so lately we've been doing i'll sleep in the twins room i'll take a night and then lauren will sleep in the twins room the next night yeah we just switch on and off just to give each other like a full night's rest and then the person who has the full night's rest handles leslie first thing in the morning uh so it's working out pretty good okay i'll be back shocker alex is hungry so we're just gonna hold him for a little no the key thing about having twins and surviving is you just have to keep them on the same schedule so yeah well sometimes he's gotta wait he's still sleepy as you can see as long as he has his pacifier for the next 30 minutes he can wait until his sister eats with him yeah i think that is something that we got a lot of suggestions on the beginning it was to keep them on the same schedule and that's what we try to do yeah if you don't you just have literally zero time for anything yeah you can't even eat all right this question is uh for you it says i noticed lauren said when she went into labor but then she ended up having a c-section was it an emergency or did she just opt for that as it was the best choice for her what happened was i had a c-section scheduled for monday and the previous friday i ended up going into labor and my contractions were really close together we went to labor and delivery they're like okay you're probably gonna end up going into labor either this evening or tomorrow which would be a saturday and they're like on the weekends we're short staffed and we would feel more comfortable if you had the babies tonight rather than coming in for an emergency c-section over the weekend right so they're like let us see if we can just get you on the schedule for friday and we'll get these babies out tonight and i was like holy cow they want to take them out right now like we're having these babies right now originally she wanted to have them um vaginally but lots of this breech yeah so it wasn't safe i was waiting to see if he was gonna flip around and they did the ultrasound that friday and they're like he's still chilling head up um we're gonna have to do the c-section so i was kind of relieved that i didn't have to make that decision honestly because my doctor was like you can do it vaginally if they're both head down but there's still a chance that the second baby would flip and you would have to do a c-section and a vaginal degree which would be the absolute worst i would imagine so yeah i was kind of relieved just like okay i don't have to make that call i'm doing the c-section no big deal yeah did it and i'm really glad that i did it that way it was a little scary going into that room is like very sterile and cold and bright it's different it's a whole different experience actually kind of creepy you're like okay these people are gonna cut me open and they're like asking me what kind of music i'm listening to like this is really weird yeah they wouldn't let aria come in with me initially when they were getting me ready so it's by myself and they have like a dad room which is weird yeah you had to go to the dad room yeah um but it was weird they like put you on this table it looks like a cross and she's shaking like crazy yeah yeah i'll link the birth vlog here because it was wild i'm glad that i filmed it like i was like thinking about like oh maybe i should just take pictures yeah maybe we should vlog it yeah i'm glad you did too yeah it was a weird weird experience but i'm glad i did it and the recovery was a lot easier for me than the first birth i did and i'm fine all right so this is kind of a follow-up to that why did sonna have to spend more time in the hospital okay so when they first took the babies out they both went to the nicu for a little bit and lux was there for maybe an hour i think and then senna had to spend eight days there because her brain wasn't developed enough to be able to maintain homeostasis so like her when she was drinking she wouldn't breathe so then her heart rate would drop and she couldn't maintain her temperature and maintain her breathing and heart rate and all that at the same time so there it was like a delicate balance of making sure she was warm enough so that her heart rate would stay elevated and she would keep breathing and it was really scary because sometimes i would go in there and one instance i actually was trying to nurse her at the nicu and she's hooked up to everything so they can monitor her yeah she wasn't breathing when she was eating so her heart rate dropped and all these alarms were going off and it was really traumatic honestly like that happened and another thing happened that was kind of traumatic it was just an emotional rollercoaster so yeah rough time for both of us we learned a lot it was called brady the term when the heart rate slows down yeah bradycardia yeah your heart rate decreases yeah so it was such a relief to have for home but then even when we're home we're like one edge well the day that they let me take her home i was like are you a thousand sure like i'll be okay yeah like i can take care of her and he's like yes you're fine like we wouldn't send her home if we didn't think she'd be okay but i still put the outlet on her for weeks until i was really comfortable yeah this question is will alessi and senna eventually share a room if they want to i feel like they'll probably want to at some point i had a sister that was a year younger than me and her and i i remember we wanted to share a room at one point so maybe they will too all right next question update on your hawaii house i think we get a lot of questions about hawaii yes you take this one so we are going on a trip soon in the next few weeks we'll take the family and we're going to go to hawaii and see if we can do it we can do it i mean we're going to do it but i just think it's funny we're going to you know travel with the family um and spend a little time there our plan is to eventually spend the summers there so that is the eventual plan and while we're gone we're gonna do some more renovations here believe it or not so that's the plan i can't wait to get everybody to the beach younger weather cooler weather it's great it's 115 today what the heck so yeah a lot of questions about hawaii so that's what's happening there why'd you delay why did alessi scratch her face why did she scratch her face unless he has this thing where she just like she'll look you in the eye and no only you only only ari yeah i don't know why she does it to me we'll be like she'll be so sweet and then she'll just like so just like claw the crap out of his face she got me like here the other day she got a scar here and then i don't know if you can see that one but he's doing permanent damage i don't know if all toddlers do this but she's so sweet and she just turns i don't know why she doesn't only him too it makes no sense she doesn't do it to me never cause i rough house with her maybe i don't know maybe anyways that's why i have to scratch my face um how are you surviving i feel like we kind of touched on this yeah we touched on that but yeah twins is all about survival yeah lauren why were you in the hospital so i got mastitis in both sides because i have been pumping for the twins or i was i'm not anymore and it was not responding to antibiotics i had been on them for about a week and things are not looking good so we are yeah she has a really high pain tolerance she's did so well with alessi she recovered from the c-section incredibly fast and this like knocked you on your feet basically you were like i was so out of it yeah i was in the hospital i don't know if you guys follow us on instagram but ari was posting videos of me in the er and i was just like that totally zombie yeah yeah it was not fun not at all like oh i would give birth 10 times to not have to have mastitis one more time yeah so they had to eventually get you on an antibiotic that wasn't a common one that they had to call the infectious disease specialist to get it get a specific one but thank god that they did so yeah and we're here i'm better i made it and yeah it's kind of we she wanted to hold out as long as possible with breastfeeding the babies and so this kind of forced her into yeah yeah it was like a very i mean the breastfeeding thing whether do it whether or not do it is always an emotional decision for a mom and i'm somebody who's like very headstrong i guess in a way about that i just really wanted to do it as long as i could and i did that with a lessee too and when i had to quit i was really upset about it but i knew it was the best decision for them and i didn't feel comfortable giving them breast milk that had antibiotics in it or even an infection which is kind of gross to even think about so i just was like all right we're doing it we're switching formula yeah i've done all my research on the formula so i know that this is the best one for our family and i was comfortable switching over and they're doing great yeah how has lauren recovered so quickly from a c-section what's your secret i honestly don't know everyone says that it it takes longer to recover and maybe my body and my body is still recovering first of all when she got home from the hospital she was like that was so easy let's do it again i was like excuse me that week after the week after we had twins she wanted to have another baby already like yeah after lucy yeah after a lessie she was like oh no i don't know if we can have more kids that was pretty difficult yeah it was really interesting because for most people they say the c-section recovery is harder but for me it was the opposite i felt like the vaginal birth was harder for me to recover from the c-section so now i'm just like i could go get surgery for anything and be fine okay we've got a whole new body it's not uh get ahead of ourselves here all right what has been the most rewarding about having twins and what's been the most difficult the rewarding thing obviously is seeing how cute they're so cute i mean you look at them and you're like oh my gosh they're so freaking cute so cute i mean you can just stare at them and you're so in love and automatically you're like you're my world you know just the same as i felt with leslie and i think that it's just like we keep thinking about the future how cool it's gonna be for them to all interact and like grow up together and they're all so close to age so that's the most rewarding thing yeah the hardest thing is to sleep like not having enough hands not having enough hands not having enough time not having enough hands is a really hard one when we are both holding the twins and feeding the twins unless he's like hold me and she is we just don't have a pants for everyone she's yeah she's adapting but she struggled for i would say three weeks she still gets done she still gets jealous she gets jealous of her mimi and papa now she'll want to share them with the twins like mimi was just over here earlier yeah and she's like mimi put it down put it down she's like come on let's go yeah yeah so i would say those are the two what do you miss most about life for kids i guess right now the thing i miss the most is just being able to travel yeah like we do we would just pick up and go somewhere all the time like we were barely ever home i was racing more and we i would just be like hey there's a race in australia this weekend you want to go and we would just go i was like so carefree we just we were just we just had no responsibility really yeah and it was that was really fun because you could be really spontaneous i feel like a little bit of the spontaneity has gone away because you just got you have to plan everything so like well for it to work out and not be a total disaster yeah and i'm somebody who loves to be spontaneous it's like one of my favorite things and like surprise people that part is on pause for now but i know we're gonna get it back after these two are a little bit more independent you can't even compare like you can't look back if you're a parent you can't look back and be like oh i miss my carefree life before kids because it's just it's just not your life anymore you know it's yeah i mean it's just your face but you don't even really miss it but you do remember like oh yeah that was fun i remember sleeping until 9 30 10 o'clock every day now i just like i wouldn't be able to yeah so it's just different i mean your whole life is just like a series of phases and you look back and like oh that was a really fun phase and now i'm in this one and soon i'm going to be in the next one so that's really just how i look at it i don't really get sad over the last one yeah we just do miss traveling but we're gonna make it happen we're gonna make it work for all the kids wish us luck we are gonna make it work we're gonna make it work what are the biggest differences between the twins so the biggest difference between lux and santa they came out of the room different like he was such a boy and she was such a girl already all he cares about sleeping and eating and he's always like tooting and just being a boy and he's bigger he's like built differently senna is just this like cute little tiny thing she's always so awake he wants to be part of everything yeah and she's so pretty like she looks like a girl already she's i would say she's more uh aware of her surroundings you know she's looking at things she's she interacts more she'll look in the eye whereas lux is just like where's the food and then he eats and he's like see you yeah like time to go back so that's where we're at right now with those two all right here's one that's gonna get more all fired up oh gosh what is it why do you all seem to favor senna more than looks just an observation oh i told him not to put this one in there because it annoys me so much she is so mad i get this dm like on a daily basis any time i post any of our kids someone's like you only post lefty you only post like you love santa more than looks it's just so annoying because like sometimes they're sleeping or sometimes they are not in a good mood or sometimes ari has the other one there's many reasons why they're not all featured on our instagrams on the same day like in the perfect balance yeah it's very hard because like we said just now lux is sleeping most of the time so when his eyes are open we're like oh cool you know get a picture but sunny's eyes are open probably two more hours a day yeah so if you ever think about messaging a parent something like that just don't yeah especially twin parent because it's like you know i feel like the the comparison is always gonna happen the twin comparison their whole lives so it's already happening people are already saying oh your favorite one more than the other it's kind of weird i don't know you'd have more experience with that than me because you have two brothers yeah i feel like my bro my tongue brothers were always you know comparing i mean you you and your sister even did it and you're not twins you know i feel like siblings in general are always comparing against each other yeah it's not healthy you know we love them all the same we love them all the same okay what are the best products for mothers expecting mothers of twins what do we use the most well we use the twin z pillow to feed them both at the same time yep i also used it for breastfeeding when i was trying to breastfeed both of them at the same time yep that's a big one we use in the middle of the night so i'll you know get one fed for 10 minutes put them in the pillow change the other one put that one in the pillow and feed them at the same time it's perfect babybjorns we use it with a lesson we have two of them for the twins they're great um the malmaroos anything that you can like put them in to keep them safe and keep them happy and have your hands free yeah those are like the things that you're going to need oh another one too which we hated spending money on is the snoo because they're expensive yeah we have one for a lessee and i whipped that thing out last week and i was like all right lifesaver because you can it kind of soothes them a little bit yeah so yeah if you're by yourself taking care of them you can put one in this new and it kind of like rocks them and shushes them for you while you're taking care of the other one if they need you at the same time yeah okay what has been your favorite memory so far with all three kids being at home i'd say mine is having alessi holding both of them for the first time yeah the day that senate came home because senator wasn't the nicu and so you know we were home with lux for a few days and we're waiting on center up and finally they were all there and it was really cute to see them all together yeah well some of my favorite memories are our nighttime routine that we're figuring out how to do i think it's really cute actually it's kind of stressful night time is like the most stressful part of the day dinner time is so hard but i think it's really sweet when like we're feeding the twins and unless they snuggle them between us we're reading stories on their day bed and their nursery i think that's one of my favorite feminists right now yeah that's pretty cool i do like that we're trying to get a nighttime routine down i think it's it's working well so that's right or one morning we got to drink coffee with both of the twins in the baby insurance outside with let's see that was fun too that was cool and i'm sure there'll be many more to come for sure well that is all we have for you guys today our kids are gonna wake up soon and this is gonna be ended anyway so we're just gonna go before that happens uh we are going to do a little uh day in the life of coming up next so wish me luck on filming that because i don't know how i'm going to do it without any hands maybe we'll do like a night time night time or a date like a morning time you want me to ease into a little pressure that way yeah yeah i mean we'll do a nighttime routine um so you guys can kind of check that out but thank you for watching yeah we'll see you guys
Channel: Lauren & Arie
Views: 331,885
Rating: 4.9578533 out of 5
Keywords: Arie and Lauren, Lauren and Arie, The Bachelor, Twin Pregnancy, Laurie, Lauren Burnham, Lauren Luyendyk, Alessi Luyendyk, Arie Luyendyk, The Bachelorette, Pregnant, Bachelor Baby, Bachelor Twins
Id: dlIbNo06izY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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