What's The Most BRUTAL Fate? — Thomas The Tank Engine

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foreign [Music] TV series as well as its source material The Railway Series former captivating franchise that revolves around a captivating concept sentient vehicles in a realistic world while primarily aimed at Young audiences this franchise delves into dark themes of realism that gradually blend with the Fantastical notion of living vehicles as the narrative on phones we discover that punishments and circumstances can lead to utterly brutal Fates within this universe some of these Fates could have been easily avoided with courtship While others result in the most unimaginably Grim ends for these sentient machines the question is though what is the most brutal fate for a sentient vehicle in Thomas the Tank Engine [Music] rank towards the bottom of our list of brutal Fates is the unfortunate event of a vehicle breaking down there are several reasons why a vehicle may suffer a breakdown ranging from old age to being pushed Beyond its limits for instance in season 5's episode double teething troubles we witness the new diesel engine Derek experiencing multiple breakdowns due to teething problems while there's a reasonable chance that a broken down vehicle can be repaired and restored to its former glory there remains a slight possibility particularly for older vehicles that a breakdown can be the final nail in the coffin sealing their fate throughout the rich lore of the franchise we discovered that Financial considerations play a significant role in determining the destiny of these sentient vehicles this becomes evident when renaeus is called upon to operate the scar lowy Railway if a vehicle breaks down and is deemed Unworthy of the cost involved in repairing it the unfortunate outcome is either being left idle in the shed or worse yet being sent to the scrap yard breaking down ranks relatively low on our list due to the likelihood of repairs being undertaken for most Vehicles however if a vehicle is old all the circumstances are particularly challenging the potential for a brutal end becomes a stark reality the precarious nature of being deemed not worth the expense of repairs underscores the harsh reality faced by these sentient machines within the captivating world of Thomas the Tank Engine foreign moving up our list of brutal Fates is the unfortunate experience of being repurposed within the franchise we've witnessed a few instances where characters have undergone this fate with one of the most recognizable examples being smudger known for his Reckless nature smudger frequently found himself careening off the rails causing frust duration among the managers eventually they grew tired of his behavior and transformed him into a stationary generator tucked away at the back of the shed similarly in the books a character named Stanley suffered the same fate being repurposed signifies being deemed Unworthy of continuing regular work resulting in a stagnant existence confined to a single location emotionless and void of purpose these repurposed Vehicles serve as reminders of their diminished worth abandoned until their once again deemed necessary numerous factors can contribute to this fate such as Financial constraints faced by the company or a vehicle's Reckless Behavior however the consequences are undeniably cruel leaving them bereft of the freedom to travel and roam no longer able to fulfill their potential as truly useful engines the implications of being repurposed are devastatingly sad and lifeless embodying the loss of agency and the vibrant spirit that once defined these sentient vehicles the cruel reality of being reduced to a mere generator or a forgotten entity emphasizes the harshness of the Thomas the Tank Engine World where worthiness is a determining factor in one's continued purpose and the freedom to Traverse the rails is an unattainable dream [Music] continuing our list of brutal Fates is the harrowing experience of sinking when a vehicle finds itself submerged in water it undergoes severe damage and faces tremendous challenges water has the power to shatter and wreak havoc on any type of vehicle rendering it inoperable and incapacitated throughout the Thomas franchise we've witnessed a variety of consequences resulting from sinking or near-syncing incidents one such incident occurred in season four when bull Strode the barge had an entire line of stone-loaded trucks dumped onto him as a result he was towed to the beach and abandoned reduced to a mere play thing for children another example is Victor who accidentally got knocked back into the sea tragically remaining submerged for an extended period until he was eventually rescued and restored the consequences of being submerged in water are multi-vaceted some Vehicles may find themselves unable to function their delicate internal mechanisms damaged the prospect of being damaged Beyond repair looms ominously adding to the despair of these sentient machines however the most devastating consequence is being left stranded in the water in season 23 we witnessed the implausible event of salty with no regard for The Logical constraints of weight accidentally plunging into the sea he's abandoned until the following morning when he could be rescued this suggests that Vehicles can survive underwater if never rescued it'll leave their fate undeniably unbearable as they remain trapped and helpless forever until they're fully consumed by the corrosive forces of their aquatic prison the notion of sinking presents a chilling and Grim reality for these sentient Vehicles as they confront the destructive power of water and the potential for prolonged suffering in their submerged state thank you moving higher on our list is the tumultuous fate of crashing crashes Encompass a broad range of incidents varying from minor collisions to catastrophic accidents the severity of a crash can determine its outcome and the possibilities for a vehicle involved are numerous throughout the Thomas the Tank Engine franchise we've witnessed a multitude of crashes occurring in diverse situations some graduates such as the infamous flying kipper crash resulted in Henry being sent away for extensive rebuilding in contrast crashes like the one depicted in Thomas comes for breakfast left Thomas slightly bent but comparatively easier to fix when compared to Henry while some crashes may result in minimal harm others can leave characters in profoundly damaged States pushing them beyond the point of repair as with other scenarios the decision to repair an engine following a crash depends on factors such as the extent of the damage or the availability of funds what sense crashes apart from other Fates is the potential for widespread damage and the subsequent possibility of a brutal outcome depending on the severity a crash can lead to an instant and tragic end for a vehicle the scope of Destruction that crashes can cause contributes to the inherent brutality of this fate however it is worth noting that within the Thomas Universe the likelihood of a vehicle being repaired after a crash is quite High repairing damaged engines is a common occurrence within the franchise crashes encapsulate the precariousness of existence for these sentient Vehicles highlighting the delicate balance between their resilience and vulnerability while crashes can indeed lead to brutal consequences the optimistic undertone of repairs and recoveries provides a glimmer of hope ranking it lower on the list than you would expect [Applause] continuing our list of brutal Fates is the perilous Act of falling while falling can be considered a subset of crashes it warrants its own distinct category due to the sheer brutality and devastating consequences it can entail the act of falling from Great Heights can inflict tremendous damage upon a vehicle often leaving them in a dire state within the franchise there are several examples that demonstrate the severity of falling incidents one such instance is the unfortunate fate of godret while descending the mountain with his coach Godwin derailed and tumbled down the slope fortunately his coach remained on the rails sparing any harm to passengers however godred himself suffered extensive damage when he was eventually recovered the following day it became evident that his condition was beyond repair the managers deemed the cost of mending him prohibitively high leading to his abandonment at the back of the shed ultimately godred's remains were used to assist in maintaining the operation of other engines until there was nothing left of him another illustrative case involves a Horrid Lorry the Lorry careened out of control along a Gorge ultimately plummeting into the Rocks below the impact left the Lorry incapacitated and necessitated its removal from service and being sent away this example underscores the notion that falling from a great height can inflict damage that surpasses the consequences of other types of crashes it also suggests that a crash resulting from a four may lead to an especially brutal fate furthermore compared to other crash scenarios the chances of a vehicle being repaired after such a fall are significantly diminished the consequences of such incidents are often severe leaving little hope for Recovery or restoration this highlights the cruel reality that falling from Great Heights carries within a heightened risk of an unalterably brutal fate further distinguishing it from other crash scenarios foreign [Music] on our list is the surprisingly brutal fate of being forgotten while this may not manifest as physical harm it inflicts a profound mental toll on the offended vehicle the essence of this fate lies in being left to exist in Perpetual obscurity devoid of acknowledgment or purpose the psychological anguish of enduring endless Silence with only one's own thoughts and Imagination as companions can be excruciating Duke serves as a poignant example of the agony of being forgotten when the railway closed down the other engines found new homes but unfortunately Duke was left behind in the shed abandoned and consigned to Oblivion the passage of time was unkind to Duke with the surrounding terrain gradually changing as he sat neglected and overlooked by a stroke of immense luck he was eventually rediscovered and restored by a group however the instance reveals the distressing reality that Vehicles can indeed be forgotten Elizabeth too exemplifies the plight of being consigned to Oblivion there are various reasons why engines may be forgotten such as the closure of the company they served in any case a vehicle's Fortune is dependent on the prospect of being rediscovered making those who are found fortunate for those who remain forgotten however the future is one of solitude enduring incomplete silence until they gradually succumb to corrosion over time this fate represents a deeply agonizing mental ordeal for any vehicle being forgotten encapsulates the cruel Paradox of existence where a once thriving and purposeful machine is reduced to a forgotten Relic left to Grapple with the Eternal silence and the weight of unfulfilled potential the mental brutality of this fate lies in the existential anguish and isolation experienced by the sentient vehicles tramped in a state of Perpetual abandonment [Music] foreign moving up our list is the harsh Destiny of being smashed while being smashed can be seen as a type of Crash we believe it deserves its own separate category due to the uniquely devastating nature of this fate to be smashed means to be accidentally broken into many pieces leaving behind a fragmented and irreparable state although not a common occurrence for all vehicles it happens more often with Railway Rolling Stock the Thomas the Tank Engine franchise provides several examples of this harsh fate one example involves scruffy who has tragically torn apart by Oliver similarly the spineful bregvat Met its end when it was smashed by Douglas the severity of these incidents may vary depending on the source material you refer to in the books scruffy was scrapped after being destroyed while in the TV show it was luckily rebuilt this difference in outcomes shows the various possibilities for those who are smashed some may be left in scattered pieces with their Consciousness being confined to small remnants before being considered unsalvageable and sent for scrap Others May experience Good Fortune with enough salvageable parts to be reconstructed however since this fate mainly happens to Rolling Stock which often consists of many identical units the chances of restoration decrease significantly this makes being smashed an incredibly harsh way to meet one's end with limited chances of coming back the fate of being smashed represents the unmatched brutality of fragmentation as vehicles are reduced to a broken and unrecognizable State their sentience may continue in a fragmented form but the possibility of restoration becomes increasingly unlikely this fade serves as a strong reminder of the fleeting and fragile nature of these conscious machines with being smashed symbolizing a catastrophic and irreversible state of disintegration foreign [Music] that has long been feared by Vehicles getting scrapped while you might have expected it to top our list of brutal Fates the intricacies of this Vape place it just below the others nonetheless getting scrammed is undeniably one of the most devastating ways for a vehicle to meet its end there are numerous reasons why vehicles are consigned to the scrap yard including age obsolescence and irreparable damage in the Thomas the Tank Engine franchise the topic of scrapping is acknowledged albeit delicately given its target audience of young viewers references to scrapping are made throughout the series and some characters have even been portrayed on the verge of being scrapped moreover if we examine the real life history we learn that when the era of steam locomotives came to an end the majority of these magnificent machines were sent to the scrapyard only a fortunate few were saved repurposed or preserved as we witness with characters like Oliver Trevor and Stephanie what makes the fate of being scrapped particularly brutal is the manner in which it occurs vehicles are dismantled piece by piece in a painful and disheartening process they're subjected to the agony of being cut up and torn apart alongside many others in oblique scrap yard it's an ordeal that offers no happy ending for any vehicle signifying the irreversible termination of their existence to face the prospect of being reduced to scrap is a fate that every vehicle drags in conclusion while the ranking of brutal Fates may vary there's no denying the profound impact and anguish associated with being scrapped it represents the finality of a vehicle's Journey as their disassembled and streamed of their former purpose of the scrap yard is a haunting reminder of the impermanence of life where even the most beloved and cherished Vehicles can meet a merciless and foreign at a truly nightmarish fate being mounted just as for us humans the idea of slowly burning to death is an excruciating Prospect for any vehicle although we've witnessed only one close call in the show the possibility of this Fate has been suggested with it the Thomas the Tank Engine franchise in this instance hurricane found himself in danger when he pushed Thomas out of the path of molten slack and ended up trapped in it himself the intense heat of the slag began melting hurricanes wheels and had it not been for the timely intervention of Merlin hurricane could have faced complete Annihilation through melting to be subjected to temperatures as high as 1 500 degrees Celsius would undoubtedly induce unbearable pain and suffering the prospective one's entire body slowly melting away makes this fate even more gruesome than being scrapped it's important to note that the occurrence of a vehicle being mounted would be extremely rare typically limited to situations involving steel works or smelters however if such an incident were to transpire it would undeniably be one of the most brutal Fates imaginable for any vehicle the brutality of being mounted lies in the agonizing process of watching one's entire body gradually disintegrate under the scorching heat the pain is Relentless and the slow torturous nature of the melting process intensifies the horror while there are a few reasons why a vehicle might end up being mounted with accidents being the most likely cause the Rarity of this fate does not diminish its sheer brutality in conclusion the prospect of being melted is a truly harrowing fate reserved for the most unfortunate of vehicles the excruciating pain and the gradual dissolution of one's physical form make it a fate that no sentient being should endure while thankfully not a common occurrence in the Thomas franchise the mere suggestion of this fade serves as a chilling reminder of the potential Horrors that could before these beloved characters in their world foreign lastly we come to the most harrowing fate of all being a ghost it's no secret that the Thomas the Tank Engine franchise particularly the show has explored the realm of the supernatural one notable example is the tale of Rusty's ghost Legend has it that on a misty night the engine was making its way across the old Iron Bridge when it suddenly lost control and plummeted into the Ravine below no trace of his remains were ever found yet under the light of the full moon several workers claimed to have witnessed his ghost forever attempting to cross the bridge only to vanish halfway every time never reaching the other side while the existence of these ghostly apparitions remains unconfirmed if they were indeed real they would represent the most brutal fade for any vehicle in the franchise being condemned to an eternity as a Restless Spirit would be an unimaginable torment in Supernatural law it's often believed that Spirits can find Peace by coming to terms with how they met their end however for those who cannot find Solace they may be destined to Forever pursue their original goals or seek revenge various scenarios could lead to a vehicle becoming a ghost such as being destroyed in a tragic incident yet being trapped in this Central form would forever tame the desire for a peaceful end the pain of being a ghost extends beyond the mental and emotional as the physical manifestation of a spirit offers no solace being a ghost would entail an eternity of Torment frustration and unfulfilled existence in conclusion the fate of becoming a ghost stands as the most brutal and haunting Destiny within the Thomas the Tank Engine franchise the Perpetual state of being a spirit with no rest or release would inflict immeasurable suffering upon any vehicle unfortunate enough to endure it it serves as a chilling reminder that even in the realm of children storytelling the concept of an eternal and agonizing fate can exist leaving a lasting impact on the audience's perception of the franchise's darker themes what do you think do you think our list is in the best order would you rearrange it differently make sure to let us know in the comments below [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Cosmic
Views: 226,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thomas the tank engine, roblox, full movie, full episode, full season, song, cartoon, cgi, accidents will happen, thomas the train, Remake, Trainz, The Unlucky tug, TrainBoy, Memes, Lady, Thomas and the magic railroad, All engines go, Magic railroad, season 26, sodor fallout, diesel 10, tugs, online, theme, ghost, btwf, project tiger moth, ranked, review, chase, behind the scenes, the railway series, steam engines, history, kids, series, season, new, classic, crashes, real life thomas, deaths, scrap
Id: lFi0FQNxH9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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