Python vs. C#

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hey guys what's up so this video is brought to you by a deaf mountain coding bootcamp if you're interested in going to a coding bootcamp make sure you check them out the link is in the description tab below they do everything from like nodejs or gonna teach you how to use get and version control you're gonna work with other developers and real professionals hey guys what's up so in this video we're gonna be talking about Python versus c-sharp there's gonna be an updated video and really this is coming from somebody that's programmed in c-sharp for quite a few years now and same with Python as well I do Python just for my own enjoyment and then c-sharp professionally so I think it says a lot about Python that I actually use it just for my own like creative purposes so first let's go ahead and talk about what Python is it's a programming language that's written in a older language which is called C which was written in the 1970s Python was actually written in 1990 by a guy named guido van rossum he's worked at places like Google and Dropbox and other places the c-sharp language was created in 2000 by Microsoft it was actually Microsoft's response to Sun Microsystems creating the java programming language so what are the real differences between the two they're both turing-complete languages one is dynamically interpreted that being Python and the other one is actually a compiled language so being that Python is a dynamically interpreted language and c-sharp being compiled c-sharp is going to have a speed advantage over Python because there's a lot of overhead that dynamically interpreted languages have at runtime that a compiled language just just doesn't and that's why a c-sharp would have an advantage if you really need speed and things of that nature now if we look at adoption between the two Python and C sharp r2 like extremely popular languages they're always at the top of the most you know widely used and most widely recognized in popular languages if we look at something like the TOB index which is one of the best gauges of what the programming but the best programming of the most popular languages are you can see python is slightly ahead of c-sharp here according to the you know this month's data but the two are neck-and-neck when it comes to jobs and things of that nature I did a video the other day on Python jobs they're actually on par with each other there was approximately 50,000 listings for Python developers in the United States and like around 50,000 as well for c-sharp and net developers as far as um enterprise level systems you're gonna have a slight advantage to c-sharp c-sharp is is obviously created and run by Microsoft which is a humongous tech company Microsoft's market cap currently is at seven hundred and forty seven billion dollars so you're talking about a humongous company behind this language and not just the c-sharp language but the dotnet runtime which really c-sharp is built around another advantage for enterprise level development is visual studio tools some of these tools here allow for collaboration across large development teams and it's really second to none so when you're talking about thousands of developers all working together in a large IT environment you really need some of the latest greatest tools and and Microsoft really does provide that with visual studio I can say that firsthand I've used a lot of different editors some people really hate Visual Studio cuz it's very very complicated you could write like a probably a 500 page book on how to use the the software but it's like Photoshop basically you can use Photoshop day in and day out like as a web developer I've used it a ton I don't know half of what Photoshop does like I don't even know probably a quarter of what it does but the thing is I can still use and it's kind of the same thing with visual studio to summit to some degree like you're not going to use all the different features but depending on what areas of you know development you're in you're gonna be using different different features now I do want to mention pythons biggest competitor to visual studio which would be pycharm which is created by the jetbrains people they've created tools like resharper and webstorm and other other products that are really popular but pycharm is basically the enterprise solution for major corporate Python development both languages can be used for the web Stack Overflow is the language is actually created in it's using like 4.5 or something like that I'm just using simple razor syntax and jQuery is last I've heard this website is not using think spectacular but clearly it's one of the most popular websites in the world and it's can scale extremely well Python has a bunch of major websites that that include like Reddit Instagram Pinterest I mean there's all kinds of different websites that Python has when it comes to ease-of-use python is going to be the clear winner in this regard python is actually it can be a procedurally typed or it can be it can be written in an object-oriented way whereas c-sharp is fully object-oriented not going to go into the major differences between the two but I will say that an object-oriented fully object-oriented language like like c-sharp is much more difficult for beginners typically then something like Python Python doesn't have like braces or anything like that there's no semicolons so that's not going to trip you up obviously the indentation allows for easier readability that can be debated some people will tell you that like as soon as you have larger programs with thousands of lines of code that you want to have those brackets back so you know I've seen that that conversation go both ways as somebody who does write a ton of JavaScript c-sharp and Python I don't really mind the lack of braces with Python but it's definitely not the norm so like because I'm writing mostly c-sharp and JavaScript sometimes like I'll be tripped up in Python you know so anyway but as far as ease of use you know geared towards children like Python definitely is a clear winner it's the most hot language in computer science courses in the United States and not just small you know IT courses or colleges we're talking like MIT and Stanford and things like that they're offering a lot of courses in Python you can see in Coursera they're doing things like machine learning here's the Raspberry Pi so it's getting into robotics and things like that c-sharp is obviously capable of all these things as well but python is going to be the winner when it comes to just getting your feet wet it's it's just so easy to just jump right into and get started with I have a Python programming courses that actually are being used by universities right now that I've given out for free and and they're actually on this YouTube thing which is quite popular so if you guys are interested in learning Python make sure you check out my channel when it comes to gaming it's not even close C sharp is going to be the front like it's gonna blow away Python when it comes to gaming because gaming needs high speed it needs memory management c-sharp is going to provide that a little bit better than Python just simply because it's compiled now typically you need something even more powerful and you need more memory management which is why C and C++ is still popular within gaming engines but that said Python is used for like games like EVE Online I believe it's mostly used for a lot of tying their servers together and like server admins and things like and things like that you're not using Python 2 to render these these 3d game engines I'm sure they're using some sort of other program whereas with c-sharp you can use unity and you can actually use a c-sharp to write real games now behind the scenes unity is also written like a lot of its core library is written in C and C++ but you're using c-sharp to actually write in program your games which makes c-sharp just a clear winner and the the gaming arena so what about mobile now mobile c-sharp is going to be the clear winner in this regard as well because they have xamarin and zamarons an actual you know full scale corporate product to allow you to build apps that work on ios and android and they work cross-platform you can see a lot of major companies are using xamarin and you write it in c-sharp so very similar you write it in c-sharp just like with unity and behind the scenes it's actually being written in native code and things like that so Samara is definitely a major corporate product it used to be its own company but got bought by Microsoft a few years back and it was really just a fork from the original mono project that goes back like you know decades now that allows c-sharp in runtime to run on iOS and Android I know and I'm sorry now it's Android but Linux and Mac alright so anyway so now let's go ahead and look at what python has for mobile development and there isn't much there's really one project that tries to be what xamarin is and that's Python key V and key V is just last time I checked it just wasn't there but you guys are you know definitely feel free to check that out see if it works I'm a Windows developer so key V is going to work better on a Linux environment just telling right off the bat but anyway that that's gonna be your best alternative but it's gonna be nowhere near what you're gonna need it's probably gonna be nowhere near the support that even xamarin provides unfortunately so now let's look at let's look at like software development itself so I just did a video the other day of getting started with with pie cutie and pie cutie is actually a very good product even though this website looks really old now dated it's a very good product that uses the Qt library which is a so the Qt software is no joke there's a lot of major companies that are behind the software development of QT it's actually written in C and C++ as well so it's a very low-level more memory management that it provides and things like that so you're gonna have Python interfacing to this QT library that is once again not Python code that's being executed but in the same way that c-sharp is doing it with with xamarin and with unity and in those ways so yeah PI QT is a very good option if you want to build desktop software with Python and then as far as Windows is concern Windows is going to be if you're like a Windows developer and you're trying to get something that works on windows like QT actually works across platform so it works on Mac Linux and Windows but Microsoft solution for software development is mostly not cross-platform it's mostly Windows WinForms or WPF and those typically are just dotnet meaning Microsoft runtimes that they work on so while they are good products and a lot of people use Windows you really can't write and WPF and WinForms and have that stuff cross-platform they are recently starting to try to bring those into the dotnet core infrastructure but like just recently they announced that WinForms is going to be supported on dotnet dotnet core but it's not gonna actually work on Windows in Matt I'm sorry Mac and Linux it's only going to work on Windows so it's gonna work in dotnet core it's just not gonna it's only gonna work on Windows but that's still better than like being you know not being able to use down neck workers you have no wind form support and you need to write something that works on Windows so anyway it's it's still it's a step in the right direction Microsoft's making I think steps to make their language more developer-friendly by going open-source and those those are things that I should have talked about as well see sharp as a language is recently open sourced and that means you know developer contribute developer community can contribute to its overall development pythons been open source since the Johnson Jump Street since back in nineteen ninety so the Python is the clear winner when it comes to open source and being free to use and that's really that's really the major major differences between the two when it comes to like just getting the job done I've always I've always tended to prefer to use Python like I have websites that are that are running on Python because it's just much cheaper and faster for me to just get up and running with Python than it is for seasoned to use c-sharp if I were going to use like if I were going to build something like a full-scale enterprise level application I would definitely use something like c-sharp probably put it in the cloud and Azure AWS or something like that but that's just my opinion let me know what you guys think and make sure you subscribe have a good day take care bye
Channel: Chris Hawkes
Views: 107,864
Rating: 4.7463002 out of 5
Keywords: python vs c, Python Vs. C#, pros and cons, python programming, is c# fast, c# programming, python or C#, chris hawkes, python vs c#, c# vs python, python, C#, csharp, csharp vs python, .net vs python, python vs .net, python or .net, python vs c# 2020, python 2020, c# 2020, is c# good?, is python good?, choose python or c#, Python vs. C#
Id: 5QfaEclBch0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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