The 5 Best Python IDE's and Editors

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in this video I'll be showcasing my top five choices for the best Python IDE and text editors now all of these choices have their different pros and their different cons in different use cases for them so that means that for me my favorite may not be yours and in that instance I'd love to see a comment down below maybe explaining why you disagree with me or why you think one of the editors on my list should be ranked somewhere else now before we go too far I will quickly mention the difference between an IDE and a text editor as that is important and IDE stands for an integrated development environment and essentially what that means is this is a much more feature-rich software tool it comes with things like a debugger and autocomplete and is a much heavier package with a lot more features well that also means is this is going to use more memory on your computer it's gonna be more system intensive it may be blag you may crash sometimes and on slower computers it's maybe not the best option whereas the text editor is a lighter weight version of this it comes with less features typically it'll have some plugins that you can install and really all it's meant for is some basic scripting and some lighter weight coding and is a great option when you don't have a very capable computer that can run one of these huge IDs so with that being said there is one commonality between all of these things and that is that they are all compatible with the sponsor of today's video which is kite now kite is the best Python autocomplete engine on the market and will help you save tons of keystrokes while you're programming it runs a deep learning model on your computer while you type to show you the best and most relevant completions for your Python code it's capable of completing entire lines and as a feature called intelligent snippets that will help you fill in arguments and Method calls with the variables you've defined earlier it also comes with a companion coding window called co-pilot the copilot window shows you relevant documentation while you type based on your cursor location now the best part of kite is that it's free and you can download it from the link in the description so coming in as my fifth favorite editor for Python we have vim now vim is an extremely lightweight editor that becomes very powerful when you know how to use it properly it works on pretty much every operating system and it's even capable of running solely in the command line vim is what many Python experts use because of its powerful keyboard shortcuts and unlimited customized ability and most of them users love how quickly they can develop with it and the vast amount of plugins that come with it I will warn you about that Bhim has a very very steep learning curve it's nothing compared to modern-day i des and it will likely take you a very long time to get used to the lack of UI features and even just remember the sheer volume of keyboard commands and shortcuts so in conclusion BIM is a very powerful tool and the only development environment that you'll ever need for Python assuming that you can figure out how to use it it's not for everyone I wouldn't recommend it for beginners but it's definitely something worth checking out especially if you've been developing in Python for a long time and now for my fourth pick we have Adam Adam is a sleek modern lightweight editor that has many Python developers tool of choice it was developed by github and contains many plugins that allow for IDE like features to be added of course it's integration with github and git is amazing it's free it's very easy to set up and get working and in my experience it requires the least amount of setup for any IDE or a text editor the UI is pretty nice and it's not too overwhelming and it doesn't use many system resources on its default settings Adam is designed to be hackable which means you can customize almost everything about it and it comes with a suite of optional plugins although do be wary as many users do report lag with too many packages or plugins installed Adam is editor I like to suggest the beginners and anyone looking for something that just works right out of the box it's a great choice I don't think you'll have any complaints using it unless you want some features like a debugger which won't come with anything other than a heavier weight IDE and now for the first IDE in our list coming in at number 3 we have vs code now vs code is maintained by Microsoft which means it's constantly getting a ton of new features and exciting additions and it's actually pretty new to the market being released in just 2016 it's known to be on the lighter side when comparing against other IDE s although it is still sometimes slow and of course it comes with all the features you'd expect like a debugger a massive advantage of using vs code is a built in compiler and interpreter and compatibility with pretty much every single programming language a lot of people prefer Villa's code for web development and heavier weight projects and the user interface I would say is pretty nice although some people may argue that it's a little bit overcrowded so this is actually where one of my favorite features of the tool comes in called Zen mode now Zen mode allows you to turn your alone IDE into a minimalist editor with a click of a button the only minor inconvenience when using vias code is that python is a not one of the default languages that comes with it this means you'll need to install it first before being able to run and use your Python code overall it's hard to find an editor that's much better than BS code when it comes to features and my only complaint is sometimes a speed and that can be a little bit less intuitive to get used to compared to some of the other options on our list and now for my number to pick we have sub line text sub line text is a lightweight editor that I personally love to use for smaller projects and some lighter weight scripting the UI is simple and minimalistic and I find it very intuitive and easy to get used to as sub line text is very lightweight it's extremely fast and it's unlikely we'll run into many issues with it however to get the most out of sub line you'll need to use one of its features called package control to install some plugins this allows you to pick the exact features and add-ons you want and not be distracted by the ones you don't use or the ones you don't need this does mean that this energy editor takes a little bit of time to get set up but I find that it's definitely a worthwhile investment opening new files and looking through folders is very fast and easy and can be enhanced even more with the right plugins overall sub-line is a great choice for anyone not doing anything too crazy they just wants a lightweight editor if you're willing to spend some time installing plugins you'll have an editor that has all the tools you want and only those it's my personal go-to for the most of my Python programming and as I'm sure you all have guessed coming in at number one we have pycharm now pycharm is an ide designed specifically for python development although it is compatible with other languages it's very powerful for working with Python code and different Python modules and frameworks like Django and includes pep 8 style recommendations on-the-fly coding verification and seamless integration with anaconda and other version control systems it has very similar features to be as code with a very capable debugger and of course the ability to install plugins and packages it has great features for connecting to databases and servers and the only real downfall to PyCharm is that it's a very heavyweight IDE compared to vs code and some of the other things we've talked about previously it uses a lot of system resources and oftentimes will stall on loading while it's indexing files now there is ways of brow this but as a beginner that's something that's annoying and something that I struggled with for a while when you using PI trim now it is worth noting that PyCharm does have a free community version which is very capable but also includes a professional version that has even more features but for a pretty hefty price so overall Pi drum is my go-to for large Python projects especially ones using web frameworks or handling database connectivity and it does have a slight learning curve for beginners but it's definitely something I recommend to all Python developers to at least give a shot so that has been my list for the top Python IDE s and text editors do you agree with me leave a comment down below don't forget to like the video subscribe and hopefully I will see you guys in another YouTube video
Channel: Tech With Tim
Views: 567,704
Rating: 4.8875427 out of 5
Keywords: tech with tim, best python ide, best ide python, python best editor, top python ide, what is the best python editor, python code editor, top code editor, ide, pycharm vs visual studio code
Id: eXinDi55iOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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