If You See This on a Watermelon, Pick Another One

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it can be hard to tell if an egg is still good to go especially if the expiry date on the carton has faded away if you want to boil an egg that has spent a while in your fridge make sure it doesn't float fresh or relatively fresh eggs tend to drown in case you're up for a scramble things get much easier one sniff is enough to realize if the egg is off do not throw away cracked tomatoes in disgust first inspect them a little bit more sure thing large cracks can be somewhat dangerous since they attract flies and yeah mold fungi and bacteria can develop inside too but relatively small ones won't harm you if you want to play it safe just cut around those cracks and use the good parts for whatever you want except for Canon otherwise your pickled Tomatoes will blow up there's nothing bad about apples bananas and potatoes going a bit brownish thing is it's a completely natural process when these guys are exposed to air their insides kind of oxidize resulting in a brown color there's a tip on how to prevent it you can sprinkle lemon juice all over your Apple for example storing it in the fridge helps too [Music] picture this you're walking home from a supermarket your shopping bag fails you and your groceries end up on the sidewalk sometime later you realize your veggies are bruised trust me it's not a big deal yeah their cell structure is damaged but it doesn't make them inedible however it's better to remove the bruise part of your veggies because they are open to microbes the watermelon looks as if it just got a tattoo the ornament is cool but watermelons don't go to tattoo artists and the only thing the retailers can draw is a price tag this Mosaic means that the watermelon is sort of sick officially it's called watermelon mosaic virus and can be found on squash and some other veggies too good news it's still safe to eat unless you're from the cooker bit family meaning it poses a danger to you only if you're a pumpkin or something okay this one may sound a bit crazy but sour pasteurized milk isn't likely to make you feel bad you won't probably like it smell and if it doesn't pass the sniff test you can use it for homemade cheese or pancakes anyway trust your guts if you don't feel it's good to go throw it away you don't want to mess with dairy products as for vegetable milk some people believe that if it gets layered it's off well it's not quite so try shaking it well give it a sniff test and probably it's still good to go dream may be the synonym for fresh but remember it can also be the synonym for toxic the green parts of potatoes they're sprouts and their eyes have natural toxins no matter how long you fry them those toxins still remain even in the cooked green potatoes there are two potato red flags green color and bitter taste spotted any of those discard the villain fresh Sprouts don't mean the veggies are flourishing they mean your veggies have gone too far you know what it means right it's awesome good news y'all pasta lovers dry pasta won't expire ever or almost like honey it's officially the eternally lasting product but pasta beats food longevity records too still air and humidity aren't dry past as best friends so it's advised to store unopened boxes of pasta for about two years while the opened ones can last for up to a year [Music] you're enjoying your Caribbean vacation nature is idyllic look at that tree with some yummy fruit on it wanna grab nah not so fast it even has a warning sign manchineal trees poisonous and yep the inscription is translated into Spanish and German to make sure as many people as possible stay away from here those fruits look like harmless apples but you don't want to munch on them unless you haven't done everything you ever wanted in this life you don't want to touch it either and stay away from the tree right pretty much any part of this notorious tree can seriously mess with you one more problem it's not that easy to get rid of the tree Once someone cuts it it replies with milky ooze squirting right at whoever wants to banish the tree the result is unpromising blisters and burns if the sap gets into your eyes you'll get temporary blindness as a bonus good news there's still a way to tame those trees to do that people first need to burn the tree at the base preferably standing far away then the fallen tree is left to sunbathe for some time and after its dried it's safe to cut there's even unique and unexpectedly safe furniture made from manchineal trees [Music] is a football and this is a football fruit the first one could harm you if it hits you right in the head but the second one is a bit more dangerous even though it seems harmless football fruit is another example that a chef should know exactly what and how to cook the large seeds of this fruit are pure poison but still people learned how to use even poisonous parts for medicinal and even cooking purposes for example football fruit can be effective against parasites and for storing fish in the Philippines guacamole tastes best with ripe creamy avocados but there are sometimes brown and black streaks or dots in the flesh don't worry such avocados are still edible but the taste won't be that mild but if you want to make an avocado shrimp salad you better watch out for the brown lines down the shrimp's back this line is the shrimp's digestive line and cooking actually helps get rid of all the bacteria but you don't want to eat that huh right and what about white holy stuff in your mango it's not the pit but it sort of looks like one in reality this is just a starchy mango tissue which means it's safe to eat at least around the holy stuff cut your Peach in-house but the pit looks off the area around is Bumpy and weird and the pit itself has split open this one is Fun the split probably appeared when the peach was still on the tree and that weird stuff is just the sign that the Peach has tried to repair the damage one more about peaches the black spots on the skin eat or toss eat but don't forget to peel it before if the flesh below looks good munch on it but trust your gut and probably your nose and your tongue if the taste is regular there's no need to worry this one is frequent Apple Scab this one is totally safe despite it being a fungus the exterior may not look appetizing but who cares the important thing is that it's still yummy but still it's better to cut the fungus infested part and what if the strawberries in your fridge look wet and seem to be coated in Juice well this one is a sure sign you gotta leave them alone they're just too old to be eaten and they're quite vulnerable to germs plus these berries won't taste the same way they did when they were young and beautiful fancy some salmon sure if you like it oven baked or grilled you may notice some weird white ooze once it's cooked do you know what it means it means you gotta grab the cutlery and enjoy your dinner this ooze is just coagulated protein and it's perfectly edible bon appetit remember we don't want to eat sprouted potatoes right but sprouted sweet potato is still good to go and The Taste doesn't differ much from non-sprouted sweet potato actually even the Sprouts themselves are edible but let's play it safe at least and to awesome [Music] that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
Views: 240,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside
Id: D-kMwMQpr5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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