People Who Found Hidden Treasures Under Floorboards

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so you've just started renovating your new apartment when you decide it's time for some new carpeting the first step of course would be to remove the old one right as you're stripping off the old flooring you start to see some weird colors and designs underneath the carpet wait a minute is that a life-size Monopoly board what I've just described here is a real story of a San Francisco resident who decided to redo the carpeting in his first floor bedroom as soon as he discovered the giant Monopoly board perfectly preserved on the floorboards he obviously wanted to create giant life-size game board pieces as well his wife wasn't as excited about the idea though and they eventually went with a look that was a bit more classic oh well then there's a story of two Sacramento homeowners that decided they needed to change their heating system inside the ducts and some walls they were amazed to find a dozen food jars but I wouldn't be telling you this story if those jars were empty right well inside those jars they were surprised to find pure gold dust talk about a hidden treasure this amazing find was apparently worth somewhere around three hundred thousand dollars now back in 1995 some people working in Chatham historic dockyard of Southeast England made a surprising discovery under the floorboards of a building down there were some 200 Timbers that belong to a mysterious and obviously very old ship it took many years of research for them to be able to identify the ship in 2012 however they eventually concluded that the Timbers belonged to the HMS namur a ship launched in 1756 by the Royal Navy when checking history records they discovered that no more was an important ship that served for nearly 50 years at the time they finally found it the ship had been under those floorboards for almost 200 years how about a curious Viking treasure hidden under a floorboard does that sound like something you'd like to hear about the story goes that around the year 870 a wealthy Viking hit his treasure under the flooring of a building it was located on the Swedish island of gotland it took a staggering 1 000 years for a local farmer to discover it the impressive finding contained thousands of silver coins dozens of silver bars hundreds of bracelets rings and necklaces and over 40 pounds of bronze in case you're wondering how much all that was worth well roughly a half a million dollars the farmer wasn't able to keep it though as according to Swedish law he had to hand it over to authorities to analyze document and showcase it in various museums now some people even ended up finding a whole hot tub under their floorboards judging by the way it looked it must have been some sort of an outside Spa Center because it had a filter lid and was also surrounded by Pebble Creek the previous homeowners probably wanted to cover it up after they decided to extend the house so the intricate bathtub remained undercover for quite some time one homeowner even managed to connect with the previous owners of his house well in a way at least when he started removing the cork floor tiles in his house he discovered a secret message from the original owners followed by four names probably the names of the whole family that used to live there well in the process of replacing her old carpet a woman stumbled upon something that was both interesting and a bit weird as soon as she started tearing the flooring apart she found a Cellar Door and as it was opened and she started making her way down she discovered a secret basement with shelves filled with jars some of them were empty true but some were filled with fruits maybe it used to be some sort of pantry or maybe it was hiding a more scary secret I guess we'll never know Europe used to be a hard place to be in the 1400s as hospitals were often overwhelmed with patients as a consequence they had to shut down some of these establishments completely and at times abandoned them all together when there were no doctors left to treat people but back in 2013 they discovered what was left of one of those hospitals in Madrid when a Spanish construction crew began digging for the new Apple Store from the looks of it the hospital dated back to the 15th century it still worked well into the 19th century but they eventually closed it in the 1850s and left it unused ever since looking under your floorboards may prove to be a unique way to make some new friends too at least virtually when Alex Moss based in Manchester England moved into a new home he decided it was time for some new hardwood floors when removing the old ones he stumbled across a note written by the previous tenant who was curious to say the least and it was signed by someone named Darren Lucas Alex didn't freak out because of the unusual promise instead he decided to track down the previous owner and he eventually found him thanks to the magical powers of Twitter safe to say they had quite the laugh on the subject Darren isn't watching anymore that's for sure on an Albany Farm in Western Australia a family discovered a love letter that appeared to have dated back to the 1800s the writing was beautiful in itself and it came with an interesting surprise there was a special paper embroided with the words remember me ah they soon linked it to a woman named Phoebe Mundy who wrote the letter to a Mysterious Mr trotman local historians could find no other information on either person but by the tone of the letter they believe it was a draft by a young woman writing to an older man of a different social class another location came back with a hidden secret in the floorboard itself a hidden diary a carpenter wrote it on the back of the floorboards of a French Alpine Chateau somewhere in the late 19th century when the new owners of the castle started renovating the parquet and some of their upstairs rooms they found many things written on the underside of the floorboards those weren't visible until they took the floorboards up to be replaced these long messages written out in pencil were dated over several months between the years 1880 and 1881. they were all signed by a man called Joaquin Martin they soon figured out he must have been the carpenter who installed the flooring for the chateau's owners back then what he intended with his riding was to leave behind a sort of secret diary that someone would access only once he was long gone the whole Journal contains some 72 entries of varying lengths some of them contain purely factual information while some were more personal especially the ones about his family friends and community in May 2016 they revealed the new look of a bedroom in George Washington's Mount Vernon home to the public based partially on the discovery of tiny fragments of wallpaper hidden under the bedroom's floorboards these tiny fragments were none wider than a half an inch but based on Forensic pain analysis of these fascinating scraps they managed to establish that the wallpapers originally had strikingly beautiful colors and a lavish chins pattern it really was a far cry from the simple and dull design that curators had previously believed the room used to look like this whole process along with other recently discovered historic memorabilia allowed researchers to redecorate the room and actually bring it back to its former glory painting a better picture of what the style used to be back then and what it used to look like in 18th century homes by George foreign so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, Reddit, Reddit finds, coolest things from Reddit, amazing finds, unusual finds, sell these items to make good money, things that only seem useless, if you find this sell it, vintage, retro, antique, how to tell if you have a valuable thing, thriftshop, creepy things, weird things you can find at home, old banknote, things you can find on the beach, things people found under the floorboards, they found a jar of gold, Monopoly
Id: DOrcH5bPne4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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