The Puss in Boots Sequel should not be THIS GOOD.

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all right let's see panic attacks existential crisis reflecting upon poor Life Choices along with the fear of death and our futile attempts of running from its inevitable encounter yeah exactly the kind of things your average nine-year-old will relate to who would afford the sequel to a spin-off film to a seemingly dead franchise would actually be good nope scratch that would actually be very good a sequel I'll have you know to a film which came out way back in 2011 and don't get me wrong Puss in Boots 2011 it was fine it didn't blow me away but it certainly wasn't any Shrek 3 levels of disaster well somebody better be dying all right plus Puss in Boots in 2011 had an even higher budget than its sequel yet Puss in Boots The Last Wish Phil Superior in practically every single way from the style the animation right through to the writing like who on that team said okay we've been given the task to make a person boot sequel to a film which came out a decade ago to a franchise which is along past its prime and you know what we're actually gonna try to the point that I'm sat there in the cinema ranging from emotions of [ __ ] all genuine laughter and actually getting to the point of welling up in tears to the Puss in Boots sequel film oh this yeah it's a pretty awesome shirt isn't it and that was sent to me today by the sponsor of this video true classic true classic offers high quality teas which not only look great I mean look at how they're polishing this turd but also feel great as true classic tees are designed with guys bodies in mind offering a tighter fit around the chest and shoulders so you can look at people and be like yeah Squat and it's not just tease that true classic offers they also offered button shirts polos jeans and even hoodies just like the one I'm wearing now all offered in a wide range of sizes so it doesn't matter your body type true classic has got your back and your entire torso in general I guess if you would like to check out some of these for yourself then go to forward slash Steve or click the link in the description don't forget to use code Steve at the checkout in order to get 25 off any full price to Classic item but hurry offer is only valid for 30 days thank you to True classic for sponsoring this video now back to the review now I'll be the first to admit I had no initial interest in seeing this film yeah I saw the trailer yeah the animation looked kind of cool clearly taken some inspiration from into the spider-verse but at the same time it was the Puss in Boots sequel then I started getting messages and seeing comments from you guys about how this film was actually good and that I should consider doing a review on it still wasn't that interested all other animated films this year had seemed so painfully average why was this the person boots sequel gonna be much different then I saw Universal Pictures had released an extended preview of the film's opening 10 minutes so I thought I'd check it out and yeah it did look impressive the animation was looking surprisingly sharp with a much more stylized aesthetic to it there was some awesome angles and camera movement going on humor was looking actually funny we will never wash it again with fast-paced jokes and a lot of visual gags going on yeah okay this was looking like a surprising Step Up in quality so on that alone I thought sudder I'll go see it just so I could appreciate this animation on a full cinematic scale I even managed to convince a friend to come along with me I was like yeah I know this is the person boots sequel but people have been telling me it's really good and the animation does look really nice so please come along so I don't feel like a Jimmy Savile sat in the cinema and surprisingly they agreed and by the end of the film we both looked at each other and were like that had no right to be as good as it just was so first off let's talk about the animation in this film because it is visually gorgeous I am loving the much more stylized approach with the increased use of saturated colors to give it less of a realistic look and more of a cartoony one so much so that after seeing the Last Wish I looked back at puss when he first appeared in track 2 and with the more realistic design he now just looks off to me like I for this new look and I really hope they keep this style should the franchise pick up again but it's not just the style the animation itself has a lot more Dynamic movement going on and during intense moments of action I noticed there was a bit of a frame drop in the animation where John paper sounds like it would be awful but in practice it strangely works it actually reminds me of PC gaming where because my rig is pretty [ __ ] wherever there are moments of high particle effects going on my frames will drop so fast it's like I'm watching a PowerPoint presentation plus they also add in some action lines here and there which when coupled with the lower frame rate almost makes it look like you're watching a comic book panel on screen which again doesn't sound like it should work but it really does now as cool as the animation is that's only one layer to this beautiful onion of a film and that's where we go into the very next scene where Puss encounters the wolf character at the bar what a character entrance immediately you feel the film shift in its tone from the loud fun colorful opening we got prior to this dark ominous uncomfortable atmosphere the wolf character is probably one of my favorite villains of all time I love his design the dark colors and contrast to those piercing red eyes the black hood which becomes more apparent when we learn more of his character all coupled together with the chilling voice he has given the feather and of course the boots my compliments to your cobbler my compliments to your voice actor the contrast in tone is also matched with the contrast with what went on in the previous fight scene there we just witnessed post defeat a Colossus giant with ease but now despite using the exact same moveset puss is now the one getting easily bested this entire scene is fantastic from the action to the music and the emotion I mean the moment you see that blood trickle down puss's phase you're like oh man [ __ ] is getting real in the Puss in Boots sequel oh so let's start leaning into the characters as despite the huge impact the wolf has in the scene after this moment he's hardly in the rest of the film but it certainly doesn't feel that way as you feel his overarching presence throughout and that's because we see how the fear of him is now constantly playing on puss's mind and he'll always show up out of the blue so you never know when his next appearance is gonna be but when the wolf is actually on screen my God does he just own every scene he's in he's just such a cold powerful and seemingly malicious individual but as the film goes on we learn more of who he is and it completely justifies his motives and makes sense as to why he's so determined to get purse and not going into spoilers just yet but I think because of when we learn who he is he's not just a faux for purse but for all of us interestingly though despite his commanding presence the wolf isn't even the main antagonist of the film that honor goes to little Jack Horner little Jacks dead dead Jack Horner sorry Big Jack Horner in contrast to the wolf who has a great backstory and motive as to why he's doing what he's doing Jack Horner is the complete opposite he barely has any reason to be doing the shitty things he does and only does them because well he's a dick you showed a puppy puppet why there's even one scene where a character is trying to ask Jack if he had any traumatic backstory that made him the way he is and he's just basically like nah just loving parents instability in a mansion and a thriving baked goods Enterprise for me to inherit which by the way I love the pairing of Jimny cricket and Jack Horner Jimny sheer horror compared to Jack's indifference is just hilarious my only gripe is that we didn't get to see more of that interaction you have so long idiot another character I think worth talking about is the dog perito who initially I thought was actually called burrito partly because he wears a sock which I guess would kind of make him look like one but either way it's perito with a p perito was a character I was initially skeptical of when he first appeared mainly because I thought he was going to be that forced comedy relief that you see in practically every other animated film and that he would very quickly wear out his welcome but surprisingly he actually worked really well in this I think mainly because he's less of a comedic focus and more of a wholesome focus and his innocent Carefree attitude actually works really well when contrasted with the far more cynical person Kitty they also Incorporated him well into the story for why puss and kitty would choose to tolerate him on their quest to find the Wishing Star because in order to find the Wishing Star our team needs a map but the map has this weird feature where it will physically change the world around it depending on who's looking at it this world is a reflection of person's inner thoughts and feelings which makes me dread to think what mine would look like yeah so over here we have the field of mutilated bunnies and over here the lab of diseased animal testings oh and of course the sacred value of stop-motion horror anyway this means that the path to the wishing staff for person Kitty is filled with horror and despair whilst burritos because of his wholesome nature is full of sunshine and happiness so it makes sense that person Kitty would want to bring purita along rather than just because the script demands it not to mention that perito plays a key role in one of the most impactful scenes in this film which we're gonna talk about now so in this film there's a moment where Puss has a full-on panic attack and I'll admit before going to see this film I had been foretold that there was a moment where a character experiences a panic attack and that it's actually quite intense but that's about it and to be honest when puss started getting the Goosebumps from the wolf in the bar and ran off to hide in the bathroom I thought that was the panic attack moment people were mentioning I did not expect the film to handle the actual moment as well as they did for context there's a fight scene in the film which is mostly being played up for laughs but during it puss has a moment where he suddenly freezes and has a vision of the wolf from earlier this causes puss to flee from the fight in which we get some really awesome looking visuals perito chases after purse and finds him sat down by a tree breathing heavily and holding his chest and this is how the film chooses to handle the moment laughs [Music] I'll be honest this moment got me not just for the scene itself but the fact that the film decided to take it completely seriously because earlier on in the film purito talks about how he wants to become a therapy dog and at how simply rubbing his belly will help anyone feel better when people feel bad they can rub my belly it'll make him feel better when this scene was happening I thought that was going to be the way they handled it that there'd almost be some forced comedic element added to lift the tension with perito begging puss to rub his belly and push refusing to do so but they didn't and I respect that the fact as well that when burrito finds purse there is no music only the sound of puss's ever-increasing heartbeat and when perito goes to comfort purse it is done without any dialogue being said and I've just sat there in the cinema thinking why the [ __ ] am I starting to well up whilst watching the goddamn Puss in Boots sequel and this is where the film really stands out from being your typical animated Kids film because there are numerous moments like this throughout which I found more relatable to me as an adult then I think a child would and for this I'm going to have to get into some spoiler territory so if you haven't seen the film yet I by all means encourage you to do so so the main message I got from this film was on how to value your life in this film's case puss is down to his last life and is literally being chased by death to take his final one reason being is that death is frustrated at purse as despite having Nine Lives puss never valued any of them and So Def doesn't believe that he deserves to live now although we as people don't have multiple lives like puss does I do believe we have chapters moments of our past where we lived our certain phase and perhaps we look back on some of those phases and realize that we didn't truly value what we had in the moment and maybe we look back at those moments with strong Nostalgia and wish to be back in what we see as our Glory Days and on the flip side also demonstrates what can happen when you start worrying about the future and stop living your life because you were so concerned of what may or may not happen either way what this film strives to convey is despite what has happened in your past or any worries you have for the potential future stop thinking about it and try to focus on the now in the film puss actually doesn't defeat death and acknowledges that he will never be able to do so but also recognizes that despite being down to his last life he realizes all the good he has going for it and says that he will never stop fighting for it and God damn it this is now the second time I have started to well up in the cinema whilst watching the goddamn Puss in Boots sequel the film's message is clear try to focus on the good you have in your life right now and if you don't think you have any good then try looking around at the little things even if that means standing still for a second and taking the moment to smell the Posies and coming to think of it for a film which is so much about valuing live there sure are a lot of deaths in it [Music] aren't you gonna help him jack you're losing a lot of math [Music] [Music] [Applause] now as the final point I want to quickly talk about some deleted scenes that didn't make it into the film normally when it comes to deleted scenes I'm thinking man it would have been so much better if they had left that in or why do they decide to change that cool idea but with this film this is one of the few times I think it was actually better to have those scenes removed most don't really add much to the story and honestly come across as more awkward and clunky but there's one key scene which I absolutely agree with being taken out and that's called the wall of snakes which I believe would have taken place as purses running away from the fight with Jack Horner in the Final Cut we got this leads to the emotional panic attack scene I talked about earlier in the original however there was a very different take in this original take puss actually steals the map in order to get to the Wishing Star for himself of course having the map being influenced from his eyes he has stopped by a wall of snakes perito manages to catch up with purse and ask him to turn back but instead puss uses perito to alter the map in order to clear the wall of snakes and Carries On as usual leaving Kitty abandoned I am so glad they took this scene out because it would have made purse look like a gigantic [ __ ] and cause us to lose any sympathy with his character we do get a similar thing happen in the final car where perito and kitty see push running off alone with the map in hand and they think he's stolen it but in reality puss is actually just running from The Wharf and the other two characters can't see that which again I think is a much better take than this deleted scene so yeah that's my thoughts on Puss in Boots the last wish my God what a pleasant surprise it was a film which offered high levels of emotion with some gorgeous animation mature themes of an extension crisis and death itself but with a heartfelt message that shows you why you need to appreciate the value of life and boy that is a sentence I never thought I'd say about the goddamn person boots sequel until the next one guys take care [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Steve Reviews
Views: 852,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve reviews, puss in boots the last wish, puss in boots movie, steve reviews puss in boots, puss in boots death, puss in boots panic scene, review, puss in boots the wolf
Id: FBNwejAb4ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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