How to Build an Incredibly Effective Movie Villain | Film Perfection

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this video brought to you by hellofresh use code fomento 65 to get 65 off with free shipping [Music] one of those yes yes no yes this one is right I'll get you my kitties and [Music] who's in Boots the last wish comes out of nowhere to contend for the title of the best movie of the year and it does it so well overall that even I a full-on virgin in terms of this franchise now see the value in Puss in in Boots as for the reason why this movie star shines so bright there are many the animation itself is out of this world it's like they assembled the Avengers of Hollywood animators but the writing areas here especially are amazing the characters are all constructed to be very funny and entertaining the narrative is very efficiently built to a point where even as thick gets paid off in a way that Services the overall plot the Thematic Orcs are locked down to a T and not only with the main hero but with The Supporting Cast as well like how Goldie has a goal of finding the magic wish to get a family until she ultimately learns that she already has her wish While most other movies would have treated Goldie as just some wacky side character this movie connects her to the main theme and at the end fulfills her own arc when she chooses to save baby bear over her where's the baby forget the baby hi what's wrong with you are you some sick individual that just needs a baby in distress but all that said among the very top sources for this movie strength is the main villain the big bad wolf which is quite curious considering that he's barely in the movie he has maybe a couple proper scenes and yet they're enough for him to leave a mark and take the Internet by storm and with this too there are many aspects I've covered in earlier videos one of them for example is that the villain's introduction is built on the foundation laid for the hero in the beginning pushing boots takes down a giant in a way that establishes him to be an expert combatant he then comes across the wolf it doesn't work he can't even get a liquor all of a sudden all that combat buildup work done for pushing boots now transfers over to apply to the wolf as well and thus makes him leave an immediate Mark it's just like I talked about with PS4's God of War Kratos is built up to be a physical badass who takes down Giants with his fists and then this puny slender villain shows up to his door too foreign but to know more about stuff like that check out my older videos about the topic or even better check out my upcoming book on Amazon which condenses all the writing and filmmaking lessons from my videos over the last five years into one super navigable place as for the day though let's try to identify a couple new qualities that make the big bad wolf such a great big bad not only to know why we value him but also to steal that value for our own villains foreign the First Quality making the wolf an effective villain is that he's a physical representation of the hero's personal demons so basically the basis for pushing Boots's journey is that after kicking butt and taking names all across the land death has finally caught up with him he's down to the last of his nine lives and for the first time ever he starts to realize his own mortality to a point where it reduces him into a shadow of his former self he gives up his life of adventure to become a house cat he hides from enemies he would have normally fought with a grin and he goes on a mission to find a magical star to wish for more lives to be able to keep on living his life clearly the present of death has become a heavy weight pressing down on him what's going on with you first I I am down to my last life and I I am afraid and with that said what exactly then is it that makes the wolf specifically such a strong opponent well because he is that very thing that the hero wrestles with he's death and I don't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or in any other fancy way he is death straight up and after being cheated eight times in a row now he's come for just one thing to get Puss in Boots in other words the wolf embodies the unbearable weight that weighs down on the hero's shoulders yes death by itself is a pretty menacing opponent but it's the context tying him to those demons running wild inside the hero that gives him that extra oomph Puss in Boots does face many crazy opponents from a crime family of bears to a giant man baby wielding an endless arsenal of weaponized magic all of them are worthy opponents yet none of them ultimately are more than that as opponents they're limited to what they are on the outside whereas when the hero's inner demons are externalized it's like a sledgehammer to the heart [Music] [Applause] in that way whoever or whatever your villain is they can be much more when they're boosted with context connecting them to what the hero wrestles with within that can be very literal like a hero suffering from trauma with water and swimming having to go up against some kind of a water monster or a hero who lost his mother to cancer having to face cancer in a body or it can be less literal like how the Joker in The Dark Knight represents chaos and the evil nature of humanity which is what has changed Bruce Wayne into being Batman instead of having a life or like how Voldemort in Harry Potter is a source of Harry's powers or like how Darth Vader being Luke's father destroys Luke's perception of his father as well as of his own path the point is to make the villain the worst thing possible for the hero to face the reason we can feel the wolf to be present even when he's not is because [ __ ] boots his personal demons are present and those two are the same thing one means the other to wolf carries a larger meaning and purpose overall instead of just building a cool villain with cool powers do that build up more from inside out identify the main wounds and flaws and traumas and fears and demons that the hero carries within and then pile all that into a representing form to serve as the main oppositional force on the outside without lies to spare I am nothing so why don't I do us both a favor and take this last one now there is no stronger villain than the one that the hero is not able to go up against foreign [Music] quality making the wolf an effective villain is that the stakes he proposes and Carries are established in practice like I mentioned the main Stakes here are about Puss in Boots running from death and death is indeed shown one life after another right at the start he gets killed off just like that after which it turns out to have happened quite a bit whether it's due to simping or due to pushing his luck or due to drinking and flying or due to not letting filmmento help him at the gym or due to huh or due to holding up and letting someone cook or due to cooking and it's the fact that Puss in Boots his death has happened that makes his potential final death feel more likely to happen no he's never actually died and yes most characters have just one life to begin with anyway but because we've seen him go down to his last life that's what makes the value of that last live scene immense that's why the stakes over saving that life seem incredibly palpable there are already eight marks in the villain's plate and so the ninth doesn't seem so far away anymore the defeat meter is at 90 percent rather than at zero you know audiences are human and humans are always more likely to believe something that in some form has already come to pass we can't truly appreciate the value of a seat belt until we've experienced a situation in which it's needed that's why time travel movies are often really inherently good at Stakes because there about reverting a problem that's already occurred in that manner whatever the stakes that your villain carries be it death or snapping away the universe find some way and some form to approve them as real but in addition to that they're also smaller and more individual Stakes related elements here that are positioned in a way to make it seem like has indeed just gotten real Puss in Boots early on is established to be Untouchable by all blades and attacks whether it's against a squad of henchmen has never been touched by a blade or against a Giant Shadow of the Colossus Colossus hurling a bell at him it's like he's doing a Flawless Speed Run and when he then comes across the wolf what happens well he gets touched by a bladed attack and bleeds just got real results is also established to be Fearless to a point where he finds all conflict amusing and laughs even at the face of death and what happens when he faces the wolf well he fears so much that his hairs stand up not only on his neck but all across his body he's so scared that not only would he number two in his pants if he had any pants but he also becomes literal number two things get so bad in terms of fear that even the dog no one wants to be around is needed to fulfill his dream of being a therapy dog he calms things down by getting up close and personal with Puss in Boots just got real and in his vein you can make steaks seem real by negatively disproving bigger and smaller things that have been positively proven whether it means having the hero's famous sword be lost in an early battle or having the famous hero not be recognized because he fell out so badly or whether it means having the heroes lives Flash before his eyes to Signal the idea that he indeed has a life that's now about to come to an end the point is to build something and then destroy it to show that destruction is possible think of it like Gravity the only way to know it's real is by lifting something up and then watching it fall when Stakes seem real and the serious the villain serving as their Source can and will be seen as a threat that's seriously real the third quality making the wolf an effective villain is that his defeat requires more than just punching him in the face as I already touched on the main mode of driving the villain side is pushing boots his disregard of life and death he doesn't value what he currently has and takes it all for granted he's an arrogant douche who treats others like they were air under his boots he runs from everyone and everything because he has time only for himself overall he's such an a-hole that it gets too much even for him you know what you guys are jerks just very conflicting for me that's the fundamental character flaw of Puss in Boots and why the wolf is coming for him because he thinks he's better than death itself I find the very idea of Nine Lives of salt and you didn't value any of them and at the end it all comes to head when the wolf drives Puss in Boots into a corner with no more chance to run away forcing him to take up arms and face him in a fight which does indeed happen there is a lot of fighting and punching and whatnot and it is very well done it builds on the characters like how pushing boots pushes himself enough to drive the wolf to the next level it builds on a narrative like how [ __ ] boots uses the little kitty blade gun earlier to avoid sir and doom in a way that also signals the value of having people beside you and it builds on the arcs like how Puss in Boots uses his signature finishing move on the wolf to signal that his gun his mojo back foreign but all that said this external fighting isn't what ultimately leads to the wolf's defeat instead it's the fact that Puss in Boots has grown over his core character flow and in the process made it impossible for the villain's motivation to carry on he has learned the value of the life he has and this time he won't stop fighting for it which in the process takes away what the wolf is after I come here for an arrogant little Legend who thought he was Immortal but I don't see him anymore just as the wolf represents the hero's inner demons his defeat comes from inside the hero which makes his defeat and him worth much more than what it would all be at face value now to be clear that doesn't mean that a villain shouldn't be defeated externally they can be and often it can be great but the point is that in any case there has to be more to the defeat there has to be a larger meaning for it because if there's not then you get dumb villains like the ghost lady in curse of lyarona who gets all this specific backstory only to ultimately be defeated by being stabbed in the chest with a certain wooden cross oh I can't believe you've done this that's it that's all it takes there's so little specificity to the method that the same method could have been used to defeat any other villain from down the street and as a result the lady seems like such a little paper tiger that that's how she ultimately comes across to the audience I guess we found out his weakness bullets the strongest villains are those who get defeated in a way that only they specifically can be defeated like how Aladdin beats Jafar by realizing that you should make the most of what you have instead of always asking for more or like how Luke beats Palpatine by refusing the dark side in favor of believing in a light side buried deep within his father or like how pushing boots beats death by learning to be more than just a dead man walking the only way for him to defeat the wolf is to first defeat the personal Demons Inside himself that's what gives the wolf more layers than just the exterior that's what makes the big bad wolf such an effectively strong villain and coupled with everything else that's what makes this movie so great so much so that even I with no past experience with this animated franchise can now go outside and scream out with my head held high that I filmmento love poos but that said another thing I also love is food in big part because I recently learned that my body requires it to function the problem however is that I'm such a man baby enslaved to my schedule that I don't have the time or knowledge to start cooking anything up I just ate the same plain microwave foods every day what the [ __ ] is this piece of [ __ ] that's until one day I heard a strange voice outside my door saying oh look and once I opened the door I found a box full of fresh ingredients and recipes from the heavens which I then used to do something I hadn't before cook I later found out that this heavenly voice belonged to hellofresh a food subscription service that makes it super easy and effortless to add variety to what you eat you simply select the frequency of meals and choose what you want from over 40 weekly Chef crafted recipes after which everything is delivered to your door ready to be cooked it's much cheaper and better than takeout and it's faster than normal as well because you don't have to keep thinking what you eat or search for everything at the store just pick your weekly meals and take them from the box to prepare them it's so great that now everyone who comes to my house makes the same observation someone cooked here so if you want to try it out yourself as you should go to and use code for Mentor 65 to get 65 off with free shipping foreign [Music]
Channel: Filmento
Views: 795,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: puss in boots the last wish, puss in boots wolf, puss in boots death, puss in boots funny moments, puss in boots honest trailer, puss in boots the last wish everything wrong with, puss in boots vs wolf, puss in boots scary, puss in boots meets wolf, the last wish ending, puss in boots shrek, puss in boots the last wish full movie, puss in boots clips, the last wish ending fight, puss in boots vs death, the last wish funny moments, the last wish ending explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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