PUSHY CAR TEAM RACE! - Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday! Ep46

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ladies and gentlemen this is scrap man bringing you another episode of multiplayer Monday and scrap mechanic with comodo gaming Condamine hello and a moonbow will hello there and today we are doing the pushy teammates challenge which means that we're gonna break up into teams and our goal is to build a vehicles that will be able to push each shot off is not working so one teammate is going to have a powered vehicle and the other teammate is gonna have a completely unpowered vehicle that can steer as you can see here and it is the powered vehicles job to push their teammate through a racecourse and when you get half way through the race course you actually have to switch roles where that means the powered person deletes their engine the unpowered person puts on an engine and hooks it up and then you switch who's the pusher and you cannot use any thrusters and you cannot use any glitches and you got 15 minutes to build and that's the pushy teammate race yeah so man Conor are gonna be on a team because we almost never are and you two are gonna be on a team oh my god this is amazing oh boy where did you go why are you what's going on these skills is anybody really experiencing the awesomeness oh that's perfect that's that must have felt good are we ready to start building I'm think I'm ready yeah are you what are you doing in my garage alright less thinking more building it's time for this money pushing a team race pushy teammates tomorrow is in my garage right now so he's obviously not in your garage what wouldn't you get getting the burger box let's go come on where's buttons oh there we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right and the time is up alright time to paint alright con my teammates what do we what am I dealing with here what am i call it am I gonna be alright right wait push wheels no you don't okay alright are we can convert from push mode because this is a wheelie bar cuz I like to wheelie so it prevents me from Wheeling's like alright my traction nice interesting is it yeah it just allows me to keep my engine up higher that's all mm-hmm cuz four-wheel steering you know the wheelie bar works there just free spinning they don't do anything so I'm not gonna you know I'm really curious to see if increased speed will be a benefit or not when you're pushing your team yeah and like my plows not low enough I can always just you know adjust a little bit more so I think you should I'll leave your car out while I spawn mine and that's a good it just glitched yeah all right you ready for my alright mine's called push it again icon yeah I'm I'm spawning my spawn my vehicle and I want help I can't started doing I can't stop it and what is it happening where's your suspension it's really I don't know my wheels like imploded oh yeah I lived all right I don't know I don't know no that's actually the back so this is the part that you're gonna be pushing okay I'm always forget to paint a block did alright it's fine that's fine but anyway yeah this is my vehicle so I got the pusher in the front I can do four-wheel steering if I want which I might do but yeah and when I turn to push I can just lift this up so that my wheel have are more likely to get over the obstacles and stuff but the interesting thing about this is I have a wheelie bar too in the bag if he notice and it is on a suspension as well so in actually it actually compresses underneath it's not on suspension it just sits above the ground so I figured that's good enough Singh yep so yeah that's it that's it great you want to do it we can push each other let's see if we can push each other all right all right let's go I'll just go this way then okay interesting you got an interesting thing going on there angles works all right my hands are not pointer fingers when I said I can't look at that move look at that whoa look at that Wow how do you think of this stuff come on how do you how do you think of this stuff like first a hot dog now she's really mockery or not well it's gonna work I don't know it's gonna work okay yeah you know it's one thing it's one thing to look at it on its own comodo but you have to work with somebody so let's see let's see how they fit together huh you're gonna have to work with this guy over here me Batman's always got really good transition lines do you know that right you have a hand is that a butt oh your hand turns to come true staying I wonder how that's gonna affect things all right five that's actually I really like the fact that it's a handle it gives a high-five that's no one's acknowledging the but is it a button wait why is it thinking I don't understand Jeanette why is your butt on the top of the pant Wow okay then so my yeah my butt is hanging out the top of my pants yeah okay I guess I think about a more make sense I can grab the slack that's alright let's do some testing yeah all right are you ready let's call a bit is horn okay I don't know what do we do wait three horns go [Music] all right we're going more speed but I'm not even turning right now I'm just you're just yeah you can't you can't back up [Music] we need the distance we need we need to momentum oh boy I'm sorry I just never slow down go just go oh boy I got you I got you nice good catching up keep going keep going if you can just kind of like glide a little bit seeing some leg yeah hold on oh sorry around here right now oh boy this turn is gonna be tough [Music] here we go no switch point yeah what are taking the whole track through and okay I'm ready all right here we go okay all right I'm seeing your wheels freak out that much if you're pushing against me oh my god something's wrong with this but getting so many broken yeah it comes the tough part we're gonna go wide we got to go wide we left early Oh [Music] up this hill I was rolling the other way we got this going backwards on my screen now I'm good I'm good now I'm good now all right I don't know how the hills go just let me go [Music] [Music] what is the glitch ik is so bad bad I don't understand what's wrong with my suspension it's just I just made durable suspension why D oh how close are you guys I don't see you guys I'm gonna roll NE unrolling let me get out in front of you with the suspension we were but then my suspension exploded and then my curvy like flipped over it's like I don't I don't understand why it kept doing that I'm down hills are pain and hey we got second place time good game and we're so close up until that last part there I know you're good in there man I think we could have we could have my time we couldn't take it I had my plow down when I respond and I didn't realize over to do comodo you have no idea what I saw you doing at one point you were stretched across the map yes Rica do we all saw some weird stuff so make sure to watch everyone's video because some weird stuff going on even like do things check out channels links and descriptions alright clickety-clack that like button look at those thing right from this angle but yeah alright alright bye welcome to the unscreened well you'll probably click away before I get to tell you to subscribe for more fun and if you really like me but like not in a creepy way support me on patreon oh yeah check out this awesome video I made over here it's probably even better than this one or it might be worse actually but if you don't click it I guess you'll never know
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 181,677
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic game, crazy creations, best creations, awesome creations, best scrap mechanic creations, creations, scrap mechanic time lapse, scrap mechanic race, scrap mechanic fails, sandbox games, car building, scrap mechanic update, scrap mechanic terrain update, scrap mechanic team race, scrap mechanic pushy cars, pushy cars, push race
Id: y7jyb1YpCxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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