The Best or Worst Newton's Cradle Ever? (Reality Breaking) - Scrap Mechanic Gameplay

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ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanic and today we got some new things to look at behind me here are for the first time ever some ultra bouncy blocks in scrap mechanic we have flubber and no friction flubber on the left and right here now these are part of an unreleased pre super pre preview that durf gave me access to because I had an idea and when he mentioned that he was working on some bouncy blocks I was like I need those blocks for this idea so he's kind enough to grace me with a super early but still functional version of this mod updates and is so early in fact that the new parts don't even have icons yet in the inventory but as you can see here we got flubber it is very bouncy material it bounces off the ground and itself we have no friction flubber which is obviously the same thing but without friction there's also some other cool stuff like a lava rock block we have a block not found block that sounds super exciting destructible super heavy block and another block not found block so I don't really know much about those ones but we're gonna be mainly focusing on flubber for this episode and also way down the bottom we also have flubber balls and another block not found well what are they gonna be I guess we'll have to wait to find out so to give you an idea here about these flubber balls apparently they are pretty bouncy so here's an example of them bouncing off the ground holy cow well okay one of them just went through the ground that's how bouncy it was it bounced negative oh and here it goes and it's back whoa whoa what okay I think the pink one the the no friction' is definitely a lot more bouncy than the friction based one yeah I want to do another test over here right we got the no friction one there we got the friction one there are these paintable as well let's see oh yes of course they are alright and there you go yes you can see oh it just keeps bouncing through the ground but you can definitely see it bounces back up higher so my plans for this episode is I want to build a Newton's Cradle and I'm fully expecting physics not to work the way that it shouldn't real-life I have a feeling that a pure conservation of energy is not going to be demonstrated here but the purposes to just see what happens if it works as intended fantastic if it doesn't it's still probably gonna be fantastic the description did say it bounces off of the ground and itself it did not say other objects then what if we do it like this okay it literally is yeah just the ground and itself alright well that is good to know that is definitely good to know for this experiment so we're gonna build a Newton's Cradle and there's two different versions of this that I want to do the first version I'm going to have the strings that are holding the balls of the Newton's Cradle I'm gonna have those be static objects because I think that's going to be the most consistent physically speaking and then we're gonna step it up a notch and I'm gonna replace the static strings with ropes from the ropes mod which are stretchy and bouncy so not only are we gonna have balls bouncing around off of each other but the ropes themselves that are holding them are also going to be bouncing around probably creating some form of chaos so let's start building our giant Newton's Cradle shall we there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay little men Newton's Cradle is maybe ready for action now the funny thing is I don't know if you guys noticed in the time-lapse but these bouncy balls that I've created don't behave the way that I expected them to it appears that rather than just being one new bouncy object it seems like every bouncy block that is put in here multiplies the bounciness into any surface that it comes in contact with so basically check this out as it bounces it just keeps getting exponentially well not exponentially it just keeps getting more and more bouncy each time it's like it almost it seems like just almost like 50% increase after every single bounce going higher and higher and higher and I think that the more surface contact has the more blocks that hit the ground than the bigger the forest of the next bounds yeah that one was like a corner you can see that it put a lot of the energy into rotation instead but if it's a flat hit then it goes really really high oh that was a pretty good one okay so how that's gonna translate to this uh I can only hope for chaos so I'm gonna keep things super simple for now I'm just gonna use my hammer to get this thing started but I'm hoping at some point I might be able to have like an automatic some arms that can like pull them backwards or something but let's see what do you guys think is gonna happen do you think it's gonna behave like a Newton's Cradle now if on the off chance that you've never seen a Newton's Cradle before here's what should have happened when I hit this one backwards it should swing out come back and hit this one that energy should get transferred through all of these and into the last one only and then this one should swing out and come back and these three in the middle should just stay there because they should absorb the impact and transfer it all the way to the other side so place your bets now do you think it's going to work in the way that it does in real life I'm gonna bet no but I am not entirely sure what to actually expect so here we go three two one start oh boy well that was kind of underwhelming wasn't it what what huh I was honestly expecting a little bit more chaos than that all right well I'm doing a little experiment here now I'm gonna put bearings attaching the ball side to the string if you want to call it that just to see if having this extra disconnect of freedom here is going to somehow make the bounce effect stronger I really don't know what why it would all right bearings have been added let's see well they should have an effect you should actually oh look at that that's gonna be interesting okay maybe not yeah that was not very interesting so I got to do another experiment then what if we only have two of them so there's not a whole bunch of other ones kind of becoming Stoppers if there's just two of them bouncing off each other it does that work oh no okay well now they bounce like crazy look at this all right well this work now will you be bouncy I feel like they're behaving like normal objects when they're attached to this so you know what I think the idea with the ropes mod that I have is going to be the saving grace because when they're attached to ropes they are pretty much like free-floating objects the only thing is the rope is gonna be stretchy and that's gonna ruin every excuse me excuse me okay so now this is going to require some pretty heavy modification because in order to attach a rope to the use the way I want to these are actually gonna have to become separate objects from the entire creation itself so this is gonna be interesting okay so I got the ropes installed and all hooked up to the button so now the hard part is I have to aim these ropes on this very very steep angle right at the sides of these and man these are just gonna flop all over the place but even if they flop all over all over the place my hope is that they're just gonna bounce really really strongly off of each other either way this is gonna be the worst Newton's Cradle in history well I have a controller here so I figured what I can do is just set this angle on the controller let's just do 75 degrees to start off with how is that looking well they're definitely pointed downward so now if i press this we should see where they're lined up okay so that is not terrible actually that's not terrible but I feel like they should be lined up more on the sides okay I think I've found it so this is 79 degrees which isn't quite where I want it to be but I'm a little bit concerned if I go one degree more to 80 degrees it almost looks like a slightly low but it is very very close to where I intended to keep it so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna save this and now though not quite sure what just happened but anyway now we should I perhaps I should weld this I'm gonna go ahead and well to this disconnect the rope this thing this thing is already showing promise okay so the way this is intended to work is I should be able to delete these I can only delete a couple at a time I don't know how this is gonna work oh okay I was expecting them to like Drupal it oh no this is not how the bouncing it are they welded to each other oh they're welded to each other this is not good I've I have made a mistake so this is an object now well what we what what my entire things didn't but we broke this so bad oh there's also I let that go a long time ago that disappeared for me when I was trying to build this and now it's back so let me let me go ahead and get this this thing back now okay come back there we go see I'm glad I saved this this is why I saved this but the problem is what is this I can't delete this anymore I can't it's not even attached to the gret this is all fake that's just okay all right we're just gonna ignore that now and spawn this then okay so now I think to fix this I actually have to put them on bearings like this okay so now it looks like they are actually independent objects as you can see by the white line showing a division between them so let's go ahead and attach that is not what that should oh these guys sing up to 80 for some reason oh my bad wait no 80 was correct why is this different now how does that make any sense all right well let's see what happens when I do this okay that is what I was expecting actually this is working out pretty nicely so far okay now the question is when I hit them and they come back to each other are we gonna get bounced now place your bets down below here we go and oh wait I just realized there's it's gonna be so difficult to actually hit this straight because of the stretchiness of the ropes alright and go oh no this is gonna be terrible well I was not wrong when I predicted that the ropes mod would make them bouncier okay um well let's see how these two get along all right here goes nothing what perfect oh that was amazing okay okay uh I got an idea I do have an idea okay uh I'm gonna just have balls bouncing around the map now okay this is I was hoping for I was hoping that we were gonna get something more entertaining than the first result and that's what we have now these are absolutely insane just imagine the potential if you just spun in like a hundred of these things on the map I'm gonna make a video on that um we're gonna do bounty news experiments because the chaos that will inevitably ensue is just it's irresistible okay but for now Newton's Cradle is this still fake by the way yeah yeah that's still fake we need a new ball that isn't quite as bouncy okay so just for fun I just disconnected all these and I'm rather than delete them I'm just gonna hit them into each other here we go they went everywhere oh no all right I need to get these things out of here cuz wait wait what is that what I think it is ah I think those are these rope bars for one of my previous creation is just floating up in the air from that yes see those rope bars are gone they're there up above me well this is turning out to be a very typical scrap man video isn't it alright and alright well hey that works alright so here is the new ball so there's basically one small peg of blubber sticking out from either side and hopefully that's just going to tone down the bounciness to make it slightly more realistic so let's hope for the best and see what happens okay you're ready for the most realistic demonstration of physics in a video game you've ever seen here we go oh my god Oh what what is the event happening now this is a nutritious Cradle pattern I guarantee you've never seen before look at this this is actually kind of amazing this is awesome they don't bounce too strong so they don't get disgusted by the ropes like the previous version but the bounce now is so inconsistent in direction that a creates like juggling patterns almost this is this is Newton's Cradle 2.0 oh look at that one that was a good one I'm speechless like I don't even know I don't know if there's a way using visible at least I don't know if there's a way to make an actual real estate Newton's Cradle but who would want to when you can have this all right I'm gonna let that one sit there and do its thing I want to do kind of an oh I keep forgetting that these things are just bouncing around the map I want to do an experiment with another one but this time instead of using these I'm going to use the friction rubber the green one because as we saw it's a little bit less bouncy than these I don't know why I'm putting these all around my world but it's easier and more fun than actually deleting them individually okay here is version three now it's gonna be hopefully more tame because the green blocks seem like they have much lower bounds than the other blocks and hoops I forgot to delete some of these legs off here oh that's bad that ruins everything all right well we're gonna have to start over oh no all right Newton's Cradle three take two everything seems to be in working order so far place your bets now we'll just work better worse if he's gonna do anything interesting there we go why my it just exploded oh man well it's something oh I got another variation idea this is gonna be the one this right here is gonna be the one single point of bouncy contact and we're using the lower bounce version of it so let's hope for the best here we go three two one activate oh that's not a great start it's I was just saying it's not terrible but if you're actually thinking about what a Newton's Cradle is supposed to do with hours completely terrible and what am I even supposed to do with this now everything's all messed up all right this is my least favorite boat gropes mod version it's it's just uninteresting overall I just realized that we're missing a couple here what happened oh stuff like that wrong me happened they're still going though well there goes two more all right so I got to ask you guys in the comments and answer honestly is this the worst Newton's Cradle you've ever seen or is it the best Newton's Cradle you've ever seen be honest be honest if you had a Newton's Cradle on your desk and you wanted something to entertain you well well you just wanted to watch it and be satisfied watching it is this gonna be more satisfying to watch and entertaining to watch or is the the stereotypical Newton's Cradle just going back and forth gonna be what you would rather have okay so I think there's only one thing left to do we're gonna take this to an extreme I'm gonna spawned in this version here which was one of the most bouncy versions and then what I'm gonna do is spawn in another one and now I'm gonna see if I can actually weld these together like that and have it still functional okay so now I think we have a double Newton's Cradle here they're both set to the same angle but they're both attaching at different points which makes no sense to me at all but let's see if we can detach all these with Oh issue okay we're gonna delete this before things get too out of hand and let's try that one more time all right this time I'm gonna delete from this side don't know why you know you're gonna keep going but just keep going I'm just gonna keep going let's just keep deleting everything this is the world we live in now so which version was your favorite let me know down in the comments below and if you want to see any other experiments with the bouncy blocks then also let me know if you have any crazy ideas because there's a lot of potential for insanity but these things as you've clearly seen so looking forward to seeing your feedback down there if you wanna see some other awesome scrap mechanic videos then you're gonna want to check out these videos on the end screen right here I hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this is Venice crab man and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 124,788
Rating: 4.9432774 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, engineering, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, ropes mod, scrap mechanic ropes, scrap mechanic ropes mod, scrap mechanic mods, scrap mechanic mod, scrap mechanic bouncy, scrap mechanic bouncy block, scrap mechanic flubber, scrap mechanic newtons cradle, newtons cradle, physics toy
Id: X0Qzz5quhJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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