Pushing Your React Native Project to GitHub in 5 Minutes

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hello guys in this tutorial I will try to show you how to push your react native project to your GitHub account so we will use Visual Studio code and make sure you signed in your GitHub account in Visual Studio code click on Account button and go to back app settings and you will see a signin button if you're not signed in so click on it and select GitHub and you will redirect to your GitHub account and open visual Studio code so it will be signed in to your GitHub account so you see it says turned on so now we are ready to push our react Nat project to GitHub so I will just make a new project with react native Expo and I will try to push there so open new terminal so in terminal write npx create Expo app if you don't have any project yet so I will give a name called GitHub tutorial while it's making the project go to your GitHub account so click on new repository we should make a new repository here to push the codes to this repository so I will give a name called GitHub tutorial and click on create repository and GitHub give us the creating new repository command lines we can use it so let's go back to our react native project and navigate to your project like this and clear your terminal so now if we want to add a new read me file to our project you will see there is no currently so let's add first a read me file there is and you can add text here so I will add read me text here just to see the updates on on GitHub and write get in it to your project yeah it says get add read me file but we don't need it so we already added one and write copy this get comit we will commit a comment message that says first commit from code lab and click enter yeah uh actually we forgot to add our read me file to our Git it give us a warning so for this just write give add you can write your file name readme.md okay so now we add it and let's commit our codes yeah it's added and it says when file changed so also you can do the edits here for example let's change this this is a default text and try to also push this update to GitHub and I right below it is cod lab from GitHub tutorial and write git add dot uh it's giving a a warning because we are currently working on app.js you should close the file and now try to get at yeah it's not giving us any Waring so also let let's again give a commit WR app.js updated or anything you just did before so click enter and it says one file updated so now let's get Branch Main and also we will get remote our this repository to push there actually and lastly get push to origin main so click enter now just reload your page you will see the project is just pushed to your GitHub account yeah it's worked so if you want to see how to update your codes I just showed you on app.js but let's check first app.js you see it's just here hello it's Cod from GitHub tutorial so let's change this to for example test 1 2 3 4 and save so write get add dot yeah again we should close this get add Dot and let's find the code called get commit and here just get comment a message you can just say app.js updated to test that will be better and click enter and now let's get push to origin Main and here let's reload this page yeah you see it's just updated and you see the message also updated up. JS updated to test so actually this is a short video about the GitHub tutorial but I will try to make a long video for more details about the GitHub how to use it so it was a tutorial thanks for watching
Channel: Cebrail
Views: 2,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react native, react js, javascript, react native github, github, push to github, pull from github, github react native, how to, how to push react native project to github
Id: pWIY3uvx0TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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