[Latest] How to push React Project to GitHub with VSCode | Clone, Commit & Push

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so hey guys in this video we're gonna create a new repository and then we'll push some react code in this from a local environment from vs code so let's create a new Repository so just add the repository name your then make it public or private according to you then you can add a readme file which is not mandatory and then just click on the create Repository so this is our repository now so this is a repository and in the local so here today we're going to clone the repository which we had made on the GitHub for that open the git cache in this same location and you can simply copy this part command would be kit clone and we'll paste the part so as you can see that we have cloned that repository in our local and here we are going to open the vs code from the command prompt so as we can see we have opened it in the vs code successfully so the next step would be creating a react app for that we'll open the terminal and create a sample react app as an example make sure you have the npm installed so this will take some time so I'll fast forward this part so as we can see our react app has been created this is the folder structure public source so we'll just run our app check if it is working properly so our local server has been started and the app is running so this is the react app and now we're going to commit these changes into our Repository so this is the source control where we can see the changes that we have made and now we are going to Stage all the changes so this changes have been staged and now we are going to commit this so our changes has been committed and now we're simply going to push this into our Repository so after push it is asking me for the sign up so I'll sign up with my username and for password you can add your password or the GitHub token here so I'll just fast forward this part so as we can see that we have pushed the code in the you push the code in our Repository so we can see that this is our first commit and this is a code that we had pushed so this is the default readme file that had been created with the react app and we have successfully pushed our back tab on the GitHub so this is one way of pushing your code from local to the GitHub repository so in this we first created a repository then we may we just cloned the repository in our local folder then after that we opened the vs code in the same folder and then by using terminal we created the react app and after that we just committed the changes and we posted and make sure you sign in with the username and the token that your GitHub account is using and after that our app has been pushed to the GitHub so that's it from this video in the next video I'm going to show you guys how to make branch in this Repository and how to make a pull request so that in the real world where the companies have the repositories and you'll have to make pull requests then the reviewers that is the senior developers mostly will approve your pull request and then you can watch that code in the Repository so that will be covered in the next video so thank you guys take care
Channel: prasad Kadu
Views: 54,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Kbr5FTnkis4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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