🔴 Convert an Expo App to Apk in React Native!

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[Music] everyone welcome back to another video in react native so in this video we'll be looking into how we can convert and Expo app into an APK so that we can use it in our own phone and if you find this interesting please smash the like button and also subscribe for more such content so let's get started so over here firstly I've created a basic Expo project which is the project name as project itself and this is my main app.js with a basic return block and the same thing is being shown as the output over here in my simulator so this Expo app itself I'm going to convert it into an APK so firstly for everything to work correctly you need to have created a GitHub repository and post all of the code into that repository all right so for now converting this app into an APK we'll be using something known as the EAS CLI so first step is to install that so let's head over to Chrome and go to docs.export.dev forward slash build and forward slash setup so the first step is we're going to install this eacli so copy that out I've already installed that so I'm not going to install it so paste it over here and press on enter so that this one gets installed into the system okay so that's the first step that is install escli and after that we're gonna firstly convert it into an APK format so mainly I'll be focusing on the Android users because I myself am an Android User so I'm not sure how exactly the apks are going to work in an iPhone so actually in the iPhone I think you need access to the Apple developer account to you know proceed further for converting an expo app into an APK so the next step is we're gonna convert it into the APK firstly in the Android format so pretty much copy this out or you can just write it down over here so here I'm gonna say after coming into the project directory I'm going to say ES build hyphen P so I'm going to say Android so in case of iOS users you just need to write iOS it's going to ask you uh details regarding your Apple developer account and then you need to proceed further so I'm going to say a hyphen Android just like this and press on enter so this should create us a es dot Json file over here in our file directory and as you can see it has uploaded our project to EAS so these uh this is basically the build detail so if you press on this it's going to take you to the Expo uh docs over here and as you can see our build doesn't progress okay so if if there is any error while building this you need to cut down the server and again write this code that is EAS build hyphen B Android so that this process starts again so this is going to take in a couple of minutes I think five to ten minutes so let's wait for that okay so the build is finally completed and this is our link okay but there is one problem that is this is in the format of aab and not in the format of APK right so we're going to write some codes and then convert it and convert this into the APK format so now let's go check out our build in the export aux over here so as you can see everything is completed correctly and there are no errors so over here also it is in the form of AAP so the next step is we need to convert this into the APK format so now I'm going to press on download all right so along with this we need to download something known as the bundle tool dot jar I'm going to provide the link for that in the description and over here also so that thing is done so let's press a new tab and paste this out okay so this is the GitHub repository where you can download the bundle tool dot jar file so you need to download this one I've already downloaded it so I'll be providing the link in the description for this as well okay so after doing that I want you to create a new folder in the desktop so here I'm gonna name this folder as let's say output all right so I want you to put two things into the output folder one is the bundle tool dot jar file as well as the dot AAP file so let's do that real quick so over here I'm gonna say in the downloads push this over here and this also over here okay so inside the output folder you need to have two things that is the A B file as well as the bundle tool.jar file to convert it into the APK format so after that over here I'm gonna make use of the item and windows you can use the command prompt and make sure you go into the output folder I'm going to say CD output okay I think CD desktop first and then see the output all right so here just paste out the code all right so now we need to make the changes so instead of the bundle tool.jar we need to you know access the correct file name for that so let's so to do that firstly let's you know go into the output folder so let's go over here and let's you know copy the name of it okay just copy this one and we're gonna paste it over here just like this and I think we need to give some space over here all right that's the correct name so the next thing is we need to you know instead of the file name.ab we need to write our file name which is that over here so firstly this is a huge file name so I'm just gonna rename this to be let's say app something like this okay I think it should be app.ab I guess right so I'm just gonna say app Dot aav okay so let's minimize this and over here instead of file name I'm gonna say app dot a a b just like that and over here for the output I'm gonna give it as output.apks instead of new file name I'm gonna say output all right so you need to make three changes that is firstly change the bundle tool file name and the second thing is change the a b name that is to whatever name you want to and finally change the name of the output you want to see that is I'm going to say output.apks all right after doing that let's press on enter so after this we need to be seeing the APK present inside the output folder itself so let's check that out so as you can see this is our output.apk so with the help of this you can you know share it on the phone and you can pretty much use the app all right so I think that's it about this video and let's say if you make any change over here in the code so to view the uh change in the original APK then what you need to do is first you need to save the file and then you need to push the code into GitHub again and again you need to follow the same set of procedure that is from over here that is es build minus P Android and after the build completes you have to again convert it into an APK and then you can view that particular output in your phone okay so I think that's it about this video so let you in the next video and then thank you for watching
Channel: Sujan Anand
Views: 48,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: expo app to apk, expo app to play store, expo app to app store, expo apk build, eas-cli, expo app build apk, build expo app for android, frontend interview questions, apk react native expo, frontend developer roadmap 2023, full stack react native app, full stack react native app tutorial, expo apk not working, expo apk build local, expo app to web, full stack ecommerce website using react, expo react native tutorial, expo react native build apk, expo react native to apk
Id: 3j9DcRCxrFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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