Pushing The Toxic Clan Out Of The Server ! Rebuilding Cant Help You - Conan Exiles Raid Age Of War

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foreign my name is Hussein but you can call me dark cat I'm back with another spicy video this video I forgot to upload it after the recent video I uploaded about the raiding toxic guys in the pillar base in the jungle if you remember we was raiding a clan in the jungle but I created it with Pat Rider and they had a lot of vaults around their base and this is those guys that this M16 guy who's talking too much also on on my comments and stuff uh we are raiding them again because they didn't left the server they was building in I which never closed that you can see we are pre-painting here the raid based on them to raid them I decided to rate them again after like one or two days because there wasn't you can see it's like 18 player online there wasn't any other Clan to like fight so there was the best opportunity for us to just fight and have fun against them and these guys was a little bit funny to fight against so I was enjoy doing it I'm making the rate base here you always need a rate base guys if you are raiding an official especially a kind of pyramid wise rate base like here I'm just building some doors and anti-climes so you can run in and fight if you have a naked ball they're just gonna come a sneaky from behind and they just can't they just kind of bomb your wall so you put a protected Vault you put everything inside you needed bombs weapons gear and Buffs and everything you put your bedroom and you go for raiding here I'm the encumbrance guy I'm bombing in conference here I'm naked because I just didn't King like didn't came with the gear from the base and I just think here I'm just gonna kill one guy and get his gear so then I'm fine so the rest of the boys are protecting me and I'm just gonna be the bomber guy and here the sort of entrance they build not really good because you can just escape and put bombs inside so you pass one level and boom so I just wanted to bomb from the I just wanted to Boom from the start from the front Gates because you know I which never close have four sides front and back have the wider entrance and the left and right is harder to rate because the the people putting two gate frames and it's not getting damaged through textures you know about that so it's really hard to read from site so it's always a good idea to go from front or from back or if the enemy is repairing or rebuilding really good you can go from front and back in the same time so here I'm booming it's gonna be a massive explosion here the thing is here we taking our time we are going slowly because you know the in officials there is like four or five hours right time it's a lot of time you need to be careful how you're using your materials like they will rebuild for sure because we need to save our bombs we need to find the best way to bomb our way inside they probably have a lot of trolls inside this we're gonna see what we can do against that so when you're bombing like this kind of spots and I'm you can see I'm naked the best way is to go on somewhere close to location very warming and just put bombs from there rapidly like this you can just put rapid fire bombs one by one and make uh like make a hole or dig in the base very quick you can see how fast I'm exploding this space we already are like close to in and here I'm just gonna bring more bombs and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna put a lot of forms to do massive explosion but the best way is to drill in all the way from front and make a like really big entrance like very big hole in their base so you are not having trouble with running out and if that way you Foundation wiping from start they cannot rebuild that's the most important especially if they building with fans foundations and Gates so you can see if they build like that they can just Spam rebuilding from inside and that's just gonna snap to each other and connect that's not really good okay so we are at the door you can see it was like two Foundation to go in they even have a horse there so I'm just gonna put bombs inside from here and make a really like big hole inside make big damage so let's see what we're gonna do I'm waiting for the fire oh one of my friends is fighting here let's see if you can help the server is lagging man so this guy is using full kurakier I don't know what kind of gear set is this uh okay he's just gonna run we're going we our job is to just boom so don't distract from the job you are doing so I shouldn't be here killing this horse I should just start bombing and make my very make my way inside the base like if you go inside the eye which never close the game is over because they need to build a lot more outside so you spend much more time to bomb and go in because as soon as you go under the base it doesn't matter if you even have the bubble they're just gonna put bomb on the structure or on something and boom your ceiling base so there is no point to like maybe if you defend it good if you jump down if you're good fighters of course you can fight it back and you can defend your base but I don't think about this guys so we will see what they have and what they build inside that's the that's really kind of thing is mother so okay he's coming he's coming out be careful okay I'm just gonna put a lot of oh my God they have like 50 trolls down there what the [ __ ] man I don't know what we're gonna do about this truck okay you can see they already rebuilding they are spamming building so we need to find a way to Foundation wipe these fence foundations or there is a way that I will call one of my friends to come naked here and just make some dead body here so they cannot rebuild that's the best way for you guys to stop people from rebuilding if you see any kilani's rebuilding you just call one of your friends go to the location you're bombing and kill yourself and kill himself a couple of times make some dead bodies so they cannot build over the dead body that's kind of smart so here I just blow myself up I think someone should do the bombs and I died so I come back and looted my bombs and we keep going so here I'm gonna put fast you can see my friend have a dead body over this snapping foundation so that guy cannot build here you can see that that body is pretty really nice way but most of the people already using this methods but maybe if the new people don't know about these tricks I'm just explaining it so they realize this phase so I'm just gonna boom from this pillar rapid fire so I make a gap the problem is I'm naked so I'm gonna get a lot of damage I need to be careful oh there is a double jumper here I think yeah this guy is already start double jumping you know this is recorded before the eye which before before the age of War so they can actually double jump and kill you that is they are the best on double jumping you know they cannot do anything else so this guy just died with a lot of stone and [ __ ] I don't know Vault I don't know what is he doing he managed to kill one of my friends with double jump but it's fine I got the gear that's what it matters I'm going to bomb now with gear it's gonna be much easier uh we are almost in this is the last gate to go in I'm just gonna stack a lot of bombs between these two gate frame destroy this gate frame so they put in door on this gate frame so I need to get rid of them pretty fast so I can already see the trolls getting I grow behind the door it's gonna be super hard to kill all those trolls this they just buy a lot of troll from dungeon that's gonna be maybe they are not leveled up that's gonna be my guess so if they don't level those throttles and those trolls don't have a good equipment my best guess is I'm just gonna put bombs rapid fire you can see how much damage the troll is getting from boom so they are not leveled up the thing I'm gonna do here is just put bombs rapid fire with my with pager you can see we are just putting bombs here the trolls are dying so fast that's the good thing about uh about the bomb spam and the fire damage the troll is getting so much damage if they are not level and they don't have a good equipment so we just get rid of some trolls with 50 bomb maybe or less and we are making a wide Gap in the entrance so they cannot rebuild us and this is going pretty good so far they have a lot of trolls inside we cannot guess Arrow before it was the gas Arrow metal you could just Spam gas arrow and kill the trolls now you can still deal damage to throttle with Casa of course but they have the god bubble so we're just gonna lure trolls one by one outside and my friends gonna kill them with dagger it's gonna be quite nice and fast to do it and you can see this straw is not doing damage like they still have the black ice one-handed sword is Talent here us zero damage so we're just gonna Farm the heavy gear sets from the trolls beautiful everything is crumbling inside with the bombs it's gonna be very beautiful to kill all these trolls I don't know where are they what are they doing so this troll is dead just cut the gear set I probably should better to use the throttle gears at the heavy gears at oh [ __ ] all the trolls coming out be very careful you are the bomber you are not dealing with any thrall here I'm just gonna beat the bomber guy and I'm just gonna boom because I'm heavy I cannot Dodge and roll pretty quick and you know this stamina is the problem here so another troll is dead inside pretty beautiful a lot of damage from the fire and explosion everything is destroyed at the entrance I think it should be enough I should go check inside what's going on I think we killed already four or five thrall outside also let's see if we can put some more bombs here how many bombs I got so inside I can see it's empty there is nothing to put bombs on it so they didn't do like many mistakes here but let's see if they block their structures with the foundation so we can put bombs on it or no because that's the way you rate I wish never close the structures let you put bomb on it it's pretty bad spot to build so let's see if we can do that also I keep that in mind so the two more troll is almost dead I'm just going in uh let's see what's going on inside okay I'm already getting hit by 200 throttles I'm gonna go out I just checked how what's going on oh my God these trolls are foolish p man okay this this is harder than what I think it's gonna be we're just gonna put some bombs here let's see okay the bombs are activated guys be careful so okay big damage to some trolls they're gonna die now so there is a guy here let's kill him this M16 guy what are you doing bro he's one HP just finish him I'm just gonna shoot oh oh I actually using gas Arrow I don't know why I should uh start using the Dragonborn arrows okay let's kill these trolls out so there's two naked trolls they're so annoying these archers they're useless they're gonna die fast so I'm just gonna dagger this tutorial to this so two let two let's roll from the base that's quite good we have a lot of time in official so you need to take your time if I was going in spam bombing and like try to force the raid I will die with all my bombs and I will lose bombs one by one let's see how we're gonna bomb so you can see they block the spots with foundation so they know something that is good so I'm trying to find a good location to put bombs on it you see that it's not it's not bad they did good here and building and the trolls is still the problem so they're gonna shoot me the god bubble is I think not covering all the spots here so they can still shoot arrows inside so let's see what we're gonna do the the guy my friends told me that the guy is coming back to base so I just put two bombs here so if he's coming in I just shoot to the moment and he gonna die it's like explore explosive explosion trap this is working all the time you can have some sneaky bomb somewhere around laying down if enemy coming you just shoot to them shoot to the bombs so this guy naked with building hammers already ready to repair and rebuild you can see that we need to be careful it's just gonna spam rebuilding the rebuilding gonna be super annoying and official I I'm not I agree with rebuilding I don't know why uh rebuilding exists I don't think it should be a thing in the corner like some bases are so annoying to raid with rebuilding for example imagine you raiding the crevice if you're reading the crevice the guys just build the crevice the entire cave with foundations when you're aiding you're just gonna put foundations behind you and close you in I don't know how annoying is to rate that it's just gonna be unreadable with revealing it's just gonna be a better way to deal with this okay I'm just gonna use the heavy gear because the trolls are dealing too much damage so let's see my role gonna be super slow my friend is here to start pedjoy is getting swarmed by [ __ ] trolls you can already hear that he's screaming in the voice that that's obvious but I think he's good here he just gonna jump out and he's fine yes he's just running out so this guy building from the sides need to be very careful but not letting him build so he's dead with some building mats that's quite good so I'm just gonna boom my way in back just gonna put some bomb I need to call a friend again to make some bodies here because he's just putting foundations one and they all the throttle outside this is quite annoying but it's fine there is like five troll houses we're gonna kill them pretty fast they even have lien man oh this is M16 guy or it's a troll called M16 I have no idea so I'm just gonna put a lot of bombs Foundation wipe this is a foundation wipe the starting area again it's gonna be oh be careful guys if you're blowing a bomb this bomb's gonna activate it and I'm gonna die so here I'm gonna make more bombs beautiful beautiful we are getting we are progressing ourselves more and more I'm gonna put some bombs Rapid File I don't think he's behind repairing so I want to go in fast oh there is M16 guy here with daggers need to be careful I'm 90 HP he's a healing out on top oh my God the bombs don't let me heal this is not good no no no no no okay okay I think he's dead yeah he's dead pretty nice good job boys so going in again try to bomb I don't know they have nothing to defend or they have no gear or weapon to defend or they're just coming out naked with like trash gear I have no idea what they are doing this is not how you Defending Your Base you know you craft some gear set so we are back in again trying to make some big damage here I will try to Foundation wipes like one side of the uh one side of the structure so we can put bombs on it but I'm not sure if it's gonna work I'm just gonna try how much damage it's gonna do to the foundation inside the walls I think it's not gonna getting too much damage because it's in you know any piece of the building that is inside the mesh it's gonna deal and get much less damage from the bombs you can see I'm getting aggrove all the trolls you should also use another trick in these locations if you are if they have a lot of trolls inside let one of your other players bomb inside so all the explosion you do you deal damage to trolls and all those trolls gonna Agron that guy who's bombing so okay here we find a ceiling in the corner you can see that they make very very bad mistake here that I'm gonna use it quite fast I just find the ceiling under their base in the corner he was probably rebuilding and he missed this out so I'm just gonna stack as much as bomb as I can and I'm gonna Boom the ceiling quite fast this is beautiful this guy is rebuilding again he probably gonna build me in how much boom I have 20 bombs this is not enough this is not good and I need to Boom okay I just put a bomb on the internet so you cannot put foundation in here that's also another good way maybe you're gonna upload the bombs but it's just stopping him for now these straws are again annoying I'm just okay one guy jumped down you need to be very careful what I'm doing here the trolls are destroying me I'm just I'm waiting for the fire to go out so I can climb okay I'm running out because the guy is killing me with the daggers I'm heavy I need to go deeper this troll gear I I looted properly I I come out in a bad situation because they're gonna just rebuild as you know look you can see that they already revealed it so this is not good I mean I will need to go take more bombs and I will start bombing you can see the naked is outside again building I'm going behind him oh my God I don't have tigers on my hand that's not good I'm gonna just put bombs here so if he comes out he's just gonna die two bombs so let's see the situation here they just repealed again and they are even building behind from inside that's it's not really good I'm just gonna put a lot of bombs here to my function to gain Foundation you can see the situation is really hard in this raid we are struggling to rate the entrance because of the rebuilding but we are doing pretty good job by like defending the interns fighting them also you can see the graveyard here my friends did everything is dead here they are I'm also bombing pretty fast my way in it's gonna put bomb inside also the naked guy will die so One Foundation gone I can hear that they are building again inside so this is not good I need to like one shot the entrance and jump in to stop the guy from building so I go take more bombs and you can see again it's builded but this time is from inside so let's uh call the boys to build to kill the strolls very quick you can see all the time they are rebuilding one or two troll comes out and they stuck outside so that's good for us also to kill the trolls one by one or two by two because it's much easier to cook to kill a single trolls than like a horde of the trolls coming all together and they is staggering you to this so I'm just gonna put as much as boom as I can here I'm just gonna watch out the foundation and I'm gonna make my way in okay I just bumped just explode myself I just put some more my height on top of foundation and I didn't know I'm gonna die there with heavy gear set full HP I don't know what's going on here so we're gonna keep bombing they didn't even loot because we have the controller outside the base that's pretty good I took like 88 bombs I'm ready to go in I don't know how many foundations they did just gonna put as much as more as we can hear don't think it's too much too much Foundation we can just go in pretty fast okay this much bomb should be enough it's gonna be huge explosion here oh my God boom okay everything is crumbling let's run to okay we cannot go in still I was running in immediately to don't let them build I just wanted to go in but there is more foundation so let's Pump It just gonna bump it pretty fast I think it's the last foundations here okay one more destroy it I need to check that one oh I'm getting low I need to be careful from the fire okay I think my friend check and it's still not open it's gonna heal to full now be careful from the fire damage if you are putting a lot of bomb the fire gonna do a lot more damage as we expected so this is gonna be the last Foundation I'm gonna stack as much as boom here inside we make a really deep hole here and it's gonna do a lot of explosion damage to all these foundations around it's gonna be super good okay the M16 guys again back here with dagger you need to be careful guys stacking bomb again then I'll make a big explosion again let's go okay I think these many bombs gonna be enough I'm just gonna craft more bombs just in case gonna see if the guy is trying to shoot the bombs or something but I think we are in the god bubble oh there is a naked guy okay here you're gonna activate the booms let's go we're gonna put some bombs fast and that should be enough let's see I hope we're gonna go in this is very uh very like a special moment here and I'm checking in the fire I don't think we are still in okay one more destroyed need to check that one I think I see some light through this street structures yeah yeah we are in we are in we are in we are in really good the fire is killing me I'm almost 34 HP e-link I I don't have much healing left on me so the way I'm just going just running and try to Boom you can see they [ __ ] up with the rebuilding you can see thank you guys for doing this for me it's now much easier for me to bomb the ceiling I'm just gonna put just gonna put some bombs on these foundations and just make one way in to the big loot on top I don't know what they was doing guys they just don't know don't make these mistakes in your base if you have the ceiling base try to repair more than rebuilding inside your base to make a way to like boom because this is quite easy and fast you can see I put like 20 bombs on these foundations and the ceiling on top is gone after this explosion so I'm trying to put as much as boom as I can before the removing this Foundation but even if you remove these foundations now the bomb is gonna stay on top and they're gonna do the job so that's why I'm just putting fast as much as boom as I can be careful guys the bombs are getting destroyed and boom this is massive destruction so you can see we are in the ceiling base we are in their base the boys are fighting down with the trolls it's gonna be super hard they're gonna die it doesn't matter because all they are doing for me is to buy time to wipe the space so I'm just gonna ignore this guy daggering and lagging sliding around just gonna go on top trying to put some bomb in the middle but I don't think it's a good idea okay going this guy's still waiting for me I'm just gonna Mario my way up so you can see I see already the crafting area oh there is all she runs on top but I don't know why they put archers on top when there is a God bubble so I'm just gonna heal again oh my God I'm low all the time it's quite hard I think my friends are dead so it's only me need to put as much as bomba as I can inside so we are on the one floor uh lower so this is not the main crafting room we can see I just dodged this guy he was chasing me with that kid I like get up the ceiling and it just winged just go down all the way this was funny man so I'm just gonna put as much as bomb as I can this is gonna be scary because if they blow the bombs I'm um yeah I'm just gonna die like this so I did the damage on top I'm just gonna take more bombs the boys are protecting the entrance so they are not rebuilding this is like a team job you need to all the time be careful of the entrance so they don't rebuild keep taking bombs go there put bombs it's gonna be super easy to finish it just gonna check some loot bags if there is anything good some Champion chess piece I don't know why maybe for trolls so I'm just gonna put a lot of bombings just Foundation wiping I should just focus on one location to put bomb to dig my way up but it's fine I'm just gonna still like Splash damage to the base and destroyed everything so I have 33 bombs just gonna craft them all and just put as much as boom as I can but this time I'm like thinking and I'm waiting for them if they coming down to detonate the bombs so I jump down this time to don't die to my bombs you can see they activated one booms down sneaky smart guys so they like activate the bombs on top but my friends informed me and I just jump down pretty fast so here I make another way to top oh my God the fire damage and the pages killing me so this is gonna be tricky I'm just gonna Dodge Dodge jump jump up wait for the fire to go off I can see the main crafting room with the god bubble pretty nice see the nakeds jumping down trying to rebuild M16 trying to jump on me but I don't know what is he doing so I'm just gonna boom here take the first the York priest let's see what we're gonna do it's not a lot of chest round guys okay it's gonna be huge loot maybe let's see where we're gonna boom they have the improved Tannery it's really nice let's see I'm trying to find the beds I think it's one more floor up so I just need to put a lot of bombs first I'm putting the Calderon location because it's always the location people making bombs or keeping bombs so this is the first location I'm gonna bomb for the start just gonna put as much as boom as I can pre-crafted all the bombs so I can access them pretty fast and make sure you make a space on your hot bar down so you can put as much as bombs as you can inside like one two three four five you just need to untie those heels and one weapon just in case if you need it the rest you don't need anything else extra so this is gonna be huge bomb here oh my God the explosion gonna be massive so I'm trying to activate the bomb I activated need to run to another corner of the base be careful oh that was a blacksmith there oh huge look at this destruction here this is beautiful the loot bikes flying on the air we need to loot this stuff oh my God a lot of oh 33 booms some alchemical bass this is beautiful beautiful loot by here salted it's just cooking stuff not really good oh there is some loot bags in the corner here oh a lot of iron bar tar we took we take those we take those there's more loot bags coming down I don't know I'm not focusing really much on the Looting I'm just mainly focusing on the raiding the bass and wiping the bass so there is a random box on the air flying hello phantom very nice game I like that oh a lot of steel fire hello baby I'm taking this this is a lot of Boom or 66 Dragon powder and you can see there is some doors around here I'm just checking that loot bag okay there is some steel Spar and stuff we don't need a steel bar there is some sneaky doors here I'm trying to reach there for the beds but you see there is bags everywhere some black blood tools some daggers and what else fragment oh a lot of nice scales of talking and a damaged blacksmith hello baby thank you for the damage Blacklist me this is quite useful on officials mainly you don't find this damage black is made anywhere so this is quite handy I'm just need to save this this guy so trying to put bombs here trying to climb to these doors but it's laggy and I'm falling down you can see why I'm falling down it's just it's really annoying so this naked trying to double jump on my head need to be very careful there is a lot of naked double jumpers around that gonna jump on your head so we're climbing up again then we're climbing back we're sliding what are we doing okay we can put some bombs here maybe let's see here let's just destroy as much as we can here I can put bombs yes what I have inside need to drop some [ __ ] I'm full inventory man so I'm taking more bombs putting bombs the naked trying to climb I don't know naked with the climbing boots really nice okay just gonna be make a massive explosion in the corner here gonna stay on the oh naked be very careful what are you doing he's trying to kick me I don't think this that guy is over encumbrance maybe I put some bombs here on the York Temple and destroy the York what do you think guys this gonna deal damage to the top and it's gonna destroy the god bubble so my friend can aerate that's gonna be also an expensive way and now here I'm gonna fall yes and I cannot double jump animation bug and here we go I'm going back again with another gear set this time taking more bombs um thankfully I saved my loot over there get everything into the Vault I'm gonna climb here again waiting for the boys to like clear the wave clear the way so I just kill this guy with the jumping on his head I wasn't heavy but I knew he is heavy so I just jump on his head get some trash like this is nothing useful I'm just gonna drop all of them on the ground and we're gonna go back to the base this time need to take some bombs and we're gonna go in but the problem here is I don't have many but I don't I think we are out of bombs here because we bomb a lot they build a lot so I don't have many bombs here I took some bombs but it's not gonna be enough to go to the I think main bedroom just gonna put this many bombs craft that I took from The Vault I think this is gonna be our last bombs in these locations this is so many chests here I still don't know where is the beds it's somewhere high that need the error rate so we need to destroy the god bubble the climbing is annoying here and it's like and I don't know just falling all the time and nice the bombs are invisible here pretty nice okay I'm jumping down waiting for the loot bags here we go everything crumbling and you can see this guy is billing again so now he's destroying again what are you doing is building destroying the M16 guy just hit me on the air with that gear and I just fall and die that's good I used all my bombs so you can see they revealed it completely again they trying to save the loot but this time we bring bombs from the base we are ready to go back in by bombing in front if you're gonna just make a massive explosion again you can see it's what's the expensive rate they did what we they did what they could to defend their base but sadly this is not enough because all the time we are not surrendering we just keep going just keep going in and making our way in it's gonna be super fun to see how these people are reacting after the raid time so I'm back in again we are just massively bombing this time I'm using a gear set you can see I have 90 bombs now gonna rapid fire the entrances I think they are too busy to save the loot I think they are taking Roots saving somewhere because everything is destroyed inside are they trying to I don't know body Vault or something we need to go fast in because I know they are not repairing or rebuilding so just rapid fire make it fast make it fast everyone bombing everyone take 10 bombs and boom so you can see how fast we are going in this is beautiful this explosion very very beautiful so I think we're in yes we are in again let's see what's going on here I'm just gonna climb pretty fast yeah you can you see there is they are not here so this means they taking the best loot they have here and they are trying to body Ball but there's still a lot of boxes on top just gonna put a lot of bombs maybe on the York I'm trying to go on the other side for the bedroom but okay the troll just missed me it's quite funny man these trolls are useless in the right time because the game is lagging too much so the structure is liking me trying to climb over here let's see what we have there is some okay there is a ceiling here I can put bomb biting on here oh okay it just the teleporting the lag is real it's really fun to see how I cannot climb here and you can see the stamina usage because it's pretty slow I don't know if you like this all this time you know if you're enjoying the new stamina I think the newest stamina regeneration is pretty fast you can see here when I'm heavy this time in a region regeneration is pretty slow so the guy is very vulnerable he he cannot just run super fast double jump bomb with the heavy Gear with the rolling thrust I don't know with the Last Stand so I'm oh this is a crazy amount of chests here I'm just gonna put a lot of bombs here I think they didn't still move the loot from all this chassis quite too much for two three four player to move so I'm just gonna activate the bombs here we go beautiful explosion incoming and boom okay everything is falling down let's see if we get any loot back from here yes you can see the loot back there oh a lot of building mods steel bar hardened steel bar and my friend looted the other bike completely what else here nothing nothing okay that was too good loot back here from this photo to Alchemist hello so I'm just gonna now climb back again and try to Boom or no first I'm going to Depot and then I'm gonna bomb the rest so now we are going back in this guy have I think troll gear just gonna die I think he he don't know he have a bow on his hand so he don't have control it's time movement looting everything from the guy he also had some loot for me because he wanted to double jump probably oh hello M16 he came in naked with the hammer on his hand to just kill me okay and now he's running but I'm not gonna just chase him just gonna kill him with one bomb I don't think he's smart enough to know that that's just gonna die to one boom this is the professional guy guys that he was I think killing us one versus six staying over and over tonight I don't know it's quite embarrassing man like I don't understand for the people who died the most those people talk the most like I don't know why this guy talking too much I I'm like glad that I'm covering my my chat over here but if you could see the chat it's all talks about my mom I think I think these guys know my mom I don't know but he's talking too much about my mom just the underage kids months just let it go and just ignore and try to wipe their base that's all the best answers you can give okay let's don't get the stuck here by the trolls hello okay the double jump saved me there is not much left on top we're just gonna climb up again put many bombs as we can just gonna Foundation wipe the space because of the tugs it's gonna be beautiful to see the explosion so if you are quite finished on the base we bombed as much as we could there is some couple chests here and there some doors I think this is the bed here you can see the door so this is not quite importing important anymore because everything is looted here some chests left I'm just gonna put a lot of bombs on the York Foundation wipe everything on top and then if you are finished and we are good to go for the next let's see how many bombs I can put here just gonna put as much as I can so they don't have this also 700 Zeal on the York Temple for the god bubble or I don't know summoning a avatar foreign massive explosion yes everything crumbling down oh huge loot back going down hello what are you baby a lot of our lower okay well how are you getting a hit oh it was from the troll they still have trolls on the playground I don't know how many trolls was there but imagine from like three or four hours we are raiding and we are killing trolls they are still having trolls there this is quite I don't know what to say about this but it's a lot of trolls man this is annoying to fight against but in officials you know the best way of Defending is just the spamming trolls it's working all the time so I don't mind killing trolls three gear sets so here I'm gonna go on top here there is a I think this is the chest next to a bed rule here so oh it's open anyway so it's fine oh there is some chests here I can put bomb from here so this is gonna be I think the last chests lefting in the base I think it was a quite uh I don't know quite nice rate it was everything happening in this shade you could realize everything that you need to know from rating in officials in this video you could see the rebuilding repairing PVP boom being focusing the glute and everything else so here I'm just gonna explode one boom in the corner and I'm gonna bomb everything on that corner and the yoga Temple is gone you can see the base is clear we bombed everything and we finished to we managed to finish this clan and I I think they finally put the message that they are leaving and they don't bother to get some loot back because I asked them if they can get some loot bag if they wanna keep playing because this was fun so I hope you guys enjoyed this raid this is the loot result that I show like couple of vaults I think some of the loots this bound but this is the quite all the loot we got from this three or four Vault I hope you guys enjoyed this raid and video we're gonna wait for the next episode that I'm gonna share that's gonna be quite fun and good thank you guys for watching I will see you all in the next episode [Music] thank you
Channel: Dark Cat Gaming
Views: 6,132
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Id: YHj917M0UuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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