Pushing The Tomcat To The Limit | F-14B Tomcat Vs F-15C Eagle | DOGFIGHT | Digital Combat Simulator

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thank you hey guys welcome back to another video today we're here in the F-14 Tomcat we're fighting the F-15 the classic fight for this aircraft in my opinion both of these aircraft extremely capable in dog fighting I like to do this fight from time to time one because I like dog fighting in the Tomcat it's a tremendous amount of fun um but also the F-15 is a big challenge I pulled a little hard to hurt the F-14 did not like that yeah she really flailed on me there but it's okay I'm above the uh Eagle's nose here the phone good old-fashioned gunfight a lot of people wonder oh why why do the gun fight it's all about bvr the gunfight is just uh it's a man-to-man sport if you will you know it's one guy against another guy someone's gonna die it's the beauty of the dogfight everyone gets to push their fundamentals of bfm understanding push their aircraft to the Limit and try to get a victory so in this kind of fight I think uh the Tomcat is best served possibly two Circle against the F-15 this is a hard one because the F the F-14 has gone through some changes in the flight model as it's you know developed back in the day you could outright the F-15 but I think even now that's kind of the scenario here getting some good rounds there missed he jinxed it just a little but here we go those hit them got him Center Mass there a little puff of black smoke came out of them but that's about it but I think I think these two are fairly even in terms of performance actually I that's that's actually incorrect the F-15 outrates the Tomcat by a little bit I believe so I gotta kind of fight my own I'm gonna have to choose what fight I do based on his energy state so even though he's a better two Circle fighter if he's slow I'm gonna take him to circle look at this we're gonna pull him into the HUD here he knows that he saw it coming look at this he's diving trying to get away I respect that I'm not gonna follow that just gonna try to climb away from him he wants to be underneath me that's fine now he's uh in a low energy State below me he's kind of out of options at this point all I have to do is come back around nice and patient a lot of this bfm fighting is just patience if you pull him into the HUD in those situations you create high aspect scenarios where he can reverse turns and get you to overshoot talking about reversing turns we've talked about this in several fights never reverse a turn unless you're sure that your Bandit will overshoot if he doesn't overshoot you're dead Okay so don't make that mistake he sees my nose coming around he's trying to avoid it again across my HUD here come on oh it narrowly almost had him there he just slipped underneath me foreign nice move by hand but you can only do this for so long although I I will admit he's doing a very nice job but if he's down low like that and I constantly have the altitude advantage on him it's only a matter of time before I can get the kill unless he can find a way to neutralize this which honestly this doesn't look that bad he might actually be able to do something here I'm using a vertical again vertical always because I think he's slow possibly going to pull him into the HUD here I think we can have a shooting opportunity yes Splash one eagle across the Hut there shouldn't have done that Splash one F-15 ejection and or his gears out I think his gears were out what's going on there all right Splash one good fight great fight he did a great job dodging the nose over and over again really made me work for it foreign what I love about the Tomcat is the fact that it's such a like Pilot's aircraft let's put the manual Wing sweep on we did that last time too this thing will do just about anything that you ask it to you know what I mean if you want to pull hard on the stick it'll let you you'll break the aircraft but it'll let you so it's all about you know pilot skill when it comes to the F-14 and I really enjoy that because you can do some really cool things with it uh gotta take them one Circle here looks like we're both using a bit of vertical here a tremendous amount of the vertical actually we're gonna have to dodge his nose here as he goes by he didn't shoot crosses nose the way I thought maybe I did sometimes it feels like you're Crossing someone's nose but the reticle is just you know a millimeter off so they don't pull the trigger although I probably would have because you never know just squeeze the trigger when somebody goes through your HUD you might get yourself a lucky kill that's honestly what happened in the last round I just saw him come through the Hut and I just held down the trigger and we got a Kill situation here this is not developing the way I was hoping I'm gonna try to keep them one Circle yes I am using differential thrust by the way that's almost like a basic thing I do in the F-14 now rounds over top there lucky to be alive I am always using differential thrust now it's just part of the repertoire of things I use in the F-14 I find it helps roll the aircraft hard situations like this he's hard on my sticks here there's not much I can do I have to get the overshoot we're gonna have to nose counter got to get the overshoot there's nothing you can do from here half the drive for the overshoot Dodge his nose pull hard build aspect I think he just slid behind me on the right there or on the left actually here he is on the left here we're gonna try to dodge that nose again oh my God okay we're still here everything's still fine we haven't been hit yet I don't think and he'll cross my nose here come on please let me turn this fight right here oh we nicked his wing uh that's not gonna be enough to kill an eagle though and we all know the F-15 does pretty well with One Wing oh that's not good oh he hit me at the Tomcat just shut down you hear that engine's just gone it just pulled down well that did not go as planned okay I guess we'll just wait here for our honorable death at the hands of an eagle yeah thank you good kill good kill to the F-15 got his wing Nick there but he kept fighting oh [Music] my God you do have to admire the Eagle's ability to get hit and keep fighting I've seen it quite a bit I've seen it get hit quite a bit and keep fighting [Music] and I've seen people say that oh that you can chalk that up to like a damage model issue or something but I don't know if that's entirely true because you know we heard about the Eagle Landing with One Wing in real life it's a pretty robust aircraft into the merch here I'm gonna try to take the vertical a little bit here see how that works out this will probably be our last round I've won one he's won around so it's actually tied 1-1 and we're gonna see what this third round whatever happens happens and we do carry Fox twos so technically if you get a a good gun kill on somebody and they're basically out you can wrap up the fight with a fox 2 if you need to that's true for most of our fights let's do drop the nose here and see if we can get a shot on them oh I didn't have gun selected oh boy it's great I don't know if that would have been a kill shot but it probably would have been close I think it would have been a real close Kill Shot there wasted opportunity using differential thrust here to roll with them look at that staying with them we're gonna climb over that nose oh you slip that nose right underneath me there he tried to kill me he went for it watch that AOA angle of uh attack on that eagle can be dangerous at times he's got me six he's got the six okay got hit there and he's locked back there nose counter this is not how I wanted the last round to go Eagle on my six let's do a cobra [Laughter] did that actually kind of work he's out in front telling you man the Tomcat will give its pilot everything including his life it'll do whatever the pilot asks the aircraft will do it even at the price of killing itself to execute the Pilot's commands you can rip the wings right off this thing look at that yeah across the nose here I got gun selected this time oh yeah come here across this nose across this nose dude oh yeah hold this 20 mil for me not even an eagle can survive a dual engine fire absolutely ripped up by 20 millimeter there we go ejection Splash one eagle very satisfying I love the Tomcat man just think dog fights so well if you show the Tomcat love she'll do anything for you in a dogfight [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 150,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: Z8vXr2xuM10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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