The Better Naval Fighter | F/A-18C Hornet Vs F-14B Tomcat | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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thank you hey guys welcome back to another video today we are doing I guess the best Naval Fighters old versus new we got the Tomcat here we're taking on the F-18 Hornet okay thank you Jester Nails on our nose 12 o'clock we have an F-18 so I have a bunch of Phoenix missiles of course we all know the F-14 and uh it's dreaded Phoenix missile uh the F-18 Hornet will be firing the amram which in a lot of ways is a better missile than the Phoenix missile in terms of Seeker in terms of guidance all that kind of stuff the Phoenix missile I would say the one major advantage it has is range it's also very scary you know it's like this it's absolutely massive the size of a boat and it travels like Mach 5 and uh it has I think 132 pounds of explosives so if this thing hits you I mean you're just gonna disintegrate so it's got kind of a pucker factor to it but other than that like the amram is really a better missile and the Phoenix missile also if you know which they didn't back in the day when Tomcat was in service people didn't other countries adversaries I guess didn't really know that you can just Notch the Phoenix missile and you should be able to defeat it obviously the Hornet knows that so I think uh getting one of these Phoenix's On Target can actually be somewhat of a challenge here today I think we might end up going to the merge although I also have two sparrows and two Sidewinders I'm gonna try to kill them before we get to the merge because merging with a hornet generally not a good idea you guys have you know those of you who watched the channel the past couple weeks you've seen us do some Hornet dog fights that thing is absolutely deadly in a doctor 305 73 miles I guess another Advantage we have is a very powerful radar we just picked this Hornet up at 73 miles and honestly if I wanted to I could shoot a tws phoenix Atom from all the way out here the thing with that Hornet too is if he knows that he's fighting a tomcat he should be just preemptively notching defending just assuming there's a long-range Phoenix coming out of flying high and flying fast can be super dangerous because the Phoenix missile will always go pimple on you and the Phoenix muscle extremely dangerous because it comes down from 80 000 feet depending on a range to Target obviously if the target is closer it's not going to climb that high but if it's trying to hit a Target at max range it will climb to 80 000 feet and then drop down on top of your head speaking of Phoenix muscles we're at 56 miles so let's go ahead and send one fox three There She Goes look at her on all of her glory now 56 miles that missile should go up to 80 000 feet and it's going to hit speeds of a like Mach 5 ish so that thing is scary man you don't want to be on the receiving end of one of those if you can help it still climbing look how high that thing is wow so he should be it does look like he's trying to crank or something he's trying to defend slightly so he's probably expecting this but we're going to maintain the lock see what happens maybe we hit him with the first one now I guess we technically are going to the merge like someone's gonna die here today but if that wasn't the case I would just do a standoff and just constantly push that Hornet and shoot Phoenix missiles at him until he's dead because like the fact is I I outrange him you know so I could do that that is one of the big advantages of the Tomcat he could just continually Notch them but then once he you know bleeds off all my Phoenix muscles I'm just gonna go home like I don't have to dogfight him in real life of course I mean right but here today we're gonna do that we're gonna go to the merch somebody's gonna die here today it's gonna be me or it's gonna be him we're gonna find out Nails on her nose 12 o'clock nails so he is recommitted still want to hold that lock if possible I want that Phoenix missile to send him defensive I have a pretty aggressive crank going here we're gonna have to recommit I don't see that Phoenix missile it's probably way up there right now on its way down probably by now actually I got range at 30 miles so we should probably recommit here go ahead and point the nose at him now if he was at 30 000 feet he'd actually be you know pretty dangerous right now he'd be well within range of his amram he's also not an rwr anymore which kind of makes me think he's shot at me and he's turned away already he's cold okay I guess I'll defend we'll defend left first of all thank you Jester for your suggestion we go cold here just to be safe he's recommitted he's now got me locked shouldn't be a huge problem we do have lots of distance last I saw him he was 28 miles away well I'm not necessarily too scared of him pushing me right now go ahead and recommit he's off my nose again got him locked in the tws track fox 3 see if that gives him some trouble okay uh we're gonna go ahead and crank get down to the water probably and I'll hold that crank try to provide guidance for that Phoenix missile as long as possible as long as I'm comfortable and I'm going to break to the right and defend cold uh it should be good okay let's go let's get out of here we're gonna crank not crank go cold and we're gonna recommit vertically here we're gonna commit vertically if you are confused about terms like crank Mar one Circle two Circle I'm gonna link a video Below in the comment section that should help you out with that so check that out we are recommitted again I went vertical for the recommit see if we can become offensive quickly uh recommit onto this guy before he recommits on to me he is out in front of me here we go Jester's got him I got him 11 miles Fox three that's dangerous for him he just recommitted as well so I think he's going to get a an amram off but we'll go cold 10 miles of good Mar for the amaran we should be good come on okay and the next Phoenix missile I'm gonna put the ACM switch up which means that missile will come off the rail active I won't need to provide guidance for it like the other ones and uh it'll just go in that general direction you should find them although that last one probably also yeah look at how it's turning there you see it turning into the mountains it saw him almost immediately when it came off the rail it saw that Hornet went after him and it looks like he's actually gone into the mountains there to try to survive there's that let's go ahead and throw that ACM switch up I mean if there were no if there was no land here you might be in trouble you know he wouldn't be able to hide behind those mountains I'm out here over the water I got nothing to hide behind but that's the beauty of the standoff capability of the Tomcat those beautiful Phoenix missiles which are easy to Notch from a distance but up close it's a little bit more challenging let's see if we can get a an stt lock and send this Phoenix off the rail active right into his face hopefully I'm telling jesser to try to sdt lock him single Target track and he's not helping me out I got a defend here [Music] yeah I knew it I knew it Jester failed me he was unable to get that Hornet on radar and now I gotta go cold and I didn't get to shoot a missile at him so he realizes that impresses me I'm gonna be in big trouble all I can pray for is that he fired that missile and then went cold expecting me to have fired as well I'm still alive so I'm going to go ahead and recommit here hopefully this time I'm not gonna get that lucky twice if I make that mistake or Jester makes that mistake again and doesn't find me a Target this time I'm going to be a big trouble because he's not going to fall for that twice he'll actually impress me this time come on get a lock on him nice he got him okay let's send it Fox three 11 miles that's a nice launch for a phoenix let's go ahead and defend here in case he shoots another amram at me then that's it if he survives that I gotta go to the merge with him and he has nine X's by the way I don't think I mentioned that he has Sidewinder 9x which means I probably won't even make it to the merch he'll shoot me in the face before I even get there but I have one more trick up my sleeve and that is my sparrows I carry Two Sparrows Fox ones so I need luck all the way to impact okay well he did fire a missile but I'm good you see that Phoenix missile tracked but I don't know if it hit anything so I'm gonna I don't see a splash so I'm gonna recommit in that direction Sidewinder Sparrow selected milk and do box try to get Gesture to find me a lock come on gesture I can't do that come on dude I'm gonna be in big trouble if we get much closer than this Spike on the nose he's got me like I got him locked uh range seven miles Fox One actually gonna flare 470 and evade that box one is tracking Fox one is tracking no we got him wow is going down oh my God I wonder if he fired a fox too with me whatever I survived that's it that Sparrow hit him man The Sparrows don't usually perform for you like that that was beautiful wow that was lucky [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 239,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world war 2, ww2, DCS, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, air combat, war thunder, navy, us military, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, f14, viper, mirage, warthunder, military, f-22 raptor, gripen, mi-24, funny, Eurofighter, ef2000, virtual reality, vr, 3080, world war ii, battle of britain, USA, battlefield 2042, ah64 apache, dcs apache, wwii, f35
Id: HqsRf5gjSFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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