PUSH - GameNight! Se6 Ep29 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] gay night on game night Nikki Lincoln rusty and myself Dave are going to play push a press your luck game for two to six players published by Robbins burger and designed by Prospero Hall you know in introducing this game I kind of forgot did I save six players there are only five you feel lucky well do ya push hey Dave Lincoln we need t just push I will push it's weird this is a game from the 70s that was put up by a Nabisco I'm just kidding it just looks like that push as the name implies is a pusher luck game in which you are trying to score the most points when the game ends all right you're gonna score points by collecting these cards in numbers and colors the cards are numbered 1 through 6 and they're in five different colors alright and I believe there it doesn't the rules actually don't say what the distribution is but rusty I believe did that work for us there are three of every number card and I'll explain these other weird cards in a second so this blue four for example there's two other blue fours as well as this one on your turn you're gonna flip over a card and you are going to place it in one of three stacks that you have for purposes of your turn you have sort of three piles in front of you that you can place cards you can then stop or you can flip over the next card when you flip over next card I can now place this in this same one that I started or I can start the second one on my turn but I'm gonna put it here in the same one that I started and I'm gonna flip over another card hey so here's the here's something that I can't now do so as you probably have guessed once you have cards in a stack you can never add cards to that stack that match any number or color in that stack so I can't put this here because it's a six and that's a six but any four or any red or any blue can also not go here I have two other stacks available to me though so I'm going to place that here and once again if I wanted to I could now or I could continue obviously I'm going to continue for purposes of demonstration that blue one I'm gonna put that right there and then because you can't put it in the because it's blue thank you yes and hey so there's a purple for can't go here but it can go here but I'm gonna put it here for purely demonstration reasons so now if I flip say a blue for or a purple six I would dunk right because purple can't go here and a 6 and a 6 can't go and right Emma tried because I think I'm gonna get a yellow too what how did I do that alright I'm gonna put that here in this first pile and again I can stop or I can flip and I know this next card is is on because I set it all up hey can't put a green here for here can't put a green here can't put it for here if I were to flip this card my turn would be over and I would get nothing but let's say before I do that that I didn't that I didn't flip this card that I was like nervous and I said okay I'm gonna stop I now take one of these three stacks and I put it in front of me alright in my shelf or I can't even remember what the word they use in the rules but so I would take say these cards because it's the most numbers I'm trying to collect the highest value total of all the cards by the end of the game and then we would go in a clockwise direction Nikki would take one of these two and then Lincoln you would get this and now it's Nikki's turn and now she would do the same thing these cards don't count as part of your stacks on your next turn so if this for my next turn I could start this as a stack and I could do this when they could do this and now that has to go there and for sake of argument let's say I'm gonna stop now early I would take these and you add them color wise to you're basically gonna have five you're gonna separate the five colors in front of you this would go clockwise Nikki would get that no I didn't want you have to take it that would go there you have to take one of those stars and linking you would get nothing in this case and to get a Monica and it would be Nikki's turn so this is what you're scoring at the end of the game alright so there are two other cards that we haven't talked about and that is this guy rolling card and this reverse direction card when you are flipping cards if I try and let's say again like this and this is here and these aren't out let's say if I turn this up while I'm flipping this means now that we are going counterclockwise so when I am done if I were able to take stacks I would take one but then rusty would get the next one all right and if I flip to the other one hey now we're going clockwise again all right the die rolling card is a card that you add to one of your stacks all right and rolling the die is mostly bad so if I were to put that here I could have it be its own stack hey I got a note i rolling card the die rolling card is the same rule as say a blue on blue or the six on six you can't have two in the same stack so let's say I put this here and let's say I stop so I'm going to take this one and then Nikki is gonna take one of these two she's probably gonna take the one with a card on it and the die roll and you're gonna take the die roll card when you get the die roll card you have to roll the die it's a six-sided die with one of the five colors on each side and this black star this is the the black stars when you're trying to roll because it's no color but basically go ahead and roll it Nikki's gonna roll the die and if she rolls whatever color she rolls she has to lose everything in that color in front of her in this case she has no red so she rolled great but had she rolled the blue she would lose all three of these cards right okay when I do the same correct hey I'm safe and you would lose nothing all right like you additionally well let's see I'm flipping cards do you do do you there's a 6 & a 4 I'll put that 3 in there and I'll put that 6 there and I'll put that 2 there and oh wow that's very goes I'm trying to talk on purpose so now I don't if I junk here's what happens I have to roll the die for myself for anything that I have in front of you and these are now available so Nikki's gonna get one you're gonna get one Rusty's gonna get but you must roll if you thought if you thought you must roll double stinger right no guess no cards and you could lose something alright another thing you can do on your turn however let's say I have mmm this is do do do do do let's say I have something that looks like this in front of me on my turn instead of flipping cards I can not flip cards and I can bake a single color by just turning it facedown off to the side and now I can never lose them due to die rolls right but I've passed up an opportunity to flip over cards right alright the deck of cards is the time clock for the game when we flip the last card we play out that final turn die rolling if necessary and then you are simply gonna add up all the cards that are still in front of you face up on the board as well as anything you've banked and high score wins cool and that's the whole game so let's shuffle [Music] [Music] it actually says in the rules that on the on when it's not your turn as other players you are encouraged to give advice to the person in their cards oh man I am doing a caddywhompus job of this you do it seven times according to video I watched well I shuffled them bunch before we started mathematics and randomness I think that's I think if you could a dearest dealer school in Vegas I think that they say seven they make you do seven or maybe nine but I know 7 min well it's interesting cuz you guys were saying how shuffling like this is like dealers do that but it's not necessarily it's a good way to shuffle but write seemed like that was a faster way to get more shuffled take a color red red near the start player wow that was crazy hey right off the bat some stinky woof Oh reverse reverse reverse reverse yes universe right and stop game stop anytime enough well you are pushing it look like crazy do you a favor by the way let me let me ask this as a general note for all people playing this game I do this when I play this game with anybody when you flip cards to put them in will you please flip them all the way over so that I can play with you what do you mean you are flipping like this and I couldn't see what the ground before you placed it does that make sense sure oh all right so Nicky you get one of those fantastic thanks we'll take your getting the card guaranteed the worst you can lose isn't one there you go roll her up Sam roll yep and you lose already and I lose nothing now I didn't say this but even though we reversed direction for purposes of drafting the cards it is still Rusty's turn and we are now back to going clockwise so I will draw first after right rusty stops unless he flips over a reverse card right and Lincoln just automatically put those into the discard my next question where do they go they just gonna discard pile that never gets reshuffled because the end of the deck is the end of the game okay all right rusty you're up just going to take part of them yep thank you sir yeah you see it need to spread the well do you change direction changing direction no stop rusty you know you're gonna bus right I was exciting all right here we go here we go three move all right yeah your violence your violent card flipper man I don't know I'm seven how many chicken don't be chicken which of these do you want of course all right Barrington roll it up blowing so I get to roll let's figure this out that player come on no purple I call it here we go all right blue five four I'm waiting for the red five joke it's not there yet I'm gonna keep going no the day is young works for me and a four player game that works for me Oh first time I play this was a five player game where do the odds so the person busting didn't often help you if you were way downstream right right yeah see you should totally not giving her advice what do you think she should flip again here we go be another read no here the Ken no you know what oh I love that yeah that's right yes all right take it well take the for human a restaurant that card up on the board my Lincoln okay hey a die roll hey I won read hey a for or my card yes yeah really gonna make three stacks you know what the heck all right ape greenberg aid greenberg woof yeah it's gotta go there yeah gotta go there no four no looks like coming in the day of five it's like I'm getting a die roll you deserve one yeah probably at some point that's okay but flippin I'll just keep going black phlegm again you know you wanna I might go reverse yeah it doesn't matter I'm gonna die roll whether with reverse or not I wanted you to bust well I don't know what can find it well find out what is here with me folks that one yes thank you all right oh here I go purple start twice all right rusty thank you boom all right God what about that there okay oh you didn't want to put that there as it turns out that's a shouldn't flip any car in the game you can't flip it you think you know the card there you go there we go that's where I'm going to stop oh that was chicken Rio smart people stop there you get this one too all right I'm gonna bank these done banking's for losers that's people say the last game I banked I also lost so I'm trying it again all right Nikki you're up yeah all right someone's got to do it just for demonstration purposes look rusty you in the busted mmm that green one was playable for you and that blue six like me well free standing by yeah that's great yeah just get a purple five is what you need oh I didn't have a lot right there Nick no well you're totally safe you can you can always put one in the die rolling pile yeah so there's no reason not to flip come on I just wanted to reverse now you probably should stop why I don't want to reverse I wanted to rehearse before now I don't want 100 I have to go the dogs together there well it makes it not so painful for someone maybe just truth so I'm stopping I'm taking this all right yes green the was six he's going for the gamble come on no yellow what you see is what I call it okay you got lucky well I lost a fourth oh but I don't know but you were supposed to call it yeah yeah I know all right come on in to us to your little something unless your robot black black we are you know bad all right link bacon not baking the yellow I like it oh oh oh oh that yellow dye relator is gonna hurt no I'm rolling dice versal it doesn't matter oh yeah max for you reverse the reverse for me I can't see it red one thank you I would play I understand okay come on maybe another red understand - what hmm remember if you bust you have to roll that die I'm not gonna bust no you wanted that yell is too sexy no I rusty I assume you won that one oh yes oh yes I'll take this one well I would love this little one see blue and red Oh yellow yellow nice how about red all right and I am going to also lose red Wow unfortunate all right rest Europe and yet no die roll yeah but it means I get nothing and like oh now I'm happy until you turn another Reverse over and then I'm not happy yeah I would stop okay now I would stop no yellow you can't bust yeah you can't give Lincoln this if you bust yeah Wow getting stuff Lincoln uh yeah yeah don't I don't want to roll anything here we have to roll don't see might as well take the bigger numbers come on purple green ah as long as I'm not yellow yeah all right Nikki yeah I don't want me know like yeah it's bad yellow huh that is the best color other than black you could have wool all right here we go yeah oh so I get to roll no matter what you have to go over all nicotine don't be frightened I'm frightened look at that one roll come on greenie you're real black uh-huh perfect well yes it for all things considered yeah I'm banking and yeah I thinking yeah like hey to rotate that whole time I heard something said earlier and I think I'm going to follow I think I think not and this ligand needs to bank those yellows that's just too dangerous I over two but all right third one it would be great as long as there's no dye roller move I have to stop I'm very scared I'm scared you know at least I got my blues bangs purple here we go I want you to know I want to bake these but you guys have now guilted me with the bed what are you talking about I only lost by not by not banking I'm tea it's just silly this is rusty that gave me that oh yeah we're going Rusty's direction now yeah oh and now that we're going back to Nicky and now we're going back to rest ok so that's where all those are stop well any of them would've been bad yep even that yellow six or nine is it looks like in Rusty's field Tablo here we go I am baking yeah okay well not another problem hey Dave look there's a Bluetooth nice hey Dave there's a red five it's not just me it's everybody it's people watching you over the camera keep going keep going oh yeah oh yeah oh thank you anybody standing by I got nothing there's a rusty push push the other direction all right I don't like it oh I know I like it oh nice gets the good card now you know if you bust I'll probably have to roll a die it might strategically be I'm just kidding still flip there's plenty of red you can I mean there's put the only thing as bad as a blue right oh there are no red threes right they're all out that's the only one I just saw no I've got stopping all right Wow we'll see what it would have been because I'm gonna flip would you have blue and red roll in it I know but it's still putting great its eight points I know but she's fixing without ya but I may lose well you got a lot right now well you got three things you can roll that are good for you all right what did you have mostly yellow and blue and red yeah no yellow and blue yellow blue ah you could have flipped oh you should have perfect for a piggy go in Rusty's direction home can't go there Dave oh you're right I'm giving away some no we just would've done one you want a five or a five rusty I'll take the five is it alive and then I got all the colors no look at this rainbow taste it go Nicky P I have incentive to win because I bags and banking is for losers no you're doing great I would think this has Nikki Bank twice now yes sirs no she doesn't banks at all look she's so far behind no I knew she pinked once oh that would have been Oh fantastic now I'm done yeah I want something like that rolling getting nothing whack yeah damn you know what if you drank those alright Lincoln okay maybe the last turn of the game maybe not bacon going for it wrong changing direction back to Nikki oh yeah not a pile post hey back to rusty too [Music] for week three yeah I think that's the way to go oof yeah that hurts me potentially Hey all right well rusty you might affect the yellow I've got to take the extra point oh because this could hurt this kid hurt only thing the same uses oh man I know what I'm gonna roll it's agreed no it's not oh sure I swear to you it's not good what are you gonna have Dave well these are all bad and they're all bad I need a roll black again right there I'm sure the black that's mine oh I did Bank once okay like big pile of yellow wow so that includes what was not banked yes everything all cards that are known thin here oh yeah I've got this game we wrap it up you know I've got this wrapped up this is all a score right yes [Music] 6866 Wow I was trying to make groups of ten that's what we're doing so we were doing Wow well I'm doing it the slow way don't worry about it don't worry about it all right so we got count those ten fifty fifty seven okay and 36 36 Wow well you got dinged a lot you start off yeah not getting anything I'd like to point out that the only person that didn't bake has the lowest score in the game well he got dinged if I don't roll black right I wrote black three times yeah you guys for three times so 68 68 66-57 40 30 36 all right yeah that's not a typical either right I think I definitely played this game where my score I think of my score in one of my games was under 10 oh my goodness yeah well I just I I busted myself a few times for pushing my luck and I kept getting the die rolls thrown my way and I just wasn't really rolling well but yeah what have you what do you think Nick it's fun it's it feels that push your Luck's crazy taunting each other thing it's fast I like the retro look of it all it's I mean not that I will always want to see retro cuz I don't but I do like the retro look of this one yeah that's cool I love having the reversal car no in there really it gives you something to get worried about and of course you know it wouldn't be right that wasn't in there so um the die roll thing it's fun oh and you know it's a good stack cards too yeah yeah the I actually love the strategy I so I we've only played it three before three players yeah that's actually that means you always is always yes yeah unless someone stopped exactly so but the strategy of putting those die trying to get those die rolls into other people's hands like you were saying that you have been hit with a lot in the your previous plays it totally makes sense right you're like yeah well okay Dave's really doing well if we can just throw another die roll towards him there is there is a way to do that right yeah it's really awesome and I love I love the direction change it's it's fun you know it definitely messes with you and changes your expectation like you oh I don't like that oh no that's things that's really fun reverse oh come on reverse it's an it's a neat neat idea for that well I think my strategy of having fun didn't work out for me it wasn't a winning strategy this this is like right up my alley I love this kind of thing as just this you know pull it out play ten minutes you're done yes and it's you don't have to think hard and it can be anybody's game and you know if you didn't like it it's done in ten minutes now I will say this so these this is the fewest number of players I've ever played it I played it at the con and we played it I played it like three or four times one was five but the others were all six player games and you know a six player game is both sort of interesting and weird because there are a lot of turns where you really want the reverse because you're just out of it right right if if there were two players over here in a six player game on Nikki's turn I'm getting nothing or unless she flips a reverse or more importantly you're getting nothing right maybe necessarily unless she flips a reverse so or no in that case nothing but so that was sort of weird interesting but also we were taught wrong the first time where you could double these up the way we play it you could done what he's done and so they'd roll twice yeah that was especially evil I'm pretty sure that was my under 10 game so it wasn't by the right rules but even so but what's in straight to me about the game is that the nature of the game of pushing your luck and how light it is almost everybody just wants to push right and there hasn't been a game even this one to us for an extent in which I've stopped after two piles where I get like a little booze for that people that boo like that is the game but it does I almost feel a little guilty for doing that even though it's a viable strategy to do well it's not that there's still many get a shot because that you're not using as many cards right you know I mean you do what you need to do for you right clearly and if you were able to like build it up so that it you've got a whole bunch in your pile in an and a die roll yeah it's like yeah let somebody else have that and I got point but I'm saying I know players who are we're never not gonna press their luck every turn because they didn't seem any value otherwise then the game was so light that they were gonna be like I'm always just gonna do three piles and when I get to three piles okay I'll stop now like but they would they would always put stuff out which means they were always giving away stuff to a certain extent and when I did the thing where like I would sometimes do this and just stop you right nothing yeah it looks great every time I do that the people be like well I mean I agree it is you definitely want the shot if you're in the rain to get cards right want to get them right yeah it's the only time it's great when they push and is it's going the other way and all of a sudden you weren't getting what I want you know but again that's let's say in this situation let's say I deemed at the current moment in time because everything can change so fast in this game which is what's kind of cool about it but let's say I deem you to be my biggest threat and I might stop here right just so that I get this and rusty or Nicky gets this but you get nothing and like it and like it instead of hoping for a die roll I just can't believe all that three times that's pretty crazy that's pretty crazy well I mean I I lose without it right did you bust it all yeah I mean did you roll a die that you did oh yeah yeah you lost a couple times small numbers so yeah but I mean you busted a twice for three times yeah and we're only three away from me so new way yeah yeah you crazy you were doing pretty and I lost a lot in that one I roll any color but this at the end reasonable knowing the game right now I think I think every one of my stacks had Italy had more than two points yeah that's interesting but again that's also what I like about the game is and some people maybe don't like that which is you can be doing really really well and then you can come and last right but you can also I mean it didn't happen to you but you started off crazy slow but then you had a bunch of cards and a bunch of good work and if you had rolled that instead of what you rolled yeah right yeah I mean you lost what ten eleven you lost ten points on one roll on one roll at least I would have taken me to 46 or you could have drank because he didn't he didn't get cards the first yeah rounder no I agree that rusty shouldn't have banged I I agree that you shouldn't because you were behind it enough that you had to play the luck game at that and turn and pray that you got enough points right now hope you flip stuff that was cool yeah I laughed of course all right of course you're gonna roll the color you don't want to roll you know it sucks it's light enough though that I don't think that feels mean or it's just it's just come on I rolled it to like right off the bat I rolled like the blue or whatever I was prepared every time to roll my highest value color and because of that it doesn't I don't know for some reason it just doesn't hurt I just like that it's just funny that kind of stuff now write to me that that it I can see how it's painful for some but to me it's so light and silly what's actually painful if that if a player is taking the game perhaps too seriously and then when they're losing that the rest of us are laughing at them that probably yeah I can see where I see could see where push maybe becomes punch or something becomes show yeah I like it comes to show expertise Dave okay you're welcome Lincoln and thank you as well for watching [Music]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 23,362
Rating: 4.8950133 out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, board game, session
Id: Xxlq7klUrQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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