"Purple Triangles" (BBC aired film)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the locals call this Boden's pool after the Germanic pagan god who was credited with creating earth sky man and woman the water is the source of the ribbon lip which flows from the spa town of bad lip Springer into the Rhine and the industrial areas of the Ruhr Valley today it's a peaceful and prosperous little town just as it was sixty years ago when France and Hilda Kooser arrived here with that eleven children what began as a peaceful it'll became an epic battle between good and evil as the coos arose defied Hitler and the Nazi regime Franz and Hilda Khusro were married in 1911 three years before the Great War that traumatized Europe France Kotaro fought for his country but his life and beliefs were transformed the caseros story has been lovingly chronicled by the eldest of the eleven children and Marie now aged 78 Ann Marie's parents were born into a comfortably off Protestant environment but the First World War and the chance meeting with a Jehovah's Witness dramatically changed their lives Franz at post office Clark and Hilda a former school teacher became full-time missionaries for the International Bible Students Association they came to this house on the outskirts of bad lip Springer to set up congregations in Northwest failure no Coos roads live here today but when members of the family do return there are vivid memories magdalena is the caseros fourth daughter well so nice to clear fear and the dam in this little piece and then there also with some faceless efforts and some food we had some potatoes is salad and different scenes you play to be danced together and since they took some flowers they make a ring on the head I think we went down to the it's a long time since I was here not since 1939 I think the door seemed bigger then hands Venna now 63 was the kusa rose 10th child inside Bosnia sure finding happened it was a very happy time especially as I had so many brothers and sisters everything was happy until I went to school that was bad of course every day when children went to school they thought in advance what will happen today what will happen today distant a struggle I remember many things I remember how strong we were how we didn't salute the flag how he wouldn't say Heil Hitler and how we acted a bit differently from other pupils [Music] took my hand she said Haley try what you say frightened they would hit you they did you never say your Heil Hitler no because my father said look time Hitler means the salvation comes from video as we learn of Survivor [Applause] salvation comes by Jesus Christ the coos arose house was known as the golden age a huge sign advertising the Jehovah's Witness magazine was emblazoned in gold letters outside their home inside the parents gave the children their love on that time and they taught the Bible and music lessons which would have a lifetime's impact [Music] the coos arose then and now firmly believed the Creed of the Jehovah's Witnesses that our world now influenced by Satan will soon be transformed into the 1000 year reign of Christ promised in the Bible the evil will die whilst the good in faithful will be physically reborn into penitence I was four morning to the evening visiting people who like to know what the Bible says about preaching what our missionary work they like to receive me much of the literature distributed by the coos arose came from the witness's headquarters in New York in Germany the witnesses were very small sects of just 20,000 people and yet Hitler saw the movement as a rival ideology to the Nazis so he set out to seize their literature and wreck the organisation under the stairs yes there from there and also up here and how many times did the police come to the house Oh many many times and hid them here and since books here 10 meters long he had seen meter in Hebrew Quran well done harm via Steiner Rhine released on Steam name over the tan here on T over I'm Balkan but not my Barton who's my gun is for this descaling I came how many times did you say 18 times 16 17 18 I may always searched in this area have not found the books the Nazis weren't easily dissuaded the Golden Age sign on the coos Rose house was blacked out but although the witnesses had been officially banned the family maintained their religious activities in secret she said Magdalena you go behind three four meter behind me you carry the Bible that I have nothing in my hand and she spoke with people and there one man I don't know was he he was a stranger he didn't belong to but live Springer and he denounced us he calls the police in 1936 six the first time my mother was arrested two para born this was asserted the first time Franz and Hilda qu0 were among the hundreds of Jehovah's Witnesses arrested by the Gestapo in 1936 they were briefly reunited in 1937 when this last complete family photograph was taken later that year the son Siegfried died in a swimming accident his death signaled the end of the Idul by now most Germans were wallowing in nationalistic pride and revived economic fortune communists gypsies homosexuals dissidents the handicapped and above all the Jews were hunted down even in bad lips Springer today the town memorializes its former Jewish residents little more than fifty years ago they were handing them out and baying for that blood it seems a long while ago for the moment dissidents are tolerated Jehovah's Witnesses can sell their magazine the watchtower and openly recruit converts in the 1930s this street in Paderborn was dominated by the prison and this is where the coos arose were jailed witnesses began to lose their jobs and pensions the Gestapo stepped up their surveillance but the coos Rose Garden was still supplying fresh produce the three youngest members of the family were being well cared for they were the next target he had a fine adesh watson targa about sad yet sighted or harder at that time I was ill and didn't go to school I was lying in bed here plus we come out a full of fun civilly sneak onto us suddenly a car drove up there seem to be two civilians in it I could see them from the window I'm for shine on Harmons done he wasn't bit off stay unseen of often and they burst in and wanted me to go with them they hesitated because I was ill and for appearances sake took me to a doctor to see if I could be taken away League he mustered and meet father and some artist or an performer Obie then they collected my sister and brother from school and we left - rest on my - rest are all my Buddha I was a fool of a hold on nuns in Valois kafan then we wouldn't Auster should have Oscar we would take him from school my brother who was ill was collected from home were taken me by two policemen to the orphanage endorsed enough dose in the sexiest I'm convicted of Goethe Anna in and V me I can still remember how I vomited all over the jacket of one of the policemen it took a lot of effort to clean it up once the car stopped to become then the journey continued to Dalston and the override knock doors in dust at sea all times I'm almost Nevada listen they're deaf in the morning he again told us to give the Hitler salute and when we refused he took us into a room laid us across the table on Amin and beat us black and blue it was bad year arm hamburger douched precisely Heim like we took a shower every evening and when the female head of the house saw us she made us bathe separately so that the other children would not see it was very bad when the Second World War began the two oldest Khusro daughters and marie and bal trout escaped surveillance and left to find jobs in berlin it was more difficult for their brothers in December 1939 vilhelm after refusing military service was thrown into jail dear parents brothers and sisters all of you know how much you mean to me and I am repeatedly reminded of this every time I look at our family photograph how harmonious things always were at home nonetheless above all else we must love God as our Fuhrer Jesus Christ commanded if we stand up for him he will reward us as predominantly Aryan Germans Jehovah's Witnesses were sometimes allowed the privilege of a Nazi trial later Phil Helms court-appointed lawyer dr. James Rohr wrote to the family I had long conversations with your son before his trial and admired his calm confidence of faith he never wavered although he was severely pressed from all quarters he calmly accepted the announcement of the hour of his execution refusing again to change his mind that is to abandon his faith and save his life on the morning of the execution I took his hand and said in consolation mr. Cosell you have been wonderfully strong remain strong now he squeezed my hand and smilingly replied no doctor don't be troubled I am gaining everlasting life all this is only a change he asked me to send you his greetings he stood upright when facing death and was dead at once unable to browbeat the witnesses the Nazis tried lies and subterfuge with an elaborate ritual of deceit they issued certificates and reports declaring that Vilhelm kusa wrote had died a hero's death fighting for Hitler and the Third Reich for some unknown reason the Nazis allowed the family to collect the Helms body from Munster prison where he'd been shot his sister Val child helped to arrange the funeral but the name was - until the days I have seen the body in a little hole there and he was in the pilot suite or a suit and anteed holes and the blood was in in the mouth there was a big funeral with a secret police around and then with person in uniform policeman and my father called his fate from watts and saying later my brother Karl because he spoke two words and the prayer Gestapo kept him Karl son number three was the next arrested he was brutally tortured in Dachau and Saxon house and concentration camps in April 1941 the Gestapo swooped again after a brief released from jail France and Hilda kusa Road were re-arrested as were their daughters Hildegard and magdalena nazi tenants took over the house that once proclaimed the dawning of a golden age the coos arose were sent to concentration camps where the witnesses were forced to wear distinctive insignia the Jews were a yellow star the witnesses a purple triangle when we went through the concentration camp we saw this triangle then I knew my sister hello sister how are you what's your name where you come from the witnesses fared better in the camps than many prisoners absolute conviction in their faith and strict discipline helped them around soon Magdalena was joined at Robins Brook by her mother and her sister Hildegarde I saw my mother I was so happy she told me ever since she was happy and it was really good because I had swollen arms I couldn't walk I couldn't press myself because of this sickness was all more something and my mother she dressed me she despite the evil and hardship at Robins Brook frog khusro kept her faith her son vilhelm had given his life for the faith and younger brother wolfgang when called for military service showed true khusro defiance i was brought up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses according to God's Word contained in the Holy Scriptures the greatest and most holy law he gave mankind is you shall love your God above all else and your neighbor as yourself other Commandments read you must not kill did our Creator have all this written down for the trees just as Jesus Christ and His disciples were persecuted so our God's people also persecuted today I know for sure that if Jesus Christ were to live on earth today he would be persecuted just as he was then Wolfgang was beheaded on March the 28th 1942 the night before he wrote my dear parents and my dear brothers and sisters I shall leave you as your third son and brother early in the morning be not sad a time will come when we shall be together again those who sow with tears will reap with joy in James chapter 1 verse 12 it says blessed is the man that endures temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life which Jehovah has promised to them that love him in this faith and in this conviction I go from you your son and brother Wolfgang by now well child had returned from Berlin and managed to find work in this florist shop in Paderborn she was ordered to greet customers with the Heil Hitler salutation she refused after being given eight days to change her mind she still refused and was arrested and imprisoned in Paderborn and told to make ammunition I cannot work force over this I cannot work this for the war my brother is scared is short my other Bozza is beheaded my three sisters little ones the Ishtar PO have capital and my other bother in concentration came my mother in concentration camp my two sisters and also my father in prison no I cannot marry by 1944 just one member of the Khusro family was free and Marie who was still in Berlin every week I had with me in my apartment some persons to have a Bible study and there and therefore I was arrested there must be a person who is observed the Nazis had rounded up every single member of the family some were dead and the future for the rest uncertain yet they had a lifeline unlike all other prisoners Jehovah's Witnesses could secure their release simply by signing a declaration that they'd abandon their faith of the thousands arrested only a handful did so I was not ready to sign I thought I have think over my my parents my little children I mean my brothers and my sisters they are so faithful so it be obedient although though we all were separated we were all separated and when I now AM free what should I do and my conscience I have thought it over it is impossible to be unfaithful how could I sign that I am NOT a witness how could I leave my face never in April 1945 Robin Brooke concentration camp was liberated Hilde Khusro and her daughter's were released imprisonment had strengthened their faith and morally the witnesses had defeated the Nazis Hilde was reunited with her husband and with the surviving members of the family rebuilt their lives although they never returned to that Golden Age home they always remained faithful Jehovah's Witnesses they were back in in Germany where the Protestant and Catholic churches were still the predominant religious groups despite rebellion and martyrdom by some believers most church leaders bowed the knee to the Nazis Hitler confirmed a Catholic was never excommunicated the church was silent whilst millions of Jews and others died among the organized Christian religions in Germany it was only the Jehovah's Witnesses who refused any compromise at all with Hitler and the Nazis like the first Christians they too were reviled and ridiculed and they were martyred among the millions who perished in the Holocaust there were some 5000 Jehovah's Witnesses and yet those who survived still proclaimed there is a purpose to all this there is a God [Music] you you
Channel: RobertHJacksonCenter
Views: 54,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jehovah's Witnesses, Purple Triangles, Concentration camp, Nazis, Hitler, Holocaust
Id: opESQ1Nr3VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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